The AFK Thread

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
So this isn't really a 'Hey I won't be around for awhile' message so much as it's a 'Hey I'm sorry' message. I left without a word and you guys are a great group of people and I really am happy and assure you that it will never happen again. If you guys want my address to send me a piece of coal for Christmas I'll give it to you. I bought everyone their very own goblin nazi zombie punching bags though...who doesn't like beating up on goblins or nazi's or get it all in one shot...but all joking aside I'm sorry and I'm back if you'll have me.

People come and go. And sometimes come back again. Welcome back. :)

What GlassEye said! RL rears its (sometimes) ugly head to all of us sometimes. Welcome back!

awww, shucks. sure its ok!

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Going home for the holidays. Will have limited access to enworld, so I may not be able to stay up to date. In the meantime, Happy Holidays to LPF!


Winter storms then holiday travel have kept me away the past couple of days. I'll be back in the swing of things after Christmas. Happy holidays to all!


I heard from Qik.
It's just been a perfect storm: new job, lots of unanticipated work/schedule changes, and lots of travel, particularly over the last month.

He is still trying to figure out what he can and cannot do. He asks for patience and he should let us know.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I heard from Qik.

He is still trying to figure out what he can and cannot do. He asks for patience and he should let us know.

Thanks! gret to hear from him!

Also, I will be moving on January 25, so won't be on line from about 24 Jan 13 to about 27 or 28 Jan 13.


First Post
I should have posted this sooner but was seriously busy with school. I won't be back into the loop until Summer at the soonest. I hope you all have a wonderful Spring filled with adventures!


First Post
Hey folks. This is past belated, and perhaps unnecessary, but I do want to apologize for my recent absence and let everyone know that it will last indefinitely. As PM quoted above, just a lot of changes over the last six months that have been unkind to both my gaming time and my gaming headspace. Again, I genuinely apologize for this, and for my descent into unreliability.

LPF is very dear to me; I hope to be able to rejoin you all at some point. In the meantime, thanks for understanding. Extra-special thanks to perrinmiller for taking the reins of Ties That Bind. Keep well, and keep things going!

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