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Suppose D&D was outlawed tomorrow...

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Rashak Mani

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George Jr against the Secret Society that meets secretly... not too far fetched strangely

All in the name of the War against Terror. They must stop DMs from terrorizing those poor PCs... such cowardly conduct
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First Post
I'd save a lot more money.
(Actually, no. I'd just end up pooring it all into more comic books and action figures. I'm such a geek.)

Wild Karrde

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Re: This is getting eerie?

Pielorinho said:
Honestly, I think this thread would make more sense to me if I were baked.

Could you pass that my way, along with a can of pringles to appease my munchies, this is making my head hurt.


First Post
I would hold "storytelling parties".

No dice, no books. There are several simple, diceless systems that need no paraphernalia at all to have a wonderful game, Amber Diceless being one of the best. We would speak only in the third person, rather than first person. It would be very hard to make any definition of roleplaying game that wouldn't also apply to, say, theater, stick.


Re: This is getting eerie?

Pielorinho said:
Honestly, I think this thread would make more sense to me if I were baked.


Daniel, my friend, three words:

Weimar. Germany. Hitler.

In the space of 10 years, a country went from a republic (admittedly, not a very strong one) to a fascist dictatorship, and Hitler, being a charismatic, dashing figure, won by not only thug tactics, but by popular vote!

It takes more imagination to play an RPG, than it does to posit such a scenario. That's the scary part. Any country is in theory one major famine, one major depression, and one charismatic leader away from just such a scenario, fascist or stalinist-communistic. However, the human optimist in me believes that our country would not lose their minds in such a manner.

But then, further discussion on this scenario takes us into the realm of flamebait, and I won't go there.

Simply to say, that if our country were to lose its collective mind in such a manner, or its right to self-govern, then it's time to break out the sidearms and those war surplus grenades! :D


Iron Fist of Pelor
Re: Re: This is getting eerie?

Henry said:

Daniel, my friend, three words:

Weimar. Germany. Hitler.

May I respond with fifteen words:

Hitler didn't leave the country a democracy except for outlawing one marginalized eccentric hobby, Henry!

If you posit a society in which, say, post-millennialists take over (them's the scary buys who think that Jesus will only return after we have a millennium of Old-Testament theocracy, along with execution for disrespecting parents and the like), and as part of their plan they outlaw gaming materials, that's one thing. I can wrap my brain around a nightmare scenario like that.

But a society which, with no rationale (at least, none given in the original post) outlaws our harmless and not highly visible hobby -- it just doesn't hold together to me.

It's like a randomly populated dungeon: I keep looking for the reasons, and my suspension of disbelief is all shot to hell.



First Post
Re: Re: Suppose D&D was outlawed tomorrow...

Col_Pladoh said:

If the Federal Government became that despotic, the only thing to do would be to take up arms against it and overthrow it. Jefferson envisaged the likelihood of such need back when the nation was new...


And I would stand by your side, oh great one. We could have D&D sessions in between battles.


Re: Re: Re: This is getting eerie?

Pielorinho said:
If you posit a society in which, say, post-millennialists take over (them's the scary buys who think that Jesus will only return after we have a millennium of Old-Testament theocracy, along with execution for disrespecting parents and the like), and as part of their plan they outlaw gaming materials, that's one thing. I can wrap my brain around a nightmare scenario like that.

That's my point, too.

It would only stand to reason that if Gaming were eliminated, other freedoms would of course be, too. If gaming were eliminated, it would stand to reason it would be one of the LAST things in line, rather than the first.

In that case, we'd have a lot more to worry about than whether we could get together for the weekly game. My point about ridiculous leaders getting elected under extenuating circumstances still stands, however - and also Gary's point: If gaming were eliminated, it would signify the end of the chain rather than the beginning.

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