Strahd's "RttToEE"


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"Hold your blade for a moment, master dwarf," says Lenuran quietly.

"That fellow could be a source of useful information to us -- as he speaks of the Doomdreamers -- the top-most level of worshippers of the long forgotten dark god - Tharizdun."

"You'll notice that he wears the same robe and possibly holy symbol that we saw in the Moathouse - so we are obviously on the right track."

"I will try and get some information from him, but if he makes a run for it, we might want to spread out and surround him..."

OOC: If the others are agreable to it, Lenuran will send them to inconspicuously take positions on all sides of the man and Lenuran will then approach him and use his fascinate ability (opposed DC for perform check +12)

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Korbryn nods and walks around one side, trying to appear as though simply listening to the man preach. However, the dwarf was NOT inconspicuous; there was nothing inconspicuous about him at all.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Kid nods, and disappears within the crowd.

OOC: Using the crowd to hide (+10) to get off to the side of the doomspeaker.

Lenuran stands among the crowd and begins to speak about a legendary tale to get the attention of the robed man. The man eyes the little man for a moment as he continues to preach. A moment pass and he bows to the crowd, descents from the wooden crate, collects the pouch with the coins and begin to walk to the tavern.
The crowd around him, half-orcs, orcs and humans scatter to their businesses.
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Korbryn merely shakes his head at Lenuran's inability to stop the man, and figures they'll have to try a different tactic. Beating the information out of the Doomdreamer sounded best to the dwarf.

In the meantime...

What do you have for sell ?
Ithiken asks the human that runs the magical shop.
You know, I haven’t seen an Elf for ages, The people do not like your kind here since Celene closed their borders in the last war.

I’m not from Celene
Ithiken replies angrily
Here, try this ... this is something new ... it maximize magical abilities.
The man hands him a vial.
It smells good.
Ithiken sips from the drink without noticing the dark and large figure behind him ... then all turns black.


First Post

"Well, that didn't turn out as I had hoped," says the gnome.

"Perhaps it is better to follow the tack that master dwarf has proffered."

"The man most likely has information we seek."

"The question is -- do we keep an eye on him and then detain him this evening, or do we attempt to take him now, out of the tavern."

"It raises many logistical issues -- one, where do we take him to question? two, what will the authority response be?"

The ochre robed man disappears in the Gray lodge tavern as you gather near the fountain to discuss further plans. The crowd around the area already scattered and went to their business.
We can rent a room in the tavern, question people around and wait for Ithiken to return.
Miltiades suggests
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