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Star Wars Saga character creation help


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Hi everybody!

I'm still pretty much a newb to d20... been in an Eberron D&D group for a little while. We're starting a Star Wars Saga edition game soon, and I'd like some help with building my character. I figured this would be a good place to ask for suggestions.

Here's what the DM of this game says:

- Timeline and Setting: approximately 1,000 years after the Battle of Yavin (so somewhat outside the bounds of the New Jedi Order era). In one form or another, the galaxy has been plagued by nearly a millenium of conflict following the 'golden age' that was the Old Republic. The seat of galactic power has changed hands several times and currently rests in the hands of the Vol Empire, a regime that has tried (to a degree of success) to distance itself from the numerous Force traditions that have plagued the government in the past. 'Jedi' is now, for the most part, used as a catch-all term for those who can use the Force; the Jedi Order has been split into a number of factions, each with their own politics, traditions and beliefs.

We're supposed to do Planned Generation (25-point buy) or Standard Score Package (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) options when creating our characters.

What I want:

I basically want to be like Inara from Firefly. Registered companion. Super smart, well-connected/respected, insanely charismatic. :)

Any help would be much appreciated.

Yours in newbieness,


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It looks like you can do this with just Noble levels. Now, what you want to do with your ability scores is your business, but if I were using the standard array, I would go Str 10, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 15, with the idea of boosting Con later (when it matters more).

For Talents, you might as well start with Educated, then follow up with Connections. If your PC pulls in a lot of money, Wealth would be appropriate. Then you can look at Bolster Ally and Inspire Confidence. As far as feats, you probably want Martial Arts I and Improved Defenses. You can use your bonus Noble feats to take Skill Focus (Persuasion) and Skill Focus (Gather Information), and possibly Skill Focus (Deception) as well.

After 7th level, you should take levels in Crime Lord. Although this character does not fit the stereotype of the strong-armed mobster, she is an influential character who manipulates others. Command cover is good for someone who is probably not a front line fighter. Crime lords get a Talent every single level, which is great, and can be used for the Mastermind Talents Impel Ally and Impel Ally II, as well as for Influence.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I think paws suggestion is just about what I had in mind too. For race I'd suggest Twi'lek as they have nice bonuses for that kind of character. And for 25 point-buy I think you can't go much better than the standard array so you should probably stick to it. If you want to raise charisma for one more point you could consider dropping the 10 to 8 but there's not much to gain.

And welcome to EN World. BTW, your sig is cool: "Finding love is as easy as rolling a d20..."


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Okay, thank's to Blackrat's mention of your signature, I am now hooked on your blog.

Reading this post, it looks like you've already played a session with an Inara-like noble character.

Are you looking to looking for advice on how to further develop a character you've already played? Or do you want to create a permanent 'James Kirk' to replace the temporary 'Robert April/Christopher Pike' of your previous character?

I don't think I can add much mechanically beyond what previous posters have said for a straight noble, but I have an interesting idea for the 'fluff' side of your character:

In terms of temperament, Inara (and presumably, companions in general) align closely with the Jedi--wisdom, spirituality, and even a philosophy of emotional detachment. Since your GM describes a world with many different Jedi factions, why not a group of force-using companions? In short why not make your character a Jedi?

Not the Actual Jedi Class, though. Go with a human noble. You'll have enough skills that you can be trained in Use-the-Force and still be able to do everything you want to do. You'll have a bonus feat, so you can take both Force Sensitive and Force Training. Stick with noble talents for now--your force sensitivity feat lets you take the talents from the force chapter, but I can't think of any that are particularly appropriate for your character.

You'll still fight with a blaster (if you fight at all), but if you want a lightsaber, then all you have to do is take a level of Jedi at some later point, choosing lightsaber proficiency as your feat, and taking a talent from the Consular tree to improve your charismatic mojo, and getting tougher (1d10 hp and a +1 class bonus to fortitude). You'll have to pay for your lightsaber, but you'll probably end up taking the Wealth talent at some point in any case.


First Post
Great suggestions, guys. :) I'll be flipping through my book when I get home from work trying to sort it all out.

I guess the big questions I have to answer are Human or Twi'lek and Force or no Force? :) The idea of a group of Force-using whores is just.... hilariously awesome. Hmm...

paws - hmmm.. Crime Lord, you say? Sounds fun. :)

arscott - Yeah, I got to do the Inara-thing for one session at my boyfriend's game back in December or January... but his DM just kinda handed me the sheets and I don't have 'em anymore. Besides, I think she was like level 4 at the time or something, and we're starting back at lvl 1.

Blackrat - thanks for the compliment on my sig line. :)

I'll check back after work this afternoon... thanks again!

Noble to start, as that covers a lot of your bases right off the bat.

As for species, Twi'lek is an option, but there is also the Zeltron, stats for which can be found in Legacy of the Force minis preview #2, which given the race's proclivity as bon vivants and hedonists (look 'em up on Wookieepedia for more info), they'd fit an Inara-type perfectly.

Force sensitivity can go either way, as just having Use the Force as a trained skill provides a plethora of helpful little extras, and either race gives you a Charisma boost. And being able to bust out the Force-fu would be a heck of surprise for most opponents, not to mention having a Mind Trick or two up your sleeve when you go bust on a Deception/Persuasion check can be useful. If you do decide to go Force sensitive and don't want it as your primary schtick, don't take it as a starting feat, but instead multiclass at 2nd level into Jedi to gain it as a bonus feat. Unless you plan to be a saber-swinger, otherwise avoid the Jedi class, although Adept Negotiator would be a powerful option (especially if playing a Zeltron).

Talent-wise you're better off sticking with Noble. If she's very well-off or has a lot of resources to draw upon, Wealth is a powerful starting option, as it will just get better and better the more Noble levels you take. Since it sounds like you want a bit of skill-monkey, Educated and Spontaneous Skill are good choices there. That said, a character in my group is playing a similar-type of character, and has made darn good use of Bolster Ally and Inspire Confidence, and just took Inspire Zeal last level, so that's another option to look into.
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Penguin Herder
GeeksDreamGirl said:
I guess the big questions I have to answer are Human or Twi'lek and Force or no Force? :) The idea of a group of Force-using whores is just.... hilariously awesome. Hmm...
There are so many inappropriate jokes that could be made. Just the possibilities of using Mind Trick to give people new fetishes... :uhoh:

Uh, anyway, Humans typically draw less attention, and from a mechanical standpoint you will be really feat-starved if you do decide to go Force Sensitive.

However: Force Sensitive characters can substitute Force Talents (in the Force section) for any Talent granted by a class, so suddenly Crime Lord is getting you more Force talents than a Jedi could have.

If you do take more than a few Force Talents, you should look into Force Adept for at least four levels.

Cheers, -- N


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The rope is to tie people up. For work and.... well, work. :)

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