Tales of the eldeen reaches


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Ranvar looks at the wounded, a look of triumph at being right dying on his face, quickly replaced by concern for the wounded.

"My magics are weak compared to yours Wise one, but my I heal any additional hurts? What can I do?"

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Caw bows to Scarfang. "Morning Master Scarfang. I... how are you?" Caw is a little edgy at the sight of the panther.


The man with the probe
Durring the night (Sorry to go back, but I did actualy want to have a quick conversation with Silver.)

[sblock]Stulgar paces slowly around the camp as he keeps a watchful eye out. "I couldn't help but notice your.. well... I'd don't know if it was disapointment or irritation with being put on watch with me. I don't bite, and you know I'm an able woodsmen. Is there something else that upsets you about me?" He asks in a calm, and inquisitoral, but not confrontational voice. He keeps his eyes on Silver waiting for a responce.[/sblock]


The man with the probe
Stulgar immediately looks over the wounded before his eyes rest on Scarfang again, "Is there any way we can help?" he asks, hoping some calmly said words would help calm the panic some of his friends seem to feel.


First Post
Bront said:
Durring the night (Sorry to go back, but I did actualy want to have a quick conversation with Silver.)

[sblock]Stulgar paces slowly around the camp as he keeps a watchful eye out. "I couldn't help but notice your.. well... I'd don't know if it was disapointment or irritation with being put on watch with me. I don't bite, and you know I'm an able woodsmen. Is there something else that upsets you about me?" He asks in a calm, and inquisitoral, but not confrontational voice. He keeps his eyes on Silver waiting for a responce.[/sblock]

Silver's response:

Silver blushes. "Huh? What? Uh, what do you mean?" She tries to cover up her embarrassment with a joke. "Well, you do kinda smell funny." She smiles, and shrugs, as if sensing that Stulgar wants a real explanation. "I dunno, I guess I just thought that it would be better to put our two best woodsmen on separate watches. And putting Ranvar and Roral on the same watch? Its a wonder we got any sleep. They probably spent the whole watch practicing their sword-fighting. I think Caw (or whomever our next leader is) ought to give some thought to spreading our skill sets across different watches." She considers for a minute, and then notices Stulgar's intense expression. She continues in a teasing tone. "Why? You think I don't like you? Why, Stulgar, I didn't know you cared."


From his bedroll, Roral rolls to his side and looks at Scarfang, the two other shifters and the panther. Noticing their injuries he wonders for a moment if perhaps Ranvar was right and that they should have went out searching for them last night... but then he realizes how futile it all would have been. He recalls what Mayor Millar said two nights ago about how Latheron Greatclaw and five others went out with Scarfang 30 years ago after their Rite of Becoming, but only Greatclaw returned. Roral is pretty sure if the six of them had gone running through the woods looking for Scarfang, they also would not have returned.

'Good morning to you all. I take it things did not go well last night? We have a sneaking suspicion that the other five of us might have seen the start of what happened to you all last night in a vision while they slept.'


The man with the probe
Ozmar said:
Silver's response:

Silver blushes. "Huh? What? Uh, what do you mean?" She tries to cover up her embarrassment with a joke. "Well, you do kinda smell funny." She smiles, and shrugs, as if sensing that Stulgar wants a real explanation. "I dunno, I guess I just thought that it would be better to put our two best woodsmen on separate watches. And putting Ranvar and Roral on the same watch? Its a wonder we got any sleep. They probably spent the whole watch practicing their sword-fighting. I think Caw (or whomever our next leader is) ought to give some thought to spreading our skill sets across different watches." She considers for a minute, and then notices Stulgar's intense expression. She continues in a teasing tone. "Why? You think I don't like you? Why, Stulgar, I didn't know you cared."
Stulgar Responds:
[sblock]Stulgar chuckles at her joking. "Caw simply lacks confidence, and I'm sure felt threatened when others made suggestions. If he's going to continue to be the leader appointed by Scarfang, he'll have to learn taking advice does not make a leader look soft."

"As for anyting else, just remember that you don't have anything to prove to me, or anyone else for that matter. And I know there's no one else I'd rather have by my side out here than yourself." He cracks an unusualy warm smile for him before his stern demeanor returns as he continues the watch.[/sblock]


Roral sits up and leans back on his elbows in his bedroll, awaiting a response from the elder druid.

'Well, Scarfang? What happened? What's going on? Do you have need of us, or should I just go back to sleep?'


First Post
The druid looks at you, tiredness shining through his eyes.
"Save your healing magic for yourself, you will have need of it soon."

At the mention of a vision, he looks up.

"A vision?" He nods to himself.
"Hmm, yes, that might be possible, considering how you are linked to this place, and to them."
He shakes his head.
"No matter. Listen. You must move north from here for two days. When you reach a small stream, follow it to it's spring. Then move south again, untill you are found by one of us or untill you reach somewhere safe. Then go to the great druid.
Leave tracks untill you reach the stream, but try to leave no trace when you've reached the spring.
Don't stop moving, and watch your back

He looks at all of you.
"I don't know if you're ready for this, but you'll have to be. Trust each other, and stay together."

He takes a leather sack from the backpack of one of the shifters,and hands it to you. "Take this to the great druid, and tell him all you've seen."

From his coat he takes a woolen thread, one for eack of you, and ties it around your necks.
"Don't lose these." Now go. We'll try to hold 'em here"


Caw looks afraid. Scarfang is sacrificing himself... for them? "Could we not fight the evil you are prepared to face? Would we not stand more of a chance?"

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