Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08


Jerrand Redband said:
"My name is Jerrand Redband devout of Sela and a mason, I have traveled far to reach The Red Dragon Inn and am glad that I am finally here."
"Och och aye, Ah ken aw abit Sela. Mah uncle oan mah mother's side is a priest ay Sela. It's nae a bad path, fur those fa ur intae daein' their duty. Afair we began tae dig a new tunnel, we'd say a wee prayer tae Sela. Ye- och, is 'at ma chookie? Much obliged tae ye, lass."

Gildrim turns his attention to the roasted fowl. "Nae, Ah willnae be needin' any ay yer fancy utensils. I'll use mah hands. If dwarves waur meant tae use a knife an' fork an' everythin', we'd nae hae bin born wi' ten guid strang fingers." He demonstrates, ripping the bird in half and taking an enormous bite.

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Jerrand Redband

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trying my new color

ooc: to everyone that posted and helped here goes nothin;

Jerrand watches as the dwarf digs into the steaming fowl, he believes when he said lass he was talking to the serving maid. Yes that may be it he thinks so hard to understand him. Jerrand picks up his belongings and heads over to the dwarfs table. [color"Would it be alright if I joined you for a meal and fellowship?"
he asks."It would be err... pleasent to talk to someone else who knows a little of Sela."

ooc: not sure can't check it from here but i think i only have two pts in know religion ;)


"Ah dinnae ken 'at Ah hae anythin' mair tae say abit 'er 'at's sagacious, but ye ur welcom' tae sit doon. Ah troost ye ur gettin' yer ain chookie. Thes is aw mine, ye ken."

It becomes apparent that Gildrim does indeed mean the chicken is all his. He's crunching his way through the bird, making no distinction between meat and bones.


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Tor stands up and heads over to join Jerrand and Gildrim. "Hope you two don't mind if I join you. Your discussion of Sela sounds more interesting than sitting by myself."

Jerrand Redband

First Post

Eyeing the chookie (chicken) dubiously Jerrand looks down at Tor and smiling pulls
out a chair before going and sitting down in the other. " Please join us and thank you master dwarf for allowing us your company,"Jerrand answers both. The pretty barmaid from earlier brings some bread and boiled potatoes to the table.
Jerrand whispers to her to bring another chookie to them, at this she giggles and goes off to the kitchen."So my lady what is your name I must have come in after your introduction, first I heard of anything like it. And you have had some need in the past to call upon The Stone Sister Sela as well please do tell me."

ooc: i don't think i saw a description here of Tor or are divine bard need (need to wrtie his name down) should i check the rooster or do we describe are selves here? still green but
I am gettingbetter


"It seems Gildrim's favoored company fur ance," Gildrim mutters. He speaks to Tor in her own tongue, "Sit and be welcome, sister."

When the new food arrives, he nods his approval at the potatoes. "Tatties. Guid food fur human or halflin'. We eat a lot ay them tay, in th' hills. Ah cannae say Ahm sae fond ay breed. Thaur ur better things tae dae wi' grain, if ye ask me."

Gildrim gives Jerrand a prod in the shoulder with one greasy finger. "An' ye, slaw doon, laddie. Yer words ur aw a jumble. Tak' a breath noo an' 'en. Ah cannae ken a hin' ye say."

Jerrand Redband

First Post

ooc: My words are a jumble, Gildrim talks like his mouth is full when it's empty and when it's full of choo... i mean chicken i can't understand one word in five lol (kiddin' this is great).

ooc: reading descriptions and found out Tor is approved congratulations and you only need one more Trouvere that's kool hope I'm approved before something is posted here.

"Sorry, Master... Gildrim I will try." Jerrand starts loading up a plate with potatoes and then takes a hunk of the bread. Maybe eating will give his table mates time to start a conversation. Jerrands excitement at finally reaching the Red Dragon Inn must have caused an unusal need to speak up. In the past he never would have joined a stranger for a meal or have thoughts of flirting with a barmaid. Noticablely Jerrand relaxs his shoulders and catches his breath, turning from the excitable kid into a mature .


Gildrim resumes his meal and bites off one side of the chicken carcass, ribs and all. "Guid, guid," he says. "Guid, guid, guh, guh, guh!" He starts making a noise like a cat bringing up a furball. In a messy explosion, half-chewed meat, gristle and bone fragments spill across the table. "Ah, heh, fa wants tae hae their fortune tauld in th' banes?" he asks, inspecting their arrangement.


First Post
Tor nodded and smiled at Gildrim's greeting. She was quite pleased by his offhand thoughtfullness. Tor then turns to Jerrand. "I'm Tor."
She then turns to Gildrim. "You can read futures from bones?"
Tor is naturally quite curious. She managed to order some fruit when the barmaid brought Jerrand's food.


At the next table over, Jamilee's been watching the spectacle that's Gildrim with a growing, morbid sort of interest - and after this latest and greatest development, she can no longer contain herself. She grins at him. Well, snarls, maybe. With the mess her face is, the difference is hard to tell. Her voice is no help either, because hearing it one gets the feeling that it wouldn't matter whether she's happy, sad, or hopping mad, it's going to sound like a cat being strangled in a back alley somehwere no matter what.

At any rate, she speaks. "Call me curious - I wouldn't mind seeing you take a stab-"

the bird on her shoulder says.

"-at it," she continues. "Just don't tell me any platitudes, like, oh, I don't know, 'You'll continue to be ugly-"

The raven echoes "Ugly!", loud and scratchy and with just a hint of mockery in it.

"-shut up, bird." Definitely more of a snarl, though she doesn't let the bird distract her for long. "Just don't tell me meaningless drivel that's true for everyone, always, or so bloody obvious a whelp who's just been weaned could foretell it -- tell me what you see."

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