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Streets of Seilen IC Campaign


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The wagon that Kaiambus finds himself in is a small, cramped thing, filled with barrels and crates. His fellow passengers include a tall Gnomari in priestly garb, a rather quiet Quaesteri, a pair of Nibelungen Hobyea, and a group four of Syran mercenaries that the merchant has hired to guard the caravan.

OOC: As for who you know--it depends how sociable you've been...

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Yunalesca laughs as she walks along side... more a girlish schoolgirl giggle then anything else... she is young... wide eyed and very curious of everything...

"I am sorry Mal... you just alwasy seem so serious... right Valis?"

Valis purrs, almost a growl and continues to walk forward...

Yunalesca sighs...

"Such a nice day out... I here we are almost to the city... another city... this should be fun... we don't have many of those on Cassira... not many at all."

Mal Malenkirk

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OOC: Kaiambus: You are part ranger aren't you?

Mal spent a lot of time doing mock fights during the trip to stay sharp. At worse he trained with other mercenaries but if any of the other PCs are half decent in melee, they could have been regular fencing partner(s). After 5 weeks we'd presumably be on a first name basis.
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OOC: Yunalesca has been friendly with everyone and always willing to lend a hand and used her abilities to heal those that were ill or hurt... and make sure the journey was as pleasant as possible all the while talking with everyone... she loves to know more about the world at large....
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The Gates of Seilen

As the caravan rolls ahead, the great Southern Gate of Seilen rolls into view. Carved out of fifty feet high marble, they loom over the plain. A large statue is carved into the arch of the gate, showing a man sitting on a throne, holding a spear. His face has been laborously obliterated.

As the caravan nears the gates, a group of guards step forward. They are clad in full plate, and hold spears. They seem rather bored. A sleepy-eyed looking captain glances at the caravan.

"Halt in the name of Primus Timon Quirinius, the Regent Alyssa Quirinius, and Marshal of the Watch Julia Caelianius. By the order of the Marshal, we are to stop you and ask your name and business here..."
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Kelvin Arenstine...

Kelvin glances out of his spellbook as the caravan started to a halt. He puts his book away, revealing his graceful face-where tufts of blonde and red hair would normally only be visible past the fairly large spellbook.

"Oh, we must be there..." Finally, Kelvin thought in his head, These weeks of being cramped for so long have got me to a point where it's hard to think, but i'll put on a good show like always for Brigit. Kelvin steps out of the caravan, his height glancing compared to some of those around him, his body stiff from being cramped. But he dares not to stretch just yet or it might lower his presence slightly in the eyes of the others, something that he hesitated very much to do.

Pausing to look over the situation, the wizard considers what to say.

(What information do the player characters know about the caravans?)

(Kelvin as per his nature would be pretty nice towards the rest of the caravan troupe, but while mantaining a small distance away from them, to heighten his presence. He wouldn't do things to embarass himself if he could help it, but this is mostly show. Inside Kelvin knows he has less constraint, but shows it in less political ways, such as in battle or when he is not around so many people he feels the need to impose his authority on, which may get him in trouble sometimes...)

Mal Malenkirk

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Mal rolls his eyes as he hears the formality with which they are ordered to step forward. He stops jogging near Yulanesca and speaks to any other fellow traveller who might be interested:

-''I guess that the Primus is the legitimate sovereign, albeit he is too young to reign since there is a regent. But the King, or primus in this case, embodies in his person the power of the state. In theory, government official are supposed to act in his name, and in his name only. If the Regent and Marshal have managed to get themselves added to the list, they probably carry more weight then they should. And have puffy egoes.''

Mal suddenly smiles

-''A divided central government would be good news. It would mean more opportunity for fun and gainful employment.''

Mal steps forward on his turn (actually rushing past a few people in the line because he hates waiting) and presents himself to the guard.

-''My name is Mal Malenkirk. I am here both for the celebration and to visit family.''
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Kelvin listens and hides a smile to Mal's sudden response, perhaps he should have took the chance to know the mercenary a bit better, perhaps if he felt he had less weight on his shoulders, he would have acted just the same way. He continues to watch for the guard's response...
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Kaiambus Arkhendeire

OOC: Yup, I'm part ranger, but I'm mostly an archer. I have limited melee ability (twf, ambidex). Kaiambus would certainly have been available for sparring with Mal, likely putting them on a first name basis, but probably not more. As far as friendliness, etc., Kaiambus has largely seemed pre-occupied during this trip. He's not unfriendly, but he's not exactly warm and cuddly, either. Occasionally, mostly when necessary, Kaiambus has hunted, and he's a good shot, but it's clear that his marksmanship is not from years of deerstalking. :p

When the wagon comes to a halt, Kaiambus gathers his familiar, and exits the wagon. He looks over his fellow passengers quickly, and then eyes the guards.

"I'm here to visit my Family."

There's a slight emphasis on Family, indicating that it's not his blood relations he indicates. He half grins as he says this, almost blushing. He's pretty clearly uncomfortable. At least he seems so momentarily, the grin and blush break almost as quickly as they appeared. He turns off to the side out of the way of the other travelers, eyeing them intently as they state their names and business.

Voidrunner's Codex

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