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The Blade of Phoee (Updated 12/08/08)

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First Post
Oh, this is good - this is very very good! The setting is fantastic - I definitely like the bleak feel of it all. Very nicely detailed backstory and pantheon as well. I like Cassock's character quite a lot... there's just something about non-Eeeeeevil servants of death gods that speaks to me! I'm still not sure exactly where he falls on the Stand-up Do Gooder/Antihero axis, but I'm definitely looking forward to watching how he progresses! Please keep him alive enough to continue to torment for quite a while! :) Thanks to your comments on my story hour leading me here, I now have another story hour to keep up with! Now if only there were more hours in the day...


First Post
Welcome Anti-Sean. Its good that I managed to lure you over ;) And thank you, thank you, thank you for the praise.

Cassock (to alleviate your fears) has not perished yet. And his alignment is chaotic good (chaotic chaotic good...with the alignment system we're using now). That, makes him a crusader. Basically, Cassock is a fanatic with a warmace... :D And he definitely doesn't mind laying down the smack when he feels it needs to be laid down.

Now...as to where he is on that Stand-up Do Gooder/Antihero axis....I'd put him a little on the Antihero side....just because I know if he could force his god's issues by committing genocide, he'd do it without blinking.

If you want to see a true Anti-hero though, you'll need to wait a bit :D

As for torment, they'll have torment and lots of it by the time all my little meandering plots tie together in a nice unbreakable knot....unless they work quickly. Either way, I'll have my fun.

And as for more hours in the day...I suggest not sleeping. It does wonders. Of course...you burn out. But the all-natural-amped-up-high before that point is marvelous.

Now, so everyone knows...I'm probably going to let this thread drift for another day or two with no update. That way, everyone else gets caught up...and I can bombard you all in rapid succession again.

Welcome again, Anti-Sean!



Thanks for liking Cassock, Anti-Sean.
No he has not fallen as yet.
His chosen Domains are Death and Destruction.

Ron, I thought we had choose Chaotic Lawful Good for him?
I know you still have the im's about it.

Yes he could easily fall into the Anti-Hero role, and Funeris is right. If Cassock thought it would further Cael's goals then yes genocide would be the order of the day for him.
Don't worry the days turn darker for Cassock, or maybe I should for Funeris's upcoming TPK scene. "The darkness fell upon them, then the screams ensued..."



First Post
My apologies...I said I was letting the thread drift for a couple days...and I meant it. People need to catch up....

I'll have to look back through and double check your alignment...I know its written down somewhere...but I thought I remembered...and so spit out that bit about the crusader...oh well.

Finally, How can you go and tell them that Cassock has not died yet and follow it up two paragraphs later with a statement about a TPK scene?? Is it just me...or does that not make much sense??



Funeris said:
Finally, How can you go and tell them that Cassock has not died yet and follow it up two paragraphs later with a statement about a TPK scene?? Is it just me...or does that not make much sense??


Apparantly you didn't read it correctly.
Don't worry the days turn darker for Cassock, or maybe I should for Funeris's upcoming TPK scene
Perhaps I forgot the word 'attempted' before the TPK. Or maybe I was talking about the upcoming game on the 16th where you hope to finish me off.


First Post
Hope to finish you off?? Hehe...

well, ok, so I lied. I wasn't going to update...but see, I figure that I have to work a lot of overtime these next few days so I may as well give you all a snippet. So you have something to look forward to....Monday-ish or so.




First Post
Chapter 2: Journey into Darkness Continued

Back in the Temple once dedicated to Mialon...

Aramil led the party through the nearest doorway on the left. The half-elf rogue moved cautiously, carefully among the hedges. The foul scent of recent death left behind, was replaced by a new odor. The fading stench of earthy-laced rot, probably from older deaths, overwhelmed his senses. He slowed his movement, just in case.

The passageway began curving sharply to the right. Aramil held to the hedge, close enough to give himself cover but far enough to prevent any excess noise. From ahead, the half-elf could barely hear a soft clicking. He stopped and knelt near a pile of stinking detritus. With one hand he rummaged through the rotting remains of … something. His eyes watched his front while his hands went through the maneuvers.

Aramil salvaged a few coins but nothing of any use. He peered at the pile, recognizing bones stripped of flesh. Short incisions crisscrossed the bones at random intervals, between which the bone looked nearly polished. Rubbing a finger across the polished areas, the half-elf felt no friction whatsoever. The fragments had been smoothed by whatever had separated meat from bone.

Waving a hand, Aramil signaled the remains of the party to join him. They all moved as silently as possible, Cassock focusing extra hard on not making a sound. Cassock gave Aramil a questioning glance.

Animals or something ate the flesh right off the bones of whoever this once was,” Aramil whispered. He shoved the coins toward the party members. They all noticed that the minted coinage seemed smoothed down in sections like the bits of the bone.

Aramil’s keen ears picked up the clicking noise again, moving closer. He signaled for everyone to prepare for an attack.

Around the curving edge of hedge, the clicking sound increased. Something akin to slithering echoed within their ears as one pudgy insect scooted across the ground. Hundreds of legs pressed the ground in fluid, mechanical order propelling the oversized body along. The underside of the corpulent exoskeletons scraped the dirt ground, leaving a thick wake across the earth.

The half-elf rogue whipped out bringing his blade fully across the creature. A shrill pitch assaulted as the creature reared up in defense. The blade cut dully, not surpassing the armor-like skeleton. From above, another of the creatures fell fully upon Aramil. Its mandibles dug through his flesh. A fire burned through his veins, blurring his vision and causing him to scream. The acrid scent of acid wafted from the gibbering mouth trying to devour Aramil’s arm.

A third creature turned into the hallway, following the scent of fresh meat. From behind it, mother poured into the hedged corridor, her girth nearly filled the passage as she slid along, no end in sight.
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First Post
Hope that's enough of a cliff-hanger for ya! :D

So, to start a brief discussion, I'd like your opinions....

Is it too much of a distraction to skip around the world saying this is happening here, (shift to a new location)...this is happening here, etc. etc. etc.? Or do you guys like all that extra stuff? Should I just keep to the main story...or show all these other threads?



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