Taking your d20 Prestige Classes to d20 Modern


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In my frustration of getting tired of waiting for some psionics stuff to come out for d20 Modern, I am tempted to covert over the DnD stuff, especialy the PsiHB PrCs.

Any ideas on how to do this? Make them Advanced classes? Or should I spit up the 6 versions of Psion and Psy Warrior into seperate Advanced Classes and then go from there for PrCs?

I figure that some people are saying that multiclass spellcasters are weaker than usual then DnD powers will balance out the issue.

Comments on conversion in general or psionics in particular?

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The Urban Arcana book has a third psionic class, some new powers, and notes on converting D&D prestige classes over to d20 Modern. Whether or not you'd want to pick up the book just for these is up to you, of course.

This site has "Psionically Modern", which converts all the PsiHB classes into d20 Modern terms. It also leaves things open ended enough so that you can tweak the classes to just about whatever you'd want.http://members.lycos.co.uk/merlinsworkshop/

I think there's a lot more different ways to implement psionics (and even magic, for that matter) in a modern game than the typical D&D "memorize and shoot" routine. I've been working on some special psionics classes for my Agents of Psi game, for instance, because I wanted more sci-fi powers and less things like fly, fireball, or invisibility.

I've also considered using the "Skills & Feats" system available here:


This could keep you from having to customize a bunch of new classes, and allow for your psionic characters to have more depth. You'd probably want to work out some way for characters to get extra bonus feats, or to spend some of their normal feats on psionic powers. The main problem is that every skill is based on Wisdom, which would generally need to be changed in order to keep Dedicated Heros from trouncing everyone else.


Spycraft's Shadowforce Archer also has a very comprehensive and sound psionic system. It would be a snap to convert it over to d20 Modern Rules and each of the classes to advanced classes.


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As a general note, I finally got to look at UA's "conversion notes" and basicly what they say in between the lines is "Don't mix and match. Take the character concept to the otehr, we won't bother offering real guidlelines on letting you use actualy DnD PrC or spells/powers in d20 Modern or visa versa."

Of course why would they? That would make it much more difficult for WotC's staff to recycle that content in to new d20M product. :)

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