Swamp Trek III: The Search for Ter-raen

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"Sae, Weel, ye've socht for urns afair, an' ye kent Karm, did ye? Wis he a freend? Ah think it's nae mistak that we met," Gildrim says.

Richard Rawen

First Post
Richard accompanies the group down the road, turning from them at a main intersection,
"Meet ya back at the Inn, I need to go set things up with the forge. Would two weeks be long enough?"


First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

"Sae, Weel, ye've socht for urns afair, an' ye kent Karm, did ye? Wis he a freend? Ah think it's nae mistak that we met," Gildrim says.

"Yes, the last ... well, actually, it's also my first, adventure we were after a magical urn of ... well, I don't know that I'm entirely clear what it did. I was actually brought in late in the process, to fill a void left by others. Karm was supposed to be going with me. That's how we met, at the inn signing up to help out at the Bazaar.

"But I'm still not sure what happened. One minute we were both teleposting ...er, teleporting to the Bazaar, and when I got there, the wizard who'd taken us said Karm had fallen off along the way. I guess that must have been when he found you. Maybe that's why he fell off; the spell didn't know which urn we were supposed to be helping to find, so it threw one of us at each of them."


Gildrim, waving Richard off, considers this.

"Ye may be richt! Karm, gods gie him rest, tauld aboot th' same tale. Ye see, it juist gaes tae shaw, thare's little guid tae cam frae messin' aboot wi' wizardry. Magic, even magic ay th' gods, shoud be uised wi' thocht, an' less aften than that. Ye niver ken whit it'll dae - even suith-tellin' spells."

Gildrim shakes his head ruefully.

"Unexpectit eftercomes!"[sblock=OOC]Two weeks sounds like plenty of time. I don't think we really need to go back to the RDI thread proper to plan. Since Gildrim knows - more or less - what we'll be facing, he'll nae dout hae some advisement.[/sblock]

Richard Rawen

First Post
Unexpectit eftercomes!"[sblock=OOC]Two weeks sounds like plenty of time. I don't think we really need to go back to the RDI thread proper to plan. Since Gildrim knows - more or less - what we'll be facing, he'll nae dout hae some advisement.[/sblock]
[sblock=makes one wonder]After reading this, I have to wonder: Do you occassionally break into the false-brogue mid conversation IRL ? :p [/sblock]Richard is back to the RDI quickly and changes from his work clothes into his plate and leathers. He straps his varied 'tools of the trade' to his person and rejoins the group. When he returns the change is dramatic, from simple, if slightly scorch-marked leathers, to a breastplate and shield for defense... strapped and secured to his person is a veritable arsenal.
[sblock=weapons carried]MW Bastard Sword, Heavy Mace, Javelins and Daggers[/sblock]"Ready" the young human says, chewing on a large turkey leg, a waterskin bulging at his hip.


[sblock=makes one wonder]After reading this, I have to wonder: Do you occassionally break into the false-brogue mid conversation IRL ? :p [/sblock]
I live in Scotland, surrounded by people who really do use words like dreichit. I wouldn't dare![/sblock]"Whit? Ah thocht ye war leavin' in twa weeks!" says Gildrim. "Ah'm comin' wi' ye, ye knaw, tae bring back th' banes ay mah freends. Ay coorse, a dwairrrrrf disnae tire frae a wee spot ay walkin', but mebbe th' ithers... an', weel, thaur's eetems tae talk ower. Th' morra's suin eneuch tae be settin' oot oan th' road. Aw th' day efter."

"We coud dae some eerants, but. List up! Whan we arrive at th' swamp, we'll nae dout meet wi' th' lizardfowk. Apikotoa wis oor guide, an' for a walkin' talkin' cockodrill, he wis as fine a fellae as ye coud wish tae knaw. We'd dae well tae find anither guide as guid. He's spreadin' th' wird, sae his tribe willnae hairm me. But gifts tae ease th' way wadnae gae amiss!"

"Noo, lat me think. They want wappens - arraes, bows, spears, daggers - but Ah dinnae think we shoud dae onythin' that micht mak for ony mischief wi' th' fowk ay Cragger's Rest. Sae he said cookin' pots, an' spades, an' fishheuks, an' shairpin stanes, an' pepper an' herbs tae spicen up thair meat. Mebbe we coud see oor way tae providin' some ay that. We paid for Apikotoa's aid wi' nae mair than a plunnert shortbow."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
That sounds like an excellent idea. the no mischief rule is very wise too. So, To the market, then?

OOC: I will make a full list of know prices for us to 'quivvel' over after work.


First Post
Weel, human cleric

Weel considers, biting his lip as if the thinking is a bit difficult, then finally puts his own opinions forth.

"Well, I'm mighty glad you'll be with us Gildrim, since you have the best idea of what we'll be up against. With all the undead you said are running around in there, should we look at picking up some holy water?

"Also, Phyrah can grant me the power to hide people from the senses of the undead, but I can't yet channel enough of her power to hide us all. I could hide at most two, but if you know right where we're going, it might be useful. We could set up an antenna maneuver. Wait: pincer. Yes, pincer maneuver."

((At first level, Weel has to expend a full spell slot per person he wants to use Hide from Undead on, which also burns his only two spontaneous cure slots. Not sure if that's the best strategic option, but thought it's be worth putting forth while we're in the planning / on-the-road stage, so he can prep the spell(s) if necessary when / if we reach the manor))

Richard Rawen

First Post
"Also, Phyrah can grant me the power to hide people from the senses of the undead, but I can't yet channel enough of her power to hide us all. I could hide at most two, but if you know right where we're going, it might be useful. We could set up an antenna maneuver. Wait: pincer. Yes, pincer maneuver."[/color]
Richard thinks on this a moment, "It would have to be someone stealthier than me, even if they couldn't see me, I make enough noise to wake the dead ... erm... that aren't, uhm, already, well... awake?" He ends his statement with a sorta-questioning 'shrug'. He hopes he made his point...

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