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Suggestions on playing a 6 Charisma


Hello all,

We have just started the WLD and so far the game play has been great - very tongue-in-cheek and fun (think Order of the Stick fun). However, I have the problem in the title. When I rolled up my character's stats, most were average to a little above average (higest was 15) with one exception - a lousy 6. Based on the character class and concept and the make-up of the party, I came to the decision that the 6 would have to go into charisma. This is not something I usually do, as I usually play characters with lots of ranks in charisma-based skills or requiring a high charisma score to cast spells.

To complicate matters more, there is a half-orc barbarian in the party with a charisma score of....4. He is smelly, dirty, one-eyed and wrapped in barbed wire (don't ask).

So give me some suggestions for playing a character who has more charisma than a one-eyed half-orc barbarian wrapped in barbed wire, but less charisma than a triceratops. In case your wondering, the character is a male human soulknife (1st level) with his highest stats in physical attributes and average intelligence and wisdom (don't have his sheet handy to say exactly). Edit - forgot to add, he is currently suffering from amnesia, partly brought by being hunted by ....something....into the WLD. The WLD is set in the Dreamlands and so he may be from some other world (if he could remember). He's a generally a kind guy, though he he's not above bending or ignoring rules (NG) when the situation calls for it. We're only about 1 session in, so that's all I really have.
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
eris404 said:
a character who has more charisma than a one-eyed half-orc barbarian wrapped in barbed wire, but less charisma than a triceratops.
Well, a 'tops has 7, which isn't really better. Maybe it's just a little prettier/cooler than your character (but not enough to give it less of a penalty, of course). :eek:


From the SRD:

Charisma measures a character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. This ability represents actual strength of personality, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting.

I think the single most troubling statement in that passage is "physical attractiveness," because so many people seize on that, but for the sake of argument we'll assume that your character is plain looking (as in is neither attractive nor homely). That would leave you open to concentrate on one of the pillars of CHA - presence (which brings us to another problem with CHA as a stat in an RPG - your stat is someone else's roleplaying problem, but I digress).

To me, high Charisma isn't about appearance, but instead about the "it" - that special, intgible something that draws attention. On the flip side, low CHA is about the lack of such presence.

As such, my suggestion would be to make your character as plain and unassuming as possible - the kind of person that simply blends into the crowd. Other people might not really notice you're there in group conversations. You might get forgotten when the party begins dividing treasure. Your ideas (even if they are better) might get passed over in favor of a more flawed plan from a more charismatic PC.

Anyway, have fun!


the character is a male human soulknife (1st level) with his highest stats in physical attributes and average intelligence and wisdom (don't have his sheet handy to say exactly)... he is currently suffering from amnesia... He's a generally a kind guy, though he he's not above bending or ignoring rules (NG) when the situation calls for it.

I'd say try not necessarily physically unattractive (though plain and could blend in a crowd), but not well-spoken, and possessing a dark sense of humor. He might like the same kind of dark jokes as the scabrous-looking half-orc barbarian. People talking to him just note him as... off, and very uncomfortable around him. On a personal note, he's not assertive, and if someone gave him the task of going to ask someone for information, he might not come back with the right info at all, because he couldn't communicate it effectively. Not autistic, just having a hard time being clear on what he wants from other people.


When this happened to me, I made the PC quite nice but very, very boring. He talked really slowly and about things that no one cared about. When someone interrupted him as they always did, he'd keep droning on for a moment before realizing it.

It worked for us: it didn't annoy the players, and was a nice change from the classic "you smell bad and are mean" stereotype.


First Post
I had an NPC with a CHA of 6, once. He was fairly nondescript, but he did two things that really tanked his "presence." (1) Whenever he walked or ran anywhere, he sang a "theme song." He'd run along singing, "Do dee do do do dee do dooooo!" and bop his head to the beat. (2) He had a laugh like a donkey on a bad acid trip.

He almost never said anything, and usually let everyone else make decisions. He was eager to help, and when someone would ask him to do something, he'd rush off, the "theme music" letting you know he was on the task. His laugh made him a liability at social events.


It's pretty much like what everyone has said, not ugly, but just plain, shy, reclusive. Those sorts of traits.

John Morrow

First Post
eris404 said:
So give me some suggestions for playing a character who has more charisma than a one-eyed half-orc barbarian wrapped in barbed wire, but less charisma than a triceratops.

In the real world, people who have trouble intuitively understanding how what they say is interpreted by others generally have all sorts of problems dealing with people socially unless they learn how to compensate. I'd say that's a good place to start.

My suggestion is to simply have the character say whatever is on his mind without any regard to how other people will react to it. A woman asks him if a dress makes her look fat and your character thinks it does? Say, "Yes. You look like a cow in that dress." Another party member recommends doing something that your character thinks is really stupid? Say, "That's stupid. You're such an idiot." The PCs are dealing with an NPC that the other PCs have called a crooked thief in private? Have your character call him a "crooked thief" during the meeting with that NPC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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