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D&D 5E Test of High Level 5E: Design 4 or 5 lvl 13 PCs for 6 to 8 encounter adventuring day


Dragon Lord
Everything after the ablity scores is all the same text for all 5 PCs?

No. I'm working on designing them. Designing five lvl 13 PCs that will be effective isn't easy. I'm not using some random character generator, because that is not how I play. Each character must have a strategy that they use to be effective. It will take some time to get done. I work a lot and can't do much at work to take care of this.

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No. I'm working on designing them. Designing five lvl 13 PCs that will be effective isn't easy. I'm not using some random character generator, because that is not how I play. Each character must have a strategy that they use to be effective. It will take some time to get done. I work a lot and can't do much at work to take care of this.

Thats fine mate, just checking.

I have only the last encoutner of the adventure to stat up and detail tactics.


This is a discussion started in another thread discussing 5E at 11th level. A few of us want to see how a high level group (13th) will do using the 5E rules for encounter design including the 6 to 8 encounter day. Flamestrike and Iserith will do some encounter design as their assertion is 5E high level encounter design works if you design the encounters properly. I'll design the PCs, maybe CapnZapp and Zaardnaar can toss in some input because we believe high level optimized groups can in general steamroll the game if the DM doesn't modify the game outside the rules such as using way higher than Deadly xp calculations or designing monsters far in excess of the parameters in the DMG (this is more what I do).

I think I'm looking at the following party:
1. Half-elf Lore Bard 10/Warlock Fiend Pact 3: A little offense and some great support. This may be the scout as well.

2. Half-elf Paladin (Oath of Vengeance): Every optimized party has to have a paladin. Protection Aura is the most powerful ability in the game.

3. Wood Elf or High Elf Fighter (Eldritch Knight or Ranger (Hunter) Archer: Some type of ranged assault class with Sharpshooter is necessary for any optimized group.

4. Hill Dwarf Cleric of Life: Let's go with a heavy duty healer.

5. Forest Gnome Wizard (Evoker): Not optimal, but sometimes you want to have some fun. I played this little guy up to 15th level. I get a chuckle out of a tiny gnome with a lot of power. Nothing is quite as a funny as a 3 foot tall seemingly ineffectual gnome that does scary powerful magic. The look on the faces of orcs and giants when the tiny one kills them amuses me.

I'm going to go with five PCs, since I usually run a group of six. I'll update the thread as I build the PCs.

Very interesting cant wait to see how this turns out. I do find your party comp a little strange mostly due to the lack of a barbarian and to some extent a rogue. IF it were me i would replace the elf fighter with a half-orc barbarian, Huge DPR potential and has cockroach like survival skills. I would remove the evoker to add in a SS rogue. Juts my thoughts on the subject

Adventure is rough, but the encounters are done. Its really just background fluff now to set the scene.

Consists of 4 hard encounters, and 3 mediums. My inner DM is actually worried that it's going to lead to a TPK. In actual play I would probably tone the encounters down a bit, but for the sake of the exersize I can run it as is.

I havent tallied up the full AD XP yet, but its a bit.

Adventure intro for:

The Return to (whats left of) White Plume Mountain

(Note, you indicated to me in your earlier posts that you prefer to play amoral characters and this party will likely consist of same - the following introduction takes this into account, and is is condensed for brevity)

Keraptis the Mad of White Plume Mountain has always been an interesting fellow. A powerful (if unhinged and paranoid) arch mage, he has always had a penchant for weapons collection, particularly potent magical weapons. Recently he was involved in the heist of three potent magical weapons – the sword blackrazor, the warhammer whelm, and the trident wave – from the high kings armoury.

Responding to a cryptic letter left by the arch mage, a brave band of adventurers was dispatched to his deviously created underground lair located in a hollowed out volcano (naturally) named 'White Plume Mountain' to recover the three weapons. Sent off with much fanfare and the blessing of the kingdom, the greatest goodly heroes of the realm marched off to recover the three relics and put an end to the arch mage for good. Beautiful women and handsome men flocked to admire and see off the departing heroes (and more than a few kisses and promises of more given out), and the streets were filled with ribbons and streamers and the cheering adulation of the crowd. The rumor has it that the heroes even refused to accept the 10,000 gp payment each of them was promised for success. It was as if everyone in the realm was present to see off the greatest forces of good in a task fit for only the most renowned heroes of the realm.

Everyone that is, except for your party.

Overlooked for the task due to some rather ‘dubious’ moral decisions made in past dealings, and the reputation for being a little… shall we say… overzealous in some of your past adventures (I mean come on - Orcs are inherently evil – the orc non-combatants had it coming to them), you all now sit in a deserted tavern in the seedier side of town, a few days after the great send off, spending the last of your copper coins on cheap ale and other assorted vices. I mean yeah – sure you would have loved to have gotten your hands on Keraptis (and even better – to have gotten your hands on the loot he is rumoured to stockpile), but this is a job for some other fall guy. It’s not like you were insulted about being overlooked for the job anyway. Or so you all tell yourselves as you stare down into your flat and rather warm ales, grumbling not so quietly to each other.

Suddenly a jolt of electricity shudders through the tavern and in a flash and a pop of magical energy, a figure appears as if from nowhere. You recognise him instantly as Myrkyn – the High Kings personal wizard – and the clown who overlooked you all for the White Plume Mountain dungeon raid a few days ago. His face is pale as if he has seen a ghost. ‘Still interested in that job?’ he intones, rather sheepishly. ‘We've umm... reconsidered our past objections and... err.. congratulations! Also, we seem to have had a… well... how shall I say this… a… err… a complication. A complication that could quite possibly see the end of the multiverse in (he furrows his brow and does some quick mental arithmetic)… around 5 hours’ time’.

Ignoring the look of shock on your faces, he continues: 'On the plus side, the reward has doubled to the kingly sum of 20,000 - each. Bearing in mind past... indescretions, that money will be paid in full upon completion of your task. And I am pleased to announce that you also have a guarantee from the King himself to expunge all criminal records, and for grants of noble titles to you all if you accept. What say you?
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Wonderful intro - my thoughts keep returning to this and I start chuckling all over again. Sooner or later I will "borrow" this and drop it on my players!

Wonderful intro - my thoughts keep returning to this and I start chuckling all over again. Sooner or later I will "borrow" this and drop it on my players!

Thanks mate!

Ive emailed the encounters already for verification so once I hear back and get the characters posted, we can kick on with the adventure.

Ill post the background (DM information) for the adventure once I get the PCs statistics so readers can get a feel for whats going on. We can safely assume the characters have access to potent enough divination abilities, NPC contacts and so forth to find most of it out anyway (caveat being the short time limit on the adventure).

Im really looking forward to posting the encounters online. Theyre all unique and challenging in their own ways.


This looks very cool, I recently did a one shot for my group to test high level (13th, we havnt broke the 10th level barrier for quite some years :) ). They crushed the Lichlord to say the least, granted, I built the characters for them.

Anyhow, back to the topic, are you planning on posting public your results? play by play? also is it to be played RL at the table, or VTT, or PbP?

lastly a suggestion-
seeing as high level characters do not often get to pick their magic items per se, rather they are accumulated by chance, that is, they may not get that Plate +2 but they found some armor of invulnerability, etc etc; make a random magic item table for each class/character.


Magic Wordsmith
Thanks mate!

Ive emailed the encounters already for verification so once I hear back and get the characters posted, we can kick on with the adventure.

Ill post the background (DM information) for the adventure once I get the PCs statistics so readers can get a feel for whats going on. We can safely assume the characters have access to potent enough divination abilities, NPC contacts and so forth to find most of it out anyway (caveat being the short time limit on the adventure).

Im really looking forward to posting the encounters online. Theyre all unique and challenging in their own ways.

Reviewing them all today and will respond via PM. I recommend not posting them until the characters are finalized.

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