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[SWSE] Are Jedi just plain better than everyone else?

Ulorian said:
Not true: you can only select those bonus talents from the Infamy, Influence, or Mastermind talent trees.
Per the Force chapter, a character with the Force Sensitvity feat can use a talent choice from any class to select one of the Force talents listed in that chapter, with the only restriction that you can't pick tradition-specific talents if you're not part of that tradition.

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Aust Diamondew

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Anyone think Order 66 an extremely weird thing to happen?

It's like the Storm Trooper Effect working extremely in reverse.
I mean normally jedi's are really hard to kill but then one day a bunch of clone troopers just up and finish half of 'em or more.


First Post
Aust Diamondew said:
Anyone think Order 66 an extremely weird thing to happen?

In most cases that I remember it was at least 6-8, if not more, in close proximity against a surprised Jedi without their saber ignited.

Depending on initiative, that's 6-8 close range shots - as many as twice - against a flatfooted Jedi with no saber up.

That's pretty nasty without even bringing burst fire into the mix.

Also, unlike the later Storm Troopers, the clones were no slouches even on camera. :D


First Post
Particle_Man said:
If he goes that route, I recommend he aim for Crime Lord. This prestige class gets one talent *every level*, which could be used for Force Talents if you have Force Sensitivity.

I suggested that actually, because that's definitely an awesome way to go. However, if he does that he's missing out on Force Techniques and Force Secrets, which is a pretty big deal. He has very specific talents in mind and doesn't necessarily need them all. That said, I don't see why he couldn't take a few levels of crime lord, then pass into force adept and disciple. It's kind of cheesy, but I might allow it just to see the experiment in action.


First Post
Perhaps it's just me, but it seems like most people here are underestimating the block/deflect abilities' effectiveness at low levels. At level 3 we're talking an opposed roll where the Jedi is getting +6 over the opponent using these numbers: (1/2 character level +1, trained UTF +5, skill focus UTF +5, Cha. bonus +3) vs. another class with (BAB +3, Str./Dex. +3, additional modifiers +2). That 6 point gulf if not insignificant, as it means even with a comparatively low reflex save (around 17) many attacks should be deflected. Also, if we take the above example, that allows the Jedi to use the talent twice per round with a penalty of (at-worse) being forced to make it a roll with but +1 over the opponent.

And this is all just comparing block/deflect to other combat. Most Jedi will have access to force powers, the benefits of which should be obvious (force slam is especially good considering most of the arguments for Jedi being balanced fine stem from the "gang up on them" school of thought), and also other talent trees (elusive target is a good one).

Perhaps at higher levels these benefits become less important - it certainly seems that way on paper - but for my money low-level games should be dominated by the party's Jedi. Is it possible I'm just wrong about this and need to play more SWSE? Of course. But until that time comes I can only analyze what I see on the paper, and nothing that's been said in this thread has thus-far changed my mind. I am open to suggestions, though, so keep 'em coming.

And note: I am the friend in question in the OP.


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Treacherous_B said:
Perhaps it's just me, but it seems like most people here are underestimating the block/deflect abilities' effectiveness at low levels. At level 3 we're talking an opposed roll where the Jedi is getting +6 over the opponent using these numbers: (1/2 character level +1, trained UTF +5, skill focus UTF +5, Cha. bonus +3) vs. another class with (BAB +3, Str./Dex. +3, additional modifiers +2). That 6 point gulf if not insignificant, as it means even with a comparatively low reflex save (around 17) many attacks should be deflected. Also, if we take the above example, that allows the Jedi to use the talent twice per round with a penalty of (at-worse) being forced to make it a roll with but +1 over the opponent.

And a soldier with Battle Armor will have a Reflex defense of 20 at 1st level against *every* attack, without spending a single talent, not to mention a boost to his Fortitude defense that also applies to his damage threshold. Since Jedi get to play with two talents, we'll give the Soldier two, as well: Armored Defense and Improved Armored Defense.

That gives him a Reflex Defense Bonus of +11 vs. the attack bonus of +8 you give - a gulf of 3 points rather than 6, but it applies against every single attack, melee or ranged. On the first attack, he's behind, but as early as the second, he's ahead. Come the third attack, the Jedi is basically praying for a high roll while the Soldier sits pretty with his Defense being the same as it ever was. Of course, the Soldier's bonus also applies against area effects like grenades.

If the Soldier spends his talents elsewhere, his Reflex defense drops by one at 3rd level. If the *Jedi* spends his talents elsewhere, *his* virtual Reflex defense drops by at least *nine,* maybe more if he has a lower Dex than Cha.

Treacherous_B said:
And this is all just comparing block/deflect to other combat. Most Jedi will have access to force powers, the benefits of which should be obvious (force slam is especially good considering most of the arguments for Jedi being balanced fine stem from the "gang up on them" school of thought), and also other talent trees (elusive target is a good one).

Force Slam works very well on creatures that bunch up (like battle droids). No better than a grenade, though or autofire, though, and at this level you can get a lot more of both of those. It doesn't work so well against clone troopers or even Hutt crime syndicate thugs, who spread out, take advantage of cover and employ small unit tactics.

Powers like Mind Trick (to avoid combat or get a huge edge at its outset) and Force Grip (to essentially stun-lock a single opponent) have proven by far the best options for Jedi IMC.

Of course, anyone can have Force Powers at the cost of one more feat than a Jedi has to spend, and Noble are far more likely to have a high Charisma since it's synergistic to the rest of their schtick.

Treacherous_B said:
Perhaps at higher levels these benefits become less important - it certainly seems that way on paper - but for my money low-level games should be dominated by the party's Jedi. Is it possible I'm just wrong about this and need to play more SWSE? Of course. But until that time comes I can only analyze what I see on the paper, and nothing that's been said in this thread has thus-far changed my mind. I am open to suggestions, though, so keep 'em coming.

My experience has been very, very different. At low levels, armor is godly and heavy weapons capable of laying down an autofire burst are the best foil against it - it often translates into half damage from a soldier with a blaster, or no damage from a Jedi with a lightsaber.


First Post
Theoretical argument. Play the game. So far, this is the best I've seen the 'balance' between the classes. Block/Deflect, while excellent for modeling what we see in the movies, is overrated as a 'Lord of all Creation' path. Also, it's boring.


GoodKingJayIII said:
I suggested that actually, because that's definitely an awesome way to go. However, if he does that he's missing out on Force Techniques and Force Secrets, which is a pretty big deal. He has very specific talents in mind and doesn't necessarily need them all. That said, I don't see why he couldn't take a few levels of crime lord, then pass into force adept and disciple. It's kind of cheesy, but I might allow it just to see the experiment in action.

I think it might be more efficient to simply dip into a number of other classes.


First Post
Aust Diamondew said:
Anyone think Order 66 an extremely weird thing to happen?

It's like the Storm Trooper Effect working extremely in reverse.
I mean normally jedi's are really hard to kill but then one day a bunch of clone troopers just up and finish half of 'em or more.

Not really. Palpatine or the Jedi who commissioned the clone army in the first place (probably a Sith apprentice or something to Palpatine) likely informed the clone troopers of Order 66 before they even got deployed, or shortly after they were deployed, so the clone troopers would have 'known' that it was possible the Jedi Order might betray the Republic and try to take control (even though it was only Palpatine's propoganda).

Once the order was given, the clone troopers knew what they had to do, and the Jedi were caught by surprise. The Jedi were spread thin in trying to deal with the Separatists and the possibility that Sith were active in secret and needed to be dealt with. Then all of a sudden, most of the Jedi were being shot at by their own clone troopers, entire squads, platoons, or more of them, all trying to gun down the few Jedi.

And keep in mind that, as Yoda mentioned in the prequels, the Jedi Order was keeping secret the fact that their strength in the Force was weakened at that time, because the Dark Side had grown stronger and the Light Side was weaker than it had been in a long time. The Jedi couldn't rely on Force premonitions or powers as much as they could have in the past, as Anakin had not brought balance to the Force yet as the Jedi were hoping. Only Anakin, Dooku, and Palpatine were really strong in the Force at that time, drawing on the Dark Side (and Anakin just being very highly talented in the Force, bordering on the edge of the Light Side and the Dark Side).

Outnumbered, any Jedi will fall to a mass of troopers shooting at him or her from multiple sides, even if he or she manages to deflect the first barrage and cut down a few attackers; even more likely when that Jedi is surprised, something they're not used to because their Force sensitivity would usually warn the Jedi if someone nearby had menacing plans toward them. The clone troopers were just following an order though, and had fought beside the Jedi, so they weren't really malicious, just believing in their orders, Order 66 in that case (loyalty to their commands was genetically ingrained in them by the cloners, after all).


First Post
Anyway, the general opinion and information I've seen here and on RPGnet is that overall, each class has certain things it does well, and even better if they specialize in it, but other classes can do those things similarly well.

Jedi are best at melee combat and dueling, but a similarly well-built Soldier can also excel at melee (doing a bit more damage but with a bit less defense, IIRC), so of course a Jedi who learns the right talents or feats is going to rock at handling one enemy mano-a-mano, or a small group of mooks. Thus large groups of ranged attackers are their foil.

Soldiers on the other hand are best at ranged combat and armor use, so a Soldier can gun down lots of enemies quickly and take a lot of punishment himself. They can do well at melee if they specialize in it, but they're the best at ranged combat and any Soldier can probably do fine with a gun even if he chose to specialize in melee, whereas a Jedi has to spend a feat on ranged weaponry if he's going to be similarly decent at it to a melee-specialized Soldier. Other classes, like Jedi, can do well at ranged combat but it's just easier and more effective a choice for Soldiers. A melee-specialized Jedi or Soldier may be the foil to a single, typical, ranged-combat-specialized Soldier.


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