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Superheroes of the Trust Game Thread III

G. Skylark

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Skylark looks up and gives a curt nod to the others as they each enter the room. At the same time she is arranging files on her PDA, looking for any agenda, briefings, or notifications relevant to this meeting. She also self-consciously closes the Freecell game she was playing.

Unsure of the etiquette of the situation, she considers remaining quiet until the meeting begins.

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Eyes red, Star flies into the room, looks around, and drops into her chair. That was fast - Thess is barely in the ground. On the other hand, I guess they already have my replacement on the team, so why would they wait long on someone else.

She logs in wordlessly, and lays her head down against keyboard.


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Hope returns to the base after taking care of some personal business in Freedom city. She notices the new face and grimances internally. War gives no time to the bereaved, nor does it allow for us time to cope. She thinks, vision swimming momentarily with unshed tears. She blinks them back, rubbing her eyes and grabs a bottle of water from the nearby fridge and downs it to ease the tension in her throat.

"I'd... I'd say hello and welcome... Only I wish it weren't under these circumstances," Hope tells the newcomer softly.
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White says "Sorry to put you guys back to work so quickly, but we have some options here. Grant has both delayed and expanded his product launch -- into a three-day series of parties, meetings, and product launches -- thats launches plural -- starting in another week. Chi Violet here -- Skylark -- is a scientist who will come in handy on that mission...and probably a preceding one...and hopefully on a permanent basis depending on how things go. Beta Green 8 here is saying that Grant has been laying a lot of financial groundwork for this, some of it quite suspicious. He'll be working on getting you what you'll need.

But first, there's a mission that you might consider beforehand. Mr. Black?"

"Yeah. We have heard that the CIA has an informant in Barrington's largest factory complex, located in Tianjang in China. We know that they are not only producing tower components and mechs, but pieces of Barrington's hyperdrive. The problem is that they aren't going to do anything. Something about not messing with China. Probably wise for the government, but we're not the government, no matter what that bastard Shepard says. Blue, show them the intel."

"Gladly." (images pop up on the screens at your seats). Here we see a satelite image of the factory. You'll notice that its heavily guarded, and located at the outskirts of the city. Its workers live in town though, and they regularly send and receive shipments." The map pans out "here you can see the paths that goods have taken. It seems that this factory takes in parts from many others and assembles them for final shipment, as well as adds the finishing -- and more powerful -- technological touches. It is also the only site in China that ships directly to Dr. Otaku's base."

Black picks it up again "Our suggestion is that you find this contact, and use his information to disable the facility. We have a problem, though. We don't know who the contact is. We know who his handler is...here is his personnel file. His name is Dick Markum. 42 years old, African-American, 6 feet tall, MIT grad, moved on to the Marines, recruited into the CIA from there, top US field agent in China....oh, and he was in the same government enhancement program I was. They spliced in some Grue DNA. He has limited shapeshifting and mind reading powers...and we don't know where he is."


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Nitro nods to the newcomer. A shy but sexy librarian type.

"Disabling Barrington's factory sounds good. Hopefully this will go better than our last operation in a factory when I got speared by a welding bot wielding a red-hot poker. And I emerged pretty unscathed in the scheme of things there."


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Star groans. "So we go to China - where most of us will stick out like sore thumbs because we're not Chinese - and then try to find one shapeshifting guy. Without knowing where he is. And then we get him to show us this other unknown guy. And we use that guy to disable the factory."

"Does anyone even speak Chinese, or Mandarin, or whatever?" I guess this new person must.


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Star groans. "So we go to China - where most of us will stick out like sore thumbs because we're not Chinese - and then try to find one shapeshifting guy. Without knowing where he is. And then we get him to show us this other unknown guy. And we use that guy to disable the factory."

"Does anyone even speak Chinese, or Mandarin, or whatever?" I guess this new person must.

"Forget about speaking Chinese and blending in for a second. Can we get some really good masks? The pollution is pretty terrible there and fighting while breathing that air doesn't sound fun."


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Star groans. "So we go to China - where most of us will stick out like sore thumbs because we're not Chinese - and then try to find one shapeshifting guy. Without knowing where he is. And then we get him to show us this other unknown guy. And we use that guy to disable the factory."

"Does anyone even speak Chinese, or Mandarin, or whatever?" I guess this new person must.

Blue says "I thought of that. Fortunately, thanks to some of Op-Tech's better ideas, we just finished aspects of the mental interfaces for your phones. Now you'll be able to interact with our databases merely by thinking. We can't yet add in direct displays without surgery, but we are able to use our new-and improved earphones to produce audio responses, which means that we can incorporate translation software. You'll hear everything in English, and be fed your thoughts in Chinese when you think about doing that. Nifty huh?"


First Post
Star groans. "So we go to China - where most of us will stick out like sore thumbs because we're not Chinese - and then try to find one shapeshifting guy. Without knowing where he is. And then we get him to show us this other unknown guy. And we use that guy to disable the factory."

Black grims mischieviously "Sounds fun, doesn't it..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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