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Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED


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Encouraged by his succeesful blow, Maor takes advantage of Garon's flanking and continues his attack.

OOC: Atk 21 Dmg 6 (IC, add +2 to attack due to flanking to get the 21)

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round 6 - end of battle

The crazy goblin screams as he tries to slam Maor, he pulls out his hand as he hits an invisible shield like barrier around Maor (protection from evil).
The screams become louder as an orb of fire flies from Atesh's hand and light up the goblin, the albino creature burns like a torch in the night, screaming is agony.
"we got you now, you little bugger!"
calls Keldar and ends the misery, he lands a powerful blow and crushes the burning goblin to the ground, a black mist rises from the wet grass and the goblin disappears. You keep swinging in the air but the mist curls up into the night and then all is quite, Kozgun, Atesh's raven returns and lands on his master's shoulder.
One of the wolves fled to the north master, he won't bother you as he is badly wounded.
The sound of the foaming falls can be heard in the distance and the toads begin to croak again.
He won't come back in the near future, those hellish creatures need to rest before they manifest again.
Says Gorash the lonesome and looks around nervously.
We should camp north of this village and prepare some food, this place is cursed.

Allyra: Ready action.
Albino Goblin: slam attack Maor 16.
Atesh + Horse: Orb of Fire on goblin , touch attack 24, Dmg 18.
Keldar + Horse – attack goblin 32, Dmg 19

Allyra – Invisibility
Web – 7 rounds
Maor – Protection from evil (+2 AC, +2 Saves)

ooc - Xp updated in the RG thread.
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"What was that?" Turo asks looking around at the group to see if anyone is hurt. Muttering a Lesser Restoration spell to restore his lost constitution he turns to the south.

"I'd better try and find Bonzo. I hope he's OK."


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Turo whispers quietly to Bonzo as he rides back into the village, patting the pony's neck to try and calm him. As they approach he mutters the Calm Emotions spell (from the Community Domain) to try and stop any panic from setting in again.


"Undead filth! Hopefully that will clear this village of their stench. We should look around and see if we can find any trace of the other group that came through here. He muttered something about a previous meal."
Garon looks around the immediate area for any sign of combat or damage and begins to clean off his sword from the battle and removed the splinters of the frame from his armor, checking to make sure nothing was cracked in the hit. Gathering up Arodan, he helps round up the pony and search for a reasonable spot to camp.

Steve Gorak

Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
We should camp north of this village and prepare some food, this place is cursed.

As Keldar removes bits of flesh stuck on his chain, he says:
"I agree, lets get out of here for tonight, and search the premises tomorrow during daylight. We might find clues about the other party that came here."


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“Oh dear, what an ugly creature. Glad that noone got seriously hurt. We definitely should put some distance between us and this cursed village before we find a place to rest.”

Allyra reappears in the midst of her companions, while she speaks. Then she moves to her horse and mounts up once more.


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"Garon, you are hurt..." Turo says. "Come, we will have your wounds healed shortly."

Turo casts Lesser Vigor on Garon, giving him Fast Healing 1 for the next 15 rounds.


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Atesh Yakhar, Baklunish Sorcerer

"Turo are you allright? This goblin ..."
He hesitates and wonders what he saw was right. "Did it bite you?."

Voidrunner's Codex

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