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D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC



Temple of Howling Hatred
Day 4/Early morning
Round 0

“The river would be the fastest and easiest way to the monastery,” Errol said. “Let’s see if we can hire a boat in Womford. We can check out Riverguard Keep on the way, as it was mentioned by Savra. I say we set out now and get as much travel in by daylight as possible.”


[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Errol Dax
AC: 15
HP: 28/28 +5 thp
Superiority Dice: (4/4/R @ d8) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 36/40
Action Surge (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)
Inspiring Leader (1/R)

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GM: So I've looked at my previous post and it's not very clear about whats going on - sorry.

To get out of the Temple you have to go through the Sighing Valley where there is a small river called the Lost River. That's the one you crossed last night. In order to go anywhere else you need to get out of the Sighing Valley. If you leave now you'll catch the daylight and be seen from Feathergale Spire unless you follow the Lost River along it's meanders, where the foliage will provide cover. You could also wait for nightfall and follow the east cliffs to the end of the Sighing Valley. Both options are too easy to worry about getting lost, but since you followed most of the river last night you'll know what to expect along the way (Gnolls mostly). You could also follow the east wall during the day, but you are guaranteed to be seen.

Once out of the Sighing Valley you can then head back to Red Larch and follow the Larch Path into the Sumber Hills and try to find the valley that leads to the monastery, or head to Womford to hire a boat and try to find the monastery along the river. The river route also passes Riverguard Keep so you could scout (or stop) it along the way. The river route so far seems the preferred option.


"It seems to me," Ilvellios said to the others in private, "that we could do with knowing as much about the valley as possible, so rather than retracing our steps, let's see what is down the lost river during the day, using the cover of the woods to hide from the tower.

Once back to Red Larch, we can write a missive of what we have learnt, in case anything happens to us, and then take the other river to the secret entrance of the keep.."


Sighing Valley
Day 4 Afternoon

Gillaum escorts you back through the huge natural cavern back to where the sentry camp is and sends you on your way. Heading back through the sighing valley along the river proves quite easy at first but gets a little harder as you go along. The brush becomes hardier and thinner and some care is required not to be seen from the spire.

You pass the strange mesa called the Howling Plateaux, but this time there is no need to climb as you are staying on the east bank of the Lost River. A little farther along, you draw opposite the gnoll camp. In the daylight you can make out some crude shelters and a fire pit. You notice what appears to be a small human in a feathered coat tied to a stake in the middle of the camp.

You cannot spot any Gnolls in the camp but some of the bushes on the far side of camp seem to rustle a lot. You cannot hear anything either, though the constant sighing of the wind that lends the valley its name would drown out most noise.

GM: To move things along a bit I’ve made the perceptions rolls for you. You are on the wrong side of the river so could slip away without any problems. If you want to investigate you’ll need to cross the river, requiring a DC 10 athletics check (advantage if you can come up with creative ways to get across). Once in the river you’ll be easily visible from the camp, should anything arrive.
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"We should really help him"
This was more of a command than a statement. Duran's soul felt dirty from event earlier he really needed to redeem himself.


"Some one sneaks up and takes a closer look.That river is to swift for my old bones, I can support form here with my magic. If the gnolls are home we can use the river to our advantage."


"I concur, we should try and help him. I don't mind checking it out if you can provide ranged support, but let me attach a rope to myself in case I have trouble getting across the river.."

Ilvellios will use a rope to avoid being swept away by unexpected currents, and will otherwise try and be as stealthy as possible.


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