Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08

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"Old book of Thyrin's. Practical Thaumaturgy: Evocation for Everyday Use. Teaching myself magic," says Keldar nonchalantly.
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Galwynn rolls his eyes. A moment later, his pies appear - courtesy of master Edwyd!

Galwynn pushes a pie Tommy's way, and starts eating, restoring some of the colour to his face.

"So, what's our plan?" Galwynn says through a mouthful.


First Post
The door swings open and in walks a young man his head is covered in long greasy black hair with an equally unkempt goatee of jet black hair. Dark circles surround his eyes. long gashes that have since scarred over but look to be recently opened make an X across his face, and scars run all along his hands.

The red dragon inn he says. Finally hastur we have returned to the place it all began. Everything will be the same as it was.
Hastur he says distractedly wasn't there something we were supposed to be doing upon entering here. ah yes!

I am Azaroth VanHaydren this is Hastur
*he walks up to the bar*

Joe was it? yes that what it was! I would like a room for a little while

He takes his room and stares around pensively. Yes! the dreams shalt not haunt me here!
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Tankard watches the scarred man pass and whispers, "strange things are afoot at the Red Dragon Inn" before finding a seat alone.
OOC: Yeah, kind of obvious Bill & Ted reference. If you don't know what I'm talking about, stop watching Monty Python long enough to refresh your memory ;)


"Strange indeed," says Keldar, pointing at one of Galwynn's pies which mysteriously floats into the air and begins a slow wobbly circuit of the table above everyone's heads. "Pie in the sky!"


First Post
After a short while Azaroth walks back down into the common area. His ragged hair and beard have now been cleaned and trimmed, but his eyes still show the signs of poor rest if any at all.

He stumbles down the stairs slightly as if drunk but with not the scent of liquor on him.
he finds a table with very few to no people on it and sits down. Hastur clammers down his arm and walks onto the table looking over his forearm.

When the server comes around Azaroth requests for some meager food for himself and some bread for Hastur.

"Yes!" Azaroth says to Hastur "We must, ermph get our strength up, for too long have we neglected our personal health! Yes....."

*he yells furiously at the weasel,as he slams his fist down on the table,* We came back here to recoup funds and our health! *he looks around embarassed lowers his head to the weasel's eye level,* For now we must bide our time and spend some time getting jobs! then when we are strong again we'll go back and this time, ha ha yes this time, we'll prove ourselves worthy and not be defeated by some cowardly enemy that attacks in the night!....... YES! Good thinking Hastur! We'll use this down time to plan our assault, hah hah we'll be ready for that pompous fool this time! Insignificant Fly HAH! NOT WORTHY OF BEING SWATTED HAH! We'll show it! We shall be the swatters next time... then this nightmare will be over and we shall have what we so justly deserve!

We must have paper or parchment, yes... and something to write with! There is much to plan yes.... much to plan!

*Azaroth swats his plate out of the way and starts drawing wildly on the table with chalk*


First Post
Trouvere said:
"Strange indeed," says Keldar, pointing at one of Galwynn's pies which mysteriously floats into the air and begins a slow wobbly circuit of the table above everyone's heads. "Pie in the sky!"
"How pieous of you," Rapture comments.

OOC: This is Rae, racking up some posts for the neglected judge account. :heh:

Fimble stares at Keldar, his weasel at Rapture. Then they swap, each staring at the other. Then the gnome and the weasel look at each other, and Fimble laughs. "So you found information about the seal? This is great news, my father will be so excited! I can hardly wait to tell him." He glances interestedly at Keldar's book. "Ah, thaumaturgy? Isn't that a little advanced for a beginner's topic?" He leans over to get a look at the pages, his small spectacles sliding down his bulbous nose.


Rae said:
"Ah, thaumaturgy? Isn't that a little advanced for a beginner's topic?" He leans over to get a look at the pages, his small spectacles sliding down his bulbous nose.
"Not for one such as Keldar!" He hastily snatches the book up and closes it between his hands. No longer attended, the pie instantly drops. Perhaps fortunately, it lands in front of Keldar himself, spattering gravy. "Eep! I mean, ta daa! Oh well, at least it was free, Galwynn. Here, weasel, free pie."

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