[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Veniarus looks up as the merfolk enters the Inn he smiles slightly at her interaction with the barkeep and turns his gaze back towards the fire saying to her "Not everyday you see a mermaid on dry land is it?"

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The golden half-orc who was dozing at a nearby table marked with a red handprint snorts awake, calling out, "Mermaid?!" with some consternation.

He narrows his eyes to view the newcomer. "No... not mermaid enough. Not red, and too many feet... Ah, wonderful! The Blood Goddess remains pleased. Please you are all welcome, come, sit, let us tell stories."


First Post
"And pray tell why is it that a mermaid has to be red? It's not like all fish in the ocean look alike, I imagine there are different coloration's of Mermaids just as there are different coloration's of fish in the oceans of the world." Veniarus eyes the half-orc suspiciously. He then considers the mans request to join him but decides to not move from near the fire opting instead to remain warm. "Thanks though, but I think I like my seat here. It is nice and comfortable."

Satin Knights

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Arianna (Mermaid Synthesist 1/Cleric of Tanager 1) (Just mermaid at the moment)

Arianna teasingly flaps her tail in the air, "No feets here today, they took the day off." Marla delivers her wine and fruit platter. "Thanks dear." After a sip of wine, "You say I have a red sister that graces you with her visits? What is her name?"


"I've never met her," Kanli replies. "Yet Her Sanguine Majesty speaks to me, and warns me to avoid her. Something about how oil and water don't mix. No, wait, that's not the right phrase. Something about how blood and lava don't mix."

The half-orc smiles at Arianna. "But all that has nothing to do with here and now. Please, be welcome. I am Kanli, the Sanguine Prophet, the Red Hand. I have ended the scourge of frogs in their seduction of the Granite Hierophant. I have earned the friendship of the Possible Shadow. There are many stories I could tell."

He leans in gently. "But the one I would love to hear right now... is yours."


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The cycle of iife.

A short humonioid with dark hair and pale white skin enters the Inn. His hair is dirty and ungroomed. Some twigs are sticking out of the course waves of hair. A couple of leaves fall out of his shirt sleeves and onto the floor of the inn. His mouth is clamped around a bunch of decaying dandelions. The smell of decaying vegetaions lingers in a cloud around this man.

Ignoring the current inhabitants of the Inn, he goes over to the bar and sits himself down upon a stool. Upor ordering a bowl, fork and knife. he opends his mouth to left the flowers fall. He used the flat of the knife to grind the slimy decaying flowers into pulp. He then consumes the pulp followed by a modest burp.

He glances around the room and thinks to himself.....

The people who hang around here have gotten stranger since last I was here . I doubt that any of them are yet worthy of death....

Fester sits quitly and contemplates the grandiose manner in which he will most certainly die. The challenges ahead propel us forward to that fateful moment when we must transcend into something bigger than ourselves.

Satin Knights

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Arianna (Mermaid Synthesist 1/Cleric of Tanager 1) (Just mermaid at the moment)

"Arianna." Waving her hand in a flourish to invite the half-orc to have a seat at her table, "Well, life below the waterline can get a bit boring. We don't get too many visitors down there. So, I came up here looking for adventure and profit."

Sipping her wine before continuing, "My first foray was to help a little guy get something back that was stolen from him. The job wasn't too hard, but customs sure are are strange up here. We rescued a friend of our employer who had been kidnapped. We also found the name of the one who ordered the theft and the item we found in the possession of one of his underlings. We fought our way in, cornered him and captured the minion. We brought the minion in to be questioned by our employer. While interrogating him about his master, he was truly stubborn and would give us much information. The wild warrior in our group was tired of talking and tossed our prisoner a knife."

Pausing for a bite of strawberry before going on.

"Guess what! The prisoner slit his own throat! Is that normal up here?"

Sighing, "Apparently, the shame of failure was greater than his desire for life. Well, maybe that was because he liked playing with dead things. That is what we had to fight through to get to him. Oh well. Not going to fret about him."

Sliding the plate of fruit and cheese towards the half-orc a bit as an offer to share, "We got paid and everyone took off. They didn't even bother feeding the dead underling to a shark or something. I assume our employer had someone else do that. Like I said, strange customs up here. At least the little guy paid well once he got past the idea of paying in books and paper. You know how well those survive below the waterline?" She shakes her head in contempt. "In the end, I got some nice jewelry, a fine weapon, and many yellow metals as our stinky warrior would have put it."


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Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

The doors to the inn open, and a well-muscled, tanned man with dark red hair and beard enters. He pauses in the doorway, surveying the room cautiously. He wears mostly greens and browns, save for the black leather of his boots and glove, the tarnished silver pattern in his coat, and the ornate silver key hanging from his neck.

Once he's finished looking, he nods slightly as if satisfied, then speaks.

"I am Eanos Setirav, chosen of Issolatha and seeker of hidden truths and corruption in her name," he says with a clear, commanding voice. As it echoes through the room, however, he seems to drop some of his confidence a moment.

"I met an odd half-orc who sounded like a dwarf out on the road," he says, looking slightly incredulous of his own story, "he told me this was the place to be if I really wanted to root out corruption, as it was the place most folks came when they sought aid?"

And now his certainty is clearly and fully faded, as his sure stance is now awkward, once again looking about the room, though this time his nervousness is obvious.

OOC: Eanos Setirav, Inquisitor 3 available


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"Ah, Eanos, you must be referring to Saktouk. Yes he was an odd one. Tell me, how is the Want to be Dwarf?" Veniarus smiles as Eanos makes his pronouncement to the others in the Inn.


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Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos shrugs, walking toward the man who has spoken to him.

"He seemed a nice enough fellow, happy to be on his way home from what I could tell, and I like to think I'm a fair judge of character," he says, then cocks his head and raises an eyebrow.

"And you would be...?"

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