TCotM: Rinaldo Gets Schooled

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Larinas is her last name. Her first name is 'Layna', which is usually short for Elayna)

"I'm a graduate student here hoping to wrap up my Magus's. I've been here for years. Why do you ask?"
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"I wanted to know a bit more about the school, and from a student would be a good thing." he replies to Layna. He comes back to Thendrin "I'll like to meet a Dean in that case. And there is no door to door routine. There si no routine in teh magical item business. And there is not many door to knock at that want to trade, most people doesn't have the money for it... but that another story."


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"Yes, it will be. Thanks for the answers." tells Rinaldo. Rinaldo will follow Jolu. On the way. "By any chance, do you know if Laynie or Vanitri are here? I think your friend told he remember them. I'm searching them, maybe one of them is here."

Rystil Arden

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"Vanitri was the Freefolk boy? He's been gone for a while now--he left after his Journeyman's without completing a full degree, I believe. 'Laynie' is usually short for Elayna. We have a lot of Elaynas here. I don't know which one you mean. Right this way," the young woman in the orange-lined cloak speaks quietly and guardedly, leading Rinaldo towards the Dean's office.


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"Sounds like a popular name. Is that any relation with Eleyna Valsice? I've heard of her a bit. I'm not sure what she has done exactly, only that she was a powerfull wizard. The Laynie I am speaking about is the young girl that was with the Freefolk, but I suppose is he is no more here, she won't be here neither.

Do you have many new students? How many come here?"
asks Rinaldo

Rystil Arden

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"The name Elayna is common among the Highborne, as it was the name of the only Magequeen of Medibaria, back a long time ago when the Empire was at its strongest. Elayna Lyrue...they say she defeated a mighty Red Dragon and saved the Empire, among other amazing deeds. You are correct that the little girl left with the Freefolk. You can talk to Elektra Planter--she and Vanitri were close, or so I was told."

"New students? We get a lot of prospective new students, a very large pool. Thousands each year. But we deny admittance to the vast majority. That keeps each year's class size roughly in the hundreds, though it fluctuates. A particularly weak year may see only in the tens, for instance, though since every student advances at his or her own pace, what 'year' one is quickly becomes meaningless."


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OOC: Thousands of prospects, hundreads of students... is there so many wizards in LEW? Why Monemvassia have so much difficulty to find a court wizard? That sounds a lot to me...

"Hundreads of new students each year? I see you train a lot of student here. And how many graduate each year? Did you accept any new students in last few days or you recruit every season?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Not all of them make it to graduation with a full degree. Some drop out, and some leave with a Journeyman's like Vanitri. Students who are accepted have to wait for the next semester to start."

(OOC: Well, it's low hundreds, usually. And not all of them wind up with a level in Wizard--the Journeyman's is a halfway mark that means they taught you crucial knowledge skills, but you aren't Wizard material yet. Vanitri has that, and he has no levels in Wizard. Also, some years are smaller. You would probably expect 100 or fewer graduates with a full degree per year, probably averaging around 70 or 80. Then of those, a lot of them stick around as graduate students, so you don't actually see them leaving the Academy--they might even become staff and never leave.

It's thousands of applicants because there are many many people in the world who would want their kids to become powerful Wizards if possible--most applicants are rejected on the first test of three.)


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"They wait here or they return to there home for the next session?" asks Rinaldo. His eyes look around him, looking at the architecture of the building and at the people in teh place before going back to Jolu as she answers his question..

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