stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Jarrith's feet land hard on the cavern tunnel floor as he bounds around the stone stalactite. His eyes are already ready to catch the tree creature on the right when it comes into view, and thus is doubly surprised when a second one comes forth from the darkness. "Whaaaaa--!! What the--?!?"

When the creature's maw shoots out the pod, Jarrith ducks quickly and hears it explode over his head on the cavern wall. He instinctually turns to look at it, and takes the full blase of gas to the face. "Agghh-- No-- That's not-- ugh... ow... owww... ARRGGGHHH!!!" He feels the thorn begin piercing through his skin on the inside, and the pain is excrutiating! Not wanting to face the creature alone, he immediately begins back up the way he came, pulling out a wand and casting Cat's Grace on himself. (Move action to K15 / Free action to draw wand / Standard action to cast Cat's Grace on self)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Under the Tower: Round 1

The mysterious wizard finishes her spell, and three snapping reptiles appear. She then barks out another spell quickly, and the warmth of healing surrounds her companions. With her hardy constitution, she fights off the thorny infection. [3 crocodiles; lesser vigor; Fort 26 succeeds vs. thorns]

The summoned crocodiles thrash at the tree-like horror, and one tears away some of its succulent flesh! [AC 19 hit d2, 11 hp; AC 15, 10 miss]

As the startled Stalker backs away, he is caught off guard again as the one of the vines near its maw strikes out with a surprising reach! The pulpy mass smashes into his side, nearly knocking the wind out of him! [AoO AC 25, 13 hp] He manages to get his wand out and calls upon its magic to strengthen his reflexes. As he does so, he grits his teeth to fight of the thorny infection. [Move; cat's grace; Fort 22 succeeds vs thorns]

Unsure of what is going on, the dull Perriwimple instead claws at his face. It is a painful process, but it manages the trick. [Thorns removed, 8 hp]

The two things work surprisingly well together, the first shooting another spore at crocodiles surrounding its companion. As thorns sprout from the scaly hides, the other shoots out its roots along the floor! The vines thrash and scream with a human voice, curling around the stalagmites and the parties feet. Only one of the crocodiles manages to escape the entangling roots. [Thorn volley catches all crocs; All PCs fail Reflex save vs. roots; entangled (-2 atk, -4 Dex)]

Roots catching her feet and dragging her, the lady paladin just manages to drag herself forward to face one of the horrors. The combination of the grasping vines and her cautions defense spoil her blow. Her divinely enhanced fortitude easily fights of the invading thorns. [Move (counts as double); AC 9 misses; Fort 30 succeeds vs. thorns]

Tessa attempts to call down a prayer to the Sovereigns to bolster her companions, the the writhing roots are too distracting, and the spell is loss. And while the thorns do eventually fall off, it is not before they burrow through her skin once more! As they fall off, Tessa suddenly recalls an obscure passage describing creatures like these: demonthorn mandrakes---fiendish plants from the dark places of Lamannia! [Concentration 13 fails, spell lost; Fort 16 fails, Fort 22 succeeds vs thorns; 1 hp from thorns; Knowledge (plans) 19 to recognize plants. ]

Under the Tower: Round 2

J: 21 41/42 [Fast healing 1, entangled, 16 rounds]
c: 21 14/22, 14/22, 15/22 [Thorny, entangled, 6 rounds remaining]
J: 20 15/31 [Entangled]
P: 15 51/55 [Fast healing 1, entangled, 16 rounds]
d: 14 [unharmed; -11 (lightly wounded)]
A: 13 47/49 [Entangled, Fast healing 1, 16 rounds]
T: 11 30/35 [Entangled, Fast healing 1, 16 rounds]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, c: crocs, d: Hungry Tree, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa.
Conditions: YellowGreen: Thorny, SeaGreen: Entangled. Moving through steep region (lines) cost 2 movement and may require Balance checks. Moving through roots subjects mover to entanglement.

[Round 2 actions for all please]


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With his feet tangled to the ground and no movement really possible, Jarrith decides to go for a bit more protection. He slides his first wand away, pulls out his second one, and casts another protective spell on himself. (Cast Shield of Faith)


First Post
Still unsure of what these creatures are, Ashlyn maintains her defense as she studies the movements of the creature. She attacks twice, quick probing attacks, and then resumes her defensive maneuvers.

[Combat expertise (+5AC, -5 attack); Attack +4/-1, Damage 1d8+3/1d8+3; AC27]
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First Post
Tessa cringed at the worst possible moment from the painful touch of the thorns, and she felt the fading rush as the energy of her spell was lost. But the flash of remembered knowledge might be valuable in its own way. Gritting her teeth, she gave a rasping cry, the loudest utterance her companions had heard from her in days. "These are no natural creatures- they are unholy, native to the dark realms!" With that said, she tried to think of what other magics she might invoke- and she felt the fires of her own power crying to be unleashed. Not yet, she told herself, not yet...

OOC: Concentration +10, attempting to cast Nimbus of Light (Cleric 1)

James Heard

Janis frowns, and begins casting again. Lashing out with her hand at the end of the spell, she hurls a greenish orb of writhing spectral snakes at the base of the nearest "tree" which bursts into a surge of speed for her allies surrounding it.

OOC: Casting Mass Snake's Swiftness, to burst and get the crocs and Ashlyn. Everyone take an immediate attack, yay. Die tree!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Under the Tower: Round 2

Tessa cries out the plant's unnatural origin, shedding a new light on the strange situation. Unfazed, Janis calls forth a unusual incantation. Suddenly, the foes of the nearest horrid tree are invigorated. All make a play at the tendril terror while roots flail away. One of the reptiles slams into the pulp with a tail, and Ashlyn's sword, shining with the holy might of Dol Arrah, cuts deeply into its side! Sticky sap splatters the combatants! [Mass snake's swiftness; 1 croc hits for 11 hp; Ashlyn smites AC 22 for 20 hp; Creature severely wounded]

The crocodiles continue to thrash with their tails, but in vain as the writhing creature either dodges out of the way, deflects with the entangling roots, or absorbs the blow with its exterior. At the same time, the thorns lose their vitality on two of the creatures, while the third one still suffers the infestation. [All crocs miss; Two succeed on Fort saves vs. thorns]

Jarrith's mind races. Cannot be caught defenseless! Foolish, foolish! As if I was betrayed! His eyes shifty, he pulls forth another wand and a blue shimmer briefly surrounds him. [Shield of Faith]

The brute Perriwimple forces his way forward down the tricky slope and through the vine infestation. The way is very slow going and he barely manages to push his way to Jarrith. [Double move]

Its disturbing screams distorted by the cavern, the wounded demon-plant lashes out with its vines against that which hurt it---the crocodile and Lady Ashlyn. The first blow snaps something in the crocodile's torso, and the wounded creature bellows in pain! Meanwhile the other just manages to bat away the paladin's blade before slamming her head into the hard rock. [Wounded creature hits AC 26 (croc) and 28 (Ashlyn) for 12 and 15 hp respectively]

Only Jarrith can see the other demonic tree, and he recoils as he sees one of its heavy vines snake around the rock and try to smash him! It hits him with ease, though the twisting rock does weaken the blow. While no one can see its other blow, the sound of one of the summoned animals' sharp cry indicates its success---the severely wounded crocodile collapses and vanishes. [Unwounded creature hits AC 29 (Jarrith) and 19 (croc); 9 and 10 hp respectively; Croc killed]

Thorns continue to dig painfully into the crocodile. [4 hp]

Winded by determined, Ashlyn continues to defensively jab at the wounded demon tree. Her first slice cuts off a root, a minor blow, while the other misses badly. [AC 22 hits (4 hp); Nat 1 misses]

With a determined chant, Tessa surrounds herself with a steady glow, starkly illuminating the area around her.

Under the Tower: Round 3

J: 21 42/42 [Fast healing 1, 15 rounds, entangled]
c: 21 14/22, 11/22 [1 Thorny, entangled, 5 rounds remaining]
J: 20 6/31 [Entangled]
P: 15 44/55 [Fast healing 1, entangled, 15 rounds]
d: 14 [unharmed; -46 (severely wounded)]
A: 13 33/49 [Thorny, entangled, Fast healing 1, 15 rounds]
T: 11 31/35 [Thorny, entangled, Fast healing 1, 15 rounds, nimbus 50 rounds]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, c: crocs, d: Hungry Tree, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa.
Conditions: YellowGreen: Thorny, SeaGreen: Entangled. Moving through steep region (lines) cost 2 movement and may require Balance checks. Moving through roots subjects mover to entanglement.

[Round 3 actions for all please]


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First Post
Finally, sure of the nature of these creatures, Ashlyn changes from defense to a full offense, the light of her faith again illuminating her blade as she prepares to assault the unholy thing before her.

[Smite on the first attack; Attack +13/+4, Damage 1d8+1d6+9/1d8+3]

[If the creature falls before she attacks then she will move up to the second creature]
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James Heard

Ignoring the melee before her for a moment, Janis whispers out an incantation that settles around her with hardly any apparent effect at all - unless one were to touch her now rough and thick skin, or peer into the entirely green orbs of her eyes.

OOC: Casting Barkskin


Being whalloped on all sides, Jarrith's knees buckle and his eyes shoot around wildly. They're on all sides... they're all around us... where is everyone... where is... he thinks to himself before suddenly seeing the large boy move up next to him.

"Don't just stand there, boy! Attack! Attack! And Tessa!!! Where the hell are you?!? WE NEED YOU ALL UP HERE!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ALL BY MYSELF!!!"

As the blood and pain spasms through his body, Jarrith begins backing away while quickly praying for the release of one divine effect to replace it with some much-needed healing warmth. (Move action: to M15 / Standard action: Swap Deific Vengeance for Cure Moderate Wounds and cast defensively)
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