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Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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"I am both and yet I am neither, I might have been in a past life, or I might have slaughtered them. I have been many things to many people, hero, villian, father, mother, sinner, or saint. I have returned yet again in service to my god, I have sat at the feet of Maros when the world was still young, I have seen great civilizations rise and crumble. I am a deva, an immortal servitor of the gods." Blade replies

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Lord Sessadore

"That ... was a little random, Blade. What brought that on?" Tristan looks a little confused ...

[sblock=OOC]Pretty sure he's pointing out the similarities between himself and the warforged ... but hey, it's fun to tease Blade :p

Yeah, we'd have a pretty tough party. Crag is about as invicible as you can get at 1st level, Dextyr and Ingot are both reasonably tough, and our two "squishies" are one of the most durable squishy classes around, second perhaps to the barbarian. The barb would probably have a little more hp, but I think avengers have higher defenses on average.

Oh, and if Ironheart comes along (JNC's new character), he's another warforged warden, mechanically at least. Not quite as tough as Crag, but still more durable than your average defender. And on that note: Joe, you have to send Ironheart with us! (Assuming Don OK's it, of course) Tristan would love him to pieces if he knew his story, and avenge the bajeezus out of anyone that tried to mess with him more ;)[/sblock]
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Blade turns towards Tristan, a momentary flash of red rolls across his silver eyes, before returning to their normal colour.

"I see you were privy to the constructs questions, and yet you speak falsely. I'll never understand the capricious nature of the elves, nor how one can serve as a warrior for their goddess." Blade says snidely


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[sblock=OOC]Oooh, inner-party conflict and we're not even on an adventure yet, LOL! Party contentions aside, I just thought of something... I feel really, really sorry for the poor (soon to be dead) victim who get's flanked by both Tristan and Blade and gets made their Oath of Enmity. I foresee them both getting their Oath powers back very shortly after that happens... Solo monsters beware![/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

"But you do not seem to be quite as ... unnatural as these metal men, Oh High and Mighty One," Tristan says mockingly. In a more normal tone, he continues, "They appear to be built; you do not."

After a short pause and another sip of his water, Tristan looks straight into Blade's eyes. "As for my fitness to be the Lady of the Moon's warrior," his eyes briefly flash an ethereal silver and his lips part to show teeth in what is not quite a smile, "I prefer to answer such questions with my blade. You have not done anything to upset the Goddess of the Hunt - yet - but perhaps we will meet someone who has. Until then, I trust you will not slander what you have not witnessed, O rash, purple one."
[sblock=OOC]And we both can use Channel Divinity to give someone else a double attack roll against our Oath target, too! Blade might get greedy and use his for an almost-auto crit, though. ;)[/sblock]


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"You have the spirit of a warrior in your heart Tristan, you are no more my enemy than myself. Perhaps if we find a cowardly forest defiler, we can draw our blades together against such a foe." Blade replies calmly, his hands not leaving his mug.

Yeah, I'm imagining that Blade will use the Channel Divinity to fuel the Righteous Rage of Maros, but who knows, if another PC is about to burn a daily it'd make much more sense for him to help out the other PC.

Lord Sessadore

Tristan grins genuinely at Blade. "In my experience, most of them are," he comments.

Suddenly, the elf changes subjects. "What is this tavern's reputation? To be frank, I'm not sure why I'm here. I was just wandering the city when someone I assume was a guard, judging by his demeanor, told me this place was probably what I was looking for. I wasn't actually looking for anything, but I decided coming here to see what it is about might be interesting."


First Post
"I know not myself, just that I followed my dreams to this place, perhaps one of the metal men has the answer? I have not been in the town that long" Blade replies, taking another long sip of his milk.

I always enjoy a little inter-party conflict, as long as it doesn't spill over to RL conflict between the players, it's all in good fun ;)


First Post
"What is this tavern's reputation?

At Tristans question Dextyr looks up from his now three empty shot glasses and replies "The Hanged Man Inn is a magnet for all those with a common spirit - those who thirst for a life not of menial labor or monotonous work, but for a life of adventure and excitement." He pauses momentarily, stands up and then ensuring that he has an audience continues on.

"The Hanged man Inn - it is the birthplace of many an adventures career. Men and women come here from far and wide waiting for an opportunity to walk through the doorway and whisk them off to a life that legends are bred from. It is a place where a farmboy can turn into a dragonslayer, or an alter boy turn into an infamous assassin. It is a place for many, who want to simply escape one life and begin another. It is a place where a man can begin on the path to fufill his destiny!"

He then stops and calms himself slightly, then with a smirk continues "That and it is a good place to find a job if you need to earn some extra coins..."
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