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D&D 5E T1: The Village of Hommlet (IC)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Thain Thunderthump

Thain looks around at the gathering, wondering why nobody is taking the lead in this trial. With a sigh, he waits for a lull in the racket and takes a stand in the middle of the room.

"Allow me to speak first, then. Last night, when most of us were gathered inside the Inn, I saw an argument arise between Percy -- may the ancestors guide him in the World Beyond -- and his brother Filliken. They were quickly directed outside so as not to bother the other guests, and not much time passed 'afore that Elmo lad came running inside to warn us someone was hurt badly. We all rushed outside and found Percy bloody and already dead in the stables, with Filliken shakin' and mutterin' in a corner. Now," and the dwarf gives a small pause to let the spectators murmer their agreement or utter their disbelief, "It seems likely that Filliken killed 'is brother, but none of us have seen 'im do it, did we? I suppose we ask 'im now, for he di'n't answer me last night."

Having said his bit, Thain steps aside to make way for other people to jump in with their story, but the dwarf remains close so he can answer any questions.

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Terjon, appearing irritated, speaks next, confronting Filliken, "Did you kill your brother?"

Filliken, his trembling old frame barely holding up in a seated position, can barely muster up a whisper, "I...I don't know."

Terjon yells angrily, "You either did or you didn't! Out with it man!"

Jaroo, the druid, stands and holds his hands up, "Terjon, please, this isn't helping."

Terjon snarls, "Its obvious isn't it? He's overcome with guilt for what he did. Hang him now, let justice be done."

Nevets interrupts, "There's still other voices to be heard." He motions around the room, "Who would like to speak next?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Meadowlark is surprised at the lack of any formal process. Is no one to present the case? She steps forward and speaks. She is looking to persuade, and her modest tones are meant to be reassuring and calming.

"Respected Council, you know the bare facts, and it involves people in your town whom you have known a long time. As a stranger here myself, I do not know all your names, but I do see the need for justice. Percy has been killed, stabbed with a knife. Subsequently, his brother Filiken was found in the barn with that knife. So far, so clear. BUT..." (she has raised her voice because of the mumbling among some of the crowd, whom she hopes to silence) "...but the world is never so neat and well-ordered. Let us take the facts as they appear, knowing full well that the uncertainties of the world are such that many things appear other than what they are. There were many people in that barn, and many more with easy access to it. Another was seen entering the barn at the same time, and consequently other individuals must be considered before this cue is decided."

She stops, and waits to gauge the council's initial reaction.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Before answering, Meadowlark looks at the assembled crowd, to see if the man hired at the trading post to protect merchant wagons, whom the boy identified, is present.


He is not.

Thadeous, observing the reactions of the speakers and the council, notes an almost palpable tension between Terjon and Jaroo. It is obvious that Terjon has a strong dislike, bordering on loathing, of followers of the Old Faith.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Disappointed, Meadowlark continues, hoping to spare the unpredictable testimony of a child, "Councillor Nevets, not everyone who was present last night is here now, in spite of the instructions given. To avoid this meeting is a mark of suspicion, and possibly of guilt. Now, I repeat that none of us here saw the killing itself, and we are being invited to infer actions that we did not see. But if someone does not come when summoned, when they have information that might lead to your pardon," (Meadowlark knows there's a word for acquittal, but can't produce it as she speaks off the cuff) "well, that too is relevant."

"There is a man who is hired at the trading post to guard incoming wagons. Where is he? I believe he might have evidence that is pertinent to this trial, and I would ask what he saw."


Burne, the wizard, having looked bored up until this point, sits up in his seat, "The trading post? What do they have to do with any of this? And how do you know their man was there last night?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Is this wizard a fool, Meadowlark asks herself. She bites her lip, and speaks cautiously. She does not want to accuse a man falsely, and she had thought she had been clear enough in implying the man was only a witness.

"With respect, sir, I cannot say what this man saw last night, and I do not know all the people at the trading post, nor what their business is. As I said, I do not even know this man's name. But his absence here today is surprising, would you not agree? Were he here, I believe that a few questions would provide additional insight into this matter."


Gundigoot's son suddenly blurts out, "I saw him! Last night! When I was asupposed to be sleepin'! He went in to the stable right after Percy!"

His sister elbows him in the gut and his mother tells him to shush.

However, that's enough for the council as they begin to whisper among themselves about how to proceed, with Terjon raising his voice at one point.

"You have no proof! The child could be making it all up."

Ostler raises his voice in return, "My boy ain't a liar!"

Burne and Rufus turn to the assemblage at this point, Burne speaking loudly and clearly, "We have suspected that the merchants, Rannos and Gremag, the proprietors of the trading post, have been secretly sabotaging the castle construction project, but have not been able to prove it with our limited resources. This latest suspicion is enough for me to call for a formal investigation. While the militia arrests the traders and their mercenary, I'd like to ask for volunteers to investigate the ruins of a moathouse nearby where we suspect the recent bandit raids have been originating. I want evidence that the trading post has been supplying the bandits with weapons and other supplies."

Terjon scowls, "You have nothing more than suspicions. This goes far beyond the purview of this murder inquiry."

Nevets nods, "Burne, you are making a rather strenuous leap here."

Rufus, Burne's fighter companion and partner, speaks up, "We've had the mercenary they employ followed for weeks. We didn't tell anyone because we wanted to be sure. The kid wasn't the only one who saw the trading post guard go into the stable last night."

Elmo stands at this point, his drunken demeanor gone completely, "I've been keeping an eye on the trading post for a few months, sirs, at the request of the Archduke of Veluna. Making everyone think I was the town drunk let me see things other folks wouldn't notice."

Otis Senior, Elmo's father, shakes his head, "You could have told me."

Elmo looks sheepish, "Sorry pops. Only Burne and Rufus could know, Archduke's orders."

Burne looks around the room, "I ask again for volunteers to investigate the moathouse."

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