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Supergirl for Dummies


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I was hoping to get a run down of the current Super-girl , her background and how it falls into place with Pre-Crisis Super Girl, Matrix / Linda Davers and Powergirl. Do they replace each other, do they co-exisit?

I've always been more of a Marvel Fan but lately i've favored DC (maybe its the exposure to the Animated DC Universe)

Anyway outside of the Animated DC i'm a DC n00b. and i've starting to get back into the comics but i'm trying to understand the universe a little better.

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From what I've read in World's Finest, I mean, Superman/Batman, we're still learning exactly who this new Supergirl is. So far, she does seem like Clark's cousin, sent along with him from Krypton to care for him when he arrived on Earth. But she arrived a wee bit late, but is still a teenager. (Enter time/space gobblegook.)

She is not an angel, she is not some sentient bit of clay. So far, she seems fairly straightforward--but this being comics, and her new series starting, that will probably change.


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The story behind the scenes - DC wanted one, true, easy-to-understand Supergirl. The whole "Superman's female cousin" origin is simple and elegant, and DC wanted it back in the DCU.

As far as I know, the other Supergirls are no more. This new Supergirl is it.

Power Girl's origin is supposed to be revealed in the near future.


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I really don't have a clue. But I have noticed the new title will be coming out and will be keeping my eye on it. The following quotes from an interview about SUPERGIRL #1 may help you out.

"JL: [Dan] was having trouble explaining to people who Supergirl was -- which at the time was something like an ectoplasmic being from another dimension who bonded with an angel and ... well, his head started hurting. He, like me, thought Supergirl being Superman's cousin from Krypton was a pretty great origin...

NRAMA: Speaking of Supergirl’s origin, at WizardWworld LA, you mentioned agreeing with Dan Didio that if DC was to have a Supergirl, she needed to be a ‘clean’ version – straightforward in that she (being Superman’s cousin) is what people expect. Can you elaborate on that a little?

JL: I've answered some of that with my first answer, but suffice to say, I was and still am a huge fan of what Peter David did with the character. Say what you will, eighty issues of anything is something to stand up and take notice. He built a world, populated with characters and I really respect that.

This book is different. Kara Zor-El knows who she is. She knows the awesome responsibility it is to wear the "S." The trick for her now is to figure out if she wants to live in her much more famous cousin's shadow or break out on her own...

JL:... The first arc will deal with Supergirl fulfilling the notion at the end of Superman/Batman #13 that there are all these teams: JSA, Teen Titans, Outsiders and the JLA who are all interested in her. But, is she interested in them? Kicking it off will be the most logical place for her to start and that's to pay a visit to Power Girl who up until Kara came to Earth had the honor of thinking she was Superman's cousin.

Now, what's up with that? Geoff Johns - who uses Power Girl in JSA and is doing a mini-series about her in JSA: Classified - and I have been working very close on their stories. Geoff's amazing -- we love to push each other's boundaries in terms of imagination...

Interview with Jeph Loeb:


Previews from SUPERGIRL #1:

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