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Tales of Wyre


Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 10-17-2009

"Are We Ready?"


Two miles to the north of Galda, the Sun was rising as squadrons of Templars hurried about their business. Mostin – floating inches above the ground - bent his thought northwest whilst eyeing the nearby Nwm suspiciously. The Preceptor stood before him, ankle-deep in mud and horsedung, and apparently enjoying the experience. A night of heavy rainfall and twenty thousand cavalry had turned the fields into a morass.

An hour before, Mostin – closeted within a secure shelter – had emerged from a reverie of motes with too many contradictors to even begin to make sense of. It was as though the universe – several universes, in fact – were being turned on their heads. And something had seemed to reach toward him through the Web. As if its ineffable divination had been somehow perceived. Impossible. He glanced around.

The Temple forces – swollen by more of the Illuminated of Morne, as well as Foide's skeptical vassals and the northern aristocracy of Ialde and Dramore – had entrenched at the southern end of the hills of Scir Cellod. In an ancient wood in a nearby valley, two scions – an Oak and an Elm – generated a power which encompassed the entire camp and a wide area beyond, excluding the enemy. The site was outside of Gihaahia's remit, but overlooked the Hynt Coched, the main artery which connected southern Wyre with the Thalassine cities.

Nwm had transported refugees who had fled to Nizkur or who had been reincarnated within its bounds; another ritual had opened a Green highway, speeding thousands – including the Wyrish Magi and many Temple grandees – straight into the midst of Eadric's already swollen camp. Mostin had found the ego dissociation which accompanied the trip unsettling.

Galda – a town of some eighteen hundred which lay beneath the aegis of the scions – was now visible in the dawn, and its campaniles, rooftops and walls thronged with armed sentries. Picquets and outriders were spread in a wide arc to the limit of the Trees' protection and about the town.

Beyond was subject to the depredations of two demonic magnates – Orcus and Pazuzu – and those amongst the remaining fiendish population which they had gathered about them. Both were operating without reference to their respective invokers, Prahar and Yeshe; they skirmished continually with both each other and with archons and devas under the command of two more archfiends, Irel and Shokad: episeme princes who had recently adopted a more Adversarial view. In the absence of any extradimensional movement, wind walking had become the preferred means of travel amongst all; despite their inferior numbers, in this the celestials possessed a distinct advantage.

Cirone, another quaint walled settlement some twenty miles further south, had been utterly consumed by Shvar Choryati, and it was near its wreck that Prahar had elected to establish his camp: a hemisphere of darkness which defied the attempts of both Mostin and Daunton to penetrate with their sight. In a separate bubble – warded with even more potent defenses – Rishih and Naatha had raised a magical beachhead with a large contingent of Anantam magi, supported by compactees and bodyguards, the armored Giants of Danhaan. Against the backdrop of both, loomed the unpierceable wall of night which was the Pall of Dhatri: somewhere within that was the unguessably vast main Cheshnite force.

Shvar Choryati had eaten its way approximately north, on an eccentric path which made frequent detours to annihilate farming communities. It would reach Galda in three days and the Wyrish border in five, assuming a stimulus of light didn't draw it directly towards the Temple encampment. How it would interact with the scions would hopefully not be tested: Nwm planned to eliminate it before it advanced so far. It persisted on the edge of his perception like a cancer which infected the World.


Mostin scowled. "Yet another power is rising in Nizkur. What do you know of it?"

Nwm shook his head. "Nothing."

"A fey; most ancient." The Alienist studied his face minutely; Mostin's paranoia was becoming more acute and more evident by the hour. He was beginning to remind Nwm of a caged animal.

"Nothing," Nwm reiterated. "But the Green is moving in torrents everywhere, so I can't say I'm surprised."

"Go on," Ortwine turned her head. "Fey rivals hold an interest for me."

"You flatter yourself," Mostin sniffed. "You pose as much threat as a gnat to one such as this."

"I prefer the gadfly metaphor. And no sidhe stands so far above me."

"I mentioned nothing of sidhe," Mostin sighed. "You are such a parochial queen."

"Currently, my parish is rather larger than yours," Ortwine smiled. "Speak more of this fey: do not let my witty quips distract you."

"That you are both so ignorant of events which reference your paradigm is a source of continual amazement to me," the Alienist grumbled. "This is no woodland sprite. It is rather…wild, in the instinctual, primal sense. The fact that it is present suggests massive change. It is masculine. It does not rise from the Tree-matrix, although its catenary is parallel."

"That sounds fine," Nwm nodded, distracted. Hlioth and Mulissu were becoming impatient. Mesikammi had already departed. "Are we ready?"


All but one of the demons – a babau lurking behind a ruined pillar – fled as the five entities manifested amid a green surge. Perhaps deities recently awakened from some hibernation, the power of their arrival caused the tiles in the courtyard to crack with a sudden growth of moss and lichen.

One, covered in a hundred rolling eyes, spied the babau and dominated it quickly.

Another, ragged and scarred, gestured toward a pomegranate tree which had long since been reduced to a stump. It immediately regrew its limbs and sprouted tender green leaves.

The third – an opaque, sylph-like creature who floated above the ground – swore profusely as she looked at the wreck of her former home. A number of obscene execrations were directed toward the eye-covered entity.

A fourth – apparently a female human of middling years – waited with a sour face. After a pause, during which the others collected their thoughts, she struck her staff upon the flags with a resounding crack. A brief but massive flurry of magical energy followed.

The last – a goddess with a curved sword – stared at the the artificial heaven above her, watching it shift and writhe like a thing alive. A wave radiated visibly out and away from the group, reordering the matrix of the real into a new form. Crumbled masonry flew back into place, and debris of all kinds vanished.

Mulissu's demiplane, restored to a pristine state, rested peacefully again beneath its blue vault.

"Do you want the demon?" Mostin asked.

Mulissu struck it with a spell, petrifying it.

"I'll take the statue," she said.

Nwm glanced around. "Again. Are we ready?"

Grumbles of assent.

Nwm evoked a spell, causing four more trees – an almond, an olive, a cypress and a deodar – to spring up within the courtyard. Within the trunk of each – and the pomegranate also – was a small wooden door, perhaps five feet high and two wide.

"Which is which?" Ortwine inquired.

Nwm sighed. "The olive leads to one in the palace at Fumaril; the almond to the elm at Mostin's cramped retreat; the pomegranate to a banyan in the garden of the Academy outside of Morne; the deodar to one similar near Deorham; the cypress to a tree near the entrance to the Claviger's cave. Mesikammi is accomplishing spirit bindings with genii at the terminal locations, to prevent passage for those who are not permitted. Here, I have chosen species most familiar to Mulissu, based on her childhood experience."

"And it is appreciated," the savant nodded. "Although I find it rather shady, and may need to adjust the illumination."

"And from here Mostin can reach outside of your miniverse?" Ortwine asked.

The Alienist laughed bitterly. "No. Hlioth annexed the plane. This is now a Green node."

"Then why else are we here?"

Mostin scowled, and gestured with his appendage toward Mulissu.

The savant smiled savagely. "I've come for my spellbooks."


"It is as wicked as I, or I'm no judge of character. Still, I like this not one jot."

Standing on a high balcony, Yeshe the Binder regarded Temenun carefully. The Tiger, in turn, was gazing down at a blackthorn which had sprung overnight to full height, next to a likeness of the disgraced Ugra, Angula.

"If this is Nwm's doing," Yeshe continued, "then it appears we have underestimated him."

Temenun remained sanguine. The Blackthorn, impenetrable to divination, was silent.

"What else?" The Tiger asked.

"Its parent tree has…annexed a large swathe of what was Angula's realm in the forty-fifth abysm. Gu-Analas which have entered its presidio have not exited. Planar breaches and reality maelstroms still rage around it, but it has established a quiescence in its immediate vicinity. Deeper, the Great Bhitis are assembling at the Veils. What is your intuition?"

Temenun smiled and bared his fangs. "If Carasch avoids the streets of Azzagrat – or what is left of it – for fear of a Tree, then the fact that we are not all dead is cause for celebration."

"This thing is so potent?"

"It is. But it deals in generalities; it is not concerned with the specifics of our actions. We're playing by its rules. For the time being."

Yeshe was grim. "We are outmaneuvered. My dreams are full of avalam jvalats*. Still, Dream is our best recourse. The weak link."

"I will give it some thought," Temenun purred. "In the meantime, we should abandon the compound. Mobilize all reserves. Relocate to Thond."

"Are you mad?"

"I foresee."

"I will take Fumaril first," Yeshe spoke steadily. "I won't have it sitting on my flank."

"Then be swift!" Temenun's eyes narrowed. "I anticipate their counterattack will be furious, and soon. First, they must deal with Shvar Choryati. That will require much of their strength."

"It will be an easy test."

"We shall see. I have yet to invoke the ward."

"There is a good deal which you keep hidden," Yeshe observed. "Now is not the time to remain jealous of your prescience."

The Tiger said nothing. Temenun was of Utter Shûth: twenty thousand years he could recollect. To him, the ascendancy of the Sun was but a recent phenomenon; he had witnessed far stranger and more ancient things. Ebony had been an ally for a while, long before, during the Ice in the North.

The Trees of the South held a greater power, he recalled. Or perhaps age and distance clouded his memory. All of Shûth had been jungle then; rich and verdant, and malign as Throile.

Yeshe turned her head, and a discordant clash of gongs sounded from deep within the Temple, signalling that Idyam, the demilich, was finally deigning to take counsel.

As if in response, Anumid's voice echoed in the minds of every immortal.

The Tree is no threat: I have seen beyond the Veils. In her mercy Cheshne spares the interlopers on her threshold, but she exacts a price: one will return; one other will join her. A Great One. Kaala-anala demands that you raise her pavillion. Henceforth, the Fires of Death will abide in the Temple. Visuit will attend her. Jahi and Yeshe may remain. The rest of you will continue your removal to Thond: you will pay homage.

"Indeed?" Temenun spoke softly, but those a hundred miles distant still heard him.

In this I am the Mouthpiece of Cheshne. I may not be gainsayed.

"Of course," the Tiger purred.


Eadric drew a heavy fur across the opening to his tent and turned to sit on a crude stool. An oil-lamp dimly lit the space: a ten-foot circle with spartan furnishings. There was no pallet; although he found the experience refreshing on occasion, the Ahma did not require sleep. Only privacy.

In his left hand, he held a sphere of adamant, upon the surface of which color might occasionally move; in his right, Lukarn, its light currently subdued.

He tapped the former with the latter, eliciting brief flashes of total illumination.

Show Yourself, the Ahma commanded.

The face of Prince Graz'zt appeared.

Eadric resisted the urge to smash the globe with his weapon and cut down the demon as he materialized. Instead, he breathed and slowly mastered himself.

"Times change. This will be our one and only conversation, Angula; or rather, you will remain silent and simply listen, as dialogue holds no interest for me: if you attempt to speak, I will annihilate you. That which you were is no more; you have exhausted your possibilities. You are no longer relevant.

"Now, I have a quandary; one you can probably appreciate. As the Ahma, I have pronounced death upon you: this judgment is infallible. Yet, at present, you persist; due in no small part to my being distracted by other, more pressing concerns. As you are also currently the property of Mostin the Metagnostic, it might be considered an act of legal trespass were I to smite you as you so richly deserve.

"Still, I am not inclined to commute this sentence, but merely suspend it on the basis of my friendship with the wizard and the fact that he recently saved my life again. Ironically, there are few others I would entrust you to: I am secure in the knowledge that Mostin can always out-think you, and that he cannot use you for anything that he couldn't find another way of doing anyway. This decision is pragmatic.

"This is your predicament: until such time as Mostin grows weary of your novelty and dispossess himself of you, your continued existence is relatively assured; at that point, your future becomes more uncertain. I will not exchange good Temple money to procure you, but moral persuasion might be brought to bear upon any subsequent owner to render you into the custody of the righteous. Assuming Mostin himself experiences no such urges. Here, then, are my words to you:

"First, as your moral instructor: use your remaining time to reflect on the eternity of suffering you have caused, and seek to experience one single iota of remorse: a task I deem at the very limit of your ability to achieve. I remind you of this out of duty, more than from any expectation that you will actually follow my advice.

"Second, as your judge and executioner: even were I persuaded of your contrition and moved to mercy, Prince Tagur reminds me that you are still eligible for the death penalty under Wyrish law, which makes no exception for your demonic status. I would, of course, enforce the decision of any secular court in this matter. This knowledge will make your moral quest more achievable as possible notions of reward or release will not distract you from your purpose.

"Third, as one injured personally: my forgiveness, or lack thereof, is inconsequential. I am one of countless wronged, and to forgive is not my function – I am the Ahma. Nonetheless, I will cite my father's murder, the assassination of Cynric of Morne, and the abduction and torture of Nehael as those crimes which wounded me most grievously. If that knowledge stirs some measure of satisfaction in you, I refer you back to my first article of advice.

"If you have words, you may now speak. Please be concise in your delivery: I have many matters to attend to."

From his prison, the demon Graz'zt stared impassively at Eadric.


From a vantage point where Dream and Void and Madness met, a place where apparitions strove to manifest, and tendrils of unknown purpose writhed in the dreams of chthonic deities, the demoness Soneillon watched, and waited. Few immortal psychoses could reach so deep.

Black fire had kindled at the Veils of Oblivion, ascending in liquid sheets which incinerated all vestige of Being to reveal a vast, glorious emptiness. An ocean of nothingness which promised a final end to all suffering.

After what may have been eternities, on its margin a terrible shape began to form. In revulsion, it twisted at its own substance: a forced reification, effluxed by Unbeing itself, or its shadow to some unknown degree. Flame and death surrounded it. It demanded obedience.

The demoness abased herself.

With a passing thought, Kaalaanala – the Primordial Fear of Destruction – annihilated Soneillon in an agony of unguessable magnitude; moments later, the demoness arose again from the Void. The passage had left her sated and subdued. Soneillon swayed drowsily; she was permitted to enjoy the sensation only briefly.

A thought which was a command was turned toward her. Soneillon hurried to obey: locate the goddess Visuit in Dream and bring her to Azzagrat.


Nehael stood beside the Tree, feeling the texture of its bark with her fingertips. Nearby, Rimilin of the Skin slept with his face pressed to the moss. The goddess looked up to Teppu, who sat in the Tree's lower branches.

The sprite grinned. "A great Bhiti is coming. Do Uedii and Cheshne send ambassadors or exchange hostages?"

"Is there a distinction?" Nehael asked. "Some equilibria must be bought dearly. She will remain in the Temple in Jashat. Her actions are circumscribed."

"Within which bounds?" Teppu inquired archly.

Nehael sighed. "She cannot leave the Temple. She may act to the limit of her natural senses."

"With impunity?"

"With impunity."

"Then Jashat cannot be assailed."

"Realistically? No. At least, not at present."

"You might want to inform Eadric of this tidbit."

"The Ahma has achieved his objective to a large extent thus far: keep Wyre safe. This is his principal charge. He will make no ill-informed assaults beneath the Pall of Dhatri."

"And the Wild God?"

"Has yet to show himself."

"Does he have a name?"


"I like it. Did you choose it?"

"No. He did."

"Can you placate him, should his mood become violent?"

"I doubt it," Nehael smiled grimly.


Nwm groaned wearily, and looked around him. Sixty spellcasters, including the wizards. Waiting.

Mostin had called proceedings to a halt. That odd cluster of pinkish-brown motes he had previously observed had suddenly made sense.

"You'll have to try something different," Mostin said. "Temenun has warded Shvar Choryati"

"All other divinations run to the contrary," Nwm sighed. "Why must you always be so special?"

[Mostin]: Because Temenun is considerably more subtle than the Temple oracles. Fortunately, I am subtler still. You cannot stage a direct magical attack of any kind.

"Ngarh!" Nwm snarled. "Find me a meteoroid. Not too big."

"Not so big," Mesikammi nodded sagely. "They go very fast."

The Alienist scowled and concentrated. Ten minutes elapsed.

[Mostin]: Here's one.

Nwm exhaled. "Alright. Are we ready?"

Mostin had expected more preparation from Nwm; at least an idea. Vectors. Something. There was a huge surge of magical power and a sense that his reservoir might be sucked dry, accompanied by another dissociation which Mostin found disturbingly euphoric. A backlash of green lightning coursed over all present, arcing between them and burning them.

There was bright flash on the horizon. Silence. Even those who were otherwise insensitive to such things felt a breath of release as millions of souls were liberated: all of those whom the Eater of Life had consumed in its unguessably long history.

Around a minute passed before the noise of the impact struck them: a growl like distant thunder. A breeze began to stir, and quickly stiffened.

"Very impressive," Mostin conceded.** "That almost counts as deicide."

Nwm groaned, and shook his head.

Even as he had erased Shvar Choryati, the very source of that shadow – or so it seemed to the Preceptor – had announced its arrival within the Interwoven Green with an expurgative necromancy: a spell which slew everything which remained alive within two leagues of Jashat which was not sworn in body and soul to the Dark Goddess.

Kaalaanala, the Fire of Death, abode in the Temple of Cheshne.

*"Those which glow abominably," a term for powerful celestials.
**Epic conjuration/400d20 bludgeoning damage! Yay!

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Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 10-22-09


Which was to have been part of a longer update, but it seemed apt to post it now.


[Jalael]: Observe.

The imp appeared with a pop!. It bowed.

[Mostin]: That was not a conjuration. That was a fly.
[Jalael]: In a small world, transmutation is the future. What you cannot conjure, you can transform and coerce: functionally, they equate to the same thing – one dispel and they're gone.
[Mostin]: I am no mere summoner. I am the binder of the Horror. I have mastered Celestial Princes. Dukes of Hell quail at the very mention of my name.
[Jalael]: You need to move with the times. Think about it: [equation].
[Mostin]: !
[Shomei]: Greetings.
[Mostin]: Finally, you condescend. What transpires?
[Shomei]: In the last hour? Agalaierept has seized the throne room and the citadel with the second legion. Chamosh is backing his bid, citing the need to maintain order; Astaroth manipulates both of them. Belial has crowned himself emperor in Abriymoch. Azazel is undeclared but has moved the standard and two hundred legions to Avernus, including Bune and his malebranche shock troops. The Iron City is locked tighter than…no cosmic superlative is possible. None of the Antagonists are condescending to involve themselves. Yet. When that happens, things will really heat up.
[Mostin]: And you?
[Shomei]: I remain in the library, observing all with wry detachment. Hell needs a good war, in any case; cull the weak and eliminate some bureaucrats, I say. Can't be bad. The Ludjas, Mostin. Two of them, a Hazel and a Holly: they are incredibly potent. Hazel's Will…Azazel understands where the real locus of power now lies.
[Mostin]: You are advising him?
[Shomei]: I admit I have a soft spot for him.
[Mostin]: You still play the same game, Shomei.
[Shomei]: Fear not. I play well.
[Mostin] (Wrily): And who pulls your strings? A Tree?
[Shomei]: Actually, I suspect Amaimon.
[Mostin]: I saw a wyrm in the Web. Why?
[Shomei]: Qematiel is on the Prime.
[Mostin]: What? How?
[Shomei]: Hazel has taken a liking to her.
[Mostin]: What has happened, Shomei?
[Shomei]: The I has shifted Its paradigm. It has incarnated as a deity in Nizkur.
[Mostin]: Ah. More of a fey primal, really. Do you believe this is an artifice?
[Shomei]: On balance, no. But nor do I think it's permanent.

Mostin opened his wine cabinet, and poured himself a large glass of kschiff. This news would require some readjustment.


"What news?" Eadric asked with mock enthusiasm.

Nwm sat, and gestured toward another stool. "I suggest you do the same. Those whom Shvar Choryati ate are gone."

"Gone?" Eadric asked.

"As in not recoverable. Reincarnation is not an option. They were…snatched. As it were. They have already been afforded new forms."

"By whom?"

"The principal suspect is a fey entity named Hummaz. Mostin equates him with 'Oronthon's Adversary in the diminishing Infinity.' Mostin's terminology is odd, but I understand his gist. The transition might be likened to Teppu's; or perhaps more akin to Nehael's."

Time seemed to slow to a crawl for the Ahma. He cocked his head and looked at Nwm. "You are telling me…"

"There is no Adversary."

There is no Adversary.

"And…this…Hummaz?" The Ahma inquired.

"That is a relationship you must negotiate. He is wild; fickle; violent; passionate. And prurient."

"I think I preferred the prior iteration," Eadric sighed. "Ethics? Morals? An opposition thereto?"

"None. More accurately, such concepts are not germane. Will has become Instinct."

"Magic?" The Ahma asked tentatively.

Nwm stretched his arms apart.

Eadric groaned.

"He's laid claim to a substantial tract of forest. He has a number of servitors around him."


"But I do not believe him to be overtly political," Nwm added hastily. "He is innocent of such matters – and yes, I choose my language carefully. Eadric, if you have any remaining notions of sin, you would do best to divest yourself of them. The Axes have shifted. Wherever they're going, it's not back."

"I have only one question," Eadric spoke steadily. "Is it possible that Oronthon's Adversary – whom, lest we forget, possesses a not undeserved reputation for being the most conniving and deceitful entity in existence – has somehow duped the Tree-ludja?"

Nwm considered briefly, and nodded. "That is a good question. I suppose time will tell."

"Do you bring other good news?"

"Oh yes," Nwm nodded. "Plenty. Remain seated. A chthonic deity named Kaalaanala has taken up residence in Jashat. Orcus has withdrawn from the front: he fled from Irel over Ardan, and could be anywhere. Dhatri has settled in Thond – for the time being; she is hungry, after being carried around for so long. Two hosts have left the Temple compound: Visuit and Yeshe lead the smaller, and it will reach Fumaril in four days. The larger is bound for Thond: the demilich is moving with his deathshriekers and, I suspect, Temenun also. Aside from the goddess in residence and a few dozen priests, the Temple of Cheshne is empty."

"How do you know this?"

"Certain stones gossip too much."

"Are you suggesting an assault?" The Ahma asked.

Nwm shook his head fervently. "Quite the opposite. She would kill us all. Avoid going within ten miles, at all costs."

"We should move to intercept the smaller host. How many are there?"

"Twelve thousand, half of whom are cavalry. Plus light aerial support – succubi, mainly. And goristros – but only a few dozen: most of the temple defense is with the larger army. But Guho has joined them and there are lots of the longhairs in Visuit's train. They are currently grounded: Mulissu has made the weather uncomfortable. They are devising sorceries to counteract her spell."

"And Pazuzu?"

"Ortwine hunts him."



Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 12-13-2009


Storm Sorceries; Demons' Amulets.

Nwm had described the weather as uncomfortable.

Mulissu had generated a windstorm thirty miles in diameter over the warm waters north of Pandicule, and moved it to occupy a position between Fumaril and Jashat; ahead of it, a derecho had formed through which tornados churned with distressing frequency.

Eadric sat upon Narh on a low rise in the darkness beneath the Pall of Dhatri, gazing southward at a large enemy host. Eastwards, the haunted city of Jashat and the soaring pinnacles of the Temple of Cheshne were a blot of corruption on his perception. The Ahma was magically concealed and his sight had been supernaturally enhanced to penetrate all shadows; still, his vision compared nothing to Lai's, who balanced easily in hawk-shape upon his helm. The noise of the wind was deafening.

The enemy had erected a defense against the storm, creating a smaller bubble of calmer weather which mitigated – but did not altogether counter – the magicks invoked by Mulissu and her cabal. Conjured allies – monoliths, storm-drakes, djinn and lesser elementals – skirmished continually with the Cheshnite outriders and van: clouds formed, discharged lightning and dissipated, and downdrafts erupted and vanished as a dozen competing sorcerous demands were placed on the local weather system.

Visuit was less than a mile away, hewing her way through everything in her path.

[Lai]: You study your enemy?

[Eadric]: Yes.

[Lai]: Do you see any weakness?

[Eadric]: None. She is the perfect warrior.

[Lai]: And what is your strategy?

[Eadric]: Prayer. The adepts are exhausted; Nwm is almost empty of power.

An urge. The goddess paused in her butchery.

A feeling of quietude.

"She senses something is amiss. That she is being observed." Lai hissed and squawked through the roaring wind.

"I thought we were inscrutable."

"And so we are," Lai nodded. "Warded from her sight, sound, touch, smell and all her divine faculties. But not from her instincts."

"If that is the case…"

Before he could finish his sentence, a cloud passed over his consciousness, numbing his soul.

Kaalaanala, he knew. Visuit had invoked the great Bhiti's name; the Fires of Death had instantly located him.

"Enemy Captain. I know you're there." Visuit's voice, and the urge to unimaginable violence, carried to all across the battlefield.

The Butcher began to move towards them. She gestured with her hand: an invitation to combat.

And now the ravenous perception of the Dark Goddess in Jashat was a terrible presence in the Ahma's mind.

Get out of my head!

Get out!


(I am powerless).


"We have to get out of here," Lai said.

Eadric nodded.

The Green was warm as their forms dissolved into it. Annihilation became a memory.


Ortwine corporeated from wind walking and floated, invisible and mind blanked a mile above the water. The air was cold and clear. Heedless stirred restlessly in her hand.

She had chased a vaporous Pazuzu around the cape of Nivorn, across the hills of Ardan, and for more than a thousand miles over open ocean. The pursuit had lasted thirty-three hours, and had demanded a focus more than she thought herself capable of maintaining. Never losing sense of him. And he was more slippery than an eel; her initial attempts to dominate him had proven utterly futile.

Finally, convinced that he had eluded any pursuit, the demon gyred and turned towards the west. Ortwine waited patiently. She sheathed Heedless; it writhed as she forced it back into its scabbard, and then projected silent telepathic anger at the sidhe.

Pazuzu materialized and began to work magic; Ortwine cursed, and began to fly silently towards him at speed. She had no notion of his intention; she had no need: demon princes casting spells never boded well. She carefully scrutinized his shape as she closed, scanning him him minutely.

Pazuzu – who had begun to invoke a ward of some complexity – stopped abruptly as he perceived the slightest breeze waft past him, and felt something snap. He began to scream with incredulity and rage and groped wildly at his throat.

Ortwine materialized a hundred yards ahead of him.

"You want this?" In her hand, she held his amulet.

He struck her, full force, with an eldritch thunderbolt. It dissipated upon contact with her.

Ortwine laughed.

He raised his hand as if to strike her again.

And instead became vaporous and vanished.

Ortwine scowled, and followed him with her Sight. She tied Pazuzu's amulet around her own neck.

Oh, that's good, she thought.

The chase resumed.


"What you seen to fail to appreciate," Mostin said to Nwm through gritted teeth, "Is the power of this dragon."

"She is a hellfire wyrm."

"Yes. No. Of sorts," the Alienist gave an irritated gesture. "She predates them. She may even predate the Fall. And she has not migrated in the sense of Hummaz. Not even in the sense of Mulissu – which is to say very little. She has been seduced by the Hazel-ludja; which apparently has connotations of magickal Will."

"Apparently so," Nwm nodded. "Although this is hardly a surprising correspondence."

"The Urn could…"

"Ngarh! You and your damned urn."

"It is pivotal," Mostin sighed. "If you think the Tree-ludja is omnipotent, think again. It is compromised by this admission of the Cheshnite Bhiti; and from the outset by permitting the I to remain here in any form. I use the Antinomian descriptor for Hummaz – which stands, according to Shomei, and she is reasonably well informed in such matters – because there are many infinities at work here invisible to you."

"And not to you?"

"Correct," Mostin nodded. "They are merely opaque. Many correspondences: Kaalaanala – Ancient Hellfire – the Wyrm – the Aeon."

"Why the Aeon?" Nwm asked suspiciously.

"I have concurred that it was the Aeon which…lurched…at me through the web of motes." [Formula]

"Why do you persist in…"

"It is my contention that the Aeon is fundamentally draconic," Mostin stared madly. "It was Qematiel who…lurched…at me through the web of motes."

"Wait!" Nwm held up his hand. "I am lost. Which is it?"

Mostin stopped speaking, and considered. "Infinities are bleeding. It makes divination complex. In any event, I don’t have the Urn, and the reason I don't have the Urn was because I was saving your sorry skins from annihilation; a service for which I am rewarded by a massive curtailment of magical power.

"How fortunate for us that you are so selfless," Nwm said drily.

"Do you understand that Qematiel is Ancient Hellfire. The wyrm which the Adversary will ride to the Oronthonist eschaton?" Mostin asked steadily.

"That reality is dead."

"Maybe. But Qematiel is not. This assumes, of course, the Adversary himself is not making some cosmic play. I have a plan…"

Nwm groaned.

"Hear me out," Mostin raised his appendage. "I need to convene a cabal. And I need your help…"


"I have an inkling. I will conjure Soneillon again as I need to talk to her. Outside of your loop. You have to get me there."

"You're insane. How far outside?"

"I don't care. Just far enough. Then I'll make my way to the astral retreat. But give me a couple of days. There are tomes in Ardanese monasteries which I need to consult."

"You have twenty-four hours. I plan on being in Fumaril thereafter."

Mostin scowled. "Can you get me to Esoc?"

"You can get there yourself," Nwm answered. "You'll have to walk the last mile, but it's generally polite to approach on foot, in any case." [Look: oak -> oak -> beech -> oak -> rowan]

"How many of these things have you made?"

"A few dozen," he shrugged. "It's getting hard to remember where they all are. Hlioth has fashioned many more."


[Ortwine]: Priestess!

[Mesikammi]: Your largeness?

[Ortwine]: Mesi, now is not the time for banter. My foe will not turn to let me kill him. I bore of this chase.

[Mesikammi]: You wish for my help?

[Ortwine]: I am issuing a divine command. Conjure a storm and force him down.

[Mesikammi]: Such an effect would be tiring at this distance.

[Ortwine]: There is kelp nearby; you can manifest yourself closer.

[Mesikammi]: I must also get wet?

[Ortwine]: I will grant you a boon, as befits faithful service.

[Mesikammi]: Perhaps a pretty bauble, recently won?

[Ortwine]: Mesi, do you spy on me? Truly, you are a worthy servant.

[Mesikammi]: An image of your holiness appears in my mind.

[Ortwine]: Such devotion should not go unrewarded. The amulet is a delight, I confess; I will bestow a different bounty, if you show a little patience.

[Mesikammi]: I can spare a little, but not too much.

Close by, the shamaness appeared. A wind began to gather.


Voicing her name was enough to invoke her; Nehael could offer no protection against her. This boded ill.

Presently, Oak and Elm shielded the Wyrish encampment with their power – not just the scions in the nearby vale, but the ludjas themselves, from deep within Nizkur. But this was not an effect which the Ahma was comfortable relying on – trees having their own, peculiar agenda. Nor was it of much use beond the zone of the ludjas' perception. And Eadric had no intention of entrenching permanently at Galda, despite the rapidly completed fortification of the site.

The Ahma therefore issued an edict, announced by archons who attended him. Trumpets rang, and the voices of celestials carried the proclamation to all within the Wyrish camp:

The name of the enemy in Jashat is anathema and may not be spoken: likewise, the name of the enemy war-goddess, and any of the abhorred names of Ancient Darkness.
All iconography, all material representation, all literature containing reference to any such entities is forthwith deemed blasphemous and must be surrendered immediately.


Eadric summoned Tuan Muat, a Talion whose prior acts had denied him bliss, and anointed him. The Inquisition was formally revived.

"Start with the aristocracy," Eadric motioned. "Refrain from physical coercion until they've had a chance to think about it."

"Ahma," the Inquistor began. "Many of the most ancient Temple texts…"

"Impound them," Eadric said. "In fact, confiscate them first, then start on the aristocracy. We need to set a good example, after all. This is a practical measure, not a philosophical one."

"The Irrenites aren't going to like this," Tuan Muat observed.

"Bring me Sineig." Eadric sighed.

"And the wizards?"

Eadric groaned. "Be politic, Inquisitor. A little pragmatic hypocrisy is no bad thing. My concern is with the ignorant; wizards must monitor themselves."

"And if one articulates these forbidden names or concepts in one's thoughts?" Tagur asked.

"Then they must be demonstrated to be un-True," the Ahma nodded. "Hence, we practice Saizhan. We must move. I need a sizeable force before noon tomorrow: I plan to relieve Fumaril."

"How many?"

"Two thousand horse and eight thousand foot – half pike and half archers. Illuminated and Templars. I'll take whatever Thalassine bombards you have, as well. With cold iron shot."

"A little more notice would be appreciated," Prince Tagur sighed.

"Just get them together in one place. Nwm will do the rest."

"I understand the principle," Tagur said. "And a little more notice would be appreciated."

"Noted," the Ahma nodded. "You have my apology, your Highness. Your tenure in the Serenities does not seem to have diminished your acidity."

"Oh," Prince Tagur sounded mildly disappointed. "I had rather hoped that it had."


At midnight, in Nizkur, all was darkness.

In a certain set of glades named Raithin Gabro, to the south of the forest and not too far from the marches of Tyndur, a power accumulated around an ancient stone named the Cleta; one of the many erratics or storrs which dotted the valleys nearby.

The area was a wild one: bare hilltops thrust above dense stands of pine. Further west, a forlorn strand stretched beneath rearing cliffs. Those tracts had a reputation for savage and malicious feys of every hue. It was here that Hummaz had elected to establish his realm: an area, to all intents and purposes, of Faerie proper.

From the bole of the Tree, a hundred miles to the north, Nehael's perception ranged wide over the land, absorbing all.

"What do you see?" Teppu asked excitedly. "He makes no efforts to impede your sight?"

"None," Nehael sighed. "Faerie awakens. I see areas of dusk and gloam and magic, and quicklings moving in the shadows. I see sidhe fortresses perched on windy crags, and hoary hunters preparing to ride. There are eight scions…"


"Holly and Hazel, obviously. A Willow. Others. Curiously, also a Yew. Ninit. The Boars. They have reincarnated. And those whom the Eater of Light consumed; the forest is alive."

"I sense no Awakening."

"I speak figuratively. The trees remain dormant, for the most part. But all of the most robust who were were taken by Shvar Choryati have transmigrated. They have lost none of their potency; they are now fey."


"Many. And tree-wyrds and other genii. And nymphs and satyrs. The latter revel as we speak. Hummaz is drunk."

"One hopes that this is not a prelude to some rampage," Teppu sighed.

"His mood seems amiable enough. He smiles drowsily at me."


Mostin augmented and warded himself with powerful spells, and plane shifted to an area where reality maelstroms churned through Void. Mile-long shards of matter span slowly on their axes, flickering on the edge of annihilation.

A telepathic bond connected him to Jalael, Troap and Daunton, who were ensconced in the astral retreat, forty-seven shattered dimensions distant. Mostin's sensory experience was conveyed directly into the other wizards' minds.

[Daunton]: Pan left. Up a little.

Mostin scowled.

In the far distance, dominating all, a redoubt of substance which the Blackthorn-ludja had gathered around itself. Like a vast mountain floating capsized in space, fragments of Zelatar – complete with minarets, domes and viper groves – comprised its inverted flanks. About its base, a fence of lesser peaks thrust upwards to surround a forested bowl twenty miles wide, at the centre of which, Mostin knew, the malign Blackthorn brooded. Flights of chthonics – which erupted spontaneously and vanished as quickly – avoided proximity to the great Tree.

Mostin wrought magic, and brought his will to bear upon the planar flux near him. In a previous cycle, Graz'zt had made spells of his own for the same purpose: vast in scope, and taking millennia to complete. Strands of plasm flowed; matter quickly agglomerated, assuming shapes and angles possessed of a disturbing quality. The aesthetic was peculiar in the extreme.

The Alienist drew a rod of cold iron two feet long from a portable hole, and scratched a wide circle about himself quickly. Within it, he scribed a set of complex runes and glyphs with uncanny speed and precision, pausing occasionally to recollect. With a motion, the rod vanished and the scrawl became a perfectly engraved tracery of iron.

Mostin stood inside the circle, muttered, and made a brief gesture.

A gate opened, and Soneillon appeared without duress.

Mostin recoiled, and reflexively assumed his pseudonatural shape as a churning vortex of darkness attempted to engulf him. It failed – barely – to penetrate a hemisphere which had sprung into existence around the wizard. Mostin swallowed with many mouths: he had thought to err in his protective ward with a wide margin of safety.

Soneillon withdrew and immediately became a demure child with wide eyes.

"Mostin. How delightful to see you again. Forgive my enthusiasm to embrace you."

Mostin remained in tentacled form, a thousand eyes directed suspiciously at the demoness. He knew that she could endure any magic he presently had at his command: in Uzzhin, it appeared, she had not only undergone a powerful pseudogenesis, but had taken tutelage with one of the elder horrors; spellwarp clung heavily to her. A number of transvalent spells protected her.

"Let's negotiate," the Alienist said wisely.

"A Flame Precedes the Aeon, Mostin. It troubles my dreams. What does it mean?"

Mostin resumed his humanoid shape, looked at his hand, and cocked his head quizzically. "Why do we find such forms necessary?"

"For you, sentimentality; for me, habit. Mostin, your evasiveness needs much work: the question still stands."

"You might volunteer a little first," the Alienist smiled. "Given the level of mutual distrust which we must first overcome. Note that I have conjured you without compulsion in a locale which is suitably secure for you."

"I have accepted an invitation; that hardly qualifies as grounds for debt. And good luck in your efforts to bind me. Still, I will tell you this: Carasch gathers darkness to himself; he prepares an oneiric assault. It will come in three days."

Mostin raised his eyebrows. "He is bold to move against the Seraphim. The Tree may swat him for his insolence."

"Or ignore him, as a fly. The fence has holes for those who know where to look. Only the great bhitis dream deeper than Carasch. A Flame Precedes the Aeon?"

"An opportunity to actualize the Urn, now passed," Mostin sighed.

"Which Flame?"

"In the Urgic sense; an iota of Perfect Radiance. Manifested when the Sela transmigrated."

"But you lost the Flame," Soneillon understood. "You search for another. Still, you withold much; some component of the equation is absent."

"This is to be expected," Mostin nodded. "You are my enemy."

"I am/not what I am/not," Soneillon snorted. "And you I bear no more malice than the rest of Creation, Mostin. If I were to proffer a little more, would you bite?"

"In this case, I regret I must decline. There is no article of knowledge which you possess which might be of equivalent value. You can surrender the Urn, to be privy."

Soneillon smiled sweetly. "Unlikely. But I am also reminded that analas – which is to say flames – come in a variety of colors. Perhaps ruddy or black? One might ask why there is a Hellfire Atavism lurking in the woods? Or would Carasch burn with sufficient heat, I wonder? Or the goddess in Jashat, the Death-Anala herself?"

Mostin shifted uncomfortably.

"You see," Soneillon placed her palms together. "The Void has opened, Mostin. It draws other forms spiralling into it. My power waxes."

"A Tree sits atop your palace and has enslaved your cabal," Mostin sneered. "You have no foundation."

Soneillon drew close to the circle's edge, placing childlike hands upon the invisible barrier. "The Cherry can wait. Chthonic axes will hew its roots in due course. Understand me, Mostin: I have been Outside and I have returned. I know what you know; I've seen what you have seen. Is there no potential for productive discourse?"

"Certainly. That is why I called you. Some topics must presently remain taboo, however. With which did you apprentice when you were Outside?"

Soneillon laughed. "You would not believe me if I told you."

"An entity of some reputation, I assume?"

"Something hidden, Mostin."

"Then this I must know," Mostin said wrily.

"Vhorzhe," Soneillon whispered. "My sponsor is Vhorzhe, Mostin."

The Alienist gaped at her.

"I told you that you wouldn't believe me."

"No," Mostin said grimly; the solutions to a number of nagging equations had already presented themselves in his mind. "I believe you well enough. You found a Pseudodaemonic Infinity."

"You should be more careful when targeting your banishments, Mostin. I didn't even have to look."

"The spell is named Pilgrimage," Mostin said bitterly. "An apt descriptor in your case, or so it would appear. Trust me Soneillon, were necromancy within my purview, I'd have happily obliterated you instead."

She smiled coyly. "Mostin, sometimes you speak such charming words."

"Nor did I name any particular pseudolocus for the spell. I find the prospect of coincidence improbable."

"To discover that one has been manipulated by an unknown agent is never a happy moment," Soneillon's eyes narrowed.

[Daunton]: Vhorzhe?

[Troap]: Enlighten me?

[Jalael]: Mostin was apprenticed to him. A disagreeable sort, by all accounts. Shomei knew him. Mostin's over-hyped Horror abducted him previously.

Mostin scowled. A wizard's dirty laundry was seldom a pleasant sight.

[Mostin]: Enough! Begone! I will relate the shabby details in Fumaril.

The Alienist summarily dismissed the other wizards from his mind.

In a chamber of the astral retreat, Jalael looked hard at Daunton. "He is so damnably arrogant. Will he now strike some deal without our knowledge? Why do we endure this tyrannical lunatic as our spokesman?"

Daunton raised an eyebrow, and glanced at Graz'zt's token, which hung around the Hag's neck; her greatest treasure gained from the binding of the demon prince.

"Profit," the diviner replied sagely.


Otwine swore. Divine blood erupted in a cloud from delicate fey skin as a sonic of great magnitude struck her. Heedless was a blur in her hand. It screamed ecstatically.

The Demon had gone to ground on an unnamed island; ancient olive groves, long abandoned by some ocean-going culture, clung to the steep slopes of a dormant volcanic peak. The trees were being ripped from their roots and hurled into the sky from the force of the wind which Mesikammi had conjured.

Pazuzu spat a gout of corrupted acid over Ortwine; she saw the droplets spin through the air towards her and somehow avoided each. The wind carried the black vapor harmlessly away.


Ortwine opened a gashing wound across the demon's chest.


And another.


And another.


And another.


And another.

It was. The cornered demon prince screamed in rage and frustration. His remaining magic was impotent against her; his claws could find no purchase to inject their ineffectual venom. She outpaced him. Out-fought him. Out-thought him. He was stuck in this accursed place.

"I yield," Pazuzu screeched above the wind. It was a violation of his pact with Yeshe, but he cared nothing for that any longer; all of the old rules had been overturned.

"Thanks," Ortwine cut his head off.

The gale subsided abruptly.

Reaching down, the sidhe-goddess retrieved a rod of intricate design ending in a golden claw. She plucked a long feather from the fallen demon's wing.

"For Mostin," she smiled to Mesikammi.

The clouds parted: for a moment, the Sun shone brighter; a great bird seemed to pass across its disc. Upon the ground, the broken remains of the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms burned swiftly; ash was carried away on a gentle breeze.

Ortwine made a rude gesture towards the Luminary. "I didn't ask for your opinion. I'd have taken another feather, if I'd known."


The Ahma retired grimly to his tent. As he entered, a movement within it prompted him to draw Lukarn in a flash.

He found himself gazing at his own reflection and swallowed. Resting on a stand, not a mirror but a round shield, burnished to perfection. Once Melimpor's shield, hammered fresh by celestial smiths, then cloven by Visuit; it had been cast yet again. A delicate device of Tree-and-Sun was etched upon it. Around its circle, between its rim and wide boss, phoenixes took flight; they seemed to wheel incessantly as the observer moved this way and that. Lukarn's light was reflected as with a green and gold fire.

"Strike it," a voice said from behind him. It was Jaliere.


"Strike it!" The god demanded. "Hew at it with all your strength. Smash it. Shiver it."

The Ahma gathered his power and dealt a terrific blow with his weapon, two-handed, striking the shield's upper rim. The stand shattered. The shield sank into the dirt floor under the force of the assault, but otherwise bore no mark.

"Good," Jaliere nodded.


"Don't bother," the god of the forge grunted. "Your account is still firmly in the black."

"There is no debt. I have never expected payment." Eadric shook his head.

"Hence, you deserve it," Jaliere replied. The god regarded him. "Ahma, in Soan they build a great temple to you."

"No!" Eadric stepped back and his face contorted. "I cannot be worshipped."

"Then you must disabuse your worshippers of their prayerful notions," Jaliere sighed. "I wish you all the best in that endeavour."

"And why are they building temples? A few thousands; barely returned from death. They must feed themselves. Clothe themselves. Build shelter."

Jaliere laughed. "The gods and ancestors are not idle in Sisperi, Ahma. And it has already been five years."

"Five years?"

"In Sisperi. Saes changed the passage of time; increased the pace of mortality – if only for a little while. The negotiation between her and Ortwine? Were you not present?"

"In body only," the Ahma smiled.

Eadric lifted the shield, and wiped the dirt from its rim. The tree in its design was – unmistakeably – a yew.

"How did you know it was a Yew?" He asked.

"Lai sees much," Jaliere replied.



Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 12-25-2009

Fumaril – Part 1.

The Ahma stood on the balcony of the Tyrant's palace and gazed eastwards. Tents now crowded the baileys below, but all was gloomy and indistinct, save the throne room behind him; in that narrow space alone, Mulissu had found enough power to counteract the oppressive darkness of the Pall of Dhatri. It was the only light for a hundred miles.

Nwm – who rested after the transportation of many companies of Wyrish troops – had resolved to counter the spell locally, at least to a mile or two beyond Fumaril's walls. Mostin – unusually animated – had made calculations which made the Preceptor groan. To do so would be a massive drain on their already stretched magical resources.

Initially, Mostin had been sceptical; news of vampires and spectres had caused him to reconsider. "You need get the timing right. Fry as many as you can. And you need to start conserving resources. Squeeze every drop. I have it. Look: [Formula]."

"You may use plain speak."

"Lukarn," Mostin said. "As the focus. Gather them up and perform the ritual now. Then you take a rest. Be fresh later.

Nwm stared blankly.

"Limited resources," Mostin reminded him. "Visuit will be knocking on the doors in less than twelve hours."

"Very well. Limited resources. You're in. Help spread the pain around."

Eadric remained solemn throughout, brooding upon the strategic situation. As he handed Lukarn to Nwm for the purpose of the spell; a general presentiment of unease possessed him.

Visuit's maneuver with the multiple gates and chthonic summons at Cirone had demonstrated to the Ahma that the goddess – while relishing direct, bloody conflict – had a number of other tools at her disposal. Her assault would be fast, brutal, and extraordinarily well-coordinated. No chthonic intervention could tip the scales this time; in that regard, the threat was at least more quantifiable. Mostin had observed that banishing her again was also not possible as long as the Tree's interdict held. She must therefore be killed; Eadric's preferred solution, certainly, but not one which was obviously achievable.

The hairs of the back of his neck stood abruptly, and his eyes widened.

She was.


"Nwm!" He screamed. "Sword!"

The Preceptor tossed him back his weapon.


In the courtyard directly below the balcony there was an eruption of earth and rock which hurled flagstones fifty feet into the air; the ground heaved and rippled like liquid. Guho had conjured an earth-spirit – a dao prince of considerable prestige – and negotiated a terrene passage for four travellers. The Worm-that-Walks was accompanied by the goddess Visuit, Yeshe the Binder, and Choach, manifesting a fresh form from his hidden phylactery.

Upon his arrival, the lich immediately scoured all trace of life from the courtyard with a massive acid evocation. Yeshe struck the façade of the palace with a powerful vibration which caused it to collapse. The Ahma and Nwm were borne away in an avalanche of rubble. The Alienist – alerted by a moment of prescience – had hopped onto a more secure foundation, now a pilon of masonry extending from the stricken building.

Mostin stopped time.


He considered, and many eyes absorbed many details; his mind processed perception rapidly. Why this moment? What was the qualifier which had divined this point in time for their attack? The Ahma parted momentarily from Lukarn? Their foresight was subtle, or the synchronicity apt.

Visuit was in mid-leap, her monstrous weapon raised above her head and ready to fall; whether her target was Nwm or Eadric was impossible to say: it was likely that the goddess herself had not yet made that determination.

Guho was in the act of casting another transvalent spell; the accretion of magic around her revealed much. It was an enchantment; a bad one, designed to punch through mind blanks. And her attention was turned in his direction.

Choach and Yeshe were both gathering their power again, but their specific intention was unknown. Furthermore, a complex lattice of unidirectional antimagic protected both; a network of fine gaps in Mostin's arcane perception. That would be a problem.

Behind him, in the throne-room, Mesikammi was conjuring…something. Mulissu was fortifying herself: air crackled; the metallic reek of ozone reached his nose. Daunton had begun to protect himself as best he could. Tahl was roaring Get Out! at everyone else.

Ortwine's location was unknown.

Mostin augmented his consciousness to godlike proportions and refocused. Backlash cascaded over him.


As time recommenced, he targeted Guho with the Mhuerh Resonance, a sonic of terrific power. The aberration exploded into a million pieces.

The Alienst launched a disjunction at Yeshe and Choach, but it slithered off of their protective shells.

From nowhere, Heedless, flying through the air, bit into Visuit's gorget but was turned by the hammered layers of black adamant. Her armor pulsed with death runes in anger.

Mostin experienced a brief dissonance: in an unrealized future, the goddess had brought her weapon down upon Nwm, slaying him instantly, and cleaving into Eadric, smashing through his armor; in the realized, Ortwine had used a spell to avert the possibility at the last moment. Instead, Visuit's sword opened a wound from the Preceptor's shoulder to his belly and left him senseless.

The Ahma smote her with all his power. She leered at him.

At the behest of the goddess, Choach sealed the area surrounding Nwm, Eadric and Visuit with a transvalent spell: a spherical wall of force which encapsulated a bubble of antimagic. All dweomers failed within it, but Ortwine did not manifest; Mostin guessed that she had somehow jumped free.

Visuit smiled. As potent as her own artifacts might be, in an area of dead magic she had a huge advantage.

Yeshe struck Mostin with a spell contrived to imprison souls; his spellwarp absorbed it, energizing him. She followed with a quickened superb dispelling, divesting him of most of his magical protections.

Mulissu stopped time.


Mostin was poised upon the remains of the balcony at the very edge of illumination. Below, in shadow, Yeshe's contorted face was caught in the act of voicing an execration. Mulissu considered the bubble around Eadric and Visuit, and glanced at Yeshe and Choach. It would be one or the other.

She erected a prismatic wall directly in front of Mostin, sealing off three-quarters of the opening in the blasted façade, and preventing Choach from targeting either the Alienist or Daunton. Next, she conjured an air monolith, which remained in a paradoxical stasis, its unmoving-churning base threatening Yeshe and the lich. The savant gathered her thoughts.

Time recommenced.


Mulissu darted into the air and targeted the encysted antimagic surrounding the Ahma with a superb dispelling, evaporating it instantly. Simultaneously, the monolith was a churning vortex which sucked Choach into it.

With a thought, Mulissu stopped time again.


The savant scowled at Visuit. The Butcher was nigh-invulnerable to her magic, and her options with regard to the goddess were limited. She quickly scanned Yeshe with a powerful spell and raised an eyebrow.

You stupid, arrogant bitch, Mulissu thought. You have no idea

She invoked a mantle of egregious might, and concentrated.

Time recommenced.


Mulissu struck Yeshe with an antimagic ray and conjured two spheres of ball lightning which blazed as they hammered into the immortal. Yeshe gaped in pain and amazement. Tendrils of lightning wrapped around her.

Choach uttered a swift destruction, causing the elemental around him to disintegrate in an explosion of black fire, and directed an empowered energy drain at Mulissu which failed to pierce her wards.

Mostin stopped time.


The Alienist was shaken; his most potent defenses were stripped from him. He granted himself the power of flight, moved out from behind the prismatic wall, and briefly surveyed the scene. His magical sight had also been suppressed; shapes were blurry and vague.

Mulissu was floating above the courtyard, traceries of static lightning surrounding her. Choach was below her. Yeshe's power was muted by antimagic.

Mostin descended, conjured a prismatic sphere directly in front of Choach, and refocused.

Time recommenced.


Mostin became a hideous thing. A barbed tentacle lashed out and dragged the lich through the seven layers of shimmering light which surrounded the Alienist. Undaunted and unaffected, Choach dropped another superb dispelling – this time on the entire area below the prismatic wall.

All magic ceased, save for the Pall of Dhatri only. The pervasive gloom reasserted itself in the perception of all present; suddenly, everything became real, and shadowy.

For a brief moment, all eyes turned to Mostin.

His form remained the same.


From nowhere, a subdued Heedless was about Yeshe: Ortwine – now visible as a swift shadow – was finding gaps within the Binder's armor. Yeshe staggered under the assault.

Visuit glowered at the insensible Nwm and cut him down in an instant. She continued with a ferocious attack upon Eadric, dealing huge punishment to him and forcing him backwards. He could barely stand, much less focus; Lukarn dropped from his hand; his strength ebbed away.

A boar – one of the enormous Gultheins, conjured by Mesikammi – burst out of the throne-room and ploughed into Visuit, carrying her thirty feet into a balustrade with an explosion of rubble. Yeshe became insubstantial and flitted away as Mulissu targeted her with a barrage of lightning orbs. Tahl leapt down to Nwm's side, and revivified him.

Mostin, a writhing mass of appendages, ripped Choach apart and flung skeletal remains in all directions.

Magic surged as a score of artifacts reawakened.


Visuit slew the boar with a single, great swipe of her sword. Power coursed through her again now. She turned her attention back to Eadric.

In a heartbeat, Ortwine closed the distance, scooped up Lukarn and pressed it into the Ahma's gauntleted fist. The weapon stirred; Eadric's faculties returned abruptly.

"That way," Ortwine said, orienting him. "You're doing fine."

Daunton erected a wall of force in front of the Butcher, sealing her into a corner.

"How long do we have?" Eadric asked.

"I'd guess about six seconds," Ortwine replied.

"Did I miss much?" Nwm asked. Tahl had healed him.

Another spell from Daunton facilitated a telepathic bond amongst all present.


[Mostin]: Ignore Yeshe. Target Visuit.

[Mulissu]: Forget it. I've got nothing. We need to take out her goon.

Yeshe – vaporous and hidden somewhere nearby in the gloom – used telekinesis to lift Visuit into the air over the wall of force and deposited her directly in front of Eadric, Nwm and Ortwine.

Mulissu – aware only of the Binder's approximate location – blasted the area around Yeshe and Mostin with a string of powerful electrical evocations. The Alienist – happily immune to lightning, and realizing the wisdom of Mulissu's words – followed suit with a sonic barrage.

[Nwm]: I'll take whatever you've got.

[Eadric + Mesikammi + Tahl]: Ready.

[Ortwine]: You'd better finish this.

A pillar of green fire consumed Visuit. She screamed in agony; a sound which rocked the foundations of Fumaril. Thundering forwards in a rage, she slew Nwm for a second time, her great, curved sword, cutting him limb from limb in a flurry of deadly strokes.

Daunton struck the goddess with a dispelling; momentarily, her armor subsided into quiescence.

Yeshe had vanished into the darkness.

Mostin smote Visuit with a sonic meteor swarm – his last remaining big evocation. Mulissu began to conjure another elemental.

Ortwine, sensing opportunity, attacked in earnest; all of her focus was directed at parting Visuit's head from her shoulders. From the opposite side, Eadric hewed into her with Lukarn.

With three mighty strokes, Visuit dropped the Ahma like a stone, whirled her blade over her head, and clove into Ortwine, driving her backwards in a daze. With a back-handed swipe she slew Tahl the Incorruptible – who was moving to revivify Eadric – as an afterthought. Mostin had resorted to magic missiles which pulsed into the goddess.

Another boar crashed into Visuit, a great tusk impaling her through her armor and forcing her back yet again.

Yeshe corporeated for an instant beside Visuit before both dissolved into mist.

Mulissu cursed.

Mostin experienced it as a shiver; the subtlest aethers were singing in resonance.

Mesikammi gaped. She saw and heard, although no other might. The radiance was overwhelming; the sonority, perfect. She danced and clapped. "Beautiful Flames! Beautiful Flames!"

In the darkness, Mostin assumed a humanoid shape and considered. Nwm would self-incarnate in a few hours. The lich would slink away to his phylactery. Guho had more than a few worms hidden, no doubt.

But Eadric of Deorham had passed. He would be presented with a variety of choices.


Ortwine's senses returned to her and she wiped the blood from her eyes. Her faculties reached out through the shadows, groping in search of Visuit and Yeshe. Nothing.

Next time, Faerie. Visuit's voice, echoing in Ortwine's mind.

The sidhe focused.

Lai. Get here now. We need you.

Mulissu turned to Daunton. "You will convoke the Wyrish Academy."

Daunton protested. "We are not in Wyre. And the Collegium is not Mulissu's to command. And the Interdict prevents the spell, in any case. Mostin?"

"Do as she says," Mostin nodded. "Tell them to get here as fast as they can, by whatever means they can."


I've been avoiding footnotes. But:

*Mulissu's main attack spells are electrically-substituted energy orbs with a variety of secondary (entangling, sickening etc.) and metamagic effects attached; I ruled that energy conjurations logically penetrate antimagic as well as ignore SR. Sketchy, but there you go. Yeshe had native resistance to electricity as well, but not much. She botched two DC 50 Fort saves.

*Mostin gets 9 tentacle attacks at +44 (2d8+14).

*Devastating Critical is the most broken feat ever.

*DM Note: I may have underestimated Visuit's CR for this encounter.


Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 03-23-10



Wyrm? Eadric wonders. Not so much by its shape; dimension is not, in fact, a concept which is altogether appropriate. Nor by its nature, a notion which is entirely moot. It is made of and contains all color. Potentiality focused at a single point, awaiting time to commence. It is poised upon the interstices Between.

Even it has a shadow. The never-realized; that-which-cannot-be. An Apparition.

Eadric turns his thoughts to the World. Within Finitude, a torrent of Flames has already descended in anticipation of the Aeon. They are hidden, save those few which might reveal themselves to the blessed or the mad. In his mind, Eadric smiles. Despite his protestations to the contrary, Nwm had invoked the Sun-God. An inpouring of light and fire; a divine immanence carried by those resurrected at the Reversal. What exactly did the Preceptor expect?

The Urn. The Moment. The Spell. The Flame. One thrice-transcended? Thrice-fallen? Thrice reborn; or remade?

Nehael? Soneillon? Teppu? Ortwin(e)? Hummaz? Mostin?

If Wyre survives, the Illuminated of Morne and their descendants will dominate history for fifty millennia.

In Dream, Darkness moves; Carasch prepares to assail the Viridescent Seraphim.

Moment. It must be at an appropriate moment.

The Dragon coils around the Tree.

There is an awareness that this perspective is impossible, and Eadric returns to Finitude.

Reality commences.


"Fumaril is not built to withstand conventional siege," Mulissu explained, "much less earthquakes and goristros. Visuit can and must press the attack; she may petition for more magical help – possibly another immortal, or more than one. Yeshe has yet to gather the ritual power of her cabals; even if her reservoir is dry, she is not toothless.

"When this storm blows out, I will not conjure another; nor will the Paling go up again. I lack further patience for these delaying tactics. Mostin has therefore devised a plan…"

Waide groaned. "Are you now the charismatic face of Mostin's deranged schemes?"

"Precisely," Mulissu smiled.

"I am nervous around deities," Tozinak sniffed.

"Our advantage is in versatility," Mostin's entrance, although flamboyant in his own eyes, was accompanied by such a distortion of normality in the senses of those others present that it caused heads to spin and stomachs to heave.

"We can adapt our strategy much more effectively than they," the Alienist continued. "We have greater spell resources. We have regained the prescient edge. They have outmoded spellcasting techniques and their repertoire is limited. Choach is gone again, for a while; Yeshe is exhausted. Guho is recovered, and still potent, but she is only one."

"As has been said, Visuit must press on. I foresee that Rishih will join them, but under duress. The Cheshnite leadership is fragmenting; or rather, the illusion of unity is finally being dispelled. Powerful warlords who are effectively vassals of K—laan—la. Those few demons which remain – by few I mean few thousand – are the last of their kind. We may not see their like again. We should consider preserving some specimens.

"But I digress. Ladies and gentlemen, imprisonments and disjunctions are your friends. Sonics – if available to you – are good friends. Transmutations are of limited utility; time stops, yes! Necromancies and enchantments, useless.

"We will approach mind blanked and under superior invisibility…"

"This strategy did not work for Eadric," Jalael observed.

"Visuit is less likely to experience abject nausea when we approach her," Mostin said sagely.

"How much of this did you learn from Soneillon, and at what cost?" Jalael's irritation was apparent.

"Much. And none to you. If I may continue? Prismatic walls and spheres… "

[Mulissu]: Enough speak! Whether you invoke her or no, her gaze is turned upon us again.

[Daunton]: It matters not. As has been pointed out to me, we are all figments of Mostin's imagination in any case.


Ortwine galloped northwest upon Narh through Nizkur Forest. Eadric's steed bore her faster than she could wind walk; the trees parted for the sidhe as she rode. Blood and ichor still clung to her and caked her hair; her cloak was a billowing shadow, distorting perception around her.

Her course led her toward Kinthei and the Tree. Her instinct cautiously probed those tracts to the west of her as she rode; the limits of Hummaz's realm, if such notions as limit meant anything to the enigmatic fey.

Abruptly, shadow passed across her mind; a vast, dark fire impinging on her consciousness at a distance of a mile. Ortwine cursed, and veered east, spurring Narh to an incredible pace. Too slow. The shape hurtled towards her with uncanny speed, and within three seconds had manifested itself directly in front of her; a raging inferno of black flames surrounding a great, sinuous wyrm. Qematiel.

The forest ignited. The fire burned her and Ortwine drew Heedless, but backed up upon Narh. "I am about the Tree's business. You would be ill-advised to thwart me."

With such power and confidence did the sidhe speak, that the wyrm paused uncertainly. Then she remembered her mission.

"My, you are a suave one. Do not attribute your continued existence to anything other than my whimsy," Qematiel smiled wickedly, displaying many hundred teeth.

Inwardly, Ortwine sighed. This fact was undeniable.

Her aura extinguished itself and the dragon assumed the shape of a female devil of not-inconsiderable allure. She held a tiny hazel twig, barely longer than a splinter, between thumb and forefinger; she proffered it to the sidhe with an arched eyebrow.

Ortwine looked sceptical. "I am generally reluctant to accept gifts from powerful entities with opaque agendas."

Qematiel smiled again; in diabolic form, the expression seemed even more malign.

"I don't believe I gave you a choice," the wyrm said. "And the Hazel certainly hasn't."

"What is it?" Ortwine took the twig in a resigned fashion. She screamed as it buried itself into her left palm.

"Power," Qematiel replied.


He is a boy of ten again, standing in the courtyard of the keep below the Steeple. His father tosses him the sword. He feels its weight in his hands.

"It is too heavy," Eadric complains.

"They need to feed you more meat and less scripture in the Temple," his father says without sympathy. "The men of Kyrtill's clan are large; hence we use large swords. Be about you!"

Orm is sitting nearby. He jeers.

"Shut up!" The boy shouts. "You're just jealous because they wouldn't take you."

"I was," Orm admits calmly. "Now I am relieved. I do not require a syllabus censored by the Inquisition."

"Father?" Eadric pleads.

"As I love you both, shut up and learn how to fight. This is eminently practical advice: if you are dead, you are of no use to anyone."


"Where is Nwm?" Ortwine inquired.

"He has not returned yet," Nehael answered. "He is assessing the situation from a different perspective before he commits. You wear Hazel's mark; that may have been a rash promise of fealty."

"I am confused, and my fealty – which is to myself – has not changed. What does the dragon have to do with this?"

Teppu sighed. "She is a useful agent."

"A useful agent for whom? For Hazel? Or for the Tree? For you? For Hummaz?"

"This has yet to be demonstrated," Teppu conceded. "She is also a liability; Kaalaanala now plots to break Hazel's spell on her and unleash the wyrm's destructive potential. Which is considerable."

"Many balances have been struck," Nehael sat upon the ground. "Energy has become diffuse. This is natural."

"Mine has not," Ortwine said dismissively. "What of Hummaz? Have you made contact with him?"

"No," Nehael shook her head. "And I would advise you likewise avoid him. If we are fortunate, he may revel blissfully for a thousand years before he awakens one morning in a bad mood. Or he may stub his toe whilst chasing a nymph, and become enraged. These things are hard to predict. Nonetheless, I feel a certain maternity toward him; it is hard to explain."

"Adopting the Adversary is a bold undertaking," Ortwine said drily. "I'm not persuaded that his new clothes will fit to his liking."

"You would know better than I," Nehael nodded. "You demonstrate many convergences."

Ortwine scowled.

"What is your purpose here, Ortwine?' Nehael sighed. Even her intuition could not penetrate the sidhe's motivation.

"I have come to ask for your help."

"I have no authority beyond Nizkur," Nehael shook her head.

"No, but you have great power beyond Nizkur. In any event, I require your intercession not your intervention: Kaalaanala sees everything which transpires in Fumaril. A Tree could veil us…"

"There is no scion there; a ludja feels protective only toward its scions."

"Hence I require your intercession. If…"

Nehael held up her hand. "I will do what I can."

She communed momentarily.

"The answer is no," Nehael said plainly.


"No," Nehael repeated. "Neither Oak, not Elm nor Ash will lend you aid, as you now bear Hazel's mark. In other words, Hazel has pre-empted your efforts; you must petition it directly."

"But Hazel is in Hell."

"You are marked. You need merely invoke her by name. A votive offering to a scion would place you in better standing."

"And where might I find a Hazel scion?" Ortwine asked, exasperated.

"Unless you wish to enter the realm of Hummaz, the only one is in the gardens of the Wyrish Academy. Shomei's abode."

"Somehow, I'm not surprised," Ortwine said. "And I'm sure the wizards will be thrilled. Is this ludja feminine or neuter? You have implied both."

"It is not masculine," Nehael nodded.

"And when do I receive this power that I am promised? The wyrm was vague."

"It is already bestowed. In the Forest, you must fight left-handed."

Ortwine narrowed her eyes. "This is an odd restriction." She moved to draw her weapon, but froze involuntarily.

"No!" Nehael hissed. A celadon light flared around her. "Not here. You will not unsheath that thing here. This is a holy place."

The Image of Uedii. The sidhe's façade collapsed entirely, and she backed away, her countenance full of righteous dread.

Her opacity suddenly made utterly transparent, Ortwine wavered, turned, and fled.

When she reached Narh, the sidhe encountered Nehael again. The goddess stood before the great horse, which nuzzled her affectionately. Her palm was offered outward; her expression was benign.

"Kindly step aside," Ortwine said. She still shook.

"You will need a votive offering," Nehael emphasized.

"I have something in mind," Ortwine said through gritted teeth.

"I am what I am, and you must decide how you relate to that. Your insecurities are your own."

Nehael vanished.


Eadric sat beneath the Yew in Saizhan. Viridescent devas surrounded him. He experienced a subtle tugging: Lai and Mesikammi were beckoning him to return, and he merely need reach out and touch the gnarled trunk…

He felt their entreaty, but did not act upon it.

He watched as Tramst, the Sela, quietly approached and sat opposite. There was a long silence.

Eadric breathed deeply – a chill, forest-mountain air scented with resin – and looked into the Sela's face.

"I have seen a little of what you see," Eadric finally said dubiously. "If only for a moment, or was it an eternity? I marvel that Tramst – who is a fragile vessel – can contain the magnitude of the Sela, although this truth is also somehow quite mundane. I am conflicted. I should return, of course. But this is a fine spot; the light is of a perfect, blended quality. The air is crisp and clear."

Tramst laughed. "This is your Heaven; are you surprised that you like it?"

"Not entirely. Sela, I cannot overcome Visuit. Twice, I've faced her now. She is beyond me."

"Yet overcome her you must," Tramst nodded. "And Kaalaanala also. Visuit is but a minor test. Observe."

A light sprang into being within the Sela's palm. At first, it seemed perfect and undivided, but on closer inspection, differentiation existed – or at least Eadric inferred as much. Motes whirled about in a cloud; around each mote, yet more motes span, and around them, yet more. The light shone upon the face of the Sela – a visage both empty and complete.

"Radiance illuminates Mind," Tramst smiled. "And Mind reflects upon Radiance. But what is behind me?"

Oblivion. A terror so complete and all-consuming that Eadric's thought was utterly paralyzed. He teetered on the brink of annihilation.

"Look beyond Nothingness," the Sela said calmly.

The Darkness called to him. He could not rest his gaze there.

The Sela sighed. "Beyond, not into. Stare not at Apparitions of Demogorgon; merely practice Saizhan. Tools I offer you. How many motes do you see?"

They span wildly. To observe one was to lose its identity to perception. A grand cosmic uncertainty.

"Seven," Eadric replied. "And seven times seven unnumbered times." His knowledge was oblique, but the intuition certain.

"You may choose two."

Slowly, an action which itself seemed aeons long, the Sela moved his hand toward him; Eadric stared into the maelstrom of light – for such it had become – until it overwhelmed him entirely. It asserted ens with such ferocity that it threatened to extinguish all other notions of being. Its magnitude was unguessably vast. It was Magnitude.


"Which did you choose?" The Sela asked wrily. As though he might not know.

"This and That," Eadric laughed.

"They are called Fultum and Anto," the Sela nodded. "Or Steadfastness and Wrath; or Vigilance and Requite; or Succour and Renewal. You choose well. Share these meditations with those whom you trust and who might understand. Look now beyond Unbeing. What do you See?"

Eadric wept. The Void shone.

"Thus," the Sela smiled. He held Eadric's head in his hands and breathed gently.

The Ahma entered him.

He awoke beneath the Yew beside the Great Fane in Morne.

"You took your time," Nwm said.

The Preceptor watched silently as a vast, aquiline shape receded towards a setting Sun.


In the gathering dark, Narh walked steadily through the wide grounds of the Academy southwest of Morne. Ortwine's eyes moved suspiciously; any number of the trees there possessed a rudimentary sentience, and most were malign. Now a far more sinister Intelligence – that of a Hazel scion – held banyans, viper trees and night twists in thrall away from the main trail. Ortwine scowled. The Hazel itself was remaining elusive. She knew she was being toyed with.

A familiar sensation came upon the sidhe, the quality of which was reminiscent of a prior incarnation. Ahead of her, the barest rumour of a path had appeared, winding its way through dense briars. She drew Heedless and progressed cautiously, at first upon Narh, and then – due to some internal impulse which she felt obligated to heed – on foot. Through the foliage, a light flickered through the gloam. Ortwine wrapped her cloak around her and moved towards it, silent and unseen.

It was a stone cottage – a coppicer's cottage, of all things, as evidenced by a number of tools which rested neatly against the wall by its open door. Outside, a lone devil of thoughtful and melancholic aspect sat upon a stool carving a slender hazel switch. He was in a state of deep concentration, and seemed oblivious to the sidhe's presence. Despite her efforts, Ortwine's deific sense could not reach within the structure itself. Unperceived, the sidhe slipped past the devil and entered.

Ortwine raised an invisible eyebrow. In seeming contradiction to the Tree's limitation on such spatial manipulation, it was larger within than without, and scrolls and codices crowded shelves upon the walls. Stacks of tomes reached the ceiling; in places, there was barely room to move. Ancient books. Forbidden books. Books bound in the hides of unknown creatures, and whispering secrets best left untold. Accursed books. Thousands of them. Through dark doorways, stairs led up or down: to rooms filled with yet more books.

She moved towards a space where a pair of plush chairs flanked a large hearth, within which a fire crackled merrily. In a large wicker basket, neatly stacked, half a stère of cut hazel. Hints of cinnamon hung within the air; on a small table by the fireside, an unstoppered bottle of kschiff stood.

Above the mantlepiece, framed within crystal, was a large parchment of impossible antiquity bearing one hundred and sixty-nine signatures. Below the names – Infernal appellations which themselves made the sidhe's head reel – the Empyreal seal, as borne by Enitharmon himself. Below that, an empty rune which held no meaning; it could not, in fact, be said to exist beyond the context of the document itself. The endorsement of Oronthon's Nameless Adversary. The Accord.

"Take a seat," Shomei's voice reached her from a nearby room. "Have a drink. I'll be with you in a moment."

Ortwine glanced around.

"Check the small cabinet," Shomei added. "I have several bottles of Loquai vintage, liberated from Menicau's estate should you prefer."

Ortwine relaxed. She loathed the taste of kschiff and found its particular psychotropic effects disagreed with her.

Shomei the Infernal appeared presently. She smiled, poured herself a generous goblet of liquor, and sank into one of the chairs. Ortwine regarded her closely; upon her forehead, Shomei bore a faint mark not unlike that which ratified the document above the mantle.

"You have become a devil," Ortwine observed.

"Of sorts," Shomei nodded.

"And I suspect that you have a particular relationship with the Hazel which is germane to my current situation," Ortwine added. "What is this place?"

"A concursion," Shomei said carefully. "You are already within Hazel's domain. The coppice itself is behind the cottage."

"You have…permission…to cut wood? Hazel's wood?"

"Will must be tended, lest it become unfocused," Shomei the Infernal nodded.

"Then you are in thrall?"

"No. The arrangement is reciprocal. I am Exempt."

"Then you are paid for your work?" Ortwine asked slyly.

Shomei laughed, and gestured. "Look around you!"


Shomei narrowed her eyes, and lifted a large, weighty volume from a stack nearby. She handed it to the sidhe, who wiped grime and dust from its cover to read its title in the ancient Infernal tongue:

Two Hundred Discourses on the Nature of Depravity

"This particular volume was scribed by a devil named Enaia," Shomei explained. "Her seductive accomplishments rival those of the most notorious of succubi. Alas, she is no more; her subterfuge was unmasked by diviners sixteen epochs past: she was bound in dimensional shackles, and buried in a silver salt, gathered from the shores of a celestial ocean."

Ortwine cast her gaze through the dark doorways nearby which led to other chambers. "You have sequestered a portion of Hell's library?"

"I have sequestered the entirety of Hell's library," Shomei the Infernal smiled.

Ortwine looked dubious. "Moving countless million books would seem the occupation of many lifetimes. I assume that certain planar boundaries have been redrawn?"

"From this perspective," Shomei nodded. "Hell as it was is no more. It has been ejected from the continuum, so to speak. Forced Outside, or retreated into Dream might be alternate descriptors, were one inclined to view things in such a way. In any event, its influence will no longer be felt as directly. I have preserved its legacy and its wisdom. A quartet of great once-devils remain within what was Avernus, but which is now a great forest dominated by two of the darker ludjas."

"And these once-devils – which are now presumably Green – fill which roles in this new continuum?"

"That will depend on the Aeon," Shomei poured herself another goblet of kschiff.

"Then devils have become a scarce commodity."

"Not so scarce," the Infernalist smiled. "Merely transformed. And Azazel's legions wisely removed themselves and placed themselves under Holly's protection."

Ortwine's hackles rose.

"You are wise to fear Holly," Shomei nodded. She was becoming inebriated: apparently kschiff retained its potency with regard to her diabolic metabolism. "She is quite the bitch. The Kings of the Four Quarters, now Four Kings amid the Thickets: this movement was inevitable, even as the Adversary migrated. In a prior reality they were also of He; before a Fall which now never happened. Perhaps half of his Regents in the Undivided Sphere: the half which fell, even as half perished altogether? Each of the others lost one; sixty-four became forty-nine. This was necessary. The I is necessary to ens. For Radiance to penetrate beyond Tamasah."

The sidhe barely followed her. "And what is beyond Tamasah?"

"Truth," Shomei smiled lazily.

"And what might that be?"

Shomei laughed heartily. "Ask the Ahma, for he has seen it. I care not for the Unmanifest, Ortwine. Hence, I do not practice Saizhan."

The sidhe-goddess sighed and raised her glass. "I'll drink to that."

"You may leave both rod and talisman when you depart. I will ensure they are buried at Hazel's roots."

Ortwine scowled. Sibud's talisman, she had marked for an offering; Pazuzu's rod she had intended for Mesikammi.

Shomei raised an unsympathetic eyebrow. "Will is bought dearly."


Six hundred miles to the south, as the Wizards of Wyre made their preparations within Mulissu's throne room, Mostin noticed a subtle but irresistible reorganizaton of intangible membranes around Fumaril.

Saint Tahl the Incorruptible – recently resurrected by Lai, and who led a number of Flamines in meditation and vigil – felt the oppressive presence of Kaalaanala's scrutiny depart from his consciousness. It was immediately replaced by a cold, steely focus, which seemed barely less malign.

In Jashat, fires erupted in violence and anger, annihilating the priests who tended the altars. The Bhiti's perception had been forced into retreat.

Next: Fumaril Part 2.
Last edited:


Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 08-19-10

Fumaril: Part 2

Within a fortified palace of marble and serpentine – which the demilich Idyam had caused to rise between Jashat and Thond – three powerful Cheshnite immortals gathered together: Idyam himself; the Ak'Chazar, Temenun; and Naatha, an ambassador of the now firmly-entrenched northern party. Godlings, Death Knights, Naztharunes and compacted fiends were gathered nearby. Many legions were encamped about them.

The topic of debate was strategy on the largest scale, including the pressing question of how to deal with Kaalaanala, which was necessarily addressed obliquely. None of the immortals had been directly suborned by the Dark Goddess, and her terrible will could not act directly on them as they were beyond the geographical limit imposed by the Tree. Nonetheless, the concern which consumed each was how do I react if she summons me? In this, it was desirable to seek consensus. Hours passed as a variety of strategems were outlined. Throughout, Temenun listened, but did not speak.

Finally, the Tiger-Who-Waits stood, and silence fell. His tone was at once contemptuous and magnetic. His position, bordering on heretical and schismatic. He smiled.

"I am an ancient spirit, not like you others: corrupt abominations, skeletons, demons, sad remnants of former selves. I am noble and cruel; born of fear and hatred. And I know the Green. I am of this world.

"I see possibilities you do not; I apprehend truths you barely glimpse. This is fact; to deny it would be futile. We must position ourselves carefully in this emerging disorder if we are to realize Tamasah.

"The Fires of Death abide in Jashat now. Through diligence, we have helped accomplish this task. A great Bhiti dwells among us. And what now? Should we turn our attention to breaking this net which the Tree has cast between us and the Truth? I am patient. We should admit that some tasks are beyond our ability to immediately accomplish.

"Another spirit arises in the Forest. Some monstrous priapic expression of Aliikaghana* which acts only from instinct to satisfy its immediate desires. Again, it is demonstrated that ens merely hinders its own devices. We should avoid premature conflict with this entity at all costs; if an understanding can be reached which will hasten the downfall of the Wyrish theocracy, so much the better.

"Our sister Guho strikes compacts with the avanim; necessity now forces our hand. Powerful analas move within Dream, but I foresee a stalemate with those celestials in thrall to the Tree. Other agencies are now moving.

"Which brings us to an impasse…" Temenun paused. Impulses were intruding on his unconscious. His prescience rippled through a host of Nows.


No! How DARE you!

His message, carried on a sending, reached the Claviger's unruffled perception.


Bells rang within the palace compound at Fumaril, signalling another invisible dawn beneath the Pall of Dhatri.

The Ahma stood with Nwm and Lai upon a tall minaret, staring into the gloom. The Butcher's main force had still to deploy, although spectres, outriders and flights of succubi – acting in the capacity of aerial scouts – had been encountered by his own piquets in an area of low hills ten miles to the east. Eadric watched nervously as Mostin floated upwards from the courtyard below and alighted before them.

"What is keeping them?" The Ahma inquired.

"I can only infer," Mostin replied. "Visuit's mote is coming into sharp resonance with that of the Dark Goddess. As the latter cannot act substantively beyond a certain area, this probably means that the Butcher has returned to Jashat temporarily."

"By which you infer what, exactly?"

"Kaalaanala is warding her champion," Nwm replied.

"That would be my reading," Mostin nodded.

"Sh*t," Eadric muttered.

"That would also be my reading," Mostin concurred.

"How long before she rejoins her army?" Nwm asked.

"An hour? Two at most." The Alienist shrugged. "I am assuming she will try to wind walk back to her encampment. Mulissu can make the weather uncomfortable and may be able to pin her down for a while. But if more Dao nobility have been co-opted, she may go…earthy…and be there in an instant." The word earthy was pronounced with considerable distaste.

Eadric pondered for a moment before issuing a silent mental command. A quartet of devas appeared presently.

"Muster all of the celestials, all of the Flamines, and any amongst the Templars and the Illuminated who are already in harness. Nwm, I need everyone flying, wind walking, mind blanked, invisible and warded against blasphemies and the consumptive attacks of undead. We are making a sortie. We have thirty minutes."

Nwm sighed.

Eadric considered briefly. "As soon as we break out beyond the limit of the Tree's ward, Kaalaanala will perceive us; at that point Visuit will rush back from Jashat, assuming she is not already en route. The goddess will inform those in the camp of our imminent arrival – I am assuming Yeshe will be in command."

Ortwine, who was apparently with them but invisible, whispered softly.

Nwm – sensitive to such sudden changes – immediately scowled suspiciously. He looked around, attempting to pinpoint the fey. "How did you do that?"

Ortwine allowed herself to manifest and looked vaguely puzzled. "Do what?"

"She invoked the Hazel-ludja," Mostin seemed distracted by some elusive thought. "This is substantially to our advantage."

Ortwine felt irked that Mostin knew of her activities, but remained outwardly calm.

"Would you care to explain?" The Ahma asked. "But swiftly. Time is not now best spent in idle conversation."

"Kaala-anala is effectively blind," Nwm replied. "Hazel just suffocated her divine vision in a number of different locations, including the Cheshnite camp ahead."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. What is the cost, Ortwine?"

"Potent artifacts seem to work just fine," the sidhe replied drily. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"I have none," Nwm smiled. "You are an agent of the Tree. If you find you have a problem, then I offer my counselling services. I understand these matters far better than you."

"I doubt it."

"You have debts yet to pay to Mesikammi," Nwm sighed.

"My High Priestess trusts in my capacity to deliver benefactions."

The Ahma unbuckled Lukarn and handed it to Nwm. "Let's try this again."

"You have high expectations for a thirty minute window," the Preceptor grumbled and departed.

Eadric inquired gingerly. "I assume a fully warded Visuit is likely to be invulnerable?"

"Not if we can drop a couple of big ones on her," the Alienist replied.

[Nwm]: Mostin. Mulissu. Tozinak. Jalael. Daunton. Waide. Get down here now. I need your reservoirs: everything else is empty.

"This better work," the Alienist scowled.

[Hlioth]: Snap! Snap!

[Mostin]: That's all we need.



Gihaahia, the Enforcer of the Great Injunction, stood within a low chamber. It was the sanctum sanctorum of Wyrish Wizardry, the abode of the Claviger: that mysterious entity which governed the moral conduct of Wyre's arcanists. Before her, the great slab bearing the Articles: itself a gateway connecting the Claviger's awareness to the primal Dream of which it was an aspect. A Dream of Magic.

The Infernal was waiting. The Claviger meditated, its processes isometric with rational thought. It had been dreaming Spells.

It was absorbed in a particular, nightmarish substrate; one of those several which comprised the impending confrontation between Carasch and the Viridescent Seraphim. After an indeterminable time, the Claviger finally emoted an aesthetic appreciation which caused a frisson of excitement in Gihaahia.

Quickly, the Claviger reconfigured the Enforcer and transposed her into the dreamscape, asserting a hegemony which threw the chthonics into violent rages and discomfited the episemes.

The Claviger cast the Spell, and quickly retreated into an idle waking fantasy.

Manipulating unconscious vestiges emanated by every dormant mind from Harland to Ardan, as far south as the blight which afflicted the Thalassine, the Claviger swiftly span a new dream, using magic of tremendous power. A net which might have encapsulated an area far greater than that of the Wyrish Injunction had its real dimensions been spatial.

In Nizkur, Hummaz – abruptly subject to the superimposition – grunted in his wine-soaked sleep. Nymphs nearby became suddenly histrionic.

The Claviger emoted surprise. Carasch, alone of the chthonics, had somehow eluded the dream-lure and had incorporated himself into the new substrate. The hypoabyssal connection was maintained.

Do not presume. I yet Dream

The thought – directed from beyond the Veils – almost erased the Claviger in its intensity.


The Collegiate Wizards corporeated briefly in the darkness as the Temple forces flowed around them like a swift breeze. The Alienist reached out with his thoughts to contact an unseen spy high above the Cheshnite camp.

[Mostin]: Well?

[Ortwine]: I believe Visuit is still absent. The Anantam are gathered [here] and [here], but they are few. Guho is [here]. There are many of the Keshaa-Dirghaa [here]. Spectres and wraiths move around the periphery in unguessable numbers; they appear as a screen of fog.

[Eadric]: Where is Yeshe?

[Ortwine]: I would guess within the focal utterdark. There are other defensive magics. They are potent.

[Mostin]: Show me.

[Ortwine]: [These].

[Mulissu]: Transvalents. Ortwine, do not enter the presidio.

[Mostin]: [Moment of Prescience]. They are four-hundredth order. As soon as we pass the screen, we will be precipitated out of wind walking and all our wards will be collapsed.

[Nwm]: I can bring them down. It will leave only one for Visuit.

[Mostin]: Two would be better.

[Eadric]: Then we strike fast and eliminate Yeshe, Guho and as many of the magi as we can. Then we get the Hell out, and worry about Visuit later.

[Ortwine]: I believe Rishih to be [here]. And more Anantam.

[Eadric]: That complicates matters.

[Ortwine]: Leave him to me.

[Hlioth]: Three immortals will perish today. I will not be one of them.

[Ortwine]: Thanks for that.

[Mostin]: We have to take Visuit.

[Eadric + Nwm + Ortwine]: …..?

[Mostin]: We must. She won't be getting any weaker from here on in. Her wards will last for months, and may become compounded. Kaalaanala will just keep augmenting her.


In the Garden of Mind, in the fortress recently appropriated from the daemon Tholhaluk, Soneillon awoke to physicality, sank into a throne of flesh, and considered.

Events were not transpiring to her liking. Energies were moving too subtly to comprehend. Her prescience had grown; her understanding of formlessness deepened. But not enough.

She considered her essential inessence.

Tendrils of impossibility reinforced her now; her emptiness might be seen to writhe with a palpable insanity. Old paradoxes had crumbled away. She was the Void in which the Urn was hid. But whether Soneillon dreamed or woke, or became another Nothing or a mad parody thereof, she might not act within the world without the permission of some other. In so doing, she would necessarily compromise her position unfavorably.

And Soneillon pondered a question: Why had Kaalaanala not stripped her of the Urn when she had manifested ex nihilo? She must have known of it; how could she have failed to apprehend its presence and significance in an instant? How could she not want it, having known of it? Had she chosen to let it remain with Soneillon for some other purpose? Did she fear it?

Or was the Urn somehow inscrutable to the Fires of Death?

The exiled queen of Throile pulled the jug from its hiding place on her person, and felt its weight.

You serve only to neuter me, she directed her resentment toward the vessel. It seemed to observe her impassively.

She would have to make a choice. An alliance. Concessions. Carasch was too dangerous; Vhorzhe too mad; the Cherry too unpredictable – its agenda was utterly opaque to her. It seemed to want the Urn. Or her.

Briefly – and ironically – Soneillon considered that Graz'zt's counsel would have been useful.

A sound like thunder, echoing through a million imaginings.

The ripples in Dream were subsiding when the magnitude of the Claviger's act became apparent to her. Squabbling seraphs and chthonics had been swept away, lost in conflict in all but the darkest of long-forgotten nightmares. The Claviger had replaced the dreamstuff with a no-less convoluted matrix of color, texture, smell and substance; of correspondences and hierarchies, symmetries and order. A new arcane rationale. To Wizardry, and its subset – the emergent Wyrish High Arcanie – it granted an assured ascendancy.

The demoness cursed.

A whisper reached her from a distant grove: Tree's Own Shadow. Unwarded – as no magic she possessed would be effective in any event – Soneillon transported herself to what had once been Azzagrat.

The maelstroms had subsided, and matter had been reordered. A vast Blackthorn, with barbs ten inches long reared a hundred fathoms into a ruddy sky; about it, swathes of viper-trees glowered menacingly. Chthonics roosted in its upper branches.

The great ludja regarded her as it might an aphid.

"I desire ingress." Soneillon announced undaunted.

Echoes rippled beyond the Veils.

The Blackthorn silently opened a path.

Soneillon appeared in the courtyard at Kyrtill's Burh, stepping from beneath what she knew must be a Scion; that tree once raised by Nwm in defiance of the chthonic threat, now serving as a tendril of the darkest of Tree's facets. As with its sibling in Jashat – the Blackthorn within the Cheshnite inner temple itself – it seemed dormant. But its sleep was more troubled, and if it would soon strive to awaken.

Clasping the Urn, Soneillon glanced over her shoulder. The way back was closed. And something else was here.

The demoness observed the devas patrolling the skies around the keep: they were of small magnitude, and could not perceive her. A middle-aged man – one whose resemblance to Eadric informed Soneillon that he must be close kin – exited the door from the chapel nearby and peered in her direction.

"So what are you going to do with it?" He asked her, nodding his head towards the Urn.

"Ah, the heretical Brother makes a pilgrimage." Soneillon stared at him through narrowed eyes. He made her uncomfortable. "I haven't decided. But whatever it is, it has to be in here and not out there."

"Well that much is obvious," Orm said.

"You should probably leave," Soneillon smiled. "I'm staying, and celibates are too easy. I'll be making some renovations, and inviting some friends over to play."

"I had anticipated a painful and degrading death."

"If you desire. When I have devised one suitable, I will come and find you."

"My anticipation is not wishful," Orm explained.

"Tastes differ," Soneillon shrugged.

"What of the others within the Burh? And the village?"

"They may stay or leave, as they will," the demoness replied easily. "Let them make their own choice. They know who I am. Or they have seen me in their dreams."

"Your presence here may be less enduring than you imagine," Orm suggested.

"Ignorance!" Soneillon snapped. "I have apprehended that chapel in a Moment. Can you claim the same? Do not speak to me of tenacity, nor the length of my own shadow. Now begone!"

She issued a massive sending. It echoed across Wyre.

"I suggest you hasten," Soneillon added. "I cannot speak to the courtesy of my fellows. If you stumble across your anointed sibling or his friend Mostin the Metagnostic, tell him I want Graz'zt back."

Orm hurried to raise a warning and begin the evacuation of Kyrtill's Burh, Deorham, and the surrounding countryside: for those who would listen.

Soneillon turned her eyes skyward, and solemnly regarded the celestials. Inexplicably, they darted away as though alerted to her presence.

She glowered after Orm. There had been not one iota of fear in him. She knew a Flame was with him: a visceral unease was her only inkling, as her senses were otherwise incapable of perceiving it.

Awaken she willed desperately toward the Blackthorn.

It remained quiescent.

I need allies, she thought to herself. Soneillon watched as one of the devas teleported away.

Teleported? She smiled widely.

Around her, demons were appearing.


Mostin felt it coursing through him: first a rumour, then a vibration, and finally a roaring noise which vanished suddenly into silence.

His skin tingled. It reminded him of Afqithan. But more cogent; more focused.

Mulissu looked at him. "What now?"

"I think the Claviger just changed the Arcane Morphic," Mostin said.

"The Claviger acted?"

"It dreamed," Hlioth replied. "It is much the same."

Another pulse, of great depth and profundity, as though in response to the first.

"What the…" Mostin's eyes widened grotesquely.

This time, Nizkur was its source. A surge of power which unlocked the Interdiction which lay across the world, finalizing boundaries. The Tree described its own limit; the cosmos reshaped itself in accordance. All was Tree. The Alienist knew that it moderated all prior infinities now: neither demon nor celestial might tread here again without passing through it; without itself becoming Green, and other than that which it previously was. Those that were stranded here were here to stay.

But Mostin's surprise was that the new shape permitted a path Outside. And that Outside was really Outside.

From a great distance, Nehael touched his mind: Please exercise restraint.

Mostin's response was wry. Had I had warning, then my answer should have been "not bloody likely." Unfortunately, I did not.

Ahead, Nwm had materialized and was gathering the power necessary to collapse the wards which protected the Cheshnite camp.

Around them, demons were suddenly appearing, teleporting as an apprehension that the lock had ended spread through their ranks.

"Things will now become confused," Mostin sighed.

"I suppose one must take the bad with the good," Mulissu remarked drily.

"Fortunately, their numbers are limited." Mostin issued a sending to Sho: Bring the Tower.

And then, another sending to Shomei herself: I told you my Infinity was bigger.

Power surged as Nwm struck the defensive spells below, shattering them. The wind walkers descended rapidly, materializing with lances lowered.

In Rishih's pavillion, Ortwine cursed. The Thaumaturge had vanished, although not before the sidhe had opened his chest and belly with Heedless. Now she found herself surrounded by his retainers. She smiled: still, they could not see her.

Outside, the massive edifice of the Infernal Tower, piloted by Sho, suddenly appeared.

As Narh's hooves touched the ground, Eadric unsheathed Lukarn and a great light sprang forth. Wraiths and shadows turned to vapour; vampires dessicated. For a little while, the darkness of the Pall of Dhatri was banished; the morning Sun shone warm upon the field.

*The Cloud of False Wisdom. Construed as a feminine aspect of the Abominable Light.

Next: Fumaril, Part 3


Two posts in this one, folks- XP

Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 12-22-2010
Fumaril - Part 3

North of the Pall of Dhatri stretches the march of Scir Cellod; further north still, Mord, Hethio and the Wyrish heartlands

At the junction of three wide feodalities, beneath the aegis of a Yew scion, stands Morne, the celestial city. Its resurrected craftsmen – possessed of a sudden inventiveness and aesthetic genius – are beginning to contrive works so far unrivalled in the course of human history. Teams of masons, acting in unconscious unison, work unceasingly to perfect some grand architectural design. The devout throng about the Temple courtyard; within Morne's baileys, companies of the Illuminated muster.

It is the six-hundred and ninety-second year as measured since the foundation of Wyre upon the ruins of Old Borchia; the six-hundred and thirtieth since the consecration of the Temple in Morne; the third year of Saizhan. Midwinter is fast approaching, but in Wyre it is unseasonably mild, and no snow has yet fallen.

In the South, in the Thalassine, it is as warm as a late spring day. A great tract of land lies in darkness, suffocated of light by Dhatri's magic: a hemisphere of tenacious night with a diameter of two hundred miles. Beneath, vampires and phantoms rove at will. From the city of Thond, a blighted wasteland extends to Cirone, Jompa, Jashat and the walls of Fumaril, as well as a score of smaller towns and cities. Of them all, only Fumaril endures.

The Cheshnite forces are concentrated at four locations within this arena. Jashat itself is empty, save for Kaalaanala, her priesthood, and the marasmic demigoddess Jahi. Other vestiges of life have been scorched from the city; its once-abundant olive groves and peach orchards are reduced to an ashen plain.

The largest group – the main host – is at Thond with Dhatri. Hordes of undead of diverse types accompany her; the most numerous – her crawling ghoulish minions – have scoured the city of all carrion, and begin to hunger again.

Thirty leagues to the Northwest – at the edge of the Pall – the Cheshnite vanguard is locked in an interminable skirmish with celestials, Illuminated, and Wyrish Templars. They strike or are struck, before their enemies scuttle back to Galda and the protection of the Trees. Here, the immortals Prahar, Rishih and Naatha have established a precarious alliance. Most of the remaining Anantam – the blood magi once loyal to Sibud – are entrenched with them, as well as blood fiends, compacted demons, and the three thousand death knights under Prahar's command.

Further from the front, straddling the Hynt Coched – the concourse which runs north from Jashat – are situated those legions which attend Temenun and Idyam. The demilich has erected an impregnable jade palace, and fortified an encampment about it. Armored Giants of Danhaan stand guard; the largest goristros are emplaced here. The remaining theurges and Deathshriekers accompany Idyam; unknown numbers of Naztharunes – the servants of Temenun – lurk nearby. These two immortals – most subtle amongst the Cheshnite camp – prefer a slow game. Each acts prudently, and their magical reservoirs are still largely untapped.

The last group – the smallest, most mobile, and most reckless – is led by Yeshe and Guho, and accompanies Visuit. It is bent upon the destruction of Fumaril, which has remained a thorn in the flank of Cheshnite expansion.


Precedence amongst the spirits of the Green? Why must you impose hierarchy on everything?

The anime of the world should come first; of these, the great ludjas are the foremost, and, of these, the Trees are awake and hence most relevant: at present. Next, those servants of the ludjas which abide by their appointed Trees, or in Dream; these constitute a diverse group of sublimated entities, and I do not pretend to understand them all. Elementals are third; whether one arranges them in some particular order is rather a matter of personal taste than cosmic truth. Feys fourth – cataloguing these alone should take you several lifetimes. Fabulous beasts of no specific kind, I suppose, should be cited last: this would include griffons, unicorns, and the like.

And animals? Plants? Men? Giants? What of dragons? How wide one casts one's net is a lesson in discretion. But dragons prefer not to be categorized, and it is generally wise to respect their wishes.


Qematiel – most ancient and cunning of wyrms – powered her way through the skies above the forest. Dawn was kindling, and mist was rising from the ancient trees.

Something new was afoot. These were exciting times.

The dragon turned her gaze southwestward. Here, a distortion in space intimated at the wide extent of the range of Hummaz. Encroaching on rural Hethio, it encompassed almost all of the great southern lobe of Nizkur; five thousand square miles of enchanted forest which merged seamlessly into a wild Faerie of unguessable limit on its western bounds.

Hummaz – apparently now satisfied with the extent of his private domain – had ceased his annexation. A sixty-mile net of magic – the great central triplicty of the Oak, Ash and Elm-ludjas from Nizkur – defied his power, and defined the northern interface of his sylvan realm. Here, the very air seemed to crackle with a vibrant green potency.

Qematiel gyred gracefully and launched herself away from the mingled energies of the intersection, skirting the eaves of the forest and bearing across the green pastures and wheatfields below. Hethio was the garden of Wyre; its breadbasket, and its richest province.

Resisting the urge to tarry and obliterate a sleepy town which nestled within a wooded vale, the wyrm rapidly approached the duchy's expansive central woodlands: here, wide tracts of deer and boar forest stood around Groba, a site of ancient power. She glanced down and hissed at a great Beech which grew there; an entry into whatever shamanic awareness Groba had once – and apparently now again – embodied. As she dived, and then sped away, the ground shuddered from her passage and a wave of sound shook leaves from trees.*

Other Trees would also be waking; with Carash lurking upon the threshold of Dream and Soneillon fully reifying – the final grounding of the Chthonic in the matrix of reality – Qematiel knew that the Blackthorn and the Cherry must perforce be next. A reign of destruction and desire would begin; her mistress, Will itself, must accommodate and direct these unfocused energies.

The city appeared in the distance, white marble basking in the early morning sunshine. A low range of hills rolling westwards from it was soon below, dotted with large estates: previously, the country villas of Morne's fashionable bourgeoisie; now monastic cells in the care of a variety of contemplative orders. Within a wide bowl, the Wyrish Academy, Hellish trees and a Hazel scion.

Qematiel plummeted, and appeared in a tumult of fire which caused the earth to shake beneath the tiny figure of Shomei the Infernal, who stood alone, rod in hand.

"You presume much, small one; I may not be invoked, nor invited, nor conjured." The wyrm's voice threatened death.

"I tend Will," Shomei smiled. As she spoke, a great, spiked trammel of adamant coiled onto the ground from her left hand. "And at this moment, I am it. It is time for service, and I accept no scutage. You will be my steed. Or be chained. The choice is yours."

Qematiel raged furiously, the violence of her temper erupting as molten annihilation.

"I have no patience for this," Shomei sighed. "This is the Hazel's mandate. Cease your petulance, and retain some dignity. When your tantrum has abated, the choice will remain the same."


Yeshe was not unprepared when she met the onslaught of the Ahma, and had girded herself with powerful magic. As well as her goristros, two armored balors – maybe the last of Baramh's train – still attended her; she had fortified them with spells.

To no avail. His glare dazzled her. His weapon was an incandescent blur which seemed to burn everything around it; a radiant violence committed against Void's quietude. The steed Narh trampled demons and immortals in its path. Unease gripped Yeshe; the Great Bhiti in Jashat was deaf to her entreaties.

Pain consumed her briefly as she struck him with a dispelling; her reservoir was empty and Yeshe was forced to channel the spell through her own body. It could not overcome the Green Benediction and was insufficient to quell the light of Lukarn by an order of magnitude; other items on the Ahma and sundry wards were suppressed. Not enough. The Binder moved to speak a word of recall and spirit herself to a hidden retreat south of Siir Traag in Shûth. It was too late.

Her enemy held his palm aloft and spoke a single syllable: a blasphemy of light. Her servants burned away to atoms. Yeshe was overwhelmed; blinded and deafened, she could not move her limbs.

Goddess, her supplication was a silent, visceral scream. Ever have I been thy faithful servant. Now full earnest do I beseech thee!

The entreaty echoed through the Green.


In Jashat, the altars burned with black fires: an essence of Nothingness contrived by Kaalaanala.

Visuit the Butcher sat cross-legged, gazing into oblivion. Unsheathed, across her knees, that dreadful weapon which had wrought countless suffering. About her, the Fires of Death moved, formless, as a whirling maelstrom, imbuing Visuit with dark energies. Priests and supplicants chanted unceasingly.

Kaalaanala's formidable will reached out, seeking to grip the world. Trees were active everywhere, obscuring her vision. But that Yeshe's camp was under assault, the Dark Goddess had no doubt.

The flames coalesced into a tall hooded form, its visage awful and unknowable. It stood before Visuit, touching the forehead of the war-goddess to bestow some dark blessing.

The Butcher rose. With a growl, she hefted her weapon and carved open a hole in the Green, passing through into a shadowy region with eerie trees where distance and perception were twisted.


Mostin's mind raced. He knew they possessed a precarious advantage which might evaporate in an instant.

Prudently, he stopped time.

Lukarn cast a light which illuminated the despoiled countryside for a league around; brighter than the midday sun, causing fear and consternation amongst the Cheshnite forces arrayed against them. Columns of smoke hung static in the air from conflagrations started by Mulissu's lightning; whatever primal storm the savant had tapped, its eddies were potent: demons seemed no less subject to her discharges than anything else.

With the removal – in fact, the final demarcation – of the Tree's Interdiction, extradimensional travel was again possible. But in his stomach, the Alienist knew that all methods of such movement were contained in terms which were thoroughly Green. If he plane shifted, it would necessarily be to somewhere Green; if he teleported, the medium through which he moved would be somehow Green. If he opened a gate, Mostin had no doubt that something disagreeably Green would step through it.

Except for Uzzhin; Outside; the Other. Glancing at Nwm, the Alienist understood that the Preceptor was – in fact – now very firmly identified with the principal source of his own limitation. The struggle which had begun between them so long before might soon become unpleasant if not carefully managed. Mostin sighed. Now political necessity moved him, and he despised politics. Still, it behoved one to bargain from a position of strength, and he would pay with his own ichor if it meant asserting his continued freedom to conjure pseudonaturals.

So he made a choice. In a matter of seconds, Mostin emptied his reservoir utterly. First, he invoked a wish to reconfigure his transvalent armamentarium.

"It is time," the Alienist intoned. "Horrors will befall them."

Mostin cackled, and a huge amorphous [concept] appeared. It flailed [concepts], and more [things]. It was something more obscene than any there before – living or dead, mortal or immortal; saint, demon or celestial – had ever even imagined. Contact with its mind, if such it possessed, challenged the Alienist's already tenuous grasp on reality.

[Mostin]: Slay enemies in this order [equation]

He made a dimension door to Guho's position and focused a most potent spell. She was gathering energy for a ritual.

Time began again; reality buckled as Mostin caused to occur a sound which should not be heard. Guho – the Worm that Walks – dissociated into a combination of color, noise and more obscure elements. This time, he had struck at her essence; a powerful coercive impulse, unmaking her mind from the inside, dissolving the quiddity of her form. Mostin shook from the exertion; ichor dripped from his maws, and two pseudopodia caught fire.

In the space of a moment, four more temporal discontinuities passed across his consciousness; other mages using time stops and unleashing deadly combinations of spells.

He turned to observe the Ú; the monstrosity he had conjured from beyond the Periphery of Ghom. It had set about the Kesha-Dirghaa – the ritual theurges. It wrought such carnage amongst the enemy that he knew that it, and it alone, was sufficient to guarantee domination of any battlefield – barring, perhaps, the arrival of a vastly augmented Visuit.

Many of the demons were simply vanishing. Others were fleeing as best they could. In the event, the Butcher was occupied elsewhere.


After Rishih had fled, Ortwine cut her way through the remains of his guard, and assumed a position near Nwm. Despite his disgust at the thing which Mostin had conjured, the Preceptor gazed in fascination as it annihilated the enemy.

A messsage reached the sidhe; sent by Rhul on the scream of a dying ancestor: the Butcher was in Mulhuk, wreaking bloody havoc. Jaliere had barricaded himself into his forge; Rhul himself had eluded her.

She looked at Nwm. Then at Lai.

The Preceptor nodded wearily, and opened a path.

[Nwm]: We are going to contain Visuit. Join us at your earliest convenience.

"What?" Eadric yelled.


In Nizkur, Nehael stood silently, her hand resting upon the bark of the Tree, observing a half-dozen events with her mind's eye. Soneillon had seized Deorham and demons were flocking to her; Temenun was about to embark on some venture of his own without regard to either Kaalaanala or the other immortals – or at least so Nehael surmised; the Claviger had adjusted certain aspects of the underlying morphic, sending the practice of Sorcery into a generational decline; Visuit was loose in the Bole of Shades, and about to wreak havoc.

And now Yeshe made an appeal. She relayed the information in an instant to Teppu.

"It is not to you," the fey sighed.

"Do you mind…"

He stopped time.

Nehael continued. "Then to whom? Or what? To impotence?"

"To the Void."

"To a Goddess."

"You are considering intervention?" Teppu sighed. "I admit, sometimes your actions confound me."

"Things are simpler than you might imagine," Nehael shrugged. "In any event I do not intervene; rather, as Ortwine rightly observed, I intercede."

"And is the face you present to her your dark one? I do not believe I have seen that."

"You might find yourself less well-disposed toward me. But she will apprehend it whether I will it or no." As time recommenced, she turned pale.



All was silent, and motionless.

The Ahma glanced down, and saw himself nearby. Lukarn was poised to strike down his foe.

Inwardly, he scowled.

"Let me have her," it was Nehael's voice. She was here; potent. She seemed to draw on the full power of the Tree; he felt she could break the world in an instant and remake it with a thought.

"A command?" He asked wrily.

"An entreaty. I beg mercy."

"What will you do with her?"

"Do? Nothing. I do not need to do."

"Are there others whom I should expect you to abduct to safety?"

She sighed. "A prayer was offered. What would you have me say? Do you hate her so?"

"I am the Ahma, not Nehael; I can hate heartily. What will happen to her?"

"She will have an opportunity to reevaluate."

He had the urge to laugh. "This scene is reminiscent of more than one prior. The answer is still yes, I imagine. Your reasons are your own, but I am curious."

"I am invoked. Consider it restitution for your violation at Khu."


"It is not a perspective you will find easy to appreciate."

"I imagine not."


Yeshe waited, powerless, as the blade descended and her enemy smote her; a burning agony; black fire sprang from her helm. Her immortal body did not break, but she crumpled to her knees from the strength of his blow. Now, even her inner sight began to fail. Ancient blood flowed, and she felt her life ebb out of her.

Prama-Adhyaapikaa, apraapya pralayah Taamaseva anuman; Great Preceptress, if I am denied extinction permit me to persist only in the mode of Darkness.

She knew he would finish her. She fancied that she felt the wind which ran before his blade as it cut the air.

The blow never came; an eternity might have passed.

Slowly, impressions began to form; first in her mind, then through her eyes: vague shadows. A greenish light.

A tree.

No: The Tree.

Praartha! I beg you! Taamaseva, praartha!.

"That is denied you," a voice said firmly. "And would be in any case. You are in the Womb of Qinthei. You stand before the Tree. I am Nehael."

"You presume to judge me?" Yeshe smiled weakly as her senses returned. "Or suborn me to your cause?"

"You invoked me. I interceded: I asked the Ahma to stay his blow. He indulged me. Had you died with my name on your lips, you would have been mine for a while ere I released you again into the world, or kept you here: I spared myself the dilemma. Did you not know? I am the Image of Uedii. The World is Mine."

Yeshe cursed Nehael roundly: the Binder felt her strength was quickly returning to her; this place bestowed some remarkable regenerative power.

"You are welcome," Nehael said easily. "I will not trouble you further. You may stay or go, as you please. Nothing threatens you here; more importantly, nothing is threatened by you."

The Goddess vanished from Yeshe's perception.

Yeshe stared at the Tree.

A rustle behind her made her hurl a death spell instinctively: its power manifested as a barely audible hiss.

"That doesn't work," the voice contained an air of condescension. "Rumor has it that Oronthon's Adversary managed acorns." Its owner's hide was dry and leathery, almost wooden. As tall as a man, it might have been some forest spirit. It had restless power; Yeshe could feel it.

"What is your agenda?" Yeshe demanded.

"To dominate."

"You were Rimilin," Yeshe intuited.

"I am still very much Rimilin," Rimilin bowed with exquisite sarcasm. "Although, for a while I was not. I have acquired a new skin. I am adapting to circumstances."

This one I can deal with, Yeshe knew.

"Gu-analas yet abide near the Blackthorn," Rimilin ventured. "The ludja will soon awaken. When it does; deeper shades of Green – more perylene – will be revealed. The Ak'Chazar knows this."

"What else?" Yeshe demanded.

"In Wyre, we have a custom regarding the exchange of information; I will forego it on this occasion, as a courtesy: the Urn is here. At the Ahma's principal abode in Western Trempa. Soneillon has it."

The Urn. "And why is Rimilin still here?" She asked, suspiciously.

The wizard nodded toward the Tree. "I have yet to discover a compelling reason to leave."

The Binder snorted. "You are weak. Trapped."

"Certainly not; at least, no more than you – as you will discover. You merely need to find a compelling reason to leave."


The Ahma watched on in horror as the Ú acted upon the shattered Cheshnite ranks. It neither entirely devoured, nor tore asunder, nor engulfed those whom it touched; hideous transformations overcame some of them. His own knights recoiled from it.

A great, basso profundo noise emanated from it, flattening the enemy troops in a wide swathe for a furlong ahead. Others were routing away from it now; what had been intended – or at least, Eadric had foreseen – as a quick, hit-and-run attack, was turning into a decisive victory, and in a matter of moments.

As he offered a prayer of thanks to both Tree and Sun, an ominous shadow rolled across his mind. He glanced around. Where was Nwm? And for that matter, Ortwine?

Mostin alighted next to him in human form, but still appearing to Eadric through the Eye of Palamabron as a writhing mass of tentacles. Nearby, Hlioth looked at the Alienist and his conjured servant with utter revulsion.

"Get used to it," Mostin smiled wearily. "Next time there will be three of them."

[Mazikreen]: I seek audience with the Ahma.

Eadric groaned. What now?


Queen Soneillon was occupying Kyrtill's Burh. Many hundred demons had joined her.

Eadric received the news by saying nothing, and squinting.

The succubus who brought it – Mazikreen – was alluring even by the standards of her species, and possessed a grace of movement which rivalled that of Ortwine. Eadric did not know it, but she had once herself been Queen of a dismal realm which no longer existed. Wielding wide dominion, Graz'zt had tried – and failed – to seduce her. He had bribed her with more success.

"What of Caur, and Hawi, and the others?" Eadric finally asked.

"They remain unmolested, by command of Soneillon."

The Ahma examined Mazikreen's face. The Queen of Throile, he knew, played a slow game.

[Mostin]: Do not presume to understand her. She has achieved a great rapture.

Mostin was mad; Eadric had no idea what he meant.

[Mostin]: Soneillon, not this one.

[Eadric]: I still fail to understand.

[Mostin]: There are some facts regarding Soneillon of which I have not yet had the opportunity to apprise you.

Mazikreen smiled. "Soneillon thanks the Ahma for his continued hospitality. She asks me to remind him that he has always been a gracious host, and that she has always acted with restraint and decorum when lodging with him. She assures him that his servants, the townsfolk of Deorham, and the numerous pilgrims nearby are currently quite safe."

"Tell her they had better remain so," Eadric growled. "I will hold her personally responsible for every last bad dream experienced during her presence."

[Mostin]: You are willing to suffer this indignity?

[Eadric]: What choice do I have? I cannot open another front at present. And something remains unspoken.

The Blackthorn, he knew.


In the shades of the courtyard, hard beside the sanctum sanctorum which Kaalaanala had taken to herself, a Tree stirred. A single shoot unfurled upon a slender, thorned twig. Eight hundred miles away, near Deorham, another whispered in response. At Kyrtill's Burh, the Sun seemed to dim. Standing atop the Steeple, clad in protective darkness, Soneillon stiffened and felt a frisson run through her. At last.

In Jashat, Kaalaanala vomited black fire. Her effluvia took form, and sped westward towards Fumaril in an orgy of fiery destruction, heedless of the limit which had previously circumscribed her.


Beneath Mostin's Infernal Tower, amidst the dead and striken, Eadric prepared to mount Narh again. Something was encroaching at the limit of Lukarn's light. It was coming from Jashat, moving at terrible speed; molten earth was being churned a thousand feet into the air above it, where it evaporated in a disintegrating fire.

"No." Mostin guessed the Ahma's intent.

"Then what? What is it?"

"We fly," Mulissu said. "Get everyone wind walking. I will give the order to evacuate Fumaril."

She vanished. A number of other mages – including Daunton – took the opportunity to absent themselves.

"Huhng," Mostin groaned. "There are others."

"Other whats?"

"Effluxions. Avatars. It would appear that Kaalaanala is feeling a little less coy than previously."

"I must return to Fumaril."

"Forget Fumaril. There is no time. We go north, to Galda."

"I will not yield Fumaril," Eadric thundered. "We return. You think of something. And where the hell are Nwm and Ortwine?"

"Not in this world," Mostin snapped. "I should have told Daunton to do an interplanar version. Alas, I cannot think of everything." He forced a calm upon himself, and spoke slowly, as though to a child. "Eadric: we have to go. Fumaril is lost. Mulissu understands this. Even if you could get there in time, you could not organize the defense; even if you could do that, it would be swept away. Eadric: Kaalaanala's avatar. Do you understand?"

"Ortwine!" The Ahma screamed.

I hear your prayer. We are in Sisperi; in Mulhuk. With Visuit. Actually, a little help might be useful; her mood is terse. I have tried winning her with banter, but she does not seem amenable. Go [here].

Mostin jerked his head; a great gate in his tower opened. "Come on."

Eadric cursed. He quickly despatched devas as messengers to the garrison at Fumaril and to the main camp at Galda: respectively, flee and fortify.

He gave the order, and a swift mist flowed inside the tower. The Ahma himself was last, gazing at the torrent of dark fire as it drove down on them. As Lukarn was sheathed and borne within, the light dimmed and all was again gloom and shadow.

The tower vanished.

Inside, the illumination was ruddy; a great marshalling hall beneath a lofty, vaulted ceiling. Mostin was in human form.

"I am feeling uneasy," Eadric said.

"This will be tricky," Mostin conceded. "But I have a strategy."

"And that would be?"

"We stay alive for twenty-four hours more," the Alienist replied. "Tomorrow Mostin the Metagnostic will be fully rested."

The gates of the tower swung open.

Eadric inhaled sharply. Before him, a slender Aspen reared; surely the most elegant tree he had ever seen. An exuberant joy possessed him.

"Don't get too carried away," Nwm said drily. "It isn't helping any."

"I have lost Fumaril."

"Fumaril was a feint," Nwm spoke through gritted teeth. "Visuit is here."

"Fumaril was no feint. Where is Ortwine?"

"With Lai. Attempting to draw the Butcher away from Jaliere's forge; he has sealed himself in with his smiths. Rhul is seeking aid from Saes; I do not rate his chances. Ortwine appears to be demonstrating loyalty."

A sensation impacted on Eadric's perception; then another; then another.



"Your priests are invoking you for protection," Nwm nodded. "I hope you don't disappoint them."

"What are my chances?"

"Dismal," Nwm smiled sympathetically.

* Qematiel is the swiftest of all wyrms, and may be the fastest of all flying creatures (barring some pseudonatural aberrations, which might not exactly "fly"). She can move up to 7500ft in one round at full speed: Qematiel can fly about as fast as an F-16.

Originally posted by Sepulchrave II on 03-01-10

Mechanical filler follows.

As neither the Rogue's Gallery in its original format nor the Plots and Places forums have endured, the Eadric et al thread is now buried in the General forum. I feel oddly self-conscious about updating it in such a public arena, like wearing only my underpants in public; subsequent crunch will be in this thread instead.



The First Effluxion of Kaalaanala, as emanated by the goddess as the Blackthorn-ludja fully awakened. It is probably best understood as Kaalaanala's manifest ire, at that particular moment directed towards the city of Fumaril.

Elementally speaking, the First Effluxion's composition might be said to be [Void] + Fire + Earth: the "earthy" component connotes a more tangible reifiction than that of Kaaalaanala herself. The Chthonic (in the sub-abyssal sense) strives to become merely chthonic (or chthonian) in the mundane or subterranean sense. This point of connection might also be presaged by some of the Cheshnites dealing with earth elementals – notably Dao. The First Effluxion is also an echo of Gnhii, a true bhiti which embodies the same principles in a higher octave: as the First Effluxion to Kaalaanala, so Gnhii to the Apparition of Cheshne.

All of Kaalaanala's "avatars" are abominations in the CR 60 to 65 range; they are also anathema from the Cheshnite viewpoint: they are a far removal from the "Purity of Void," increasingly corrupted with matter and ens. The Fires of Death has no rational control over the monsters which she spawns; any act of generation is actually antithetical to her nature. Still, the effluxia remain Kaalaanala, and represent unconscious urges experienced by the goddess herself, directed at substance and materiality. They exist close to the Cheshne/Uedii interface, deemed by Rimilin perylene: a term for "green-black" in terms of an artist's palette, but also something cancer-inducing in the chemical sense.

I had considered making Kaalaanala's effluxia Native Outsiders, indicating that they are in some way permitted; in the end, I simply omitted the Extraplanar subtype, which makes their status more ambiguous. Mechanically, the First Effluxion is based on a paragon chthonic phaethon with a few added twists. Instead of the sorcerer spellcasting normally associated with chthonics, the First Effluxion gains a suite of SLAs reflecting its origin and nature, including epic SLAs approximately equivalent to unmitigated DC300 epic spells. HD are reduced to 50, in line with other paragon chthonics and the greatest exalted celestials: some kind of "limit" exists at 50HD, though I'm not quite sure what.

The First Effluxion's form is magmatic and amorphous, immersed in disintegrative fire. Any shape which it possesses is a temporary phenomenon, as it strives to retain a continuity of being: a notion inimical to its profound non-entity but required by its conditioned existence. It exceeds the largest goristro in size, and in those moments when its form appears quadrupedal and it manifests a head, its aspect is decidedly demonic.

First Effluxion of Kaalaanala
Gargantuan Outsider (Abomination, Augmented, Chaotic, Chthonic, Earth, Evil, Fire)

Hit Dice: 50d8+1240+600 (2,250hp)
Initiative: +28
Speed: 720 ft., burrow 720 ft.
Armor Class: 121 (-4 size, +27 deflection, +30 Dex, +12 insight, +12 luck, +34 natural; touch 97, flatfooted 91)
Base Attack/Grapple: +50/+123
Attack: Slam +108 melee (8d6+56/19-20 plus profane damage)
Full Attack: 8 slams +108 melee (8d6+39/19-20 plus profane damage)
Space/Reach: 20 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Destructive trail, engulf, profane fiery touch, engufing overrun, spell-like abilities, improved grab, profane fire
Special Qualities: Blindsight 500ft., cannot be flanked, cold and light vulnerability, DR 20/epic and lawful, fast healing 25, immunities (ability damage, ability drain, blindness, critical hits, fire, form-altering attacks, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning), regeneration 25, SR 85, telepathy 1000ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +78, Ref +69, Will +69
Abilities: Str 83, Dex 50, Con 61, Int 31, Wis 43, Cha 64
Skills: Bluff +90, Climb +99, Escape Artist +83, Hide +71, Intimidate +96, Jump +375, Knowledge (arcana) +73, Knowledge (geography) +73, Knowledge (nature) +73, Knowledge (the planes) +73, Listen +81, Move Silently +83, Search +73, Sense Motive +76, Spellcraft +79, Spot +81, Survival +79, Tumble +89
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Natural Attack (slam), Improved Sunder, Weapon Focus (slam)
Epic Feats: Devastating Critical (slam), Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical (slam), Superior Initiative
Challenge Rating: 60

The First Effluxion's natural weapons are treated as epic, chaotic and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. All fire damage dealt by the First Effluxion, regardless of source, is considered profane damage.


Aura of Burning Dark (Su): The First Effluxion radiates an aura of unlight which extends to 60 feet. Treat this as a deeper darkness spell, but nonchthonic creatures within the aura automatically gain 1d4 negative levels and suffer 10d6 points of profane damage every round. Spell resistance is effective against level loss from the aura, but even creatures otherwise immune to energy drain and negative energy effects are subject to its effects: the aura acts upon ens itself. The aura of burning dark may be suppressed or resumed as a free action. If dispelled, the First Effluxion may reactivate it as a free action on its next turn. Caster Level 65th, where appropriate.

Countercommunion (Su): Any divination effect used, or any ongoing divination effect brought within 1000 feet of the First Effluxion must succeed at an opposed caster level check in order to function. The First Effluxion is treated as a 65th-level caster for this purpose. Its own divination abiities are unaffected.

Destructive Trail (Ex): The First Effluxion can burrow through nonmagical earth or rock of any density as easily as it can pass across the surface of the ground; when moving at speed across a solid surface, the First Effluxion generates a wake and rain of molten matter. Whenever it moves twice its speed or more in a round, all creatures and unattended objects within 120 feet of any space through which the First Effluxion moves suffer 10d6 points of profane damage and 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the hail of disintegrating earth and rock. A Reflex saving throw (DC73) halves each type of damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +13 insight bonus.

Devastating Critical (Ex): Creatures who suffer a critical hit from the First Effluxion must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 84) or die. The DC is Strength-based and includes a +13 insight bonus.

Improved Grab (Ex): If the First Effluxion hits, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. The First Effluxion can use improved grab on a Huge or smaller creature and has the option to conduct the grapple normally, simply maintaining a hold, or attempting to engulf the opponent. Each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage listed.

Engulf (Ex): The First Effluxion can absorb opponents it holds with a second successful grapple check after a grab. The opponent must be Huge or smaller. Absorbed creatures take 40d6 points of profane damage and 40d6 points of bludgeoning damage each round they remain inside the First Effluxion. Victims must make a successful grapple check to “swim” free of the living chthonic magma of the First Effluxion.

Engulfing Overrun (Ex): A foe who is successfully overrun by the First Effluxion is treated as if engulfed.

Profane Fiery Touch (Ex): Touching or being touched by the First Effluxion deals 10d6 points of profane damage. The First Effluxion's attacks automatically deal this damage in addition to their normal damage.

Nondetection (Ex): The First Effluxion resists detection, and is treated as though under the effect of nondetection (Caster Level 65).

Ontic Flux (Ex): The First Effluxion exists at the threshold of being, and is treated as though under the effect of a blink spell, except that attacks which target incorporeal or ethereal creatures gain no special benefit. The ontic flux may be suppressed or resumed as a free action.

Spell-Like Abilities: The First Effluxion may use any nonepic spell with the [Fire] descriptor and any spell from the Darkness, Death and Destruction domains at will as a spell-like ability; the First Effluxion deals profane damage in place of fire damage, and variable numeric effects are always maximized. It may also use any of the following at will: blasphemy, detect thoughts, haste, unhallow, unholy aura, utterdark.

Once each per day, the First Effluxion can also use the following spell-like abilities which are the equivalent of epic level spells:

  • Annihilating Breath: As a standard action, the First Effluxion can manifest a maw which unleashes an annihilating blast in a 500-ft. cone. Targets caught within the blast automatically sustain 50d20 points of profane damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC60) or die; creatures slain in this fashion are treated as though disintegrated. This is an evil, necromantic death effect, nonepic wards are not effective against the First Effluxion's annihilating breath; epic protections keyed to the [Slay] seed and relevant deific protections are entitled to an opposed caster level check.
  • Chthonic Pyroclasm: As a full round action, the First Effluxion can generate a whirling maelstrom of profane fire and disintegrative chthonic "debris" with a radius of 1000 feet which moves with the creature. The effect lasts for as long as the First Effluxion concentrates, and for 20 rounds thereafter. All creatures within the area suffer 20d6 points of profane damage and 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage every round they remain there; a Reflex saving throw (DC60) halves each type of damage.
  • Consume Life: As a standard action, the First Effluxion may cause a consumptive burst which bestows 10d4 negative levels on all creatures within 500 feet. Targrets are entitled to a saving throw after 24 hours (Fort DC60) to prevent permanent level loss. This is an evil, necromantic death effect, only epic protections keyed to the [Slay] seed are entitled to an opposed caster level check. Creatures with divine rank are not subject to the effects of this ability.
  • Diminish Foe: As a swift action, the First Effluxion can deliver a superb dispelling which also bestows 10d4 negative levels upon any single creature within line of sight. The First Effluxion makes its opposed caster level check at 1d20+100. The target is entitled to a saving throw after 24 hours (Fort DC60) to prevent permanent level loss. This is an evil, necromantic death effect; epic protections keyed to the [Slay] seed are entitled to an opposed caster level check to counter the negative levels, and deities are not subject to it; the dispelling effect is not affected in any case.
  • Profane Tremor: As a full round action, the First Effluxion can generate a wave of seismic energy with a radius of ten miles. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and is otherwise treated as an earthquake spell except that the DC to resist specific effects is 60 in all cases.

All of the First Effluxion's spell-like abilities gain the [evil] descriptor, regardless of function. The Caster Level is 65th; the save is DC 50+ spell level. Against good creatures, the Save DCs increase by +4.

Regeneration (Ex): The First Effluxion takes normal damage from good-aligned epic weapons; it takes double damage from good-aligned effects or weapons with the [cold] or [light] descriptor.

True Seeing (Ex): This ability has a range of 1000ft. and is always active.
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