Tale of the Crystal Princess. An Arcana Evolved Game. OOC


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Herobiz, is a lynx Small or Tiny (I can't seem to read that link)? Either way, we should get some kind of common background together. Two foresty characters of unusually small size ought to stick together!

If lynxes are Small, you could be my faithful steed!

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@Shayuri: I don't see any problem with that. A lynx is a Small animal. ;) I'm trying very hard NOT to model my character after Red-13 (from FFVII), but my lynx is a shamanistic cat - the parallel is obvious.

@ Dr. Simon: Would I also have the lynx's special qualities of low-light vision and scent? No big if I don't, it's just fudge on the peanut butter. Mmmmm.

Dr Simon

Herobizkit: yes to senses.

WD: Not if anyone can see his face, and the skin is probably a bit scaly too. Note that a "half-troll" is not, in fact, the result of a human and a troll interbreeding but an entirely seperate race (there are no cross-breed species). They may even have their own name for their race, but that's the name humans call them and it's kind of stuck. They may or may not be related to true trolls, I leave that detail open.


EDIT: NM. I recall you saying that the talking animal must take their first HD as animal, and the lynx gets the 2 HD for their 1st "level". Forget I said anything. :) In short, I'm a Lynx 1/Greenbond 4 with Lynx as my 'favored class'.
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First Post
If it's just the 4 of us, do you think we're too caster heavy or are we OK with proposed mix? I'm assuming (given the background) this will not be your typical 3.5 style game, but I wouldn't want WD feeling all the responsibility on him if the other 3 are: a tiny sprite, a cat, and a feeble old man ;)


@Grufflehead: A cat, a spryte, and a feeble old man is the PERFECT mix for a fairy-tale adventure. If WD wants to make an armor-wearing hero, then he'll be unique in the party to be sure (Totem Warrior or even Crusader would fit well, too, given that 2 PC's have a nature-themed class). I don't expect the game to be your standard "kill all that walks" adventure that most D&D games tend to be.

Put another way, it's not so much about what our characters do, but who the characters ARE... if I'm understanding the 'romantic fantasy' concept correctly.

Dr Simon

I think the mix'll be okay, might be an interesting challenge approaching things from a different set of abilities.

Herobizkit: no worries, I have the details for the Rhy-cat. I would guess that the +0 damage for claws translates to 1d3 and the +2 bite to 1d6, looking at the wepaon table. You could use either set, although I think the lynx has the edge, skill bonus-wise. Depends if you want to be Small or Medium.

I suppose there's no major deal with letting you take all class levels instead of HD - not quite sure why I thought of that ruling. :uhoh:

Dr Simon


As with my first game Romance of the River Kingdoms, I envisage a number of ways to deal with encounters; diplomacy, stealth, fighting, trickery or just plain running away. I don't have much truck with games that push every encounter to combat as that punishes characters for creating a 'face' character, or a stealthy character, or for coming up with cunning plans. A clever, bloodless victory is just as good an outcome as a dead foe (and in this case very in-genre).

I should note that I'll be free-forming experience (unless anyone selects item creation feats, and even then I'll probably wing it), so you level up when you've done "some" adventuring. So, no need to kill everything for the XP.

Also, I like that each action by the PCs leads to consequences, and spins off new pathways and opportunities. Although I've got background notes, there isn't an "arc" as such that needs to be followed (again, same as River Kingdoms and my Iron Heroes game). In PbP I enjoy the luxury of time to ponder things and react to PC actions. It's all fun!


@ Dr Simon: Awesome. I will use the same stats as I see from the Lynx description I sent you. I decided on Small size rather than Medium... though I may regret it later. ;)

Bite 1d4, claws 1d2. Yee hah.

If you were allowing some of the stronger animals as PC's, it would make sense to request class levels to cover the HD. IMO, I just see "Lynx" as the race (regardless of it being an 'animal').

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