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Star Wars: Rebels with Style


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Male Human Sniper) - Exterior

Garret looks to the speeder bike and then looks at the three of us standing there.

"You two advance and get things started. I'll hoof it after you. I do not mind the long hike. Its what I do.

You will want to keep a low profile as you go and let me know if there is anything coming down the pike. You will get there pretty quickly and, assuming nothing goes crazy, I should be there by the time you get things started. The both of you have enough skills get'er start'ed up.

It will be much easier when I get there, assuming that there is a bit of work to do.

Oh, and my comm is encrypted on frequency 37k.

Not liking the thought of hiking it alone with Imperials swarming the area, but not afraid to cap a few if he needs to, he looks to the Yuul and Kyn for their thoughts.

[OOC: How quickly can I make the to make the 2 clicks assuming nothing goes wrong, and I am careful about being too much in the open. (Endurance +9) ]
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First Post
Yuul weighs the options for a few moments, and realizes that if there are more Imperials in the area than he thought, Garret might stand a better chance than he. He sighs, sets his commlink, and hops on the passenger seat. "If you run into trouble, my comm will be on the same frequency. Don't be a hero." he tells Garret before the speeder takes off.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Male Human Sniper) - Exterior

Garret watches as Yuul and Kyn take off towards the escape ship. He shoulders and locks in his rifle, sighs, and begins the ominous journey jogging after them.

He tries to keep hidden and stops at various points to pull out his electrobinoc's to look around and make sure that he is not being followed, or to see any dangers that lie ahead. He will also look to make towards high points to make recon easier (as well as sniping if need be).

Interior Group:

Combat Info:[sblock]As this is a Surprise Round, everyone only gets ONE action. With that in mind, Kay is only able to toss the grenade. The attack does hit all three of them. The two Stormtroopers are knocked unconscious but the Officer is still up.

Assuming Lia alters her target to the officer...her attack still does miss.

All others are simply moving/adjusting position to get a clear shot through the half-open door.

That ends the Surprise Round and now the Officer joins the Initiative...he gets a 17. That changes our order to: Kay, Deurr, Lia, Viria, Officer, Istara.


Kay's stun grenade hits the floor and explodes in a flash of odd light. The three Imperials all let out noises of surprise, and just as the light fades, the two armoured Stormtroopers drop to the floor with a pair of loud thuds and the clattering of their armour. The man in uniform, however, manages to stay on his feet. He sways slightly before catching himself on a nearby comm panel before staring in a somewhat distant way towards you, fumbling to his hip for his blaster but obviously having great difficulty in even that simple of an action.

Speeder Bike Group

The small speeder bike shoots out of the hangar and into the clearing surrounding the Great Temple with the usual ease. The warm air hits hard, but there is still the oddness of the lack of Imperial troops to be found anywhere immediately around the main hangar. In the sky above, however, a pair of shuttles can be seen coming down, though they're still high enough up to be of little concern as long as the bike keeps moving. What is noticeable, however, is against the backdrop of the huge orange gas giant, Yavin, a wedge-shaped shadow, too big to be a Star Destroyer but haunting similar and just sitting up in orbit.

Upon moving around to begin taking the speeder north, the glint of metal can be seen off in the distance near the small temple at the northern edge of the clearing. A direct path to where the ship should be would go directly through that area before cutting into the sparser sections of the jungle to the north. The jungle is still quite thick nearby, but the speeder bike can likely be navigated through it with some careful piloting though it would likely take more time to get to the location of the YT-2000.

OOC:[sblock]...a long way of asking, which direction do you guys want to take to get to where you're going? :)[/sblock]


OOC:[sblock]If you aren't seen, and move at a quick pace it would take roughly 10 minutes or so. But this would change depending on if you want to go deeper into the jungle for cover, just use the treeline at the edge, or go for it in the open more. Also consider the above descriptions for your use, minus the speeder bike parts, of course.[/sblock]

You're able to make it to the treeline quickly enough without, as far as you can tell, being spotted. The area around the two Temples is mostly flat, grassy, and devoid of any kind of cover at all...cleared out so that ships can land easily and enter the hangars without any difficulty. There are a few very tall watch towers in a few places near the perimeter at various points, but they are easy to see and while they would give a perfect vantage point, would also likely make you an easy target for any Imperial lookouts.

With your electrobinoculars out and looking towards the north, you can see a new, three-winged Lambda-class shuttle setting down between the two large Temples and its landing ramp dropping before a handful of Stormtroopers pour out and uniformed Imperials carrying some kind of equipment. Before you can make anything of it, though, something new comes into view...a two-legged AT-ST walker, patrolling the area around the rear hangar with its top hatch open and one of the crewmen sitting halfway out looking around with his own pair of electrobinoculars, though he doesn't seem to see you.

Beyond that, you can't see many other signs of the Imperial soldiers. It is likely that many of them are in the two temples, but considering the fleet above and the number of landing ships reported during the invasion, there should be a lot more troops than you can see.
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First Post
Kay watches the two armored troopers falls and quickly draws her blaster from her belt, flicking it over to stun mode with her thumb as it comes into line with the only foe still standing, the unarmored officer. Blinking at the irony inherent in the situation, she fires off a stun bolt at the man to hopefully finish doing the job that the grenade had started.

(Quickdraw blaster as swift, change mode as move (or swift unimportant), and fire
To Hit = 19
Damage = 18 (Stun))


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Garret (Male Human Sniper) - Exterior

*Thinking that he really needs to get his scope and/or electrobinoculars recordable or transmittable so everyone can see*

Comlink to Everyone: "We have three-winged Lambda-class shuttle setting down between the two large Temples with a handful of bucketheads getting out, and I think they have scanning equipment.

AT-ST walker, patrolling the area around the rear hangar looking with ectrobinoculars

*He shakes his head and thinks this is not going well*

Garret will stay just inside the forest - enough for cover an so that it does not slow him down too much. As I get closer I will head into the forest so that I have cover and can scout out in case I have the wrong ship or if there are Imperials about.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Deurr peers from the cover and brings his heavy blaster forth. Remembering the tactical advantage of a live prisoner just in time he switches the fire to stun and takes a shot.


First Post
Viria braces her heavy repeating rifle as best she can, and prepares to fire on the officer if he hasn't been brought down or surrenders.

2 Swift Actions to brace, and a standard to ready an action to use burst fire on the officer if he hasn't gone down or surrendered already.

Also, are you making the rolls physically AMG, or should we use invisible castle or something similar?[/sblock]

Interior Group

Combat Info[sblock]Okay...Kay's shot hits the officer, but the stun doesn't drop him. Instead it shaves off a bit more hp and drops him 2 more down on the condition track.

That puts Deurr up...his shot is a 17, and that hits. Also ends up doing 17 (stun) damage, with is enough before the whole stun stuff to exceed his damage threshold and drop him 2 more down the condition track. That puts him out, and combat over.[/sblock]

Before the Imperial can get his hands on his blaster, the blue rings of energy from Kay's stun blast hit him. The man nearly collapses onto the console next to him, he twists slightly, too, but somehow manages to keep on his feet.

But a second stun blast from Deurr's rifle is enough. When they hit him, its easy to see the eyes roll back into the man's head before he falls forward onto the communications console and then falls off that to collapse awkwardly and probably painfully to the floor below without making any sounds beyond the thud when he hits.


You're able to move fairly quickly thanks to the thickness of the jungle, even at the edge of the clearing around the two ancient Massassi Temples. But before you get very far, certainly not close to where the YT-2000 is supposed to be, you see something else.

Now you can see the rear hangar of the Great Temple and clearly see the entire area between both of the temples. But there wasn't just a single patrolling AT-ST. You can now see another AT-ST on the other side of the clearing, a half-kilometer away. You can also see a few dozen Stormtroopers gathering up bodies near that end, with various other uniformed Imperials in the area. There's also a small assault transport, just big enough to uncomfortably fit about twenty troops and a single pilot.

Still, there are likely hundreds more troops somewhere out there that you can't yet see. Thankfully, none of the ones you can see seem to have taken any notice of you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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