Starship Troopers?

Jack of Shadows

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C. Baize said:
So... gear and critters (one would assume) would be pretty easy to port to D20 Modern / Future?

I may have to give it a more serious thought...
I just don't know... I'm always a bit leery getting a RPG version of a franchise I like a LOT.
While I did enjoy Armageddon 2089, I keep hearing good and bad.... hit and miss.
I'll probably end up getting it, eventually... depending on what I hear, I suppose.

Gear and critters should be no problem.

If you really liked A:2089 (which I enjoyed also) SST may leave you feeling a little flat. I picked it up mostly just to see how someone else would do a military power armor setting because I'm tinkering with a homebrew in the same vein.


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I flipped through the book. It looks pretty cool. Didn't really check the numbers, etc. Anyone actually get a chance to sit down with it yet? I'm strongly considering purchasing it, but want to hear more first.

I just discovered today that Irene Bedard, the voice actress for Pocahontas, was also a V.A. for one of the animated Starship Troopers characters.

Just thought I'd mention that.


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From what I have seen of the book I have really enjoyed it. The only things I have issues with is the artwork. It reminded me of something a bunch of 10 year old boys would do. I also would have liked it if they statted out the starships.


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Jack of Shadows said:
First hit points are a lot less. Generally you only get a point or two per level rather than a die roll. I also don't think you get your CON bonus each level either.
Reading this, I believe this game uses the same modified d20 rules that are used in Babylon 5 (also by Moongoose). As such, I think it is safe to assume this game is incompatible with d20 M/F, but is compatible with B5.


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Well, to be honest with all of you, Starship Troopers is one of my favorite books ever. The first movie was all right, but the secound was a piece of crap. Here in Brasil, we made a few adaptations ourselves to play this Sci-Fi game. We use basically two books to play it: d20 weapons locker and d20 mecha.

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