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D&D 5E Tales From The Awning Pothole

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I just wanted to be the 200th comment.

You do realise that you have now entered an official-under-conformist-non-leased contract as a third party contributor that has bound you to the thread that legally requires you to take part in the story and add a number of no less than 10 posts.

Get writing.


First Post
"I heard you coming," growled Rikus. "My Master does not like intruders. He will shortly release me from these chains and I will kill you all. I have fought many men better than you. I can take on all three of you easily, even unarmed. When I have killed you, my Master will give me your women. If you surrender now, I will kill you quickly and you will not suffer."

"Mirzak is dead," Tasha informed him. "You are no longer his slave."

"Then who is my owner now? Not you, obviously. You are a woman. You cannot own male slaves."

"You are your own master. You are no-one's slave."

"No. I cannot be cast aside so easily. I must be someone's slave so that I can fight for my freedom. It is what I do."

The logic of this perplexed Tasha, and she appealed to Goatee for help. "He wants to be allowed to fight for his freedom but he does not want to be given his freedom because it would mean he no longer had anything to fight for. It is the fighting that he craves, not the freedom. It makes no sense."

"Some people believe that it is better to travel in hope than to arrive," suggested Goatee. "The warlord who battles to attain the throne does not rest when he is crowned; he finds new enemies to fight because at heart he is always a warlord and not truly a king."

"Then what are we to do with him? We cannot simply leave him here, chained up to die of hunger and thirst, but if we release him he is liable to attack us because he feels the need to fight."

Adeliva came to the rescue. She was carrying the geranium. "Rikus, there was a great storm just now, you must have heard it? Mirzak saved us all by drawing the storm into himself. Afterwards, this was all that was left of him. This geranium is your master now."

Rikus reflected on this. "I shall fight for my freedom from the Evil Tyranny of the Geranium."

"If we release you from your chains so that you can continue the fight, can we be sure you will not attack us?"

"A slave cannot strike a free man or woman, except to defend his master. You are safe from me, as long as you do not threaten the geranium."

"Then you, yourself, must carry the geranium and ensure that it is kept safe at all times. I am but a weak woman and it is getting quite heavy for me," said Adeliva looking coy and fluttering her bark-lashes.

"It will be an honour to bear the weight of my master."

They seem to have reached a satisfactory arrangement. As Albert busied himself unlocking the chains, Footnote felt that he was being left out of the narrative and it was time he had a turn in the spotlight for a while. "I shall tell you the tale of Bladecoder The Mage, who remained silent for two hundred years until one day, he spoke. He spoke about a vision he had had, of five adventurers who found themselves in a tower in a legendary desert land, and how they met a half-dwarf slave who served a geranium, and what happened next ..."
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First Post
Footnote cleared his throat and hummed to get himself in tune with the story.

"This had better be good," warned Rikus, "If Geranium is displeased, I shall be forced to kill you. No pressure."

"A century passed," Footnote began, "and then another, but @Bladecoder the Mage remained silent and spoke to no-one, for he was hard at work in his hard-at-workshop. In this lifetime of downtime, he crafted a mighty weapon - a sentient rapier with mystical powers that only the mightiest of bards could wield, for its power lay in music. It was tuned to the key of F...ing sharp. In battle, as its owner sang gloriously of victory, the rapier would sing the descant and the beauty of their harmony would be such as to utterly overcome any opponent who had ears to hear it. The opponent slain, it would end its song with a quiet coda. The mage was pleased with his handiwork and, as his last act before he died of a long-overdue old age, he awarded the blade to the most illustrious bard of all time, who has it still."

"Let me guess ..." said Adeliva, who saw what was coming.

"Here is the very weapon!" cried Footnote, drawing his rapier with a flourish. "Behold Coda."

"You call the blade Coda. Because it was made by @Bladecoder. Nice pun," offered Albert.

"So, what happened next in the story?" asked Goatee, who was writing it all down in a journal.

Footnote continued ...

+2 Choral Rapier Requires attunement by a Bard.
► While this blade is equipped, your Charisma is increased to 22. If it is already 22 or higher, this property has no effect.
► On every attack, if the target can hear you, the target must make a Wisdom save against a DC equal to your Bard Spell Save DC plus the blade's enchantment bonus of +2. On a failed save, the target takes an automatic critical hit and is Stunned until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the attack is resolved normally.
Special Purpose: Glory Seeker - Coda seeks renown as the greatest magic item in the world, by establishing its user as a famous (or notorious) figure.
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Three shalt be the number thou shalt knock, and the number of the knocking shall be three. Four shalt thou not knock, nor either knock thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. - monty python (sort of)

".....There came three knocks. Not tw.....That's when Footnote knew he was dealing with a ghost. It was immaterial whether it could be hit or not with a physical force, because the Blade of Coda rang out, shrieking its ire, and vanquished that harrowing spirit right out of the villager's home. And that, ladies and gentlemen is the seventeenth epic tale of Coda and his handler; the most humble Footnote...."

Luckily for all involved, The Ferry-woman returned good as her word to transport them to the silt shores. They took Old Man Rikus with them on a trip down memory lane and set off for the free city of Tyr. All journey, he never looked up from his precious potted plant, indeed he even started whispering to it. The man clearly needed an apothecary for he was one crazy looking individual.

Rikus thought no-one was paying him any attention when he whispered......................


First Post
Rikus thought no-one was paying him any attention when he whispered......................

... but he was wrong. Not only did Adeliva practise her precognitive skills by accurately predicting every word just before he said it, but Goatee was telepathically reading the sentences as soon as they formed in the mad mind of the half-dwarf. Goatee had only just discovered that he could do this. Reaching out towards someone and 'hearing' and 'seeing' their thoughts was .. weird. It wasn't like doing a Sending spell, where you just got the words, he could receive images too, albeit distorted and smaller, as if they were of things a long way away. But more than that, there was a kind of telempathy; he could feel what it was like to be that other person.

Goatee tuned in to Albert, and 'saw' that Albert was shifty. He was forever calculating angles, working out dodges, and estimating chances. It wasn't surprising, given Albert's character, but Goatee hadn't appreciated before what it felt like to be Albert, with all that going on inside his head.

Goatee tuned into Footnote, and found a mind full of busy rhythms that all centred on Footnote. No surprise there, but as Goatee was about to withdraw, he noticed something else, something that was stirring just beneath the surface of Footnote's mind. It was something nascent or dormant. It was tied up with the rhythms and the ego but wasn't part of them. Goatee didn't know what it was.

Goatee gently touched Adeliva's mind. It was a feminine mind and Goatee was suddenly aware that feminine minds are quite different from masculine ones like his own. Everyone knows that men and women think differently, but without some sort of telepathy, no-one can really understand it. Adeliva's mind was calm and peaceful in a way that Albert, Footnote, and Goatee himself, were certainly not. He wondered if all women were like that, or if it was just Adeliva.

When he tuned into Tasha's mind, he got a shock.

"You too? Join the club," said Tasha with her mind. Then she showed him a picture of what his own mind looked like to her. It was ... it was ... inside out. He was used to seeing his own mind from the inside and here he was, seeing what it was like from the outside.

Goatee laughed. His mind had pages.

Have you looked at Footnote's mind? There's something just under the surface ...

I know. He has psionic potential, like us, but it hasn't emerged yet. It may take a crisis to bring it out.

How do you know so much about it?

I have a mentor. He's called Will. Maybe he can help us both.

Hope so. This isn't in any of the books.

Unless they are secret books?


This telepathic conversation was interrupted by shouts from the ferry-woman. They were about to dock outside the city and it was time to gather their belongings (or, in Albert's case, other people's) ready to disembark. Their arrival had not gone unnoticed, however. Waiting for them on the jetty was a severe-looking woman who looked vaguely familiar. You may not be surprised to know that she had large knitting needles though her hair ...


she had large knitting needles through her hair ...

"M.V." Acknowledged Tasha.

"Who's M.V.?" asked a confused druid.

"We go way back. As early as page 3 post 21 if I recall correctly. This is Ming Vahz."

"Wait. Post 21 this thread?"


"Thank the Sorcerer Kings. There's too much blinkin' catch-up with those other two threads."

"Tash." replied the Monk.

"Watch out for her hair, it's fierce."

"You're telling me."

"No I mean it actually is fierce. It's alive and those needles. Upgraded to Obsidian Needles I see. Nice."

"Well, when in Tyr....."

"You running solo?"

"Well, I have all my Templars and Half-Giant guards and Nobles and slaves with me if you want some company."

"Your Temp......You're a Sorcerer Queen?"

"I think the title is still King, I must check that out."

"So. do we roll initiative then or what..............................

Voidrunner's Codex

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