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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft [Recruiting Closed]

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
After some consideration I decided to redo Myran's concept, reworking her as a stright-up cleric.

Background: For those scions of the dragonmarked houses who are the younger members of the immediate family, some mundane kooshy life usually is their lot, and for Myran d'Medani, the thridborn in her family, that rule bore true as she was sent to a Sanctum of the Sovereign Host near the border between Cyre and Karrnath from an early age.

Most highborn whelps consigned to study at a temple would chafe at all the restrictions, but Myran, sharp of mind and wit, delved deeply into the old books and ancient teachings of the Host. She found the points that stress altruism and respect for life to be of interest and indeed vital, considering the war raging around the land. She also found the lore of the fires of the forge of Onatar to be insightful, in that one who uses the flame holds great power, but it must be used with great care and cautiousness.

Whereas most dragonmark scions eagerly leave Sanctums as they reach maturity, Myran stayed and took her vows as a priestess of the Host, taking on the powers of fire and good to power the divine magics that she would use. The Medani elders initially balked at this decision, but Myran personally helped the priests of the Sanctum see that this would be convienient for both family and church, with the church gaining a dedicated resident protector, and the family gaining a valuable tie with the local Sanctum. After much consideration, the family agreed.

Myran had been visiting family in Breland (even with the war, Medani could more or less travel as they like with help from their relatives, when the Day of Mourning hit. Like all of Cyre, Myran was devastated when she heard the news. She scrambled back to near what had already been dubbed the Mournland to lend what aid she could, and managed to successfully petition some of the local Medani clan to help keep the survivors safe. It was in Vathirond that Myran met several soldiers led by Geran, and traveled with them to New Cyre. Despite her best efforts she could not save the poor soldier in Geran's company, a fault she has yet to forgive herself about.

Primary Role: Myran is a cleric of the Sovereign Host. As a wielder of the power of the good domain she is well prepared with an efficient mix of spells useable against evil forces. With the fire domain, she has a small amount of offensive power and power to command fire and dissuade water creatures.

Quirks: Myran is haunted by the scenes she witnessed as she aided survivors from the Mournland, particularly having to watch the deterioration of Geran's comrade. She feels it her fault she couldn't aid him, but she doesn't understand the titanic task it would've been to bring him back. Still, she feels as though she let Geran down and will travel with him so long as she must in order to gain his forgiveness (or until she can forgive herself, a day which might never come).

Still, she doesn't let her inner demons keep her from her duties. As a cleric of the Host, Myran keeps a sense of optimism and hope amidst whatever may come her way. Only Geran truly knows the kind of emotional turmoil she goes through each day.

Distinguishing abilities: Myran's primary strength is her divine spellcasting and the variety of spells she can cast. Her domains provide her some potent spells which she won't hesitate to utilize in a pressure situation. Her power over fire and water creatures may also prove very potent.

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I'm somewhat familiar with the Eberron setting, though I've never played in it. Similarly, I have played in, and enjoy, the Ravenloft setting (which I realize this campaign isn't, really), but never this particular adventure. I've come up with a character concept that I think works well with the themes of both the setting and the adventure; here goes:

Name: Gustavus Jaranus

Background: It is often bemoaned by some of the more provincial folk that newcomers are bound to bring trouble, and everyone would be better off if they had just stayed put. While such sentiments evoke the rolling of eyes from more cosmopolitan citizens, it is an undeniable fact that there are bad apples in every bunch. And in the kingdom of Karrnath, where the new arrivals are the walking dead, the law has had to adapt to a new species of criminal.

Gustavus is one of a few specially trained inquisitives assigned to a circuit of the kingdom's villages and cities, responsible for dealing with undead-related crime solving. It's not that he had any special affinity for the task; the position simply developed organically out of a rather pressing necessity, and Gustavus was the most senior detective in his jurisdiction. He has taken to his duty with enthusiasm, however, quickly becoming one of the nation's foremost authorities not only on bringing undead criminals to justice, but also diplomatic interactions with the more intelligent among such creatures. He is also more aware than the average Karrnathi of just how many of their countrymen can no longer enjoy a good flagon of Nightwood ale.

Gustavus is a rather tall, broad man in his early fourties. He projects a stern, professional demeanor among strangers and while he's working, but this softens somewhat in the company of trusted friends and/or a few mugs of the aforementioned ale. He is, in fact, very good at what he does, and will singlemindedly devote his energies to solving a case, all the more so as it becomes increasingly complicated, byzantine, and frustrating.

Role: I see Gustavus as a skills-based rogue/master inquisitive, notably making use of the undead empathy feat.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'll be posting my latest round of thoughts sometime tonight or tomorrow night to hopefully get folks who haven't answered my questions to do so.

James Heard

Janis ir'Sandal​

Slightly Unhinged Patriot​


"Golden Cyre, Cyre of my youth, my homeland, my mother and father, is no more. Let the rejoicing begin. Long live Cyre.

Let me explain. We who once held the world in our hands still clasp it. Like children, culture is an ideal, a concept. It transcends boundaries, and a people unbowed are still a people triumphant.

I believe this, because it is true.

The line of Wyngarn stumbles along as a parasite in Breland's side, but the soul of Cyre remains in its people. I will not let it die. I will not let it falter. I will reclaim my birthright by transformation and example without bitterness or malice. I will avenge the slain by embracing the next generation, the new, and sweep the past aside by establishing a shining future.

I will do this, because necessity claims it.

No one shall stand in my way in any stead, not if I must write it upon the heavens with my own blood and the blood of those who oppose me. Cyre lives as Cyran hearts beat, as those who would cherish the true heritage of Galifar admire. Cyre, the land, has died; the better to show Cyrans of good grace their true path to reclaiming Khorvaire for Cyre. The Purple Jewel of Galifar yet shines, and shall shine forever.

I promise this. Let none doubt me."
Notes from her private journal​

The Sandal family was long a member of the political opposition party of the House of Wyngarn in Cyre, fostering dissidents and socially progressive legislature over the years that always seemed to be just a few years too soon for the adoption by the crown. As such it maintained much support among the common people of Cyre even through the war, and that and its notoriety in the arts and arcane research did much to blunt any possibility of real reprisal from the crown. So entrenched in Cyran politics were the Sandal family that they began to conceive of a rather more expansive interpretation of their "duties" and very discretely began to plot against the crown in rebellion.

Unfortunately for them, the Sandal plots were discovered by Cyran agents and instead of a more severe punishment, many chose to enlist to serve in the Cyran army, to casually venture to far away provinces of the world such as Xen'drik, and in Jannis ir'Sandal's case to work her way across the borders into Breland where she arrived only a few months before the Day of Mourning.

Jannis spent her requisite days of shock and horror along with the rest of the Cyran expatriates, and then she began to compensate. Jannis decided that her most worthy goal was to remake a Cyre such as Cyre always was to her, but her political inclinations and upbringing couldn't bring her to participate in the machinations of Prince Oargev in Breland fully, a fact which she voiced to the wrong people at the wrong time. This proved to be a mistake, and Jannis found herself once again fleeing the reach of House Wyngarn, this time to parts unknown.

Primary Role​

Jannis shall be a primary arcane caster (Wizard), leaning heavily upon some choice reserve feats (because I think they're awesome). If Unearthed Arcana was just left off the list of sources accidentally, she'll also be a Human Paragon (full progression) because I think it would aptly reflect her "lead by example" New Cyran ideal.

Quirks/Abilities/Justification/Personality Cues​

She loves her country and the idea of Cyre, but she distrusts other Cyrans to some degree since she's been burned rather heavily in the past by Cyran politics. These days she's much more reticent about voicing her opinions on Cyre and the world in general, simply as a measure of self-defense. Secretly she's voraciously power-hungry though, because she sees power as a means of imposing her ideals of right and wrong upon the world, to bring back Cyre in all of its former glory - by any means necessary.

She's going to have reserve feats showcasing her "different" Cyran magic, and some rather odd ranks in "aristocratic" skills if I can manage it. I think she'll shy away from metamagics and item creation feats for the most part though, because they're not particularly the sorts of things I expect a Cyran dilettante to automatically specialize in.


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Okay, folks. Wanted to let you know that I am back in town and will start looking at these concepts tonight and tomorrow. Most likely, I'll post any questions I have about them so folks can respond to them and try to have a decision sometime between Weds and Friday (depending on when I get my answers).

Since it looks like we have a good mix of concepts, I'll also close recruiting.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Okay, I've gone through all the posts again. Here are my questions/thoughts on the concepts. "You're set." means there are no more questions from my end.

If you have not posted within the last few days, please let me know if you are still interested!

Here are my thoughts:

Enforcer: You're set.

kinem: Still nothing on your gnomish wizard. If I don't hear anything soon, I'm going to assume you pulled out.

Isida: You're set, though I know with you pending change in nocturnal, Internet-free work hours I'm not sure of you posting frequency. Anything that you could do do ease my mind would be welcome. :)

Eva: You're set.

ByteRynn: You're set.

GwydapLlew: You're set.

DEFCON: You're set.

Doomhawk: You're set.

Azaar: You did not response to my previous post asking you to clarify your role. If I do not get a response soon, I'm going to assume you are dropping out.

starkad: You're set.

drogthery: You're set.

Dichotomy: You're set, though you still need to finalize your race.

Mr Spicoli: I need a lot more detail for your character; see the other folk's concepts and my first post for what I am looking for.

Unkabear: You're set, though you will not be from the Ravenloft area if accepted. That will be tweaked.

Bloodcookie: You're set.

James Heard: You're set. The only caveat I have is my "no lone wolves" rule I eluded to elsewhere. While I do not see your character pulling this way, your other characters I have experienced to date have tarried in that direction.

Overall, a lot of interesting concepts. I look forward to starting this soon.


First Post
Not a problem stonegod, Echo traveled a long way as a blacksmith/mechanic before going inert. At anytime he could have been taken to Ravenloft. He might not even have recognized the transition. Or it may not have mattered to him at the time. But things change in time too. Would add another aspect to Echo that I didn't think about earlier. If he is chosen I will see how it influences him. But that still stands on the if...

Isida Kep'Tukari

stonegod - In order to keep myself from falling asleep the nights that I have off, I see myself watching a lot of movies and surfing the net. So I should be able to post every 2 days at minimum.


Daelos Koltheisyn Shifter/Psion


Daelos was an exceptionally bright boy, and was expected to be the natural choice as the local wizard's apprentice. The wizard did not find him apt at learning the methods of an acrane magic. yet he noticed the child had unusual mental affinity as well and powerful will, that started to manifest in telepathic energies. He was sent to be recruited and trained by the monks of the Golden Mask in their holdfast on the eastern cliffs facing the great sea of the Seawall mountain range. They were a select society who has a mastery of powers of the mind & body, as well as subschools of psi affinity.

The young shifter Daelos exhibited powers of will and seemingly arcane gifts compared to the other monk youths. His training focused more on physical/mental/spiritual attunement then the combat associated training that most of the other young monks participated in. His Sensai sent him to the school of the Trifold Mask which was the echelon center of training for gifted monks who exhibited extraordinary mental powers and psi affinity. Here he became indoctrinated into the Order of the Trigon, which were a secretive Psi order affiliated with the Golden Mask monks.

He was carefully trained in how to unlock his psionic powers, and trained in working with others in the team -- fighters, warriors, scouts, etc. He was trained eventually to use hiw powers in self defense as this was a warrioir mink and warrioir psion academy. It was assumed that most students would hire out as mercenaries and freelance operatives to private employers, official Breland military, and cities from other lands for both personal funds as well as contributions to the Orders. He travelled around Droaam with several mercenary bands on special missions for both private and official jobs.
All of his experience afforded him the title of a soldier of fortune, though he was a psionist tactician moreso then soldier. He ran with a mercenary band calling themselves Raugur's Ruiner's who worked for a mage of Breland on many missions to find ancient ruins and relics. The mercenary company eventually ran afoul of a bandit lord who had all of their treasures stolen and paid rogues to run them out of Gilargo where they had their headquarters. They all went in different directions and vowed to get back at the bandit lord eventually in Gilargo.

So he ventured back to Breland seeking adventures and to further his experiences.
Now he isn't exactly sure what to do, but he'd easily be influenced into joining a group of adventurers, and is always a good "team player." Not a huge ego (even though he may be an egoist): just a psionic soldier with some experience fighting, currently at loose ends, and willing to use his talents to help those who need it. Doesn't really think of psionics as anything special -- it's just his job.
The tenets of the Trigon Order call for their adepts to seek knowledge in all its forms for both the Order as well as the gradual advance and enlightenment of scociety.

Primary Role/Distinguishing Abilities - Party investigator and problem solver. Also his large amount of education with knowledge in arcane, psionic, historical and planar fields allows him a measure of expertise on those fields.

Quirks - . His monastic and scholarly training endowed him with a very regimented schedule and habits. He is physically and mentally attuned as a problem solver with an unerring almost mechanical thought process. Though emotions are not foreign to him, he sees them as obstacels in the path to enlightenment. He is concerning with seeking pure knowledge for the advancement of the Trigon Order, but also the good of society. As a result he carefully documents all that he has seen on his travels, persons, places, & things. He will put them into several travel guides and bestiaries for the Order.

All this scholarly learning and training has repressed his human emotional nature. He has been more and more awafre of a need to break out and "go wild" that others seem to naturally exhibit. He is pondering whether his whole self includes the emotional side, and if that will be the real enlightenment, but he is scared of that feeling.
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