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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
GwydapLlew said:
"You mention that the dead fear your raven. What do you mean?"
Having misses entirely Marot's withdrawal, Sir Urik addresses Khensu. "I know only what I was taught, but from what lore the Knight's have passed on, it appears our order predate the time this place became the land of Barov. But before even that, before our forefather's greatest fathers set foot on this land, uncivilized barbaric breeds lived here. It is said they worshiped evil and blood, and were ruled by those that hungered for both. But these eternal overlords feared the raven."

He pauses again, grasping the symbol at his throat. Hurrn seems to peer at Khensu regally as the tale it told. "You have seen the gestures of the townsfolk, a ward against evil?" He makes the 'v' gesture with his hand again. "It is the sign of Those that Overwatch, the holy sovereigns that guide us. Their ravens are the sign of their strength and honor and light, and the dead lords of the time correctly feared them. My forefathers took this symbol as their own, and created my order. It was under the sign of those that overwatch that the barbaric blood-drinkers were cast out, freeing the land." He smiles, a rueful smile. "But, the evil seems to have had the last laugh, is it not so! Hah, hah! But we fight, for not to fight would be accept despair."

The knight peers intently at Khensu a moment, as if just noticing something. "You must know what it is to fight such demons, for you are marked by the wolf, are you not? I am sure the Barovians gave you a fine welcome. Wolves are about as welcome as death, hah hah!"
[sblock=Ashlyn][Knowledge: Religion 20]
Ashlyn recalls that the weapon her order seeks supposedly was forged for the great paladin Lugdana, a warrior 'of the Raven.' It is possible that Urik is a member of that self-same order.[/sblock]

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stonegod said:
The knight peers intently at Khensu a moment, as if just noticing something. "You must know what it is to fight such demons, for you are marked by the wolf, are you not? I am sure the Barovians gave you a fine welcome. Wolves are about as welcome as death, hah hah!"

Sir Khensu ducks his head in acknowledgement. Marked by the wolf, if only he knew! "My people come from a tainted lineage. Once we were as beasts, but there are those of us who strive to the light. Your order took as its symbol the raven; my order," the shifter points to the tattoo on his arm of the sword-and-hourglass. "Takes the symbol of the hourglass, for we are patient, and the sword, for we are valiant. We bring the light of the Silver Flame to those who travel in darkness. Dame Ashlynn and I have found common cause; will you join us?


Maraat said:
"Jarrith, I have a question for you. This Knight of the Raven seems to be one that could be our ally. But I worry that his mind is still hurt from battling the Murks. Have you the prayer to help restore his balance, like the scroll I used on him? It would be a great tragedy for this place to lose the only native champion we've found."
Having found nothing of real note in his searches, he raises his head to the warlock as he approaches. Marot's question is a good one, and Jarrith takes a few moments to look at Sir Urik and try and get a sense of his demeanor and just how scattered the man still is. (Sense Motive check)

"I'll be honest with you, Marot... while I did in fact pray this morning for that kind of healing to be available to me... I do wonder if we would be better served holding that prayer in reserve. The man seems... fine. I guess. You are probably right in that he is not entirely there... but he seems functional enough that he could certainly hold out and let his sense return naturally over time."

He begins walking back to the group, with Marot presumably following behind. "The thing I fear is that we encounter more of these spirits of the darkness... some of which I know can drain a man's strength or stamina. I'd rather save my prayer on the chance we need to restrengthen our Lumin Brother or Lady Ashlyn... then to complete heal the mind of Sir Urik. If he was not functioning, I'd do it gladly. But if all he is currently is a bit scatterbrained... he should still be able to wield a sword and be no worse for wear in a day or two."

He faces Marot and smiles. "But I'll make a deal with you. If we bed down for the evening tonight and I have not yet used my prayer on any of us, I'll use it on him before I lay down my head."


First Post
stonegod said:
Urik nods at Ashlyn's response. "It is good to hear that there is still a spark of light in the darkness, though it is a shame that such sparks are difficult to find for they do not seem to breed true in Barovia. I had high hopes for one once... but, I am the last unless some other takes up the mantle." He looks at Ashlyn appraisingly for a moment, but adds nothing more.
Ashlyn is quiet for a moment, then she speaks again "I would be interested in hearing more of your order."

His words have struck a chord ... he too knows what it is to fight on endlessly, without surcease.

As Urik speaks with Sir Khensu, Ashlyn listens on, interested. Recalling several of the details contained in the ancient texts that had led her here with her companions, Ashlyn turns to Urik and asks "In the ancient texts that bought me here, there was mention of Lugdana, a warrior of the Raven, have you ever heard the name before?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
GwydapLlew said:
"Dame Ashlynn and I have found common cause; will you join us?
The big man looks at the shifter a moment, then enjoys a loud belly laugh. "Oh, my new friend, you are full of surprises! Ah, youth, like the sun that so rarely is seen in my beloved home. it would please me to have companionship after so long, but I feel that I am not well. I must seek Danovich for the removal of my mental wounds." He looks at Khensu a moment. "Perhaps you might find me there in the future, if not here. Danovich must know the cause of this scourge of walking dead in town, and Doru has surely kept his father safe."

DEFCON 1 said:
Jarrith takes a few moments to look at Sir Urik and try and get a sense of his demeanor and just how scattered the man still is. (Sense Motive check)
[Sense Motive]
Urik seems to be truthful and little guarded. His frequent pauses and occasional forgetfulness would indicate some mental fatigue.

Stormwind said:
Ashlyn is quiet for a moment, then she speaks again "I would be interested in hearing more of your order."
A smile broadens the man's face at Ashlyn's words. "It is something we should speak more of, but the time is not right. The town's curse must be dealt with first, I fear, or there will be little of Barovia to protect."

Stormwind said:
"In the ancient texts that bought me here, there was mention of Lugdana, a warrior of the Raven, have you ever heard the name before?"
Urik's eyes open wide in surprise. "Lugdana. The Dark Lady herself. It was she that led the crusade against the barbarian unliving, burning them with the our greatest symbol---the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. She is the mother of our order." His face darkens a moment. "But things change. Her Symbol now a toy of that fool Burgomaster, her armaments lost to generations, her chapel in ruins." He glances once again at the looming castle. "All passed into mists and shadow."


First Post
This one has not heard the news, then. "Sir Urik, I am sorry to say that Danovich will not help you. Doru was slain near a month back, and the priest has disappeared. The villagers speak of him being lost in his sorrow."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A look of anger comes over Urik's face, and he pushes himself up with his sword. His angry presence looms over the crossroads. "A month! A month I heard nothing! Foul be the mists this day. I must leave for the church at once, to find Father Danovich and avenge this treachery." He looks a the gathered party. "I thank you for your help, and hope those that overwatch will see that we meet again, but I must go soon. If you have any last words, have them now. Dark hearts do not pause long."


First Post
A fleeting grimace crosses Ashlyn's face, "When I came here, I travelled with two companions. Whilst I guarded the villagers they made their way to the church to speak with the priest. I have not heard of them since and that was some three or fours days past."

"About half the villagers are barricaded in the center of town in the Blood of the Vine inn. I would not have left them unguarded, and two mercenaries, competent fighters both by my judgement, now guard the barricades."

"We were on our way to speak with one of the Vistani, Madam Eva, to see if she could provide us with answers. Once I have the answers that I seek, it is my intent to put that knowledge to good use and end this undead plague upon the town. I was almost overwhelmed by the undead that walk the streets and cannot give strong enough warning against venturing there alone. If you do not wish to accompany us to the Vistani, then please wait on our return and we will see you to the church."

Ashlyn turns to the others and asks, "Is there nothing more than can be done for our new friend ... I for one would not wish to face him if he were to fall and rise again"

Ashlyn turns back to face Urik, "Must you leave for the town directly?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Urik's painfully gazes towards the town a moment, then bows his head. After a moment, he chuckles. "Madam Eva is no Vistanti, but you shall see that soon enough. Her eye sees true, however, that you can take on solid ground. But, like all prophecy, it is never a clean thing." Straightening up, he continues. "You are right, a fool's errand would it be to refuse assistance when it is offered. I will await you in the town square, but do not dally. I cannot stay long."


First Post
Ashlyn tilts her head a moment, considering, then turns to face the raven, "See him safely down this road". Then turning back to look at Urik she says nothing but inclines her head in a slow formal manner before she swings herself back into the saddle of her massive black steed and prepares to continue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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