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Starting Bonus HP


First level = Average hit die + con score.

A 14 Con fighter would go from 10+2 (12), to 6+14 (20). +8 difference
A 12 Con wizard would go from 6+1 (7), to 4+12 (16). +9 difference

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41st lv DM
Max HP for your HD type + con mod & not playing stupidly is all you should need while you earn that measly 300 xp needed to get you to 2nd lv.

If you want more HP? Invest in a higher Con score.

If you're the DM & are worried about this "lack of HP"? Then take a closer look at what you expect these characters to be doing at 1st lv. Odds are all you need to do is tweak some of your encounters rather than making up more rules.


Reason for this ONE-Time Bonus

When I was coming up with this it was D20 Modern, D&D 3.5e, and slight 4e that my group was utilizing and I put forth an offer for a Zombie Apocalypse campaign inspired by games such as Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, Dead Island, Resident Evil, and few other media sources. The players were all level 3 but had shoddy HD rolls

Most of the players core classes were from the D20 Modern books with the players trying to escape from their quarantined city after it was sealed off with the military shooting anyone who approached the checkpoints or tried to leave the city.

Remote Operated Drone Robots were sent to any corpse near those areas and immolated with napalm, the city was littered with improvised explosives made from propane tanks to military grade explosives, and other nastier things besides the zombie hordes.

When we played the first session based in a high school stadium where evacuation of non-infected was ongoing three players met and barely got away when a few injured NPC's crashed through the checkpoint and veered into a mobile fuel truck... shrapnel from it detonated the ordinance resupply and all hell broke loose.
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I think that low HPs at 1st level are great.

Because HPs does not represent just "meat" to cleave through but your own knowledge of combar, rolling with the blows, even dumb luck.

A 1st level fighter is just a dumb grunt that finnished 8 week boot camp and knows which end of a sword to grasp(hence proficiency).
And he will get chopped down with a swing or two just beacause he has almost no footwork and more likely than not just walk in a swing of an oponenent.

if you want you can describe martial classes levels by ranks in the army, from private to 6 star general.

1st level fighter/ranger/paladin : private
2nd lvl: private 1st class
3rd lvl: Corporal
4th lvl: Sergeant
5th lvl: Master Sergeant
6th lvl: Sergeant Major
7th lvl: 2nd Lieutenant
8th lvl: 1st Lieutenant
9th lvl: Captain
10th lvl: Major
11th lvl: Lt. Colonel
12th lvl: Colonel
13th lvl: Brigadier General
14th lvl: Major General
15th lvl: Lt. General
16th lvl: General
17th lvl: General of the Army
18th lvl: General of the Armies

ofc these ranks can go up or down for a level or two. Someone can become an trained officer at lvl5 and someone can stay a private to lvl3.


First Post
My method for dealing with this is to allow armor to absorb a fatal crit by breaking. It basically works well enough for the rest of combat, but then needs to be repaired or replaced. The purpose is to give the players a way of surviving bad luck (or I guess good luck on my part), and a chance to shift tactics.


First Post

A 1st level fighter is just a dumb grunt that finnished 8 week boot camp and knows which end of a sword to grasp(hence proficiency).
And he will get chopped down with a swing or two just beacause he has almost no footwork and more likely than not just walk in a swing of an oponenent.


How do you explain the soldier background then?


First Post
You have a rank from your military career. If you are level 1 with soldier background you have a rank of private.

It does make sense i guess. I just never got that sort of impression from the description of the background. Would a soldier that has been through at least one campaign still be verbatim the same as someone who has just completed boot camp? Maybe the adventurers aren't supposed to be treated as NPC's?


Why not just start new PCs at 2nd or 3rd level?

Or start them with bonus HP that doesn't stack with HP you gain while increasing level. For example, start with 3 HD, but then you don't gain any more until you hit 4th level. That makes things easier on lowbies but doesn't imbalance the game at all at mid-levels.

Voidrunner's Codex

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