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D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC


OOC: group huddle!
By "thy order", he presumably means the earth cultists? Implying he is not one of them, so do we dare tell him we aren't either? Or do we just leave, and abandon a potential ally?

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Dessarin/Stone Monastery
Day 7/Night
Round 0

Errol winced when the old man mentioned the ward on the door. So that is why it felt so difficult to pick that lock. He should have had one of the magic users check it, but the place looked abandoned.

“We’ve no wish to disturb you, honored elder,” he said. “What are you studying that leaves you here in this old, rundown monastery?” he asked him.

Bonus Action:
Bolts used:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 2
AC: 16
HP: 36/36+6 thp HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (4/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 35
Bolts: 18
Action Surge (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
21 gp


Sacred Stone Monastery, Day 7, Evening

The ancient figure replies in his dry, cracked voice, "You are not of this order of...monks? I have long lost interest in the charms of woman - or the desires of flesh." It seems impossible that this old man heard Nariah's whispered suggestion but he clearly has. He lets out a cracked sigh, "I Should have known visitors would bring more visitors, I only wish to be left alone to my studies. he mumbles half to himself. He speaks an arcane word and there is a flash of magic, then he says, "Ah, you wish to use your fey powers - deceitful perhaps but not malicious. The monks could not convince me to join their cause, I doubt you can.

Just then Illvilious nudges Nariah forward, in the pitch dark she stumbles on a step. "Forgive me, I have no need of light and no desire to make you feel welcome here." Illvilious feels the old man's gaze turn on him, "There is no need to feel ashamed of calling my home run down, it has not been maintained for centuries. So long as it keeps the wind off my papers and the rain off my books it serves its purpose."

He turns his attention to Errol, "It is solitude that brings me to this place. Everything I once loved has passed, and the legacy left by my brothers and me would as soon kill me as look at me. But I sense that you are not truly interested in what I study, but being polite in order to engage me as an ally? I have no desire to ally myself with you, nor be your enemy, please leave."

As the conversation continues it becomes obvious that whoever this is, he is very insightful, answering questions you do not voice and addressing emotions you try to suppress.



"Legacy left by your brothers.." A suspicion begins to form in Ilvellios head, "I don't suppose the name Renwick Caradoon means anything to you?"

[sblock]Ilvellios hp 27/27 thp: 6
Str +0(+2 Saves), Dex +4(+6 Saves), Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Acrobatics +6, Survival +5, Stealth +6, Insight +5, Perception +5
AC 17
Inspiration: yes
Ki: 4/4
HD: 3/4
Quarterstaff +6, 1d8+4
Unarmed/Radiant Bolt +6, 1d4+3


Sacred Stone Monastery, Day 7, Evening

A strange rasping sounds echoes around the room - laughter? Almost before Illvilious asks the question his answer comes, "I am surprised the Knights of Samular haven't stricken every mention of me from history. The Knights revere my brothers greatly, but would see me destroyed, both physically and in memory."

As Illvilious' suspicion is confirmed he realises that Renwick is over five and a half centuries old, lending a lot of credence to the final verse of the bard's song. Renwick has prolonged his life through necromancy. As those thoughts race through Illvilious' head the lich answers them, "Yes, my brother fed me the potion as I died on the battlefield. Thus securing my eternal unlife as I had been aspiring to for a long time before that. The knightly order would not have survived the controversy, so I absconded to my life of solitude. I believe only rumours of my transformation persist. I would prefer it remained so, I do not want errant knights questing for my destruction. I have seen enough death and destruction for eternity. I do not wish to kill, nor do I seek to raise the dead, I seek only to study in peace."


J.V.'s jaw drops at the discovery of being in the presence of a Lich. "No way!" he mutters under his breath. "I imagine that given your um..." he clears his throat before continuing, gaining confidence with each word. "Longevity, that you've amassed quite the collection? Or do you require more books? Perhaps in exchange for a peak at some of yours..." J.V. is practically salivating as he finishes those last few words.

Voidrunner's Codex

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