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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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Avron nods, with a slight smile. He giggles slightly to himself and scratches his forearm where his abberant mark darkens his skin. He stands up straight from his usual hunched position and very strongly and with a serious tone says, "Let's go Zucchini."

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The shifter's face brightens somewhat at the acceptance of the others. She smiles, if her twisted, toothy grin can be construed for a smile.

"Where are you...I mean we, yes we, going?" Ravika asks the others, not yet knowing what to address them as.


First Post
Tessa slowly lowered her shield, and took one more glance around the group before replying the the shifter's query. "As we released your folk from the curse which afflicted them, we also wish to cleanse this valley of a lingering taint that festers beneath the surface. We think that this fell presence is focused within a handful of locations, which must each be dealt with- and we are headed towards one such place. Perhaps, if you are attuned to the spirits of the land, you might help us to find the exact spot. We know the general area, but if you could assist us, it might make us more likely to accept your presence..." Unfortunately, Tessa was hardly an expert diplomat, and her speech was blunt almost to the point of rudeness- her obvious anxiety did not help things.


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Avron plods along following the rest of the group. He whispers repeatably, "demon plants dragon zombies," until suddenly stopping, as if he realized he forgot something. He looks to Tessa, "I can't help, my prayers are more offensive in nature. That would be a wise decision though, some other things might be of use."


First Post
"Well, if we can help you we will. Yes, you tell me where you want to go, I'll ask the plants and animals to help us. " Ravika replies, if she was offended by the bluntess of Tessa, she shows no signs of it.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"Well, if we can help you we will. Yes, you tell me where you want to go, I'll ask the plants and animals to help us. " Ravika replies, if she was offended by the bluntess of Tessa, she shows no signs of it.
r1: Have a look above for some Ravika only info....


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Jarrith and Marot drive their horses forward a bit until they can see a small bluff overlooking the grey waters of the Tser Pool. The path bends southwards and down to the shoreline where the Vistanti camp is, though the tents are hidden from this vantage.[sblock=Jarrith]While he sees no other trails, Jarrith thinks he sees a form hidden in the trees on the trail to the camp. It is a glimpse of color---likely a Vistanti, perhaps guarding.[/sblock]


First Post
Ravika stops dead in her tracks, realizing where they were and where the group was intending to go. She rushes forward, trying to catch up to Jarrith and Marot.

"Do you realize where you're headed? Those are thieves and villians there, those are the Visanti! We never went near them, they are evil. What do want from them?" Ravika says excitedly.


When Jarrith hears the shifter woman cry out to him as he takes off on his horse, he rolls his eyes. He glances behind him and sees Marot following him on horseback as well, and he says low enough for the warlock to hear but no one else... "If you want to answer her, go ahead... but I'm not stopping."

He faces forward again in the saddle and continues on, ignoring the shrieks of the woman.

When he finally arrives at the top of the bluff, he slows the horse down to a walk. Shortly after, Marot arrives, and Jarrith smiles his lopsided grin at him. "Decided against arguing with her, eh?" He slides down from the horse and drops lightly onto the ground, then walks over to tie the beast off the side of the trail. The Stalker raises his finger to his lips to signal quiet, then begins moving forward... eventually spying the colored tabbard through the trees.

He sneaks back to where Marot stands by the horses, and he moves over to untie his steed, signalling to do the same. Silently, Jarrith leads the beast further back up the trail to put more distance between them and the lone guard he saw... far enough that voices talking would not be heard. "Guard up ahead, I think. Didn't get close enough to confirm, but it's a pretty good bet. I wanted to move us back away, because goodness knows when the others show up, I doubt they'd be able to keep quiet. Especially with this two new ones squawking away."

He ties off the horse once again... leaving it in plain sight so that there'd be no missing it when the others arrived. Hopefully, Ashlyn or Khensu would take the hint and realize this is where they should all dismount. Jarrith turns back to Marot and steps in close. "The path down from the bluff to the Tser Pool goes right through the camp. I do not know if there's another way down. How are you at climbing? I'm thinking that if need be, we might rappel down the bluff face away from the camp. I dunno if that woman was right in saying the Vistanti are evil... but I'd just as soon not find out."


First Post

Avron stumbles up to the others, where they have dismounted. He holds a small stone in one hand, and he is rubbing it between his fingers. Astonishingly he is quiet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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