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The Ancient Paths - Path II


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While Dowkan was looking over the blade, Sabriel told them about the dream. "It was so real." she said after describing it. "I could still feel that rage at being betrayed and left to die and when I woke up, at first it seemed like it had actually happened."

She looked at them soberly. "Maybe whoever made me go into that room wanted me to feel like that. Divide and conquer. I don't know. But whoever, whatever is behind this wants us to be at each others throats and filling us full of mistrust and doubt. I think that was their goal." she said. "That dream.... It felt too real to be just a dream." she said, thinking out loud again. "Maybe it was sent?"

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Dowkan thinks for a moment or two, then he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out and he simply closes it again as he continues to examine Sabriel's new wares.


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Nae'talis eyes Sabriel distrustfully as she spouts her drivel to the group. "You speak with ill-concieved surety about these dreams. Perhaps it is you who is behind it all, since you speak so certainly that there is more to this than meets the eye," the mage says sourly, as his look turns calculating, as if testing her.


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The Thayan shoots a tired half-glance at Dowkan in response to his scowl then returns his gaze to Sabriel, adding, in a voice poised to address the entire party, "I am merely exploring all avenues, friend Dowkan," he sooths. "A pity it would be for you to be forced to bloody the blade of the axe that I gifted you so soon again after our last encounter. But need I remind, we did just stumble upon her in town not long before our departure. Perhaps she has set a trap for us. That is all I am implying."


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Dowkan hocks up a groobie and spits it on the ground and grumbles something unintelligble reply, impatiently waiting for them to move on.


”Maybe we should take a look at this room where lady Sabriel apparently woke, before we start drawing swords and wands on one another.”


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Sabriel looks at the wizard and grinned. "Well, that can easily be taken care of once we get back to town. I'm sure the Tyrans have all sorts of spells and such that can ferret out the truth of the matter yes?" she shrugged. "If it comes down to trust issues, I'd willingly undergo those spells. I have nothing to hide." she said honestly. "But if you want to see the room in which I woke up in, we'd best go before something narsty comes upon us."


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~ The Adventurers ~

Dowkan can easily tell that the sword and armor were crafted by a master. The blade is dwarven, and the signature of the master reads: Buxnor. The type and age of the armor makes it near impossible to tell what crafted it.
Returning to the room where Sabriel awoke, the party finds it much like she described, with a watermark on the wall where the bard cast her cantrip. Careful investigation by the others of the room reveal that there are no other entrances or exits to the chamber besides the tunnel. Sabriel either traveled down the tunnel to this room or was carried there through magical means. The torches on the wall do not radiate heat and are also not magical; they also seem to be two-dimensional and hard to look at directly...


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"This place gives me da creeps," Dowkan mutters as he looks around.
[sblock=ooc]So we have run out of obvious options for exploration?[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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