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Super SPOILER FILLED Serenity thread


Whoops. Never mind. I need to pay more attention to older pages before responding to the latest post. :eek:

I thought it was 10 percent too.


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Couple things... I doubt every single Reaver followed Mal. Just the immediate ones around that very small section of sky he was in. Maybe 30-40 ships.

There are almost certainly ships that weren't just floating about broadcasting the screams of innocents around Miranda. Ships off raiding somewhere, etc.

Reavers are weird. Some use ship to ship grapples and send themselves and their enemies spinning out of control. Some use very large single shot projectiles that kill my favorite characters. Some use EMP beam cannons that can fire multiple times and have pretty wide attack spreads. Some use ship-to-ship bladed weapons. And some just use gargantuan ships to plow into their foes.

I wonder how that last one works in and outside of atmo... :)

The Grumpy Celt

Tetsubo said:
But then I'm a bitter, cynical old man...

People don't deserve freedom. If they did, they would have it any way.

In any event, I don't think all the cloak and dagger would be required. Simply use the gas to "nuke" the planet, throughly taking care of the population; those that do not lie down and die will becoming lunatics and will be dealt with once they have cleared off the planet. This way most of the infrastructure of the planet (buildings, roads, equipment, etc.) will be both intact and inplace.

Why bother with subterfuge?


First Post
Repairs to Serenity at the end

I saw the movie again last night. Looks like the Operative actually gave them what they needed to patch the ship up again. Kinda strange, but then so is the Operative! ;)

Did anyone take note of the Pax timeline? Assuming that the movie takes place pretty close on the heels of the series, the Unification War took place six-eight years ago... but the experiment on Miranda occurred around twelve years ago. That means that the Alliance was experimenting with Pax either right before or during the UWar. Why would the Alliance be experimenting with a Utopia drug if they weren't already thinking about how to use it against opposition?

The Pax's failure may have been why the war started in the first place. Perhaps the Alliance planned to gas the Independent worlds into being happy and compliant with Allied rule. When that didn't work, they had to conquer the old-fashioned way.

Anyway, just a theory with no hope of being proven... at least until the sequel. ;)


Spider said:
Why did the Alliance gas 30 million people without, I dunno, testing the stuff on chimpanzees in England first?

I'm sure they did. We find out all the time about unforseen side effects of drugs once they enter human testing. Mice and monkeys are good for weeding out the bad physical effects but any psychological effects are going to show up only in people.

Or, another thing: the Alliance is both arrogant and callous. Once they had preliminary trials, they might well have just pushed it out into human testing just to see what happened. We have animal test after animal test because we have laws that dictate it be so. Without those laws, you get things like the Tuskegee experiments.

Thornir Alekeg

Whew, just got through reading this thread...

My musings and comments:

Loved the movie and knew people here, who can appreciate the tension added by a party members death, would not be whining about it incessantly, like a lot of people are doing on the film boards. I didn't jump at Wash's death, but I had inadvertently picked up a spoiler on that, so I was prepared. I do still have the nail marks my wife gave me on my leg when it happened.

Reavers - read on the movies boards that Joss admitted to a different origin of the Reavers in the movie than he had in mind for the series. Might explain the difference between "Bushwacked" and the film.

The Operative - I don't think he knew exactly waht he was supposed to be stopping from getting out. Once he saw and unserstood, his belief in his cause was stripped and he began to question himself. I could see him not killing himself for failure, as he is suddenly unsure of that sense of honor he had might come from the same place as his belief.

The future - I personally think this movie was done to put an end to the series and open the door for future movies. By killing all their previous contacts, they don't have to worry about continuity in that area. By killing Book, that story no longer has to be told (as Book himself told us in the film when Mal said he needed to tell it one day). The story of River is open to further visiting, but no longer is the burning central thread it was at the cancellation of the series. The only real mystery left from the series is the supposed dark secret of Inara, and that has really only been speculated about by fans, never really been openly alluded to. So with this movie, Joss is free to tell whatever story he wants in any future sequels (oh, please let it be so).


That's Latin for "cool"
Spider said:
Thinking more on the film, I kinda have to wonder how much it was influenced by the abusive relationship Firefly had with Fox.

For one thing, the tagline for the film is "Can't stop the signal". The basic plot is that a bunch of intrepid heroes are fighting against the establishment to broadcast their message. Maybe I'm reading way too much into it...but how many sci-fi movies have you seen where the heroes win by broadcasting a video?

And the guy to help them do it was Mr. Universe. Serentity was released by Universal Studios.

Thornir Alekeg

BiggusGeekus said:
And the guy to help them do it was Mr. Universe. Serentity was released by Universal Studios.

Yeah, but the Alliance killed Mr. Universe. Does Joss know something? Is Universal going to be taken over by Fox? Somebody call my stockbroker!


What television stations does Universal own?

Probably wont get it, but woudl rather see Firefly/Serenity continue as a television series. The movie medium seems too clipped.

I will problaby go and look for the rpg though.

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