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The Batman - Official 4K Trailer (2022) Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz | DC FanDome 2021


Lawyer by day. Rules lawyer by night.
Seeing as in these movies are somewhat aimed at a target audience I agree the origins dont need to be repeated.
Clark, we need to stop your arch-nemesis Lex Luthor befo-

Why did you call me Clark?

Because your secret identity is Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper. I know that because I am Batman, the World's Greatest Detective.

Indeed. You are very smart. But you also seem deeply troubled. And not just because you are wearing a bat costume. Ha ha. That is a joke. It is levity to make sure we do not get too self-serious.

That's a good idea, Clark. And very perceptive. Indeed. I am deeply troubled. I witnessed my parents getting murdered in an alleyway known coincidentally as Crime Alley. My father, the great philanthropist Thomas Wayne, and my mother, Martha, had taken me to see "The Mark of Zorro," a movie about a masked vigilante who fights injustice. A robber named Joe Chill tried to steal my mom's necklace. Allow me to reminisce about the event. Pearls fell into a puddle.

You seem to be traumatized by it. But why do you dress like a bat and not like Zorro?

I am afraid of bats because I fell into a cave when I was a child and a bunch of bats flew at me. Now bats scare me. And I like to scare criminals because criminals are a superstitious lot. So I use what scares me to scare them.

You are very symbolic. I am also symbolic. I am the last son of a dying planet called Krypton. My father Jor-El sent me to Earth. I was raised in aptly-named Smallville, a small town in Kansas, America's heartland. I was adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. Martha is a good mother's name because it is very all-American like Martha Washington. My father Jonathan died but I could not save him.

In spite of your superpowers far beyond those of mortal men?

In spite of my superpowers far beyond those of mortal men.

You are an allegory for American immigration.

Yes. I also can also improbably be used as a Christ allegory, in spite of being created by two Jewish immigrants. Symbolism is what makes us complex heroes. Like how each of your Rogue's Gallery represents a different aspect of your troubled psyche.

Now that we have recapped our origins and meanings, let us thwart Lex Luthor's plans.

Good idea, Bruce! See... I, too, know your real name and will call you by it to signify our friendship and status as equals and friendly rivals.


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Biological Disaster
I'd love to see a live-action Batman movie with the full Bat-family present. Do a cinematic Bat-universe. Have each movie introduce or focus on a different family member. I want to see bratty Damian as Robin, edgy Jason as Red Hood, Dick's butt in his Nightwing costume, Tim as Red Robin with his boyfriend Connor Kent (it's what the fans want to see, dammit!). That last one would be a harder sell, because then you'd have to introduce the Superman mythos, which might expand a scope a little too much. And we can't forget Barbara as Oracle, mute Cassandra as Black Bat, Katherine as Batwoman with her detective wife Maggie, Luke as Batwing (don't actually know much about him, but I think he'd be a great addition)... and there's a dozen more I could add without ever going outside Batman's adopted family.

So can we PLEASE stop having movies with "Batman is dark brooding loner" as their core bit?

Having said that... Pattinson looks like a decent enough Batman so far. Kravitz's Catwoman looks great. Always happy to see Serkis in anything. Liking the rogue's gallery they seem to be going with for this one. Risky move, but if they skip the origin story there might actually be enough time to fit in a full story with interesting characters.


I'd love to see a live-action Batman movie with the full Bat-family present. Do a cinematic Bat-universe. Have each movie introduce or focus on a different family member. I want to see bratty Damian as Robin, edgy Jason as Red Hood, Dick's butt in his Nightwing costume, Tim as Red Robin with his boyfriend Connor Kent (it's what the fans want to see, dammit!). That last one would be a harder sell, because then you'd have to introduce the Superman mythos, which might expand a scope a little too much. And we can't forget Barbara as Oracle, mute Cassandra as Black Bat, Katherine as Batwoman with her detective wife Maggie, Luke as Batwing (don't actually know much about him, but I think he'd be a great addition)... and there's a dozen more I could add without ever going outside Batman's adopted family.

So can we PLEASE stop having movies with "Batman is dark brooding loner" as their core bit?

Having said that... Pattinson looks like a decent enough Batman so far. Kravitz's Catwoman looks great. Always happy to see Serkis in anything. Liking the rogue's gallery they seem to be going with for this one. Risky move, but if they skip the origin story there might actually be enough time to fit in a full story with interesting characters.
You don't even need to drip-feed it through several movies. Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse did a great job of assembling an ensemble cast without losing focus on the main character, even managed to work in some tragic backstory along the way.


Biological Disaster
You don't even need to drip-feed it through several movies. Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse did a great job of assembling an ensemble cast without losing focus on the main character, even managed to work in some tragic backstory along the way.
There's plenty of tragic backstory to go around, that's for sure.
But I do trust that audiences would be able to follow an ensemble cast without each character getting their backstory meticulously explained beforehand.

Hopefully that's what they do with the rogues gallery here. Presumably one of them is going to be the focal villain (looks like the Riddler, judging by the trailer) that the others work with/for/against. I do miss the camp of the earlier movies though. That's one thing I loved about Aquaman, the movie mixed the "grounded/realistic" asthetic with the campy costumes really well.


I think the winner for me in that trailer for Zoe Kravitz. That trailer made me a believer in her catwoman, so we will see how she does.

Pattinson looks pretty solid in the bat suit, but I'm not sold on his Bruce Wayne (from the very little we see of it in this trailer).

But that tends to be how it goes for me, most actors either get Bruce Wayne or Batman a bit better. (Keaton I think was a better Bruce Wayne, Bale the better Batman. Kilmer/Clooney.....best jokers ;)

I'm going to adopt a more wait and see approach. People had been saying this would be a more detective-aligned, less action based film, and that doesn't seem to be clear from the trailer; I think moving away from what the Dark Knight trilogy did would be a good move - and I'm not sure if there's enough of a difference in this one. Plus, I'm hesitant of both Warner Brothers for a variety of reasons, and have become concious that the Batman character has undertones that perhaps need to be addressed.

It's definitely striking visually however; it feels in a way inspired by films like Blade Runner 2049, which was an utterly fabulous film.
what undertones are those?

This movie looks like a great movie and hopefully by March theaters will be in full swing. Not seeing the oversaturation with Batman?

what undertones are those?

This movie looks like a great movie and hopefully by March theaters will be in full swing. Not seeing the oversaturation with Batman?

Lots of people have commented on the fact that Batman is a rich man who dresses up and decides to beat on mostly poor people, many of which have circumstances and lives that lead them towards criminal acts; and that he doesn't necessarily use his fortune to help these people, or reform the city. In addition, despite claiming not to kill, a significant amount of Batman media gloss over this or don't explain exactly how is deadly punches or weapondry don't kill a lot of regular people.

I'm not unsympathetic to those thoughts, but I do think it depends on the version of the character (I don't think its unfair to say the version of Batman presented in the Animated Series and its follow ons is much more sympathetic and good compared to Zynder Batman).


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Lots of people have commented on the fact that Batman is a rich man who dresses up and decides to beat on mostly poor people, many of which have circumstances and lives that lead them towards criminal acts; and that he doesn't necessarily use his fortune to help these people, or reform the city.
I think he does use his fortune to help people. He funds orphanages, charities, lots of things.

He also fights crime dressed as a bat. And that's the bit that's fun to watch. Bruce Wayne's charity boardroom meetings happen, but we don't need to watch them.

I think he does use his fortune to help people. He funds orphanages, charities, lots of things.

He also fights crime dressed as a bat. And that's the bit that's fun to watch. Bruce Wayne's charity boardroom meetings happen, but we don't need to watch them.
Oh he does in most versions; I should have communicated that in a more straight forward manner then necessarily. But it does appear the funding part (and in some versions, the political aspect) came later on.

I'm not saying it's not fun to watch (and I'm going to leave the thread as I don't want to appear to be spoiling people's funds). I'm saying there are potentially distasteful aspects to the character, as there is to be any very long running comic book character.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Lots of people have commented on the fact that Batman is a rich man who dresses up and decides to beat on mostly poor people, many of which have circumstances and lives that lead them towards criminal acts; and that he doesn't necessarily use his fortune to help these people, or reform the city. In addition, despite claiming not to kill, a significant amount of Batman media gloss over this or don't explain exactly how is deadly punches or weapondry don't kill a lot of regular people.

I'm not unsympathetic to those thoughts, but I do think it depends on the version of the character (I don't think its unfair to say the version of Batman presented in the Animated Series and its follow ons is much more sympathetic and good compared to Zynder Batman).

I love Batman, but part of the reason I love him is that he's a really tragic figure.... no one should want to be Batman. He's the man who has everything (literally a billionaire) and is (mostly) unhappy. He's the little kid who's parents were murdered, and he just can't get over it.

Anyone thinking rationally should know that going at at night and beating up criminals isn't going to stop crime (and in many Batman stories, it just invites more challenge). But Batman isn't really thinking rationally; the man needs therapy.

But I still like him. I feel bad for him, I want him to succeed. But I also know that in the long-term, this Batman-fighting-crime-by-night is never going to work.

I'm not really commenting on Snyder batman (because that guy's a straight-up murderer), mostly Batman as shown in comics like Year One, the Long Halloween, Nolan films, etc.

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