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[SWSE] Strike hard for the Adamant!


[sblock=OOC - Altered Action]My bad on the wall. Change moment then... move through friendly squares... J-17, J16, J-15, Grab grenade with quickdraw (but if not acceptable, she has her own she can grab) I-15, H-15, H-16... Attack: throw grenade. Then drops prone (free action - acrobatics - 1d20+11=16) Ref Def vs ranged is 28. Keeps the attack the same.[/sblock]

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[sblock=ooc] So you're going to throw the grenade and drop prone? Which square for the grenade, which one for the prone?

Otherwise sounds great. [/sblock]


ooc: OOoookay, my core rulebook has disappeared. I believe the Droidekas are just outside the 6 square range, so they should be fine (according to this last map). Z3r0 is on the other side of a wall, so he's good also (and I don't believe Z3r0 went this round; I'll assume you've moved around the wall and up to the top-right corner (about where the Droideka start dot is), and you can act this round).

EDIT which means I can't roll the actual die rolls for the SBDs or the Droidekas. I believe the Droidekas had a +13, while the SBDs had a +8 for their rolls. The clone troopers I'm not sure about either, though I'm sure they're also +8. I'll roll those results, and the 3d8 damage that way. Please correct this ooc for me if I'm wrong about the numbers; and I'll need help with defense scores; I don't want to delay much longer for you folks.

ALSO: I'm going to just use standard Clone stats, giving you guys first choice on what they do round-by-round (after this one), if you have any ideas. Ditto the Jedi NPC; standard stats for him.

IC: The clones fire repeatedly at the Droideka , feeling that their combined attacks might do something against those shields. If nothing else, they could draw their fire away from the Jedi and the other special ops of the team. Come on, lads, no one wants to live forever! Give these clankahs hell!!! on of them yells, as the group falls back and spreads out while firing. 1d20+8=15, 3d8=15, 1d20+8=10, 3d8=12, 1d20+8=14, 3d8=8, 1d20+8=25, 3d8=11, 1d20+8=10, 3d8=18, 1d20+8=19, 3d8=13, 1d20+8=19, 3d8=17, 1d20+8=10, 3d8=7, 1d20+8=25, 3d8=18, 1d20+8=9, 3d8=12

The remaining SBDs move forward, spreading out to angle themselves so they can fire on the clones. One of them doesn't move forward, instead taking a minute to radio in their situation and a report on the troops as it has seen them. 1d20+8=15, 3d8=20, 1d20+8=20, 3d8=14, 1d20+8=16, 3d8=20

The Droidekas roll forward, cris-cross from each other, this time moving beyond the wall to get a clear shot at all the targets they can. However, one of them rolls past Sonja, close enough to allow her a single, opportunity attack upon it. When finished their roll, they clamp down and raise their shields once more, picking their targets and shooting. The one on the right shoots at one of the clones on the left; the one on the left shoots at Sonja (the biggest threat so far as they can see).
1d20+13=23, 3d8=17, 1d20+13=21, 3d8=11

After they move, Chase senses it is time for him to do something.

ooc: if you kill it with the AoO, ignore the attack on the clone. I don't believe taking an AoO will affect your Deflect roll, but I can't look that up right now.


Chase <<YOU'RE UP!
Super Battle Droids
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OOC: Ion Grenade is 2sq burst radius so only the group of 4 SBDs would be caught in the blast. I think it is Z3R0's turn. Is he going to retcon that he picked up a gun so he can play?

So Z3R0 and then the SBDs

Updated Map:


ooc: I did the SBD rolls and did 7 instead of 3 shots. The last 4 I deleted from the URL link list, but the Invisible castle roll has all 7. Ignore the last 4.

How am I doing on the roll guesses?

Z3R0: I don't mind ret-conning a gun; he should be up on the top right, as a result of his Stealth roll a while back. If he doesn't go today or tomorrow, we should scoot past this part. ALSO: his move is before the ones I just posted.


First Post
Z3R0 ducks down, making himself as small as possible amidst the rubble.

OOC: I'll take the gun, but I'd rather stay hidden for the time being - this fight seems to be going ok.


[sblock=OOC]Okay, I think I understand to update the map with a few exceptions.

The SBDs all missed, right?

I score only 2 clone hits on Droidekas that can beat their shields. One each? That will reduce their shields to SR10. However, I looked up clones (CL2), they are +5 Attack with 3d8+3 damage. That would make it one hit for 21 damage (Ddka #1?)

I can update the map with Z3R0's position, but without a grid coord (even off the map) I still have no idea where he is.

Our NPC Jedi did not act yet before the Droideka's (neither did Adara, but no matter). Is he going to have any Force Powers? Or is he going to just support Sonja and delay until her turn (this would be a logical tactic if he has no powers and just a saber). When you mean standard stats, what do you mean? What level?

BTW, Possum is still not really back on-line from relocating his HQ. So we may not see an update from him for a few days yet.[/sblock]


Z3r0: let's have him on the same space as the Red Dot for the "Droideka start position" whatever coordinate that is.

SBDs: I wanted to check if there weren't any additional defenses anyone being shot at wanted to do.

Chase: good point. Maybe we'll wait until tomorrow and then move for him?

Jedi: I'll check that link you sent for standard Jedi (low level) stats, and we'll have him use whatever they've got there. Just a generic padawan-type. If you have one you recommend, as a party, I don't mind using that. Whatever he ends up doing at this point, then, could we agree that he'll generally just back you guys up?

Clone Hits: You tell me. Whatever makes it easier for you. They're likely to pick one and try to break it down, overwhelm it, so feel free to cherry pick on one of them. In fact, if you have better ideas for their moves, chime in: they're your clone troopers as far as I'm concerned.

And I believe Sonja gets an AoO for free on the Droideka rolling past her. If you want the Clones to have fired on that one, I don't mind.
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