The AFK Thread


Leaving tomorrow after work for a couple days of family time. I hope to be back posting Friday though it may be Sunday or Monday before I can get a round of updates in.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The whole family's down with a nasty stomach bug - I'm going on 24 hours in bed with a 100+ temp and feeling like someone's been tuning my ribs with a sledgehammer. I'll be back, though!


First Post
It seems that Tapatalk went down with the old website. As this was my primary way of posting, expect a greater drop in my posting. I know this will be inconvenient, and I do apologize.

Disposable Hero

First Post
So this isn't really a 'Hey I won't be around for awhile' message so much as it's a 'Hey I'm sorry' message. I left without a word and you guys are a great group of people and I really am happy and assure you that it will never happen again. If you guys want my address to send me a piece of coal for Christmas I'll give it to you. I bought everyone their very own goblin nazi zombie punching bags though...who doesn't like beating up on goblins or nazi's or get it all in one shot...but all joking aside I'm sorry and I'm back if you'll have me.

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