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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VI

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With his armor polished shiny again, and his shield holding the emblem of Hyrag, Rogier returns to the inn once more. He greets Joe, and knows the rule of the Inn by now.
"I am Rogier Goodwill, and I have only little time to talk today, so I'm keeping it short."
Taking a fast glimps around, Rogier notices Oirhandir already talking to Joe. He walks over and joins in the conversation. "Greetings Joe, Oirhandir. My guess is that my elf-friend here has informed you already on why we have returned?"
Turning to Oirhandir, Rogier suggest "Oirhandir, we need to be swift, as sir Vaneelkelen worried me with his information. Since we no longer have to be discrete, I suggest we don't and go for the more direct approach."

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"Lose not a minute," Joe quotes profoundly, and gestures grandly toward the currently teeming crowdwithin the Inn. "Help yourselves, gentlemen."

El Jefe

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Pbartender said:
"Lose not a minute," Joe quotes profoundly, and gestures grandly toward the currently teeming crowdwithin the Inn. "Help yourselves, gentlemen."

Realization dawns upon the elf that not only do Joe and Rupert have some established agreement as to Rupert's recruiting of adventurers at the Red Dragon for his various "projects", but that Joe is also well informed of the status of Rupert's latest endeavour. Oirhandir turns to face the crowd.

"My name is Oirhandir, and like you, I come here looking for what fortune may bring me. Today, Rogier and I represent a patron who is willing to pay ones such as yourselves for your assistance in recovering certain items from a place a few days from here. We will not tarry long here; present yourselves if you wish to seize this opportunity."
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A very big and ugly half-orc finishes his lamb leg and approaches the elf and his companion. "Me Gath. Me can help you if you give good pay. Me be very good at smashing stuff. Me guard you good, you find item easy."

OOC: Gath is level 3 ... I don't know if this is to much for this adventure...
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Ignatious O'Reilly

Iggy notices Rogier. He hesitate a moment. Rogier seems so big and important in shiny armor and Hyrag adornment. Iggy wipes his nose then approaches.

"Hi Rogier. It's Iggy. I haven't seen you since our aborted expedition to Fallon. How are you? Do you think you could use a wizard on your quest?"


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A skinny Gray Elf clad in black priest robes bearing the symbol of Gliran raises from his seat and turns to face Oirhandir. "I'm Almayce, a follower and a priest of Gliran. I could offer my assistance to you, but I must confess that I would prefer some additional information about "a patron", "certain items" and "a place" before I decide this matter.", he says keeping his tone and face diplomatic-like and mosty emotionless.

OOC: Almayce is only 1st level, so I'm not sure if he's appropriate for the adventure.
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A figure, seated silently with his ale near Oirhandir for a while now turns to face the group.

In a strange, raspy voice, that doesn't seem to fit the almost elf-like features he whispers:
"I certainly couldn't help but eavesdrop on your little offer, and as it happens, I would most certainly would be interested in a chance to do some ... exploration."

He turns around nervously for a second, it seems he is assuring himself that noone but thoses nearby have noticed him, before he barely audibly adds.

"And I could certainly use a bit of gold to get up on my feet again."

A genuinely friendly smile by the strange Half-Elf takes away some of the discomfort you feel hearing his strained voice.


OOC: level 1 too.. I'd like to join if ya want a rogue
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El Jefe

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Four applicants? And so quick! Oirhandir was seeing why the Red Dragon was so popular with adventurers, and how easy it was for Joe to make a good living by selling access to his "customers".

The elf had been a little unsettled by the huge half-orc who lumbered forward, but the hulking warrior seemed sincere about the job, and not the least bit resentful that he might be working with, or even for, an elf. "If he can deal with me, I can certainly deal with him", thought Oirhandir to himself, recalling some cramped voyages with decidedly mixed crews...ones in which the elven component was a minority of one!

His heart thrilled to see a mage step forward. Oirhandir certainly didn't feel like he knew enough magic for the job, and a true replacement for Calamar would be most welcome. A priest of Gliran, a rogue...and one who knew Rogier? No matter who accepted, this party was rounding out nicely.

Oirhandir resoved to speak quickly and clearly, simply enough so that Gath could follow, yet giving enough details that Almayce might be satisfied. He smiled as he glanced at his audience.

"I see we are indeed well-met. Our employer is one Rupert Vaneelkelen, a wealthy resident of Orussus with a taste for rare objects. He is known to Joe, who can probably give a better reference than I can. In the short time we have known him, he has treated Rogier and myself fairly and well." He glanced at Rogier, expecting assent.

"Rupert has come to possession of a map to a dragon's horde. I should add that no dragon, save the one outside, has been seen in these parts for centuries. Rupert wishes us to search that place and bring back to him whatever we find. He seems far more interested in magic and curiosities than he is in wealth, but has no desire to leave his comfortable surroundings in this city to fetch them. Hence, he will pay us to do so." Oirhandir paused and glanced at his new companions, trying to gauge their interest.

"We left with three others to find this cache, and as far as we got, the map was true. One of our companions was bitten by dozens of small snakes, and we felt it wise to return him here to heal rather than to press on. The other two are staying behind to nurse him to health. Our path takes us to a swamp a day or two's ride from here, and then perhaps another day or three into that swamp."

"If you wish to join us, Rogier and I will take you to Rupert's office. He will ask you to sign a contract promising to return what you find in exchange for payment, and to leave a small bit of your hair or blood with him to seal the agreement. This is Rupert's protection should one of us decide to cheat him and claim all the treasure for himself. For myself, I find his terms reasonable, and plan on acquiring some magical finery on another adventure."

"All of this was a secret a few days ago when we left. But now that we have returned, someone has spread the news all over town. Rupert fears that someone will try to beat us to the treasure, which is why we must make haste."
The elf glanced at Rogier for assent as he pronounced his plans. "We should leave with the dawn. Rupert will provide us with what animals and supplies we need for the expedition. If you are interested, follow us to Rupert's office now. We can answer any further questions once we are there. Oh, and you should be able to return here between now and dawn to get your things, or whatever you need to do here."

Oirhandir recalled the myriad questions that the original party had for Rupert in the room just a few steps from where he now stood, and hoped he had anticipated this group's questions well enough to convince them to take the short stroll to Rupert's.


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Almayce listens to Oirhandir's explanation, and nods to him. "Very well, I will meet this Rupert. Lead the way."

Almayce follows Oirhandir out of the Inn.
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