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Tales of the Legacy - Concluded


Bryon_Soulweaver said:
Delemental, That's messed up.... Having Tolly be baited like that.

[sblock]Go for it, Tolly. Go for it!![/sblock]
Oh, he does, don't you worry...

For a priest of a church that is loosely based on the Lutheran Orthodox Church, Tolly gathers quite the harem.

That sexy Inquisitor...

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The Hornet's Nest

The next morning, the air around the party was thick with evocation magic, as multiple sendings were issued, and replies were received.

Exalted, Tauric Empire on move. Intentions unknown. Dragon implies entire population on ships. Probably hostile. Please put diviners to watch. Assistance necessary. Notify Divine Council.

Madrone: prepare Vargas for refugees. Tauric invasion imminent. Contact Herion. Notify city of Erum ships are en route. Will contact again.

Overgovernor Garlen, from Kyle Goodson of Legacy. Massive Tauric armada approaching Affon. Archipelago evacuating, assistance needed. Please send ships, notify navy.

Herion, whole Tauric Empire is coming. Evacuating the Archipelago to Erum as first step. We’re distributing information. More to follow.

Warchief Keth, a warning from clan brother Osborn*. Massive Tauric Empire fleet approaching from north. Sufficient forces to threaten Haran. Be alert.

Message received, Tolly. Will notify Council. Please keep advised of situation as more develops.

What? Oh, sh*t. Wait, Tolly? There’s a couple of people here to see you, they kind of look alike, one’s from the Church and the

Will notify King of Erumian, please advise number of refugees. Distribution patterns will follow. Mobilize army?

Greetings to our clan brother. Information received. Threat too remote to act now. Will notify Gell to turn Grabâkh’s Eye north.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, the party had contacted everyone they could think who was most important to reach. The rest would have to wait until tomorrow.

An hour after sunrise, the party was gathered at the mouth of the cave in the side of the mountain, though it was still very dark outside thanks to the howling storm outside. Iria was with the party, as were Lajila and Nidru, all three young women clustered around Tolly. King Bali and Prince Mu’ara were there as well, saying their farewells.

“Once the storm lifts, tell your ships to head for Erum,” Arrie told the king. “Your people will be guided from there.”

“I hope that Erum will be ready,” King Bali said. “There are over a million people who live in the Archipelago.”

“That many?” Kyle asked. “I never would have thought it.”

“There are dozens of islands in the Seven Kingdoms,” Mu’ara explained, “and this one is by no means the largest. Most of our warriors will remain here to challenge the approaching armada, but most of our people will be sailing for Erum.”

“We’ll advise the leaders of Tlaxan as soon as we can,” Arrie reassured the king. “But we need to leave now. There’s much we still need to do to prepare.”

“Of course. Safe journey to you all.”

Bali and Mu’ara stepped back as Kyle intoned a spell, and soon the ten travelers were shrouded in shadow and vanished.

Twenty minutes later, the group was hovering over a shadowy ocean, near the phantom images of four claw-like pillars of rock protruding out of the storm-tossed waves.

“Ready, Tolly?” Kyle asked.

“Of course.” He began casting a water breathing spell on the party.

“Where are we going?” Lajila asked Tolly as he placed the spell on her. “I thought we were going to Tlaxan. Why are we near the lair of Tishalullé?”

“We need to consult the sea hag,” Tolly explained. “My companions will go in to see her – I will remain outside her cave, with Iria, you, and your sister.”

Kyle guided the shadow walking group under the waves, which initially produced a strange sensation as they saw water all around them, but weren’t getting wet. They descended to the ocean floor, and Tolly and his charges split off as Kyle ended his spell, waiting near the base of one of the rock pillars as the rest of the party swam toward Tishalullé’s cavern.

The old sea hag was sitting in her stone throne as the party approached. “You have returned,” she cackled. “But you do not bring the bearded lobster. Tishalullé is sad.”

“He’s otherwise occupied,” Lanara said, stifling a chuckle.

“So, what question do you have for Tishalullé?”

“We’d like to know why the ships of the Tauric Empire are sailing south toward Affon,” Kyle said.

Tishalullé nodded, grinning with jagged yellow teeth. “It will be a few minutes while I consult the spirits.”

Rising, the sea hag swam up to the portion of her cave out of the water, and walked to a crude shelf on the cavern wall. She mixed the contents of two vials in a bowl, and then drank it, rivulets of a yellowish-green fluid trickling down the sides of her mouth. Suddenly, Tishalullé stiffened, and fell over backward. She laid unmoving for a few minutes, and then the water surged up onto the dry land and swept underneath her, rising up until it formed a watery dais upon which the hag’s body lay. Tishalullé’s mouth began to move, and then the cavern echoed with the sound of a voice that was both hers and… not hers. The voice echoed outside the cavern, so that even Tolly and the three women could hear it.

That which had fallen has risen again – as a rock thrown into a hornet’s nest.

The water dais under Tishalullé receded, and a moment later she opened her eyes. “The spirits have given you your answer,” she said, in a tone that indicated that their visit was over.

The party emerged from the cave and rejoined Tolly. Reality shifted around them as Kyle returned them to the Shadow Plane. “I think we need to kidnap someone,” Arrie said immediately.

“Who?” Lanara asked.

“Someone from the Tauric fleet, to tell us what’s going on.”

“We still haven’t done any research,” Kyle pointed out. “That might help us figure out the message.”

“Why can’t we do both?” Arrie countered. “Go now and do the research, and when the fleet gets closer, we go out and grab someone.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Lanara said. “But let’s get back to land first.”

They continued to talk as they rose out of the midst of the shadow-ocean. “The divination spoke of ‘that which had fallen’,” Tolly said. “That suggests the psions. Perhaps it refers to the rebirth of Silko?”

“I doubt that,” Arrie said. “Silko didn’t so much ‘fall’ as ‘cease to exist’. Besides, Aran would have told us if they were that close to bringing him back.”

“This could refer to something specific to the Taurics,” Kyle suggested. “Something that we could find in books.”

“I agree,” Tolly said, “I just want to consider all possibilities.”

“It could refer to a mountain that the gods threw into the sea, and is now rising up again,” Arrie said. “Or their emperor is a lich, and returned from the dead.”

“Or, someone the Taurics defeated long ago has risen up,” Lanara suggested. “Perhaps a slave uprising?”

“Could be.” Arrie said.

“Well, we have a library to get to, right, Kyle?” Lanara said.

“On our way,” the wizard said.

“I know we have a lot to do when we reach shore,” Arrie said, “but when we go our separate ways to get it done, perhaps we should beg or bribe any scholarly types we run into to do some research for us.”

“I’ve saved one sending for the Archprelate today,” Tolly said. “I wanted to be able to report the results of Tishalullé’s visions to him.”

“Great,” said Arrie, “he’ll have access to a lot of information.”

“You should get my sister to look it up,” Lanara said.

“Well, I’m not in charge of Aranal any more,” Tolly said.

“Wow,” Arrie said suddenly. “Do you realize that I just spouted off a plan, and everyone listened to me?”

“It was a good plan,” Tolly pointed out.

Two hours later, the party arrived just outside the gates of the Imperial Palace in Noxolt. Emerging from a shadowy alleyway, the party quickly made their way to the gate. The guards outside stiffened and saluted as Arrie approached.

“Your Highness,” said the lead guard. “We weren’t informed you would be arriving.”

“This is an unexpected trip,” she explained, “and I’m not staying. But I would like for my companions, Kyle and Lanara, to be admitted to the palace as my guests. Please inform my husband… and only my husband that they are here.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” said the guard. “I already recognized Mistress Lanara from her previous visits.” He gave a few orders, and soon Kyle and Lanara were being escorted inside. The rest of the party remained outside.

“Well then,” said Arrie, “let’s be off.”

With that, Tolly cast a spell, and soon the remainder of the party was speeding toward Vargas, borne by magical winds.

The two heroes remaining in the capital made their way immediately to the palace’s library. Once there, they went immediately to a prim looking elven woman wearing the robes of an Imperial Archivist.

“I need to do some research about the Tauric Empire, Hielda,” Kyle said. “Can you please show us where we might find the pertinent volumes?”

“Of course,” she replied. “Follow me.” Hielda turned and led them through the labyrinth of bookshelves and low tables.

“Is this in relation to your previous research?” the archivist asked.

“Excuse me?”

“The last time you were here, I recall you were researching religious iconography. Is this related?”

“Oh, no,” Kyle said. At Lanara’s curious look, Kyle explained, “the Scion-Watcher symbol.”

They arrived at a section of the library that obviously saw less use than others. As Hielda led them to a set of table and chairs, they were surprised to see Herion sitting there, waiting for them. The librarian bowed as he rose and made his way over to her.

“I can show them what they need, Hielda,” Herion said. “Return to your duties. And I would appreciate a little discretion in discussing the fact that I’m here, and who I’m here to meet.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Hielda said, and shuffled off.

Herion looked up at Kyle and Lanara. “Forgive the unusual welcome,” Herion said. “But I’d rather that the Emperor not know you’re here. Were my brother to find out, given the current situation, he might decide to recruit you as a resource. I will do my best to cover for you until you leave.”

“I understand,” Kyle said. “If you can just cover today, by tomorrow I should be able to take care of keeping us out of Haxtha’s notice.”

“Very well. So, did Ariadne come with you?”

“I’m sorry, but she left,” Lanara explained. “She’s gone with some of our friends to Trageon, in order to try and meet with the Ministers to warn them about the armada.”

“Of course,” Herion said. “Their shield would make a sending impossible. But do you really think a nation as insular as Targeth will do anything beside hide behind their barrier?”

“It’s worth a shot,” Kyle said.

“Indeed. But I assume you two were sent here to research the Tauric Empire.”

“That’s the idea,” Lanara said. “Any clue we can find as to why they’re doing this.”

“Well, our section on the Taurics isn’t very extensive, I’m afraid,” Herion admitted. “Our collection is what you see here.” He gestured to nearby shelves.

“So, just this section of shelves?” Kyle asked.

“Actually, just this shelf,” Herion said. “Or, to be more accurate, the top half of that shelf.”

Crestfallen, Kyle and Lanara looked at the meager selection of lore. They could see that most of the books on the shelves were map folios.

“I don’t think we need to worry about Haxtha finding out about us,” Kyle sighed. “It looks like we’ll be done before lunch.”

* * *​

Meanwhile, the rest of the party touched down in the courtyard on the ducal manor of Vargas, surrounded by wary guards with crossbows. As the party rematerialized, the guards recognized their Duchess, and lowered their weapons. Razael, who was standing closest to the main door, scowled.

“If’n you don’t mind, a word of warning would be best next time,” he groused.

“Sorry, Raz,” said Autumn. “We’re a little pressed for time. Where’s Maddie?”

“Inside, in your office. She’s waiting for you.”

“Thanks. Let the guards know that I’ll be staying here, but the rest will be leaving within an hour.” Autumn walked into her manor, followed by the others. They found Maddie sitting behind the desk in Autumn’s office, looking over papers. She immediately jumped up when Autumn came in, and embraced everyone before sitting down again in one of the room’s other chairs, leaving the desk seat for the Duchess.

“Welcome back,” Maddie said, “even if it is about one month and 28 days too early.”

“Well, what they did have of their honeymoon was nice,” Arrie said.

“The whole one day,” Osborn commented.

“And part of a night,” Tolly added. “Oh, and Maddie, this is Lajila and Nidru, King Bali’s daughters. Lajila and Nidru, this is Madrone, Favored of Erito and Duchess Autumn’s temporary steward.”

After a round of greetings, servants showed the king’s daughters to another room so they could relax before the next leg of their journey. When they left, Maddie looked back at Autumn. “I understand there are preparations to be made. I’ve started a few things, but I didn’t have a lot of information to go on, and didn’t want to do too much too early.”

Autumn explained to Maddie about their time in the Archipelago, and the approaching fleet from the Tauric Empire, and how the population of the islands would soon be arriving in the mainland. She also relayed the cryptic message they’d received from Tishalullé.

“If you’d like, I can commune with Erito,” Maddie said, tapping her headband to indicate the holy relic she carried.

“That may be good,” Tolly said. “Arrie, Osborn and I will be heading to Trageon to try and warn them of the approaching armada. But we have a little time before we have to leave, so where are these visitors you mentioned?”

“Well, one is an axani** from the Church of Ardara,” said Maddie, “and the other is an earth-touched, apparently Iria’s tutor. They’re dressed alike, so at first I thought they were both sisters of Ardara’s church. I’ve put them up in rooms in the manor. Who do you want to meet first?”

“Let’s meet the tutor first,” Tolly said. “If she was sent by who I think, then I don’t want someone from the Church following us around when we meet her.”

They all went down the hall to one of the guest rooms, except for Osborn, who made his way to the kitchens in order to ‘get a little something for the road’ as well as to spend a few minutes with Rupert. Maddie knocked on the door when they arrived. “Yes?” called a female voice from the other side.

“Tolly and Iria have returned,” Maddie said. “They’re here to meet you.”

“Excellent. Send them in, please.”

The door opened, and everyone filed in. A tall, brown-haired woman sat on the far side of the room, a book in her lap. At first she looked like an earth-touched, as her skin sparkled and flashed as if she were covered in diamond dust. But Tolly, who had been around many earth-touched in the Ardaran church, realized that this wasn’t quite right. He suddenly realized that she was a maenad, one of the psionic races that had been exiled below the surface. One of Aran’s integrated memories came floating to the surface of Tolly’s mind, informing him that maenads often posed as earth-touched in order to blend in with the surface races. Looking around, Tolly saw that Osborn had correctly identified her race as well.

“You are a lot more than just Tolly and Iria,” the woman said.

“Indeed,” Tolly said, as he closed the door. “Well, judging by your race, I can assume that Aran sent you. But just so I’m certain, can you describe the view from his balcony?”

The woman frowned. “I’m afraid I’ve never been to Aran’s home. But he did mention to me that you wield a ‘mean banister’?”

Tolly nodded. “You’re genuine.”

The woman rose. “I am Elianora Lonja. I am a seer.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Elianora,” Tolly said. “Iria, introduce yourself to the nice lady. She’s going to be your tutor. Aran sent her.”

Iria stepped forward and curtseyed. “Hello, Elianora.”

“Hello, Iria,” Elianora smiled. “I think we’re going to get along quite well.”

“Iria, why don’t you stay here and get to know your new tutor,” Tolly said. “I’m going to go have a chat with the other visitor.”

“I’ll stay here, too,” said Arrie.

Tolly, Xu, and Autumn left the room, and followed Maddie down the hall to another door. This time Tolly was the one who knocked.

“Who is it?” called a female voice.

“Inquisitor Primus Nightsleaving,” he said.

“One moment, please.”

The door opened, and immediately everyone could see why Maddie had thought that both Elianora and this woman were Ardarans. She was dressed in acolyte’s robes from the church of Ardara, which looked very similar to the simple scholar’s robes the maenad waor. They were also approximately the same height, and had similar facial features. The resemblance ended there, though; this woman’s skin did not sparkle like gems, but she had the slightly metallic sheen and absolutely symmetrical features of an axani.

“My name is Crystal,” she said, stepping back to let everyone into the room.

“And what can I do for you, Sister Crystal?” Tolly asked.

“I have orders here for you, from the Archprelate,” she replied, reaching into a pack hung on the end of her bed and producing a scroll.

Tolly took the scroll and opened it, breaking the wax seal with the imprint of the Office of the Archprelate. Inside was a simple note:

Tolly, found you an apprentice. Good luck with her. Frelarr.

Sighing, Tolly rolled up the parchment and then crumpled it in his fist.

“Tolly, I recognize that sigh,” Autumn said. “What’s going on?”

“It seems that I have a new follower,” Tolly said.

“Who would that be?” Crystal asked.

“That would be you, Crystal.”

“Oh. Oh!”

“The Archprelate says that you are to follow and learn from me,” Tolly explained. He took a few moments to introduce Autumn and Xu, and to tell her about the rest of the Legacy. As she bowed to greet Autumn, Crystal’s robes shifted, and Tolly caught a glimpse of the Inquisition’s seal imprinted on the leather armor she wore under the vestments. Crystal was looking slightly dazed.

“Excuse me, sir,” she said to Tolly, “May I have a few minutes of privacy?”

“Of course. But use some of those minutes to pack. We’re leaving Vargas in thirty minutes.”

Tolly, Autumn and Xu exited the room, closing the door behind them. A moment later, they heard a muffled scream, as though someone were shouting into a pillow.

“I think you may have overwhelmed her,” Xu commented.

“I think she’ll be lucky if she gets through the day feeling no worse than ‘overwhelmed’,” Tolly replied.


* Part of Osborn's reward from Keth for helping in his battle against the other warchief was to be named a clan-brother, so in their eyes he is not an outsider.

** A planetouched humanoid from a lawful outsider, for those who are unfamiliar.


First Post
Thank you!

Well, after my last comment I took a break from reading this SH as you had stated at the break, six (6) days ago I logged on and printed everything out from that point to take with me on a short vacation...

...wow...over two hundred (200) pages...read half (1/2) on the flight there, half (1/2) on the way back...

Didn't mind the fact that the trip was ending for the sole fact I could read the other half (1/2) of the stack. Also, enjoyed the other players input, please keep up the good work.

Really sounds like you guys have a good group, both IC as well as OC.

Any chance for some stats, agian?

Keep it going!


First Post
djrdjmsqrd said:
Well, after my last comment I took a break from reading this SH as you had stated at the break, six (6) days ago I logged on and printed everything out from that point to take with me on a short vacation...

...wow...over two hundred (200) pages...read half (1/2) on the flight there, half (1/2) on the way back...

Didn't mind the fact that the trip was ending for the sole fact I could read the other half (1/2) of the stack. Also, enjoyed the other players input, please keep up the good work.

Really sounds like you guys have a good group, both IC as well as OC.

Any chance for some stats, agian?

Keep it going!

200 pages?!? D*mn... I'm wordy. :)

We are rapidly coming up on the point where the campaign went on hiatus - in fact, the update I just posted is the beginning of the last adventure we had before the break. We're back to playing, although we now split between two campaigns - the Aelfenn game is still the primary game, but I've been running a Mutants and Masterminds game during our break, and plan to continue it. Since I still hope to update this SH weekly, it could lead to a situation where I "catch up" and this ends up being updated in 'real time'; ie, the weekly update will represent that week's session.

As far as stats, I'll see if I can get everyone to send me their characters. What will probably be easiest is to wait for a while, and then post our current stats when we hit the post-hiatus point. Currently in the SH, our characters are around 12th level, nearing 13th on average; when we resumed the campaign our DM had up bump up to 15th (as you'll see soon, in the three months game time that went by during the break, our characters had plenty of opportunities to gain xp...)


First Post
Eltharon said:
Just finished the whole thing (took me a week). Great job, really great job. (waits for next update)

Thank you.

I try to update toward the end of the week (Friday/Saturday), so you won't have to wait too long.


First Post
Hey folks. It's the DM here. Finally got my lazy butt in gear and made a login. So, here I am.

I appreciate the praise for the setting very much. The world I'd created had always intended to be a work in progress, which accounts for some of the discrepencies. As well, TSR keeps publishing books with new material that gets dropped into the campaign world (example: the various "Complete" class books) which allow for varied retcons.

For those who are hungry for more material - I've been considering getting this campaign setting published as a book, and as I'm not sure of any legal intricacies involved, I'm hesitant to just toss whatever up on the forum. If you want specific details on certain things, however, feel free to ask!


Sarabian1 said:
For those who are hungry for more material - I've been considering getting this campaign setting published as a book, and as I'm not sure of any legal intricacies involved, I'm hesitant to just toss whatever up on the forum. If you want specific details on certain things, however, feel free to ask!

Well, one of the things I liked so much was the parallelism of the races: one elemental-touched race, one demihuman race, one servitor race (i.e. demons, eladrin), etc. for each of the gods / planes / etc. Got me thinking about what the parallel "elemental" race to the elves would be; the best I was able to come up with were the fey or the lycanthropes. Have you given any thought to that?

Another thing that might be nice to see would be a map, if you have one...


First Post
Pyske said:
Well, one of the things I liked so much was the parallelism of the races: one elemental-touched race, one demihuman race, one servitor race (i.e. demons, eladrin), etc. for each of the gods / planes / etc. Got me thinking about what the parallel "elemental" race to the elves would be; the best I was able to come up with were the fey or the lycanthropes. Have you given any thought to that?

Though our DM can answer the first question more authoritatively than I, I believe that if Erito (the patron deity of the elves) has an 'elemental' servitor, we've never encountered them (Erito's servitors in general are fairly mysterious, and no one really knows which planet/plane is her domain - some say it's Aelfenn itself, others say it's another planet that's hidden to mortal eyes). If anything, since Erito controls the life-death-magic cycle, then I suppose one would consider her 'element' to be positive and negative energy.

Another thing that might be nice to see would be a map, if you have one...

This one, I can handle...

... err, or maybe not. Was going to download the map files we have on our website, but they're too big. Lemme monkey around with them a bit to reduce the file size, and then I'll post them into this reply.

EDIT: Okay, here we go. I've posted two maps; one of the entire world of Aelfenn, and one of the continent of Affon. Bear in mind that the world map is still very rough, and may not be entirely accurate - for one thing, the Tauric Empire should be more due north of Affon.


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First Post
On Erito's "elemental" servitors - Erito is such a powerful diety (the only Greater God in the pantheon) that I've deliberately attempted to keep as much about her as mysterious as possible. Plus, there's this - if her home planes are the Ethereal and Shadow, then her elemental servitors are undead and positive/negative energons. If, however, her home plan is Aelfenn itself, then the humans may be considered her elemental servitors.

I like to engender philosophical discussion - if everyone knew everything, well gosh, that's no fun!

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