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[Tavern] Tower's Shard '09

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I've been hopping cities the old fashioned way for months now, an airship is the way to go. Faster, more beautiful, and far more exciting than sitting atop a pack horse. Elec takes another shot, chasing the drink down with water. Hell ladies, real fun is jumping without the rope, I call it sky diving! Elec's teeth make another appearance as he smiles, they are blindingly white, and oddly enough, straight.

The former half-elf seems much more comfortable and laid back, the company he was keeping had settled his nerves from the previous run in with Zero. The alcohol was slowly working it's magic as well, easing Elec's natural tendency to be uptight. With lowered inhibitions, and Zero seemingly "conforming to the requirements of the simulation", Elec once again unstrapped the chest from his back, and turned his seat for a back rest.

Aah! This has been one of the more comfortable evenings in a long time, to excellent company! raising the second shot Elec kills it in one go, and follows with the same glass of water. Barkeep, another go? Hold on, would anyone like something new, I'm sticking with the rum.

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"I think I'll have a rum as well."

Stasi wraps her arms around Elec and Euphie both, "To excellent company"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Earth to ground lightning

The door to the tavern opens slowly, as boulder-look-a-alike tentatively pushes them in, mindful of their frailty. The being that steps inside is made of stone, with few green outgrowths on shoulders, chest and legs, head and shoulders almost touching door frame. It wears only simple harness on which small pouch, a vial and some kind of backpack? sack? are attached.

It carefully maneuvers halberd through and steps inside. It looks around, finds the place that has enough room for it to stand and goes there. Standing in the corner, not sitting it just stands there, resembling a cairn somebody put there for decoration.

After few moments a serving girl comes asking for it's name and order
"Good day to you. What will you have? It's free if you give us your name."

Gray eyes, all but invisible until know, alight and focus on the girl. Split opens on the face and after few seconds a sound comes out, like mill stones grinding together interspersed with tumbling gravel.

"Cairn. I would like to have new grove to protect and companions such as Lady had. Do you know any?"

[sblock=Hello, CaBaNa]
Eh, I got so involved in 4e that I couldn't wait for Martelai to level so here I am. They took my Con down, it's 'only' 22 pts buy :(

I also sent you a link to the character we discussed earlier (the one Veruzak would trust)...I'm waiting for your input before I finish it (if you're still interested). I guess it got lost in the flurry of e-mails you receive from the forums.
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Euphie smiled. "Hopping from city to city? Now that's how I'd like to travel. To actually experience the lands we go thtough. I think you underestimate how interesting normal ground travel can be when you've only seen jungles and there is no such thing as a road." She then looks a little oddly at Stasi and Elec. "I've done my share of falling already, stupid pit traps, so I don't see going out of my way to do it for fun."

When offered a drink, Euphie smiles and says "Not right now. When I get really drunk, I go a little crazy so I try to pace myself." Euphie grins at stasi's hug and hugs back. "To excellent company"


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Excuse me, says Elec-Squall, he stands and moves toward the pile of rocks, Oi! shouts the lightning elemental, followed by a steady thrumming drone. [sblock=Primordial] Elec-Squall, nice to meet another intelligent element. Born that way?[/sblock] asks the former half-elf of Cairn.


Cheers Neurotic!

ha ha! "only" 22 pts, I know! It's really difficult to pick where I want which character, higher stats, or higher level... But I like the difference, it really makes LEB and L4W special.

I am interested in the character, just hadn't seen the email yet. I'll take another look after class.



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Elemental follows the movement of lightning genasi and again, the sound of rocks grinding is heard. This time however, nobody understands the words.

This is just story fluff, he is game-wise warforged who speaks only common. This sound he made equals to shrugging non-committally as he wouldn't recognize the drone of primordial as language

Also, he is only 2nd level. I like leveling characters in-game, even if it is slow. And warden is supposed to be tough, so hopefully, I'll survive in 4th level party long enough to level (since it will go faster with higher level enemies). It would be easier with ranged striker or mage, but this should be fun. Unless I die.

For those interested, this is cinematic high magic character history :)

Seconds later, the sound continues, but this time it is possible to make the words out.
"I am Cairn. I look for..." the being stops for the moment as if looking for words, soft rumble barely discernible "...assignment? no, guarding would be better, not punishment or killing, yes, thank you Illian..." "...WORK! Yes, I'm looking for work."
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Euphie looks around, surprised that Elec had moved so quickly. It's then that she sees Cairn and her eyes narrow a bit as she cautiously inspects him, her sword forming in her hand. She'd seen rock men that looked something like him before in Xen'drik. Large temple guards that babbled on about heretics, trespassers and infidels in their strange elemental language as they tried to pulp anything moving.

Euphie glanced at Elec when he used the same strange tongue she remembered from before. "Primordial..." She relaxed as she hears it's reply. It seemed confused. not out for blood. She really didn't want to have to start a fight in here. They were a pain to put down for good and she didn't want to destroy the place.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Stasi looks over at Euphie's tense reaction. "What's that thing? What do we have to do to kill it?" she wisphers. Unlike the girl sitting next to her, Stasi doesn't appear that she cares where a fight starts.


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"Stone guardian. I don't know if that's their real names but that's what we called them. They're tough bastards you either have to lure into a trap they can't get out of or break them into enough pieces that they can't move anymore. Until then, they pretty much smash and kill everything in their path. This one doesn't seem to be in kill mode for some reason. Interesting... Never seen that before." Euphie lets her sword rest against the table again, now that the stone guy doesn't seem to be attacking.


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Hmm. Maybe you aren't what I had assumed, Cairn... I'm Elec-Squall. It seems there is lots of demand for work, but no supply. sparks dance on the floor as the wizard returns to his chest, thinking about how relaxed he'd been to leave it unguarded by the two adventure friendly females. He shrugged it off casually, *What are they gonna steal, my rope?! HA!* Elec takes his seat again, and points back toward the rock pile, His names Cairn, and he's looking for work as well. It'll be a bar brawl when some poor sod walks in here with a proposition. Elec smiles, imagining the look on everyone's face when the whole room lit up electric blue.

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