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The Aberrations Crusade


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New PC

Aasimar male Paladin 5; medium sized Outsider (Native); HD 5d10; hps 40; Init +0; Speed 20 ft; AC 23 (+10 Armour, +3 Shield); Attack: BAB: +5; +8 (Magical Longsword); Dmg: 1d8+3 (19-20/x2) (Magical Long Sword), SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6; AL LG; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 18.

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal

Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 5, Knowledge (Nobility) 2, Knowledge (Religion) 2, Knowledge (Arcana) 3, Ride 3, Spellcraft 3
Feats: Combat Expertise, Ancestral Relic
Special Abilities: Darkvision 60ft, Daylight 1/day, Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 5, Detect Evil at will, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands (20hp/day), Divine Health, Aura of Courage, Smite Evil (2/day, +5 dmg), Turn Undead (as CLE 2, 7/day), Special Mount

Spells: -/1 Prepared: Bless Weapon

Magic Items:
"Fyendolor" (+1 Longsword)
"Helm's Trust" (+1 Fullplate)
"Helm's Gaze" (+1 Heavy Steel Shield of Blinding)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
Silversheen x2
Elixer of Truth

Galiren, Mordecai's Mount
Large Magical Beast, HD 6d8+18; hps 52; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Speed 50 ft; AC 19 (+8 Natural, +1 Dex, -1 Size); Attack: BAB: +5/+5/+0; +9/+9/+4 (2 Hooves, Bite) Dmg: 1d6+4 (hoof) or 1d4 +2 (bite), SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6; AL LG; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 6 .

Skills and Feats: Jump +13, Listen +8, Spot +6; Endurance, Run, Alertness

Paladin's Mount Special Abilities: Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Share Saving Throws
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Space for Marc's new PC (s). With any luck, he'll send me all of them. Rogue 5, Cleric 5 and Rogue 2/Cleric 3. Akkadi; travel and trickery.
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First Post
Mordecai grew up in Elturel, the son of servants in a nobles keep. As he grew he was trained as a page and later as a swordsman. He was also befriended by a kindly alchemist who taught him the secrets of the elements.
As he grew he began to realize he wasn't necessarily the same as other children, at night if he became scared of the dark the room would light up as if Daylight itself had come! He'd never felt the cold of the winters as intensely as the other children though he could never figure out why.
Always friendly and kind, Mordecai became quite popular, especially among the girls who were attracted to his golden eyes and intense stare.

Time passed and Mordecai found himself in Helm's temple every night. Not always praying or meditating, he just felt more at home there than anyone else. His parents told him a tale about one of his ancestor's that had borne the child of a powerful man claiming to be half-angel! Though no proof was ever found and no one could find of which angel sired this man, his child and the child's children all special. At this Mordecai was relieved, he thought that there were worse things than being a Child of the Heavens.

Mordecai grew and with him his ability with a sword and his strength of faith, it wasn't long before his name was whispered up the ranks to High Rider Lord Dhelt himself. Mordecai was soon pledging his allegience to Helm as a champion of The Vigilant One.

His devotion was not unnoticed by Helm himself and soon Mordecai found himself recieving dreams from the Watcher himself! Always hazy and rarely sensible the dreams always held portents of the future.

In the last month Mordecai has been having the same recurring dream, though he would call it a nightmare. Each night it has grown in length and direness.

A house on a river, swallowed into a pit of evil.

Wraiths, evil spirits and malevolent artifacts escaping from the pit, particularly a skull that laughs as it passes by.

Armed men in the streets marching against, no not against, WITH devils!

A pillar of oily hell-fire spouting damnation and corruption into the city

However as of late he has seen a shadowy group in each dream opposing the evil, always in the background holding a candle.

Last night the group travelled to the evil pit and in a flash of blinding green, the candle nearly snuffed out.

Mordecai awoke in a cold sweat and knew his time for action had come, suited in his full plate which he calls "Helm's Trust", his shield "Helm's Gaze" and his ancestral blade "Fienddealer" (though its is not the blade it once was, the magic in it has grown tired and lies dormant.)

He mounted Galiren just as rumors of Devils imposing marshal law in Scornubel ran through the streets.
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The Black Grail

[note- I figure the sacrifice, if not prevented, will have a bonus of +13. The ritual leader has a Knowledge (Relgion) modifier of +14 or so. Kobalds, orcs, hobgoblins and goblins are all being excluded from the effect, so the DC is 38. So the ritual has about a 50% chance of success.

Oh, and any PC permanently transformed by the Toad God's Blessing will become an NPC. Just so you know. ;) ]

The Black Grail is an artifact of the Toad God. It can be activated once per month with a ritual culminating in a DC 30 sacrifice check (see BoVD 26). If the check is successful the grail will produce an effect known as "the Toad God's Blessing" which affects humanoids (except troglodytes and lizard men) in the area of effect. The Toad God's Blessing is something like a combination of evil weather (green cloud- BoVD 34) and the BoVD spells Spread of Savagery and Morality Undone (see below). To complete the ritual the leader (who must be a troglodyte or lizard man) must drink from the Black Grail; this inflicts 3d6 points of constitution damage which cannot be avoided, and that can only be healed naturally. If the ritual leader does not have a constitution score, the ritual automatically fails. If the constitution damage is sufficient to kill the ritual leader, the ritual automatically fails.

Treat the Toad God's Blessing as an 8th level divine spell of the school of enchantment which is cast at caster level 20. It is a burst with a 4 mile radius area of effect, and an initial duration of 2 rounds; the effects of the Toad God's blessing have either a 20 minute duration or are instantaneous. The burst can pass unhindered through earth, wood, rock, copper and steel, but a room lined with a thin layer of lead or gold will block it.

The Toad God's Blessing has the [Evil], [Chaos] and [Mind-Affecting] descriptors. This information, along with the impression that the Blessing will cause a horrific mental and physical transformation, is available to anyone in the area of effect who succeeds in a DC 23 spellcraft or knowledge (arcana) check.

The effect of the Toad God's Blessing may be partially countered by dispel magic or dispel evil if these spells are cast within the initial 2 round duration. Dispel Evil is automatically successful, but protects only the caster; dispel magic requires a caster level check but protects everyone in the area of the dispel. An anti-magic shell, prismatic sphere or similar effect will also block the Toad God's Blessing. The effect of the Toad God's Blessing may be dispelled by dispel evil, remove curse, dispel magic or similar effects as long as the secondary fortitude saving throw was successful. Otherwise a wish or miracle is required to restore a creature to normal.

The Toad God's Blessing may be modified to exclude certain types of humanoids. Humans, elves and half-elves can never be excluded (they are hated too much by the Toad God), while troglodytes and lizard men are automatically unaffected (they are considered already blessed by the Toad God- especially the trogs); other humanoid races may be excluded, but each exclusion increases the sacrifice DC by +2. A living member of the excluded race must be present during the ritual and must survive a drink from the Black Grail. As noted above, drinking from the Black Grail inflicts 3d6 points of constitution damage. If the character dies from the damage another character of that race must survive a drink from the Black Grail in order that members of that race not be affected by the Toad God's Blessing.

Susceptible humanoids who are in the area of effect for the full two rounds must make a DC 20 will save; if the will save is unsuccessful the character must also make a DC 17 fortitude save.

If the will save is unsuccessful, the character's alignment changes temporarily to chaotic evil, and the character is polymorphed into a troglodyte for 20 minutes. If the fortitude save is also unsuccessful, however, the character actually becomes a troglodyte; treat the character as if he had been reincarnated in that form (though without loss of a class level). Only a carefully worded wish or miracle can restore the character to his original form and alignment.

For the 20 minutes following the initial burst, a character affected by the power of the Black Grail becomes exceptionally selfish, bloodthirsty and cruel. The character is automatically hostile towards any creature which resisted the Toad God's Blessing, regardless of alignment or former association. The troglodyte will likely attack such creatures, though it will retreat from opponents obviously too powerful for it.

After 20 minutes a character who passed the fort save returns to his normal form and alignment. Atonement may be necessary, depending on what the character did during that time. A character who has actually become a troglodyte by failing both saves shifts one step closer to evil, then one step closer to chaotic. For example, a LG character becomes True Neutral, NG becomes CN, and so on. No matter the final alignment, the character will be unusually cruel and bloodthirsty for that alignment.

A character who has permanently become a troglodyte gains a +4 ECL and so will have to gain much more experience to advance a level. (A second level character with 2000 XP becomes effectively a 6th level character, and needs a total of 21000 XP to add another class level (and become a 7th level character).

The effects of permanent transformation into a troglodyte are as follows:

+4 ECL
-2 Dexterity
+4 Constitution

+2 humanoid hit dice (+2d8 hp, +1 BAB (medium progression), +3 fort saves, 2x(2+int modifier, minimum 1) skill points, class skills hide and listen, possibly a bonus feat and/or ability score increase).

90 foot darkvision

+4 racial bonus on hide checks (+8 in rocky or underground surroundings)

multi-attack as a bonus feat

+6 natural armor bonus

natural attacks- claw/claw/bite (1d4/1d4/1d4)

Stench: When angry or frightened you emit a stench which sickens living non-troglodytes in a 30 foot radius (Fort DC = 10 + hd/2 + con bonus) for 10 rounds. This is a poison effect. Creatures that successfully save against a particular troglodyte's stench cannot be affected again by that troglodyte for 24 hours.

Voidrunner's Codex

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