Taking Greenflame Blade and Booming blade all the way


I'm just not sure of the reason you would want to play a Fighter/Sorcerer over a Paladin?

We might ask why play paladin over fighter or wizard over warlock and get the same answer. Flavor. Everyone says the paladin is a gish of sorts. However I am more interested in fighter magic user of old today. Might want to play a righteous holy warrior another day.

The sorcerer can throw fire bolts, have a flaming sword, fly and cast blight. A paladin does more paladin stuff. If you mean one is better I would only ask what is the definition of better in D&D? For me it is similar to asking if
Vanilla or chocolate is better. They both flavor a food but that does not mean they are the same flavor!

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Gavin O.

First Post
We might ask why play paladin over fighter or wizard over warlock and get the same answer. Flavor. Everyone says the paladin is a gish of sorts. However I am more interested in fighter magic user of old today. Might want to play a righteous holy warrior another day.

The sorcerer can throw fire bolts, have a flaming sword, fly and cast blight. A paladin does more paladin stuff. If you mean one is better I would only ask what is the definition of better in D&D? For me it is similar to asking if
Vanilla or chocolate is better. They both flavor a food but that does not mean they are the same flavor!

I mean, a Paladin can use a flaming sword (Elemental Weapon), and cast Blight (Oathbreaker Domain Spell) You could use Hellish Rebuke as your fire bolt replacement or take one level dip in Sorcerer/Warlock or the Magic Initiate feat to get fire bolt. Plus... I mean flavor is something you can change, much more than function is. If you want your Paladin's Divine Smite to take the appearance of a flame attack, you can.


I mean, a Paladin can use a flaming sword (Elemental Weapon), and cast Blight (Oathbreaker Domain Spell) You could use Hellish Rebuke as your fire bolt replacement or take one level dip in Sorcerer/Warlock or the Magic Initiate feat to get fire bolt. Plus... I mean flavor is something you can change, much more than function is. If you want your Paladin's Divine Smite to take the appearance of a flame attack, you can.

I see. Yes that covers some of what I want for sure. However, I think metamagic would be fun and instead of smites, I could quicken greenflame blade in melee and throw a spell the next. Mostly flavor but also I like the spells and metamagic.

But interested to learn the oathbrwaker can do blight...


If you want a full warrior and full spellcaster consider Paladin 3/Warlock17. You'll still get full level spells from Warlock and have armor/weapons. Consider Oathbreaker if allowed for the damage from Cha.


If you want a full warrior and full spellcaster consider Paladin 3/Warlock17. You'll still get full level spells from Warlock and have armor/weapons. Consider Oathbreaker if allowed for the damage from Cha.

Indeed...but I am interested to see if fighter 1 sorcerer x will work! It would be more magic heavy...and by extension if I really support gfb and bb how it goes...


Rules Monkey
Indeed...but I am interested to see if fighter 1 sorcerer x will work! It would be more magic heavy...and by extension if I really support gfb and bb how it goes...

Is this an Adventure League character? If it is, there are certain options you can pursue (if you have the patient to wait a few levels) that will let you do it as a single class sorcerer.

If this is a character in a private campaign, it would take some cooperation from the DM instead. :)

I played something like this once. It ended up being powerful enough that the DM had me tweak it after a few sessions. 1 level of Hexblade for Medium armor, shield proficiency, 1 short rest spellslot, and more importantly the Shield Spell. Then the rest of my levels were in Divine Soul Sorcerer. Spirit Guardians, 20 AC (I had a cloak of resistance and a shield) and the shield spell bumping it to 25 in emergencies basically meant I never got hit, and born of the gods covered my saves quite well as well. 2d4 in a pinch can really bail you out of a lot. Healing Word kept myself and others topped off, and Fireballs in case I needed to blast in a pinch. Spirit Weapon also guaranteed I had something productive to do with my bonus action, and since it's not concentration I could have it and Spirit Guardians up at the same time. So basically I had an unkillable, high damage, healing, monster of a character. Definitely a build worth looking at if you're interested.


So the question: with nothing more than a level in fighter or a level or two in warlock plus moderately armored and weapon master

Or you could just start Fighter and start with those proficiencies...
Although the Hexblade probably has that covered better.

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