Suppose D&D was outlawed tomorrow...


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Let's say, for some strange reason, that D&D and all other RPGs were outlawed tomorrow. It became a felony to possess RPG paraphrenalia, and to actually be caught playing an RPG would likely land you in jail or prison.

What would you do?

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I'd sue the government for all it was worth, and if that failed I'd be getting the hell out of dodge, because the US of A would be sinking fast.

Of course one wonders what the legal definition of an RPG would be in such a case.


First Post
I guess it would depend on how vigourously and successfully such an edict was being enforced. History is full of activities which were officially prohibited and yet widely practiced at the same time (examples include all sorts of "alternative lifestyles," various forms of recreational pharmaceutical use, and the observance of just about every religion out there). Anyway, in answer to your question, I would probably keep playing D&D with friends, I just wouldn't work on my campaign in public on my lunch breaks! :D


Continue playing them anyhow.

Stupid laws won't be obeyed by this gamer.

If it got too bad (like threat of capital punishment), I'd move to Japan.


First Post
I'd hide my gaming materials, like my old Dragons, and keep on playing anyway, discreetly.

Of course, if such a thing happened, it would indicate far worse problems than just a ban on gaming.

Hell, gaming is something you can do even in the event of nuclear war destroying civilization. All you need is some paper, the books, and dice - materials that have all been available for thousands of years. We'd only be missing widely published new releases and EN World...


First Post
If such a law did come into affect (I can't imagine for the life of me how such a law could even be conceived*, let alone passed), it would probably be an unenforceable (and unenforced) as, say, software piracy. I'm sure it would still flourish. I'd still play it. Just because something is legal/illegal doesn't mean it's right/wrong.

P.S.: Am I missing something? Aren't "jail" and "prison" the same thing?

*If the outlawing of RPGs was based on scientific studies that proved there were huge, harmful effects that were real (like smoking...and unlike RPGs in real-life), then I'd probably quit for the sake of my health. If it was based on some whacko religious party's ideals, I'd probably keep playing...but I'd hide my Bible.

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