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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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"Hello, Talkrai," Unit 16 says, smiling. "I have no opinion on meeting you," he adds matter-of-fact.

Talkrai was at first confused and a bit affronted; although she didn't say anything, she did pout a bit. At least, she was until Unit 16 continued speaking. With each passing sentence she realized that perhaps it wasn't personal and her face returned to it's normal happy look.

At word of another Kalashtar drinking toxic levels of ale, she raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. This also struck her as odd, but now didn't seem the time to ask more about it.

Her speech is so stiff, so formal, so...blunt. I wonder if why her creator would include that. Curiouser and curiouser. She is smiling, so I don't think she meant anything by it. Maybe she just needs some help.

"Hello, Pis," says Unit 16, turning to the other new creature. "I - hmm." He pauses for a moment and then with some new resolve, turns back to Talkrai and asks, "Often pleasure is expressed at meeting a new being. Is this typical of most races, or part of conversations?"

Talkrai smiled widely at the question, certain now that no earlier offense had been meant.

"Yes, that's normal. Well, unless there is something to not like about the person. If the first meeting is a bad one somehow, then it wouldn't be nice to meet them. In a casual and friendly setting like this, though, usually it's nice to meet someone new. New people mean new possibilities, new knowledge, and often new friends. It makes you happy, no?"

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After a moment of contemplation, Unit 16 smiles even broader. "Indeed."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all."

[sblock=LadyLaw]I wasn't sure if your light green, italicized text was being "said" (projected?) or if that was just internal monologuing for the benefit of the reader? Crazy telepaths and their new ways of doing things... :)[/sblock]


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[sblock=evilbob]Sorry, I mentioned that earlier but didn't think to say it again for the benefit of new readers. I use that to indicate thoughts, but unless otherwise stated it is purely internal. I just think it adds flavor.

Actual telepathic communication would be called out in a spoiler block with the intended character's name on it since technically only that character (or characters) should hear it, except on occassions where she takes the time to send the same message to each PC present. :D Sorry if I caused any confusion.[/sblock]

"I'm so glad," she said still smiling. "I did notice that it looks like you've seen some battle. Was it recent? Would you like to talk about it? I'm very interested to learn what that's like out here. I'm afraid it's probably very different from the types of things I did back home."


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"How could I forget! One of my brightest students! How goes your research on the long term effects of illusions on the goblin brain?"

[sblock=Roswyn]You remember the dwarf from your classes. He seemed a bit odd. Obcessed and maybe a bit paranoid or it could have been just stress from being overworked.[/sblock]

Roswyn giggles. "I'm flattered that you remember me," she says. "After all, I was just auditing! But in answer to your question, the research is still ongoing, but I've gathered some intriguing data involving phantasmic interactions with the goblinoid perceptual matrix... I actually think it might overturn much of the accepted mainstream art-critical interpretations of High Dhakaani mind sculpture! But I haven't had too much time for that recently, my time has been more occupied with, um, studies of extremely short-term effects of illusions on the kobold brain."

[sblock=ooc]Just to clarify, Roswyn's degree is from Korranberg University in Zilargo... so she wouldn't have been a full-time student at Morgrave. But yeah, I'm sure she's spent some time on the campus there. :)[/sblock]
"Roswyn." Shava says in smiling greeting. Roswyn your dwarven friend here would like to hire us to fly an airship to pick up a bit of possible prophesy from some dragonborn. Thalen has formerly piloted such a ship and this is Venakhad, a Jorasco healer."

The gnome nods at both Venakhad and Thalen. "Ooh, a prophecy? And an airship - what fun! Where might the destination be?" She gives an encouraging smile to Thalen.


"I did notice that it looks like you've seen some battle. Was it recent? Would you like to talk about it? I'm very interested to learn what that's like out here. I'm afraid it's probably very different from the types of things I did back home."
"I have and it was. I will describe it, but first your companion has missed one of my friends..." Unit 16 gets Pis' attention and motions to the lithe, gray-cloaked woman with a large bow on her back who just walked in and now sits brooding in the corner.

"I am with her," Unit 16 smiles.


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With that he heads off towards the bar where Jarren and Mythra are sitting. “Hello to you, friends. I am Pis Memish. I was hoping you might join my companions and I a bit closer to the fire where we might all make nice and talk?” He smiles hopefully.

"By all means," Jarren agrees, readily enough. He gives a quick smile and white teeth with prominent canines flash through his beard. Rising from his stool, he makes his way over to the fireside, takes a seat and nods a greeting to the others gathered there. "Well met."

His social graces appear scarcely more developed than his Warforged companion's, but he bears an open and friendly expression as he surveys the strangers.


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kal'Tarron enters.

The front door opens. The light draft and the increased crowd noise attract the attention of most in the bar. The most striking features of the man standing in the doorway are his purple skin and silver eyes, which mark him as a Deva to all but the most ignorant observers.Those of you close to the door observe a tuft or two of short, blue hair peeking out from under a large skullcap.
Coloration aside, his physical attributes are all very much average - he doesn't look strong enough to wield the greataxe that is slung across his back.

He walks slowly to the bar, ignoring the looks cast his way. When he sits, he removes the oversized axe from his back and leans it against the bar beside him. When you see him hold it, the weight seems to vanish from it - he can wield it like a much larger man might - powerful chops and slashes, but also with clever feints and an almost supernatural ability to anticipate and deflect his foes' attacks.
If you get a close look at his hands, you notice a web of scars across his palms - not that unusual on someone who works with blades, but these scars seem far too numerous for one as young as he is.
The stranger wears no armor - instead he is clad in a robe of scarlet, with white trim that is stained a crimson/pink. A golden amulet, bearing the horned symbol of Balinor hangs from his throat - seeing it suffuses all those who respect the sovereign host with a slight sense of hopeful energy.


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Rohna nods to the newcomers as the table fills up quickly. She notices the warden's move toward her weapon and leans over, "I know exactly how you feel. I have a funny sotry about a group of warforged we ran into just recently, I'll have to tell you about it sometime." She looks over at the healer that just sat down. "Don't worry, you'll be really busy with this crew." She shoves a thumb at the rest of the crew. "They love running around their protector and getting themselves cut to ribbons. Wait and see." She grins at the others and pats Mitra on the head.


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Responding to a questioning look from the bartender, the stranger orders "water and fruit". When the server starts to suggest one of the house's famous brewed drinks or a sandwich of roast beast, the stranger stops him with a raised finger - "Water, Fruit." A silver placed on the bar top quickly wins the argument.

As he waits, he turns and addresses the room.

"I am kal'Tarron Alrahain
"I was lead to this place by,... by those I serve. They tell me that I will find what I seek here."

kal'Tarron doesn't seem to care if anyone was listening. He also doesn't seem to care how anyone reacts, as after he has spoken, he turns back to the bar and sits, waiting patiently for his expensive fruit.

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