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Star Wars: The Other Young Jedi Knights Cast

This is the thread where I'll put up the stats for the PCs, NPCs, and other things from my Story Hour, Star Wars: The Other Young Jedi Knights. Also, be sure to check out my Art Every Few Days Thread for sketches and drawings, many of which will relate to this game. There may be some art that doesn't make it to that thread, but I'll be sure to post links to them here.

Player Characters:
1. Cira Thane (Female Human Jedi Guardian 4)
2. Cowan Bynar (Male Human Jedi Consular 4)
3. Gant Sekel (Male Miraluka Force Adept 4)
4. Esah Reenin (Female Mon Calamari Jedi Consular 4)
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Cira Thane, PC

Cira Thane, Female Human Jedi Guardian 4: Init +3 (Dex); Defense 17 (+4 Class, +3 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP 37/15; Atk +7 melee (2d8+3, 19-20, lightsaber) or +7 ranged; SQ Human Traits, Force Training x3, Deflect (defense +1, attack -4); SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4; SZ M; FP 5; DSP 0; Rep +1; Str 16, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12
Equipment: Lightsaber
Skills: Knowledge(Jedi Lore) +5, Read/Write Language(Basic), Speak Language(Basic), Tumble +8
Force Skills: Battlemind +7, Enhance Ability +7, Force Stealth +6, Force Strike +5, See Force +7
Feats: Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Mobility, Redirect Attack, Weapon Group Proficiency(blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Lightsaber Defense, Sense

Background: A 19 year old Human female from Bastion, the central planet in the Imperial Remnant. While she technically grew up in the Empire, her mother was a diplomat for the Remnant and as such, Cira spent much of her youth traveling the galaxy. She displayed a great deal of potential with the Force as a young child, and when her parents heard about the Jedi Academy that Luke Skywalker had set up on Yavin IV, she was given the chance to attend. Though her deep connection to the Empire alienated her from most of the students early on, this quickly changed over the years she spent at the Academy thanks to the fact that she was nothing like the Imperials the other students had heard about.

Cowan Bynar, PC

Cowan Bynar, Male Human Jedi Consular 4: Init +2 (Dex); Defense 16 (+4 Class, +2 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP 27/13; Atk +5 melee (2d8, 19-20, lightsaber) or +5 ranged; SQ Human Traits, Force Training x3, Deflect (defense +1, attack -4); SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +9; SZ M; FP 5; DSP 0; Rep +2; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Equipment: Lightsaber
Skills: Bluff +11, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +8, Knowledge(Jedi Lore) +8, Read/Write Language(Basic), Sense Motive +9, Speak Language(Basic, Huttese, Ryl)
Force Skills: Affect Mind +9, Empathy +12, Friendship +8, Heal Another +11, See Force +10
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency(lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Iron Will, Persuasive, Weapon Finesse(lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiency(blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Compassion, Control, Sense

Background: Also 19 years old, Cowan is a Human male from one of the Noble Houses on the planet Thyferra. His family is one of the many Houses that controls the distribution of the amazing healing agent, bacta, and they are rich because of it. His family had strong connections to the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War due to the fact that many of their line were Jedi Knights during the Old Republic. Even though he was raised with everything he could have wanted, his parents did their best to keep him from becoming a stuck up brat like most kids in those situations seemed to turn into. This did nothing but good for him when he made the decision to attend the Jedi Academy, though he does do his best to keep to himself just as he used to do back on Thyferra.

Gant Sekel, PC

Gant Sekel, Male Miraluka Force Adept 4: Init +4 (+2 Dex, +2 Species); Defense 16 (+4 Class, +2 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP 26/10; Atk +5 melee (1d6+2, 20, quarterstaff) or +5 ranged; SQ Quick Reaction, Force Sight, Force Training x3; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7; SZ M; FP 5; DSP 0; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 11
Equipment: Quarterstaff
Skills: Hide +6, Read/Write Language(Basic, Miralukese), Speak Language(Basic, Dosh, Miralukese), Survival +10
Force Skills: Affect Mind +9, Enhance Senses +10, Farseeing +8, Force Light +10, Force Strike +10, Heal Self +6, Illusion +8, See Force +10
Feats: Force Sensitive, Weapon Group Proficiency(primitive weapons, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Force Mind, Mind Trick, Sense

Background: At 20, Gant is the oldest in the group. He is not, however, Human. This would be easily missed if he was looked at from a distance, as he looks exactly like a Human except for the fact that he has no eyes. Gant is a Miraluka, a species of eyeless near-Humans who literally see through the Force itself. Because of this fact, most all Miraluka have been Jedi Knights or at least Force Users for all of the species' history. After the Empire nearly wiped out the Miraluka during the Jedi Purge, the species went into hiding on their homeworld and moved to a new Force Tradition...one that was, essentially, the Jedi Way, simply less agressive, as the Miraluka saw the Jedi's focus on war and their lightsabers as the reason for their fall. This persisted even after the fall of Palpatine, and while Gant learned the ways of the Force from his own people, he heard about the new Jedi Academy being set up by Luke Skywalker. He couldn't resist, and decided to attend...though he still clings to his people's beliefs, and so is the only student studying only the ways of the Force, and not to actually become a Jedi.

Esah Reenin, PC

Esah Reenin, Female Mon Calamari Jedi Consular 4: Init +3 (Dex); Defense 17 (+4 Class, +3 Dex); Spd 10m; VP/WP 27/12; Atk +4 melee (2d8+1, 19-20, lightsaber) or +6 ranged; SQ Breathe Underwater, +4 species bonus to Swim checks, Low-light Vision, +4 species bonus on Craft(electronic devices), +1 species bonus to Will saves in moist environment, -1 to Will saves in dry environment, Force Training x3, Deflect (defense +1, attack -4); SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7; SZ M; FP 5; DSP 0; Rep +2; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 10
Equipment: Lightsaber
Skills: Computer Use +11, Craft(electronic devices) +13, Knowledge(Jedi Lore) +10, Knowledge(technology) +11, Pilot +10, Read/Write Language(Basic, Mon Calamari, Quarrenese), Speak Language(Basic, Durese, Ithorese, Mon Calamari, Quarrenese)
Force Skills: Affect Mind +7, Empathy +8, Force Strike +9, Illusion +7, Move Object +11, See Force +10
Feats: Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Space, Starship Operation(space transports), Weapon Group Proficiency(blaster pistols, simple weapons)
Force Feats: Alter, Control, Sense

Background: 18 years old and the youngest of the group, Esah is a blue skinned, female Mon Calamari. From a very young age, she displayed potential in the Force, moving her toys around without actually touching them and other signs that she wasn't exactly normal. With the Galactic Civil War over, and the Empire being beaten back from the Core Worlds, this potential was seen as a gift and not something that had to be hidden. So her parents did their best to encourage her, while at the same time doing their best to teach her the more artistic crafts of her people's culture. Esah embraced both, though when she made the chioce to attend the Jedi Academy, she had clearly made a choice between them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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