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The Celestial Empire (Romance of the Three Kingdoms-ish, Updated 12/09/05)

To Red Lotus We Will Go... To Red Lotus We Will Go... Hi Ho the Dareeio... Holy Crap Its a Dead Thing!

Felonca... shredded apart that undead creature... I knew she was hengeyokai... but I never expected THAT...

Nayu’s impressed look was somewhat disturbed by the wrinkle that came to his nose at the smell hanging in the air. A quick glance revealed Bohai cowering next to a tree, whimpering.

Poor guy, Nayu thought, taking in the other man’s frightened brown eyes, He only went after Liu’s caravan because he thought he could find some holy water... and now he has to see this? Taking a deep breath, Nayu made his way through the foul smell towards the cowering farmer.

“Bohai? It... smells like you need a new set of trousers,” Nayu said, some sympathy seeping into his voice. He was tied up this entire time... I’d be frightened too! Nayu started to undo the man’s bonds as Felonca continued to cough. After a few moments, the ropes fell away.

“There,” Nayu said quietly. “And I have a extra set of clean trousers you can borrow until we reach Red Lotus.”

“That was very kind of you yesterday,” Felonca said the next morning as the group continued their rapid pace towards Red Lotus, their two horses kicking up a great cloud of dust behind them. Behind Nayu was seated a much happier looking Bohai, his former dusty brown trousers now replaced by Nayu’s green extras.

“The poor guy was so frightened,” Nayu replied, “I couldn’t help but untie him. Besides, he doesn’t like these undead things also... and another blade... even if it’s a scared farmer with a dagger, can’t hurt, now can it?”

“Unless he decides to use the blade while we sleep?” Felonca raised a dark eyebrow. Nayu’s eyes narrowed at the comment.

“I wouldn’t...” Bohai’s voice rose in protest, before Liu interrupted.

“I will take watch with him, and I have a distinct feeling he’ll behave,” the monk said dryly. Neither Nayu or Felonca saw the look the monk gave the farmer... otherwise they would have seen all the threats in the world conveyed through simple, calm eyes.

“Now that I’m fed, I will beh... hey! What’s that?”

Felonca and Nayu followed the unbound farmer’s pointing finger, towards a thin whiff of brown hanging over the road far ahead. Even in the moments that they watched, it seemed to billow and grow.

“That’s either a very large caravan... or something I’m going to guess will be unpleasant,” Nayu said sourly. Already his hands had grabbed his horse’s bridle, goading it towards a small copse trees off the road.

“Maybe its some soldiers sent to kill these things?” Felonca offered hopefully, before she too gave a grunt and followed him. “You’re right, our luck, it’d be an army of undead soldiers!”

“Undead soldiers?” Bohai asked uncertainly from behind Nayu.

“No one has seen anything like that yet,” Nayu replied slightly testily as he guided his horse into the brush, a hand running along his mounts neck to calm the steed. If you think you’re going to be outnumbered by bandits... its better to hide than try to fight against hard odds, Nayu heard his father repeating. The young man quickly alighted off his horse, and tied the animal up deep in the wood copse.

“I can see them now... there’s at least eight skeletons,” Felonca’s strained whisper ruslted through the air. Liu, tying up her horse, gave a grunt of displeasure. At her announcement, Bohai’s whimpers increased in volume and quantity.

“Quiet down, Bohai,” Nayu said, the testiness in his voice increasing as he peered out of the woods, and counted twelve skeletons himself, armed with various implements... and two with crossbows. In response, Nayu heard the whimpers increase even more.

“Bohai, shut up,” Felonca hissed in an acidic tone. Nayu’s eyes saw the man’s brown eyes flash with the same fear he had seen the night before, but this time, the young sorcerer’s compassion faded in the face of the adrenaline pumping through his system.

He’ll give us away if he keeps going! Nayu’s mind flashed, as Bohai let loose a small wail of fear as the steady step of the skeletons grew audible. Finally, Nayu stalked over to the whimpering farmer with a piece of cloth. Quickly, he had the man’s mouth bound shut before Bohai could react.

“We can’t have you being loud! You’ll give us away!” Nayu growled, pulling the man to his feet. “If you choose to fight, you can. If you choose to run, you can. But dammit, you won’t give the rest of us away by whining!”

“Too late!” Felonca’s hiss echoed through the trees.

Felonca’s eyes narrowed as she watched the small column of skeletons, marching two by two, changed direction and starting marching up the road they were hiding beside. Their skulls shifted side to side, making creaking and cracking noises as their undead eyes searched for the prey that had mewed.

A sickle, several daggers, and one with a crossbow, she noted with alarm. Nayu’s expert use of the weapon only a few days ago was enough to convince her that this one was the most dangerous.

She heard the slightest of rustles to her left, and knew without looking that Liu and Nayu had shifted into a position close by. Carefully, Felonca drew her bow, silently tensing up her bowstring as she sighted her shot for the left eye socket of the crossbow-bearing skeleton.

A muffled cry tore through the silent air, and Felonca jumped. Her bow, so carefully sighted, jerked to the left, and her arrow sailed only a few inches to the left of her target’s head. Immediately, the skeletons clattered their skulls in unison towards this new threat. A whumph then thundered through the air, as a blast of light slammed into the same skeleton, the magic missiles forcing the creature to stumble backwards.

The skeletons broke into a clattering run as one, their weapons raised above their heads. All started to run towards the woods, one making a charge directly towards Liu.

Felonca called out a warning, only to see the sage monk close his eyes and fold his hands together. As the skittering undead grew nearer and nearer, Liu barely moved, not even twitching an eyebrow as Felonca leapt into the creature’s path and cut it down with her warfan.

“Liu! What the hell is wrong with you!” Felonca shouted before three skeletons swarmed her. Dammit! Don’t pray! Fight! her mind snapped as her combat training took over, her form becoming a whirling dervish of razor sharp fans and blocking moves.

Her world visually became nothing more than a sea of colors as she spun ‘round and ‘round in a defensive bid to keep her attackers at bay. All around her, dull white skulls clicked their jaws in silent screams of rage as their daggers desperately tried to close in on her. Finally, Felonca saw a blur of brown and green, and suddenly the off-white blurs of skeletons shrunk. She stopped her spin in time to see Bohai breathing heavily as he shattered the skull of one of the skeletons with the hilt of his dagger.

Nayu gave a silent curse as he saw the three skeletons mob Felonca, and gave a sigh of relief when Bohai leapt into their midst and surprisingly destroyed one. The chaos around him had caused Nayu’s concentration to fade momentarily, and he felt the magic in his body surging, writhing just below the surface.

A blast of focused magical energy lashed out at the crossbow skeleton again, this time shattering the creature’s skull. As it clattered to the ground, Nayu saw with alarm that four skeletons were rushing towards a still calm and unmoving Liu.

“Master Liu, look out!” Nayu called out. He didn’t hear me! the young man panicked as the monk continued to stand tall, his eyes closed and arms crossed. Suddenly, the man’s eyes flew open, a bright, white fire burned from their depths. The four skeletons skidded to a halt, as Nayu heard a faint whistling in the air.

The whistle rose as the leaves began to flutter slightly. Within moments, the whistle had risen to a roar, and the four skeletons seemed to break apart, as if a great typhoon was twisting and wrenching them to pieces. As their bones broke into dust and flew away, the noise subsided, and not even the weakest of leaves on the trees seemed out of place. (Turn Undead)

Nayu stood, mouth agape for several moments, even as another skeleton ran towards the monk. Liu’s eyes had returned to normal, but still he did not move as the monstrosity clattered ever closer. Suddenly, like a coiled snake, the monk’s arm lashed out in a vicious punch that shattered the skeleton’s skull. Liu’s calm eyes then looked towards Nayu, and part of a grin formed on his face.

“Nayu, tend to your front,” the monk called as he slipped back into a full fighting stance.

Felonca looked at the monk, and then at the skeletons now backing away, her eyes wide with surprise. Well... he is a monk, Felonca... he would have connections with something powerful, by logic, her mind would chastise her as she drew her bow and dispatched another skeleton. The final two remaining ones were backing away, even their emotionless eye sockets betraying nervousness. Two bright flashes of light from Nayu’s hand ended their existence only moments later.

“Everyone alright?” she called, walking over to where Nayu was already examining the daggers the skeletons were carrying.

“I need another set of trousers,” Bohai said quietly, his face beet red as a familiar smell began to assault the party’s nostrils. Felonca watched Nayu’s eyes flash momentarily with anger before the young man reined in his voice.

“I have no more trousers to spare,” he said quietly and curtly, before turning to the monk. “And Master Liu... how did you do that... thing? With the wind? Was that magic like the scholars use?”

The monk’s calm smile returned. “Master Asoka teaches us that if we can find our inner peace, it can be used to calm any storm in this world,” the monk said simply, before the thin smile was replaced by a look of concern. “Though my peace of mind is disturbed... these skeletons came from the road to Red Lotus, did they not?”

Felonca wasn’t surprised when Nayu’s eyes went a little wide, and he immediately began hurrying everyone to rush towards the town. It actually was not far... after a hard ride they arrived at the outskirts of the village within a few hours... and to Nayu’s apparent relief, things seemed normal.

Felonca noticed many of the same people she’d seen the week earlier when she first arrived in the town. Jiang the blacksmith even glared at her as the group made their way towards the town market.

“I think we hurried for nothing,” she said rather hopefully, “it looks like everything is normal here!”

“Not... quite...” Nayu said slowly, making his way toward the market square. “I don’t see Mistress Cixi’s stall open. That’s not right.”

“Well, she did sound a little under the weather when we were last here. Maybe she took the day off? Or maybe she’s using that gold I gave her to get her roof fixed?” Felonca replied. I wonder if this mess made that young man so paranoid, or if he is normally like this?

“Perhaps we should move aside from the middle of the street,” Liu said, pointed towards the market crowds. “There’s a black litter coming this way... a procession of some kind. Master Nayu, is today a holy day in your village?”

Felonca could see by the confused look on Nayu’s face that the answer was no. His eyes narrowed as he stared ahead, and then, she saw him relax slightly.

“Prefect?” she asked.

“No... it’s a funeral litter. If it was the prefect, I’d be trying to get you to hide,” he gave a slight wry grin at her. His face became somber again as he muttered, “I wonder who peri...”

His musings were interrupted as screams of confusion and fear came from the crowds ahead. Like a sea breaking before the bow of a ship, the crowds suddenly parted as the shrouded litter fell to the ground, its carriers fleeing as well. From within its black shrouds a emaciated, wrinkled hand clawed out, followed by a long, aged arm, and then a body.

As Nayu stood rooted in fear and confusion, he found himself staring into familiar eyes. Instead of aged grey, they now burned a deep, dark red. Instead of a buck-toothed smile, there was a mouth filled with razor-sharp, blackened teeth. And instead of her usual rags, the bone-thin form of what was once Madame Cixi was clad in the garb of a body being taken for burial...

(DM Notes: The skeletons the part fought were simple ones, based on first level warriors. As for what Madame Cixi has become... well, the next update will explain that... :)

This is almost the end of the first session!)

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Red Lotus Runs Red

”Dammit!” Nayu swore, the oath bearing as much pain and sorrow as anger. She was so kind to all of us! his mind raged as the gaunt form lumbered closer. As a hissing noise came from the dead woman’s lips, Nayu raised his hand towards, and closed his eyes, his hand pulsing from the magical energy he could feel welling inside of him. I’m sorry, Madame Cixi.

A familiar double jolt of power leapt from Nayu’s hands, as twin orbs of magic flashed towards the tattered chest of the human remains. Cixi’s ragged form shuddered with both hits, and crumpled to the ground, a hissing, screeching gasp coming from its lips.

Nayu sighed, his sorrow flowing up from the very depths of his soul as he looked at the crumpled form in the midst of the street. Memories came back to his head.. of visiting Cixi when he was young, and the candies she’d give him. Of her twinkling eyes, and aged wisdom.

“Nayu?” Felonca’s voice came to him seemingly from a distance. “I’m sorry,” the voice continued, and he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Nayu didn’t say anything, his eyes still locked on the tattered pile of flesh and bone, the remains of her funeral kimono fluttering in the breeze...

Except there was no breeze.

Within moments, the shattered pieces of bone and flesh, broken by Nayu’s magic missiles, began to pull together again. Bones fell into sockets with sickening snaps. Flesh slurped and slid into place, as the tattered apparition reformed itself, its hissing once again growing in the air.

The hand on Nayu’s shoulder clenched tight, as Felonca’s scream of surprise and horror joined Bohai’s. Nayu himself felt bile rising in his stomach as the thing formed again, the noises and sight urging him to keel over and empty his breakfast on the street below. Somehow, someway, he fought back, his mind still focused.

That is no longer Madame Cixi! he told himself, That is merely a creature, taking her form! His eyes changed from their fearful look to a gaze of anger at the thought, and once again his hand stretched out, power welling within him yet again. With a snarl, two more bursts of magical power slammed into the beast, this time blasting through its stomach, breaking it in two. Once again, the broken form collapsed to the ground, and laid still.

Fury still in his veins, Nayu drew his father’s crossbow. You won’t rise again! You won’t misuse her like that! his mind fumed, as he loaded a quarrel and shot the body once, twice, then three times. This time, the shattered remains laid still, a calm amidst the sea of running and screaming villagers all around.

Its okay, Felonca... she’s dead now for sure, the hengeyokai breathed quickly, her chest heaving from fright. She’s dead... she’s dead. Her hand still rested on Nayu’s shoulder, and it was then she saw him wince slightly.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, realizing that her grip probably hurt only a few seconds before.

“You were frightened,” Nayu replied, his voice quiet and devoid of emotion. “I do not think that her rest will be disturbed again.” His brown eyes were quiet, a sea of silence and full of memory.

“Um... should we be worried about them?” Felonca unwittingly disturbed his reverie, gesturing towards the three figures now gingerly approaching Cixi’s broken body. The slight red of their lamellar armor fortold they were soldiers from the local prefect.

Just as she spoke, one of them turned to the group.

“You there!” he called, pointing. “What happened? What evil trickery is this?” He strode over uneasily, as his two compatriots unsheathed their blades and began to poke Cixi’s body nervously.

“Someone is using dark magic to raise the dead... we ran into several skeletons outside of town,” Felonca said quickly, before wincing. Bravo! You just drew attention to yourself! Way to go, knucklehead!

Skeletons? Walking around, you mean?” the soldier repeated, his eyes becoming more and more suspicious. “I have never heard of such a thing... and the only one using magic around here is your friend,” he gave a stare towards Nayu.

“There’s some other magic users that have been going insane... they’ve turned themselves into burning skeletons by misusing their magic,” Felonca continued hurriedly. Shouldn’t tell them that the madmen were prefects... he’s already not really believing my story. “We were hoping our village was safe... and it seems that it is for...”

A new bevy of screams drew their attention... as did the smell of smoke.

Felonca spun around, terror in her eyes. When she looked down the main street of the village, she expected to see a towering inferno of skeleton, blazing higher than the tallest building. Instead, her eyes could only see a thick pall of smoke, beyond which nothing was visible, save people emerging from its dark banks, screaming.

“Um... Nayu?” Felonca said, her voice wavering.

“Burning Man!” Bohai shouted unnecessarily.

“Felonca,” she felt a hand grab her and spin her around. Nayu’s brown eyes were suddenly in her view, staring into her own. “Take Bohai and the soldiers, and hold him off. I’m going with Liu to get something to help us!”

“But wait!” she shouted, as Nayu spun around, grabbing the monk and dragging him behind. Within seconds they had disappeared behind a corner as the acrid smell of smoke and flame assaulted her nose.

Felonca... these people need you, she told herself, trying to steel her own heart. You were training to be a warrior... but you failed there. You cannot fail here! She started moving towards the smoke, the soldiers falling in alongside with, to her surprise, Bohai.

“I ran from him last time, but I’m not going to run this time!” the farmer said, his dagger shaking in his shuddering hands.

“Nayu, shouldn’t we...”

The young man didn’t even turn to face Liu, as he dragged him around another corner before skidding to a halt, eyes agleam.

Before them stood a simple water well, its bucket in good shape and ready for use. A dark grin formed on Nayu’s face, as he let go of the monk and pointed for him to head towards the village well.

“You can purify water, can’t you?” Nayu asked as they drew up alongside the well. The young man grabbed the hoist for the bucket and quickly lowered it down into the dark waters below.

“Yes... I can... but normally, Master Asoka taught us...” Liu began.

“Well... forget what Master Asoka taught you about patience,” Nayu said, heaving quickly and efficiently to draw the now full bucket back up. Once it was within reach, he reached under it with one hand, and with the other, unlatched it from the rope that held it suspended. Carefully, he balanced it on one hand until his other hand could help.

“Turn this into holy water,” he said simply, setting the bucket at Liu’s feet. “If Bohai and his friends thought any little vial of holy water you or your compatriots might have on you could fight this thing, I’m guessing a bucket will do annoy it even more.”

“Oh gods,” Felonca breathed in deeply as a dull orange began to form in the dark smoke billowing from a house... a house the soldiers told her used to be the prefect’s manse. Instinctively, the hengeyokai felt her muscles tighten, shifting seamlessly into a position of readiness. Beside her, the noise of steel drawn from sheaths sounded like music.

“We only have to hold him, until my friend and the monk return,” Felonca said slowly, more to Bohai than the soldiers. “I don’t know what they ran off for, but Nayu is from here, he probably knows of somethin... sweet Heaven!”

From the swirling mists of smoke came a tall creature, as tall as large man. No clothes hung about its crimson, bony form, though bright, white lights came from the two eye sockets of its scarlet skull. From each of its joints issued yellow flames, leaping, dancing, crackling with heat. A circlet of the same floated just above the beasts head, rising several feet above the horrific skeleton.

Its bony arm outstretched as he emerges, flames leapt from its fingers onto peasants running by, setting their piteous forms ablaze. From above the noise of screaming and flames, Felonca for a second thought she could hear cackling laughter.

She couldn’t move. She found herself rooted in her stance, horror melding her feet into the dusty earth underfoot. Another peasant went down, screaming, before she fought off her fear, and began drawing her bow.

Those eyes, she thought, anger now filling her blood at seeing the dead innocents about. She notched her arrow, and let fly, the bolt slashing through one of the eye sockets, putting out its blazing white light.

The creature turned, and suddenly the smoke coming from the burning house swept down before it, covering the five in a dense, smoky fog. Eerily, the prefect was still visible in the foggy soup as a vast opaque blob of orange. (obscuring mist)

Dammit! He was a prefect! He knew magic in life, he still knows it now! Felonca swore, backing behind the ragged line formed by the frightened soldiers and Bohai. I need time to reload my bow! If that thing touches me, I could be aflame too! As she slipped past Bohai, she heard him whimper... a noise that gave her pause. Stay, good Bohai! she willed towards him as she stopped and turned beside him. Maybe your simple dagger can save this day!

Suddenly, a bright flash lances from the burning mass ahead of her, straight at Bohai. The farmer has nary a chance to scream, before flames consume his body, leaving it in burnt mound of flesh on the smoky road, the smell of roasted meat roiling Felonca’s stomach. The soldiers backed away, and once again Felonca found herself to the front, now alone.

Oh gods... oh gods, part of her mind panicked, realizing what had just happened to her erstwhile compatriot. Her confusion and fear were momentary, before other, more logical parts of her mind took over.

The soldiers are wearing armor! Get behind them, and reload your bow!

“Done yet?!” Nayu asked nervously, pacing in front of the knelt Liu. The older man’s eyes remained closed, soft words coming from his humming lips as he focused his mind. Nayu gave a loud curse at Liu’s nonresponse, and resumed his pacing, as screams grew louder. Holy water... Bohai said these things don’t like holy water! Dammit! If we can get there with this bucketful...

Suddenly Liu was standing, the bucket in one hand. Nayu didn’t even see him rise and pick it up, he moved so quickly. Nayu gave a sigh of relief, and started running back towards the market square, praying he was in time.

Load, load, load! Felonca shouted at herself, her hands sometimes almost fumbling the arrow as she notched. Her mind momentarily flashed back to archery practice at the Academy, before the urgencies of the present made her refocus again. Her arrow notched, she drew back, and launched between the shoulders of two of the soldiers. In the orange and red murk, she couldn’t see if the shot went true or not.

“Dammit,” she muttered again, fumbling with her quiver, before it happened.

The bright orange glow in the smoky mists to her front suddenly grew bright white, brighter and brighter, until it looked like she was staring at the sun. Just as quickly, there was a bright flash, a roar, and suddenly the flames weren’t deep in the murky mists, but only five feet from her, swirling and blazing white hot. The three soldiers to her front screamed for only an instant before they too collapsed to the ground, the heat of the firestorm so hot that their armor melted. The blazing blast blew away the most immediate smoke, allowing Felonca to take in the scene.

She was now alone, facing the burning skeleton of man, while around her, all the buildings within thirty feet of his burning form were now ablaze, their own thick smoke threatening to obscure him naturally. Burnt bodies laid about, and peasants ran past screaming in stark terror, as the beast’s one blazing eye bore down directing on Felonca.

Terror streaked through her mind, terror as real as the peasants screaming by her, dragging their children to safety. One little boy, badly burned, dropped his wooden toy as he and his mother ran past. His mother dragged him, kicking and screaming onward, as the flames consumed the small rocking horse.

You have to fight, Felonca, she heard somewhere in her mind. You are of the Wu-Fang clan, a family of warriors whose history goes back twenty generations! You might not have passed the Academy, you might never ride on a steed into battle, but you are STILL A WARRIOR! Make your clan proud!

The second before she charged the blazing menace, warfans whirling through the air, she recognized her father’s voice in her mind.

Dammit! I can’t see in this mess! Nayu cursed in his mind, coughing as the thick soup of smoke gutted his lungs. The crackle of flames, and the screams of people all mingled into a chaotic chorus his ears could not sort. Dammit... where are they!

The young man turned his head about, to and fro, ears trying to find where the screams were loudest, his mind aware all the while that with each passing second, Felonca, Bohai, and his village were in graver and graver danger. Finally, he made a snap decision.

“They’re this way, towards the innhouse!” Nayu shouted to Liu through the smoke. The prefect must have chased them quite a ways up the street for them to be that far ahead...

They had gone no more than a few steps before Liu suddenly stopped, and spun around.
“No, Master Nayu! They’re this way, towards the markets!”

Felonca’s whirling, spinning assault slowed, the pain too intense for her to stay close for more than a few seconds. She backflipped away, the pain in her arms intense. The heat from the burning man was so powerful that even though her arms never touched him, being merely close enough to hit him caused her to burn. Despite landing several solid blows, the towering inferno looked none the worse for wear.

Ok, Felonca... what do you do now? Charging into him didn’t seem to hurt him, and changing to panther form and pouncing on the beast was out of the question... yet she couldn’t run. Many would die if she ran. Grimly, she set her jaw. I must try again. She tensed her legs and was almost ready to spring forward when she heard two familiar voices screaming her name.

“Felonca!” Liu suddenly burst from the smoke, a bucket of water in hand, and immediately, Felonca realized what needed to be done. Dropping her warfans, she seized the bucket from the worn priest, and dashed into the smoky doom.

The burning prefect’s bony jaw seemed to open in a cackle as she ran forward, as if his undead mind was laughing at this foolish woman who kept charging towards him to no avail. Only a few feet from it, just as the flames start to lick her again, Felonca heaves the bucket and its contents at the beast.

An unholy, hissing scream filled the air, as steam billowed from the crimson bones. The prefect writhed in horrible contortions, most of the flames on his body flying into steam as well.

Felonca stood, rooted in her place as the beast wreathed, hoping against hope that it would crash to the ground in a broken heap. Instead, its form snapped upright, and with the one burning hand it still possessed, it swung towards the hengeyokai.

Felonca felt a sudden immense burning and pain in her cheek, as bones slipped into places they shouldn’t. She had only a moment to see two bright flashes ignite the creature’s chest before all turned black as she tumbled to the ground.

Nayu breathed heavily, as he watched Liu tend to his friend. The chaos about them had calmed somewhat in the five minutes since the prefect had finally gone down, and still Nayu knelt worriedly beside Liu and Felonca... until a hand tapped his shoulder. Nayu turned slowly, and found himself facing a man dressed in the red armor of a prefect soldier. A long, grey mustache flowed from his face.

“Young man... I am Captain Li, of the prefect guard. We were on patrol outside of the city and saw smoke. What exactly happened here?”

With no care for whether the man would believe him or not, Nayu launched into a full explanation; of the undead skeletons, of how other prefects had gone mad, and how the ‘burning man’ had caused so much destruction. When his long explanation was finished, the older man gave a slight nod of partial comprehension.

“Mmm. This all sounds very unusual... unusual indeed. I’m afraid that I’m going to have to ask you and your friends to accompany me to the provincial capital at Mukden. The Military Governor will likely want to know what happened here.”

“And will he send in soldiers to get rid of these ‘burning men?’” Nayu asked hopefully. The old captain gave a gentle smile.

“I have no doubt of it. Tend to your friend... we shall leave on the morrow.”

“Are you alright?” a voice, as if coming through a tunnel, spoke to her. Felonca opened her eyes, and the sudden brightness of the late afternoon sun assaulted her pupils.

“Meh,” she gave a slight whine, soreness covering her arms, face and upper body.

“She will be fine, Nayu,” she heard Liu’s voice say, “she’ll be sore for about an hour, but she’ll be fine.”

“Is... is it gone?” Felonca asked, her voice gravelly from inhaling smoke and yelling above the noise.

“Yes... I took it down with my magic,” Nayu said as his face came into view. A gentle smile formed on his lips. “And you say you aren’t a warrior.”

She was about to give a protest when his face darkened slightly, his eyes turning sad. “I also found something... that’s yours. From Madame Cixi.” Felonca felt cold in her hands, and as her fingers moved about, she realized what it was.

Fourteen gold coins, cold as a snowfall.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

That’s the end of our first session! :) Madame Cixi was a creature called a Coffer Corpse, found in the Creature Catalog. Basic undead, save that whenever it takes 6 points or more of damage in a round, it falls down as if dead... only to rise in such a frightening manner that a Will save is required (one that Felonca and Bohai failed)!

The ‘Burning Man’ that was the prefect was a creature called the Blazing Bones, also found in the Creature Catalog. Its a CR 5, and was intended as a challenging encounter for my party (3rd level, save Bohai, 1st level commoner). It can hurl fire at a target to inflict 2d4 fire damage at a range of 20 feet, or once per minute, it can creature a firestorm that incinerates everything within 30 feet of it to the tune of 6d6 points of damage. Additionally, it takes only half damage from piercing and slashing weapons, but it has a vulernability to water... especially holy water.

And so... we shall soon move to the second adventure of this party, where the party rides off to Mukden, the provincial capital, to report what they have seen to the Military Governor Li Zicheng...

This is the start of session two... where the party heads north, and has some strange encounters...


Captain Li, and the Ride to the North

Around Nayu and Felonca, the noise of chaos died down, replaced by the moans of the injured and the shocked commentary of survivors. Nayu could hear Captain Li’s voice bellowing orders, as townspeople lined up to form bucket brigades to put out the fires.

“Her house?” Felonca asked softly, seeing the gold sparkling in her dark hands. Even now, a few minutes after Nayu had placed it in her hands, the metal felt ice cold.

“Still has a rather large hole,” Nayu replied softly, his eyes downcast. “They said she passed only three days ago. She’d scheduled some carpenters to fix the roof tomorrow,” he sighed. “Well... at least now she doesn’t have to worry about leaky roofs.”

All was quiet, the silence hanging mournfully in the air for a few minutes until Felonca finally spoke up.

“You said she had a son?”

“Yes,” Nayu nodded, the sadness in his voice growing even deeper. “He was sent to help build the wall some time ago. No one knows if he is alive.”

“Well,” Felonca said, some determination back into her voice, “we need to make sure someone fixes that roof. Her son shouldn’t come home to an empty house and a leaky one. Losing his mother is bad enough. Now,” she slowly rose, dusting herself off. Her pain was ebbing away, and now a dull ache filled her body, instead of the sharp pains. “These people need help. That bucket line is short of people. Let’s go.”

Many hours were spent in the heat and smoke, as Nayu, Liu and Felonca worked side by side with the townspeople to douse the flames licking six of the houses. The home of the prefect was a complete loss, save a chest preserved from the flames by magic. After some careful looks to make sure no one was looking, and some careful prying, Felonca fished from inside its depths three gems (a gold flecked piece of obsidian worth 50 gp, a blue agate with violet tinges worth 10 gp, and a large piece of tourmaline worth 105 gp), four bottles of elixir, and two curious items. The latter six items pulsed with something... she wasn’t sure what, so she took them back to Nayu.

“What’s this?” the young sorcerer asked, wiping away sweat from the last of the dying blazes as she dumped the clothful of items on his lap.

“Stuff from the prefect,” she said simply with a laugh. “We went through a lot of crap, so I figured we need to get paid somehow, and I doubt anyone will mind us stealing from the burnt out home of a dead evil scholar!”

“Um... I’m going to take these to Liu... since the prefect wasn’t especially a nice man, I’m guessing some of these aren’t nice items... what the heck are a hat and necklace doing in here?” Nayu held aloft a well made felt cap, with simple decorations on its outside, as well as a necklace of different sized white gems. They weren’t diamonds, quartz, or pearls... as a matter of fact Nayu couldn’t recognize these gems at all... though he felt magic seeping into his hand from their cold shapes.

“They felt... funny, you know?” Felonca shrugged. “I thought you or Liu would know why, since you guys can feel magic and whatnot.” I, on the other hand, am an imbecile when it comes to magical items.

The two took the items to Liu, who with Nayu proceeded to spend several hours looking them over. Nayu easily after an hour figured out the purpose of the cap... it made one’s face indistinct, almost blurry, obviously making it easier to take on a disguise (hat od disguise!). Immediately Felonca snatched it up.

The second item proved harder to decipher. Nayu had seen his father handing something like this necklace before... save the gems on it seemed to be rubies, or amber. When a gem was removed, it could be thrown to make an explosion of fire around its landing point. Further deduction showed this functioned on the same principle, save, Nayu theorized, the blast would be of cold, not fire (Necklace of Coldballs, Type II). Felonca also seized this item as well (at Nayu’s insistence).

Liu busied himself with studying the properties of the four elixirs that Felonca relieved from the prefect’s home, and quickly discovered two of them definitely had uses only for raising and controlling undead. (ghoul touch, false life). The two others, however, were relatively benign. One, he later described, could shrink one down to a smaller size (reduce), and another could alter one’s size and/or appearance (potion of alter self). These two were put in general bags for anyone to use.

Thereafter, Nayu and Felonca went to see if his parent’s house was unharmed...

“They should be alright... the burn didn’t reach here,” Nayu heard Felonca say hopefully in the growing gloom of night. “You said they live here, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Nayu’s eyes flashed by houses familiar to him, the names of the occupants easily coming to mind. Master Wu’s... Chin... Andong... Finally, he rounded a corner, and smiled in front of a rather modest home... one of substance, but not ornate.

The home of Nayu’s merchant family.

Outside stood a rather tall man, stout, as if the years of time had changed what was once muscle to light fat. He wore a long, impressive mustache that reached down to his chest, his beard falling only just short of the same mark. Clad in well made, if simple clothes, a large smile broke through the black sea of hair around his lips as he greeted his son.

The night was filled with congratulations for Nayu and him retelling his exploits to a thumping reception from his father and more food from his mother. Food and wine flowed easily through the night, but even as Nayu celebrated, Felonca brooded.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t thankful for the welcome... indeed, she was very thankful for their hospitality. It was something far deeper... the simple knowledge that she would likely never see home again. Sadness, loneliness, and even a slight tinge of unwanted jealousy seeped into her, and bothered her through the night.

This slight melancholy carried over into the morning, when she found herself sitting on a burnt piece of timber, the sun’s morning rays blazing in the sky. Going outside to sit and think had cleared her mind somewhat, but she still was pondering deep things.

This likely isn’t good enough for Papa... or my Uncles... Felonca’s mind moaned even now. You helped save a village, and you’re getting to meet the MILITARY GOVERNOR, but its not going to be good enough for Papa... he’s to exacting...

Her musings were interrupted by a long shadow falling over her face.

“Ah... another flighty hengeyokai, I see,” the rather bemused voice of a young man spoke. “Why the long face... and will it soon be accompanied by a long tail?”

Snickers filled the air, and Felonca’s eyes rose to look into the brown ones of a young man she didn’t recognize. He looked only a little older than Nayu... maybe 20, and his face spoke volumes of mischief even as his armor and sword spoke of the art of war. Around him were five other soldiers, most bearing the bright scars and gruff looks of veterans of combat.

“Good sir, I didn’t cross words with you. Please do not do the same to me,” Felonca replied. Calm? I’m calm? her mind thought in wonder as the words left her lips.

“Pay no attention to him, miss. That’s no more than Sergeant Li Chou. He styles himself a bard and funny man,” one of the gruffer men chuckled. “He means no harm, except to your sense of dignity!”

“My sense of dignity has been harmed enough, it doesn’t need more help in that regard,” Felonca replied softly, her head downcast. Her eyes however, quickly flecked to the right, mischief rising in her own mind.

Li Chou gave a grumble about people who couldn’t take a good joke, and started to turn away. He’d gone no more than a few steps before Felonca’s arm lashed out with blinding speed. Her hand flipped into his belt pouch and grasped items within mere moments, before fleeing back to her person, faster than the blink of an eye.

Soldiers? her mind thought slightly too late. Her eyes flicked upwards, towards the other five soldiers. To her relief, they stood around, grins on their faces, their hands far from their blades. Emboldened, she looked to see what she’d snagged; several gold pieces, a portion of yellow scarf, and a small wooden totem in the shape of a man... likely an ancestor of his. Quickly, she slipped them into her cloak... just before his hand reached for the suddenly light belt pouch.

“What the...” he mumbled, before spinning around, confusion reigning on his face. “What happened to my money! My token!”

Felonca kept her face calm, as the other five soldiers shrugged in a perfect show of acting. Li’s sharp gaze then finally fell on her, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“I haven’t taken anything of yours,” Felonca said, her voice dripping with innocence. She made sure her eyes were wide, and even looked away slightly, to emphasize shyness. Her charade worked, as Li grumbled about leaving his items back at the barracks and began to stalk off.

Quickly, carefully, Felonca took the yellow scarf and wrapped the few gold coins within. She then tied the scarf over the shoulder of the ancestral token, and then carefully set the wooden ‘traveller’ down behind Li as he walked off. Quickly dancing back to her former place as the other soldiers began to snicker, she called after Li, “I think I found the person who stole your coins!”

The sergeant turned, and spotted the holy thief sitting in the midst of the road. For a few seconds, confusion was on his face. Then, a small smile played across his lips.

“You’re good, miss...”

“Felonca. And I had nothing to do with it. He stole it on his own!” she protested falsely with a grin.

It was only a few hours later when Felonca rode towards the northern gate of the small town, and saw Nayu and Liu surrounded by six soldiers. A gray haired man with a gilt sword was in the lead. As she reined up, he gave her a nod.

“Captain Li, Prefectual Guards, m’am,” he said simply.

“Felonca, sir,” she replied, looking at the other soldiers. This is the first time I’ve ever had an escort anywhere! She recognized some of the gruff veterans she’d seen earlier, till her face fell upon the bright eyes and huge grin of a prankster she’d seen earlier.

“Well... we meet again, flighty one,” Chou laughed, causing the other soldiers to snicker. “I sincerely hope you are in a better mood now. Dour people are no fun to tease!”

“I am, now that I’ve pranked you,” she rejoined, causing a few muffled, “ooos” to come from the other nearby soldiers... before a glare from the Captain made them all quiet down.

“Listen... listen carefully. Mukden is a two week ride,” Li began, his voice loud and used to command, “and we have no idea how far and wide this ‘burning man’ phenomenon has become. We ride swiftly... no dawdling. The road itself is winding... there are times where we may cross country to cut down travel time. Stay close together on the ride, and we should make it fine! Questions?”

At the lack of response, he turned, and spurred the cavalcade out of the town.

“And then the lay user fell out of the bunk, running away! He left his pants there, and streaked nude through the streets of Xianlung, I kid you not!” Chou guffawed sometime later with several other soldiers. Nayu, (who, being able to use magic, but not being a scholar would be considered a ‘lay-user’) meanwhile, steamed on his horse while Felonca looked on in half pity.

“It’s your turn now,” she said to her companion, “his target will eventually change. I’m glad he’s off hengeyokai now.” Nayu gave an unhappy grunt.

“Soldiers, hengeyokai, and now sorcerers. Who is he going to mock next? Liu?” the young man groaned.

“He did that one already. About a half hour ago he did a monk joke,” Felonca said. “The only mark left is Captain Li. I’m surprised he hasn’t said anything about him. Commanding officer and all?”

Nayu shrugged.

Sorry for the long delay... grad school paper writing blues keeping me down...

Skeletons and More Skeletons

For another week and a half, the party rode north uneventfully, save Chou’s bad puns and crass humor... which strangely the normally stern Captain Li seemed to tolerate with a mere groan and roll of the eyes. The fields of grain and red flowers hovered around the column as it pressed further north, and closer and closer towards the provincial capital.

The nights proved restive as well. The air was cool, and so long as they were surrounded by fields, the view was clear and stretched for a great distance. For a while, Felonca and Nayu thought the trip might be devoid of skeletons, attacks, and death.

Alas, they were to prove mistaken...

Felonca was fast asleep, her mind drifting in and out of a pleasant dream... a memory of herself and her cousin stalking a rabbit through the woods outside of her home. Neither had any intention of hurting the creature... merely playing ‘pounce’ in their natural forms and then playing ‘hunt’ to find it again. She remembered the bunny... it was a pet, sort of. In seemed to play these games grudgingly... in return for the carrots, pieces of bread, and other treats she left outside for it.

She was just about to leap on the creature again when she felt a jolt. Her eyes flashed awake, as she instinctively grasped her side for her warfans.

“Huh? Wuh?” Her sleepy face looked about quickly, until her mind registered the feeling on her shoulder was a hand.

“We’ve got company,” she heard Liu’s voice whisper above the quiet rustle of trees blowing in the wind. For a moment, Felonca’s mind was confused, until she remembered entering the group had entered a small forest that day.

Here’s the end of the fields belonging to Red Lotus Prefecture, she remembered Nayu saying earlier. Now, we’re only maybe three weeks away from the capital!

“What kind of company?” she slurred, her eyes now taking in the soldiers uncertainly buckling on swords, and Nayu staring behind her... and up. She turned to follow his gaze, and saw one of the strangest sights in her life.

Three long, white shapes seemed to be floating in the air, perhaps five feet off the ground. They did not flutter in the wind, but seemed to be moving forward of their own accord.

“Magic, Nayu?” she asked, her own mind racing. Maybe its some other soldiers, and those white things are their weapons in the moonlight?

She heard her friend give a grunt of uncertainty, and some arcane words flow from his lips. Suddenly, his eyes flashed wide, and a mixture of shock and fear danced within their depths.

“Um... not good,” he said slowly. She could see his skin flicker and ripple, magic rumbling just beneath its surface. His eyes remained focused on the shapes.

“What?” She drew her bow and turned back to the shapes. They passed through a shaft of moonlight, and her question was answered.

Floating in the air were three bony arms, with no other bones attached. Each held in its hand a large axe, easily a battleaxe or larger. Just as she caught sight of them, she saw a bright flash from the corner of her eye, and a long stream of orange and yellow flames lashed out from Nayu’s outstretched hands towards the creatures. With agility that surprised her, they cartwheeled out of the way, and Nayu’s blast only set a tree afire (Scorching Ray).

“Dammit!” Nayu swore as the blaze in the forest rose crackling from his miss. Father only taught me that one a few weeks ago! I still need practice! He saw a blur in the orange of the flames, as Felonca’s arrow flashed true, only to glance off one of the bony creatures with little harm. Her curses filled the air as she dropped her bow, and she, along with the soldiers, surged forward at the three beasts.

Focus, Nayu! he commanded, feeling the magic pooling again in his belly and legs, slowly pooling and rising higher and higher. His eyes watched as Li and Felonca became embroiled in a duel with one of the creatures, as Liu, Chou and the other soldiers went after a second. The third hovered just outside of the fight.

Him, Nayu thought, personifying the bony apparition alone by itself. Carefully, Nayu raised his hand again, and with a shout, let the raw magic in his body lash forth again. A flash and boom later, and another tree was ablaze... but the bony arm fluttered, unscathed. Nayu cursed more vehemently at his miss, even as Felonca and Li managed to pummel their target into oblivion...

Okay... simpler magic, Nayu thought as he watched Liu and Chou being hard pressed by the second arm. Focusing himself again, Nayu launched two bolts of small magical power, all of which hit without fail. He was rewarded with a crack as the creature broke apart.

Something whistled in the air, and Nayu turned to Felonca and Li to see if they were making the noise. His movement adjusted his body just enough that the axe thrown by the third bony arm missed him by inches, thudding into the ground. Spinning around, Nayu saw the third arm, glowing in the ember light of the fires, rising higher and higher off of the ground, its form retreating away.

“Stop it!” he heard Li shout.

Focus... quick strike... hard strike... Nayu thought, pooling his magic yet again, before feeling a blur flash by him, as a large panther dashed past at a full sprint. That alone distracted him, as he watched Felonca leap upward and grip the trunk of one particularly large tree, rapidly ascending towards its canopy...

Climb, climb, climb... Felonca’s mind purred, her claws gripping the tree with ease as she scrambled higher and higher. It was not long before she found herself nearly sixty feet up... about the same height as the floating arm whisping towards her.

Come closer... her feline mind rumbled as she stealthily slipped along a branch, nearing where it appeared the arm would pass. Just a little closer... close enough you can feel some bone crushing jaws and a few bone snapping paws...

The creature seemed to drift towards her, ever closer by the second. Below, she could hear Nayu cursing that he couldn’t hit it because of her. Yet the creature still drifted, not understanding. Ever closer it neared, until only a few seconds before it was to pass in front of her, it changed direction.

Dammit! Felonca’s mind snapped, as the creature changed direction to drift about ten feet from her paws reach. Her feline mind watched it for a second, making quick mental calculations, before she came to a suddenly decision. Quickly, she backed down the length of the branch, until her dark tail bumped into the trunk of the tree. With an unnatural growl, she then charged down the branch, and leapt at her target.

She felt the impact rather easily. Her jaws hit right on the forearm of the aberration, and she instinctively snapped her jaws shut at that precise moment. Bones snapped, as she and the creature tumbled through the air. Her jaws opened as her paws stretched out, claws fully extended, digging into whatever was nearby... fortunately the bark of a nearby tree. Her descent quickly slowed to a halt, while from some forty feet below, she her the thumps of dead, broken bones landing on the ground below.

She clambered back down with unnatural ease, and padded over to the other soldiers, all of whom, even Chou, stared at her in opened-mouth amazement. It was hard in her natural form to give a mischievous grin, but she bared her teeth in the closest approximation she could, before tending to cleaning her paws of bark.

“Um... yeah. She does that. Nothing out of the ordinary,” she heard Nayu say simply a few moments later. I’d best change back, she thought, and within a moment, her legs enlongated, her paws becoming hands, and soon she was sitting before them, human-looking as ever.

“So, hengeyokai are flighty, huh?” she said, not even bothering to look at Chou, assuming he was still gaping at her. She heard a slight chuckle instead, and looked up to see the soldier smiling down at her.

“Yes, that was the best damn flight I’ve ever seen, be it from arrow or flying cats,” he patted her on the head.

The rest of the night passed uneventfully, and the party rode on for several more days, the land around them changing from the farmlands and lotus fields around Red Lotus to a land that seemed drier and far dustier. It was while they were emerging from a dust cloud of their own making that everyone spotted a shape by the side of the dusty trail. He was bedraggled, his homespun peasant’s outfit torn and tattered. Dried blood caked one side of his face, and bloodstains covered his shoulder and left arm. As they drew closer, he hobbled to the middle of the trail, and started waving.

“Ho,” Li called, raising a hand to halt the small column.

“Good sirs!” the man stumbled forward, “I pray you, help me!”

“What happened to you?” Nayu asked with concern. Are there more of these prefects going mad now?

Nayu’s inner question was answered as the man explained he was a farmer from the village of White Sands, only a few miles away. The village prefect had gone insane, and turned himself into a fiery skeletons, burning the village and scattering the people. Those he killed the prefect raised again as skeletons.

Li’s eyes were dark and serious as the man rambled on with the horror of his story. Finally, Li asked the inevitable question.

“Which way were they headed?”

“To the north and west, towards Mukden, good sir!” the man replied, his voice strained.

Mukden? The Military Governor... Nayu’s mind snapped quickly, before he spun around to face the battered man on the road. “Do you need assistance in getting to a safer place?” When the man shook his head, Nayu then turned to Captain Li. “I think the prefect intends to harm the Military Governor!”

Li gave a grunt, before promising the injured man that the skeletons would be stopped. With another wave of his hand, the column started out again... this time much slower and full of caution...

Caution was well deserved, for the road ahead dipped low into a large gully, its sides high on either side...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

(DM’s Note: The bony arms that attacked them were creatures called ‘Dreads.’ I tossed them in as a random encounter pretty much at random. The next encounter, though, was heavily planned... heh heh heh :) )

What Was That Bolt from the Blue?

“I don’t like this one bit,” Felonca heard Nayu complain several hours after the road entered the small gully. With each step forward, the gully seemed to get deeper, its sides tower higher and higher over them. It was some miles back when Felonca couldn’t see over the rim to the lands beyond.

“I don’t either,” Felonca mumbled as she put her horse into a slightly faster canter. If we can just get through this place.. She gave a slight shiver, as she felt the very rocks seem to close in around her, and the military part of her training crept to the front of her mind once again...

This is the best place for an ambush I’ve seen...

Suddenly, something powerful struck her from behind, almost knocking her from the saddle. Immediately, pain washed from the middle of her back, over her shoulder blades and through her limbs.

She reeled forward in her saddle, as the scream of panicked horses erupted around her, along with the curses of their riders as they desperately tried to regain control of their mounts. Instinctively, her hand painfully crept towards her back as she felt Nayu and Liu’s hands grabbing her, propping her up. To her surprise, her hands found no arrow or bolt quivering from her back... instead they felt a burn mark in her cloak.

“You okay?” she heard Nayu’s worried voice. When she opened her eyes, she saw him alternately looking at her in worry, and up towards the hills in fear.

“I’m tolerable,” she grunted back, sitting up again in the saddle. The pain was still there, insistent, but she was still able to move around. Her eyes joined the search, only to see a few skittering pebbles tumbling down the side of the gully behind her.

“Ride!” Li’s sharp, urgent command hit all of their ears, and Felonca put her spurs into her steed as the column broke into a gallop, only seconds before a bright flash burst from the side of the gully ahead. A blue bolt of power, looking much like the bolts that Nayu cast before, slammed into Li’s chest. The old warrior reeled back slightly in the saddle, as Felonca caught a barest glimpse of what had done the damage.

A skeleton, scrambling behind a rock ahead, the glint of steel in one of his hands.

“We’re surrounded!” she heard Nayu shout, as her twin warfans came out instinctively.

“Split up! Miyan, Lu, Felonca, follow me! Chou, Nayu, Liu, and the rest of you, head towards those things up ahead and drive them out! We’ll hold the ones coming from behind!” Li bellowed, the aged warriors longsword already glinting in the afternoon sunlight.

Nayu gave an uncertain glance to the rider beside him, only to see that Chou had an unnerving grin on his face.

“Now we’ll get to see how well you wield that morningstar of yours?” the young soldier grinned fiercely, before drawing his own blade and dashing forward.

Nayu watched only momentarily, before focusing his mind in a now familiar mantra. AS he felt the magic building within him, his eyes followed Liu dashing up the hill with uncanny speed. The monk seemed to leap and bound over the rocks as if they were mere pebbles. A split second after he reached the lip of the hill, Nayu heard him yell to his ancestors in surprise.

Felonca heard the yell as well, and suppressed the momentary urge to look back. Instinctively, she partially cringed, expecting another blast at any moment as her eyes searched about near the spot where she’d seen pebbles falling. As if the fates were listening to her expectations, she saw another brust of light, and felt another blast slam her full in the chest. She reeled backwards, only slightly because of her stance, and had enough time to see her assailant dashing behind a rock... another skeleton, a shortsword in its bony hand.

“There! He’s there!” she yelled for Li and the other soldiers, before charging up the defile towards her retreating opponent. After leaping and dodging rocks, she clambered above the lip of the gully with a fierce grin...

Only to stop in surprise and shock when four skeletons bared their dull yellow teeth at her, their rusty longswords a feral red in the sunlight. On the opposite side of the gully, she can see three more, clambering into position to start attacking Li and the two soldiers with him...

“Hold on, Liu!” Nayu called seeing the tops of the four skeletons facing the monk. The young man ran quickly to the right, stretching forth him arm. He lets the magic within his being release, and a long burst of fire lights the air between him and two of the skeletons. They reel from the blast, as Chou and his two companions clamber up the defile.

He heard Felonca give a surprised scream, but forces himself to not turn around, focusing on the opponents to his own front...

Felonca backed away a few steps involuntarily as the four skeletons leveled their bony arms, before those yellow fingers pointed towards Li and the soldiers in the small valley below. Four blasts of bluish magic lanced from their fingers, peppering Li and the soldiers. Then, in unison, their heads turn towards Felonca with a clatter, and their longswords flash upward in the air as they charge.

The next few seconds turn into a blur for Felonca. Her fans begin their deadly dance, as she spun and flipped, the snick and whoosh of blades missing her by bare inches smothering her hearing. She managed to land a good blow on one skeleton before two searing bursts of pain pierce her belly and her side nearly simultaneously as she was in mid-flip.

Felonca cursed as she managed to catch herself and land only somewhat awkwardly. Her sight hazy from the pain, she managed to see two of the skeletons now hefting over their heads blood-stained swords... swords stained with her blood.

Dammit! she cursed, forcing herself to ignore the pain and twisting and flipping backwards down the hill. In the blur of her move, she sees three gray blobs passing her, and takes heart that the three soldiers with them would be holding those skeletons at bay for a bit at least...

Nayu felt another release as yet one more scorching ray leapt from his fingers, blasting the skeleton just in front of Liu to pieces. The monk and the soldiers with him had managed to carve a hole in the midst of hte skeletons, which Liu especially was using to his advantage.

It was then Nayu heard a grunt behind him, and spun around, only to see a blood covered Felonca, tottering about, fumbling in her pouch. Her eyes flicked upwards, and she gave him a rather tense, unnerved smile.

“I’m fine,” she said as her fingers clutched shakily around a small bottle that Nayu recognized as healing elixir. A ease slightly, Nayu turned back at her urging, and once again, flames magically flashed through the air towards the skeletons ahead...

And he says he’s not good at fighting, Felonca thought quietly as she felt the pain in her belly and side subside somewhat. A quick hand-check showed the wounds had gone from enormous slashes to merely rather large cuts, though blood still oozed out. For a second, she thought about imbibing another elixir, until she looked back where she came from.

The three soldiers were holding off the four skeletons fairly well, but on the other side, Captain Li was fighting alone versus three skeletons, and seemed to be in bad way. Leaping into action, Felonca charged forward, catching one of the skeletons attacking Li off guard.

The fight seemed to go slowly, a near ballet, despite the fact the ‘engagement’ only had her swinging one warfan, the creature blocking, and her other warfan catching the side of its bony skull at exactly the right angle, shattering the abomination. When she spun around, Li’s blade crushed a second skeleton. The third skeleton then started backing away, uncertainly at first, before sudenly turning to run.

“Stop him!” Felonca heard Li shout, and without thinking, she’d leapt forward, knocking the creature to the ground. A few well placed swings later and it, too, lay crushed on the ground.

The battle adrenaline dying, Felonca could hear around her the shouts and catcalls of a victorious side, as the soldiers made very apparent their opinions of their fallen foes. Gingerly, she got up, and clambered down into the defile.

“How are you feeling?” Nayu asked Felonca as she limped up. She wasn’t bleeding as much anymore, but the lower part of her tunic was soaked with blood. He watched her eyes go between him and a just-arrived Liu, before heading towards the monk.

“Ow,” she requested, and immediately the monk began attending to her wounds.

“What were those things?” Chou asked no one in particular.

“I have no idea,” Nayu confessed, wracking his brain for any idea of how skeletons capable of launching magic missiles were possible. “I have never seen anything like that before.” Damn effective, though... if we hadn’t spotted them, they could have continued sniping at us until we were worn down... and then...

Nayu shuddered.

“Well, if you don’t know where they came from, at least you knew enough to take down three of those things with that fire stuff you did. Any way you can teach that to someone?” Chou asked, rather impressed by his tone of voice.

Nayu looked at the impish soldier, and only had to think for a few moments before replying.

“No. None whatsoever.”

DM's Note:

The skeletons in this section were baneguards, from the Monsters of Faerun. I took one look at them, and decided that they looked neat enough (and potentially evil enough) to be imported into my homebrew. I cannot express the looks of confusion on my players faces when skeletons started popping magic missiles at them! :)

Sorry for the long delay. In thanks for your patience, here is the next update!

Northward Trek

It took another day of travel for the party to finally leave the long ravine the road had wound through. Despite watchful eyes and careful ears, no trace of the burning prefect came to the party’s attention... until three days after they had left the ravine...

It was near nightfall when Nayu saw Li suddenly rein up his horse, and quickly dismount. The small group of riders also halted, curiosity in their eyes as Li suddenly knelt towards the ground, examining the dirt closely. To his surprise, Nayu saw the other soldiers save Chou looking away, one even pulling out his blade to examine its sharpness in the evening light.

Why aren’t they watching the Captain? Nayu wondered, just before Li rose, and was suddenly remounted on his horse.

“Tracks... made by a bony foot, and slight burn marks,” Li pronounced as he wheeled his horse around. “They head north, and we shall follow. Neither this prefect nor his minions can be allowed to reach Mukden!” The Captain put his spurs into the steed beneath him, and soon was going at a quick canter to the north.

“Cap’n’s a hunting hound,” one of the soldiers quipped towards Chou as Nayu rode by. The young soldier gave Nayu a rather fierce grin, and spurred his horse after the elderly soldier. Nayu spurred his horse ahead as well, and within a few seconds he heard the snorts of Felonca’s mare alongside. He was about to speak when he saw the look of frustration that covered her face.

“What’s wrong?”

“I wanted to practice my tracking,” Felonca groaned. “It was one of the few things at the Academy that I liked. I smelled that something dead was there, long ago, but Li’s horse unfortunately trampled over the spot where he was looking, so the tracks were destroyed! And I really need practice, because I can’t see any of the tracks Li is following!”

“I’m sure they’ll become more apparent as time goes on,” Nayu said reassuringly, his own eyes looking towards the churned earth underneath, and coming to a realization. “And if you want to see those tracks, I’d suggest moving up to the front by Li. The soldier’s mounts are trampling them up even now. Master Liu, did you see any tracks?”

The monk slowed up behind Felonca, and shook his head. “None whatsoever, which greatly perturbs me. Why does Li continue to ride when following tracks? If they are that apparent, then the steeds going over them should not destroy them so we cannot see them.”

“Well, there’s desert north of here, and some finished portions of the Great Desert Wall,” Felonca thought aloud.

Maybe only Li can see the tracks? But why would that be so? Nayu’s mind wondered quickly. Or maybe...

No. Why would he do anything like that?

Two days fast ride later, and Felonca was growing more and more concerned. The open grassy plains were starting to give way to scrub brush. Not too much further ahead would be the steppe. Beyond that, the dusty expanse of the Shu Desert, its only marker being the titanic wall of stone and bones cutting across its vastness.

“Something’s wrong,” she heard Nayu hiss from next to her. She nodded slowly, her eyes still watching all the soldiers and Li. None were doing anything out of the ordinary. Two of the regular troops were all scowling at an unapologetic Chou, who continued to snicker at the horrid joke he’d just finished. The other three soldiers formed the rear of the column, and were snickering and talking to themselves. Li himself was still at the head of the column, looking ahead, as if he was a piece of granite mounted on horseback.

“This merriment is not something a normal army would do when they are searching for an enemy,” Liu whispered ominously. “And though I am not a long aquiantance of Captain Li, I cannot see him letting indiscipline grow like that.”

“I know,” Felonca replied quietly. Something is most DEFINITELY wrong. I don’t trust these soldiers... they’re too at ease. Especially Chou.

They’re plotting something.

“Um... should we ride at the rear of the column?” Felonca whispered to the others quietly. It would be safer than being sandwiched between two groups of soldiers.

“Let’s,” Nayu grunted, pulling up his horse. Felonca and Liu followed suit, allowing the rear three soldiers to pass. The soldiers gave Nayu a glare as they went by.

It was three days later when the Nayu caught sight of the first sign of the desert ahead. While off his horse for a mid-day break, he had to flick away a tiny scorpion from his water canteen. By that evening, the steppe had turned dry, and the ground cracked open underfoot from lack of rain.

That days ride was especially long, as Li had continued to insist that the tracks were getting fresher. Neither Nayu, Felonca or Liu had seen any tracks as of yet, something that distrubed Nayu as he laid back against his bedroll that night.

Tonight would be very peaceful, if it wasn’t for this feeling of doom in my chest, he thought, his eyes looking amongst the pinpoint stars above. He felt a light scurry along his side and then up his stomach, and looked down to see his lizard, Kenzi, hunch down right over his belly button.

“Are you... no, you’re not hungry!” Nayu chuckled, as he saw the last part of a cricket’s leg get pulled into Kenzi’s throat. “You just wanted some warmth!”

“I can’t believe you’re talking to a lizard,” Nayu heard Chou’s voice say with unsurpressed mirth. Nayu heard the man sit beside the warm campfire, whose glow also illuminated the faces of a sleeping Felonca and Liu.

Nayu’s father had brought the lizard home after a long merchant trip, one that lasted six months and even involved sailing across the sea. The lizard was not found in Ak Konylu, period, and also could change its colors to fit in with its surroundings. Nayu had immediately taken a liking to the beast.

And the creature had taken a liking to him, so Nayu thought. Kenzi was intelligent enough to respond to his name, and keen enough to understand some speech. He and Nayu had a powerful bond between pet and master, it seemed.

“Where are you off to?” Nayu asked with a smile. I badly need this distraction, his mind thought as Kenzi dashed off of his stomach and past Nayu’s resting head. The young man flipped to his belly and looked over his bedroll, hoping to see his little friend.

Instead, he saw Li and five of the soldiers standing in a circle, far from the campfire. By their expressions, faintly shone in the bright moonlight and the somewhat dim glow of the fire, an animated discussion was occurring.

Suddenly, Nayu felt a sensation of scampering, grass running across his belly and bumping into his sides. The only noise in his ear was the sound of grass moving aside. Quickly, the young man snapped his head around, and began looking about.

“Hey, easy there! Do you have a tickle in your bones? Get it? We’ve been fighting skeletons, so your bones got tickled?” Chou snickered at his joke.

The noise continued in Nayu’s ears. Slithering, moving. And then, another noise. Murmurs, groans. One of the voices he could easily place as Captain Li’s. The other was that of one of the soldiers. Nayu had never gotten close to the retainers of their party, so he couldn’t place the man’s name, despite knowing his face.

Must be the wind carrying their voices, Nayu thought, watching as their mouths moved in time with the murmurs. That is when it happened.

Nayu heard only three words out of the hissed conversation, but they were enough to make ears perk up.



Jade Throne.

What do the skeletons have to do with the Governor and the Imperial Throne? Nayu thought, confused. His eyes narrowed, as he focused himself on listening with his ears. Despite this, he quickly realized Chou was looking at him strangely.

“Chou?” he asked. I need to distract him! He’s not over there, but he may know what they are about to do! “I think the fire is getting low. Can you look at it?”

“Yes, sir. Right away sir. Thought you at least wouldn’t order me around, sir,” Chou snapped sardonically. His eyes betrayed that Nayu had hit a deep, well hidden nerve, but at this point, Nayu didn’t care. He was realized to see Chou go back to the fire and hear several grunts from him about having to take orders from everyone.

Nayu thought of something else he needed to do, and quickly whispered a few arcane words to himself. After making sure Chou was not looking, he pointed quickly but decisive towards the sleeping Felonca and Liu.

”Wake up!” Nayu hissed into their ears through magical means. He saw the other two sit up groggily, looking around. Once again, fortune was on his side, as when Nayu checked for Chou, he saw the young man was fiddling with his backpack instead of watching them.

”It is Nayu! I am talking by magical means! Do not look at me! Act as if you just woke up of your own accord!”

The murmurs Nayu heard changed from the hisses of hurried discussion to the sharp snapping noises of a barely disguised argument. The two voices were once again those of Li and the other soldier. It was then that Nayu caught two more phrases.

From the other soldier: “...they know too much!”

From Li: “They shouldn’t have to die!”

Mentally, Nayu cursed, and in his mind, he heard both Felonca and Liu demanding to know what happened, and what was going on. Quickly, nervously, Nayu explained his fear of what was about to take place.

”They mean to kill us!” he finished urgently, amazed that somehow his face and eyes were not displaying enough fear that Chou was alerted. The guard even smiled in Nayu’s direction and started a bad joke. Somehow, Nayu made himself roll his eyes, instead of running away in terror.

”How can we get away?” Liu’s mind rang out. ”Chou is right here. He’ll surely either cut us down, or alert Li and the others!”

”We’ll have to kill him,” Felonca’s mind added somberly.

Nayu looked at the young soldier, now idly toying with a stick in the fire. Chou’s eyes still showed mirth at the just finished joke, and his face looked as that of someone expecting, hoping for a laugh.

”No, he’s not involved,” Nayu suddenly replied firmly. ”We cannot kill him.”

”He is one of their soldiers, isn’t he?” Nayu heard Felonca ask.

”Yes, but if he was a part of the planning, you’d think he’d be talking with them. Also, the other soldiers don’t like him... even beyond the bad jokes he tells. Some of the looks they gave him were downright vicious.”

”We need to distract him... all of them, while we escape,” Liu added mentally, even as the monk continued to merely sit on his bed and rub his eyes. He even had enough nerve to talk to Chou as he mentally conversed with the other two.

”I... I have a plan.” Felonca suddenly interjected. ”Nayu, do you still have that potion you took out of the ruins of the prefect’s house? The one that changes how you look?”

”Yes. Why?”

”You and Liu get Chou away from here. Make up a lie about something. I’ll make sure those soldiers get distracted from you two. Ditch Chou somewhere if he’s bad, but get south and start warning people!”

”Felonca! You can’t fight Li and six soldiers by yourself! They’ll cut you down! You don’t have a chance!” Nayu protested.

”Go. Get out of here, and let me do the rest.”

A Crazy Plan

Distract Chou... distract Chou... how? ran through Nayu’s head as he slid beside the soldier, who was now warming his hands by the fire he had been ordered to so carefully tend. The young sorcerer gave one look back at his pack, the top of the potion Felonca needed sticking ever so slightly out of it.

“Um... hey! Chou!” Nayu put on his best voice of excitement. Need to get him away! What excuse... what excuse...

“That’s quite a change in attitude, from someone that ordered me around, to now wanting to be chummy chummy,” the man remarked with a sour tone, before a smile broke through to Nayu’s relief. Chou began to chuckle... evidently Nayu’s face had been funny to him.

“Well, um... I need your help...” Nayu’s eyes flashed about looking for ideas. Near Captain Li’s pack he saw a small hunting horn, worn and aged. “I...need you to help me hunt.” Nayu tried not to let uncertainty filter into his voice, and evidently did a good enough job that Chou leaned in closer.

“Hunting what? With those skinny arms of yours, I don’t think you’d been able to wrestle down a baby deer, let alone a boar!” Chou’s teeth gleamed in the firelight as he laughed.

“Um.. no... rumor has it there’s a... um...” Nayu’s eyes flashed about, spotting a small elephant token by one of the other soldier’s packs. “Elephant. A...um...” What makes it special? His eyes suddenly alighted on a bolt of pink cloth his father had sent with him to trade. A split second later, Nayu winced as his mouth spoke before his mind could react.

“A pink elephant?” Chou was suddenly up, eyes dancing with excitement and glee.

What? He BOUGHT it? Sheesh... he must be dumber than I thought, Nayu thought with relief, as his trader’s tongue jumped into action, relating how much such a beast’s hide would sell for in Mukden, and how rich they would all be even after splitting the proceeds. Within a minute, Chou was hurriedly picking up items, as Felonca promised to stay behind, and guard the fire...

It was a few minutes later, while trying to look as if he was really searching for a “pink elephant,” Nayu saw Felonca slip into his back, pull out the potion, and disappear behind a rock.

“Nayu... aren’t we getting kind of far from the camp?” Chou asked only moments later.

“No... and remember, stay quiet. I swear, I saw it over here. If we’re too loud, we’ll spook it,” Nayu cautioned with a hiss. Not to mention we’ll alert Li’s cronies we’re gone.. As it was, the noises of argument between Li and the other soldiers had grown to all out shouts. Chou momentarily looked off towards where Nayu was gesturing, but then looked back towards the small gaggle of soldiers, worry in his eyes.

“Chou! Hurry! I saw it!” Nayu hissed, a quick shove on the young man’s shoulders getting his attention. “Li can solve his own problems!” Chou started to nod eagerly when another noise came from the small gaggle of soldiers... a noise that made Nayu shudder.

The singing screech of steel blades being drawn, and the clang of swords in the night. This time, even Nayu turned around, just in time to see one of the soldiers stab Captain Li in the belly, giving a horrible wrench with the blade to make sure he died a long, painful death.

Barely had this event had time to register in Nayu’s mind than something else caught his eye. Something tall... something gaunt...

...and burning bright as it lurched through the night, straight towards the soldiers with an unholy scream born from bony, ember filled lungs. The creature then suddenly stopped, spun around and dashed away.

The soldiers were plainly stunned, their blades half-drawn, eyes fixed on the burning apparition instead of the plainly empty camp.

“Run!” Nayu shouted, grabbing Chou roughly by the arm and hauling him forward as the burning beast thundered towards them, the scream continuing to grate their ears. More shouts arose from the soldiers, now seeing the camp completely empty. The five soldiers suddenly split, some chasing the burning skeleton, the other two rummaging through the camp, cursing.

“Down here!” Nayu yanked Chou down behind a rather large boulder on the rocky plain, and only a few seconds later, Liu had jumped down beside them. Nayu poked his head above the rock, desperately searching.

Where’s Felonca? he thought worriedly as the burning skeleton ran amok, now charging towards the three soldiers bearing down on it. Their faces turned ashen, and they ran back towards the camp, fright imbedded on all of their faces. By the gods on high, its doing all of Felonca’s...

...that clever woman!

Nayu slinked back behind the rock, a grin mischeviously all over his face. “That clever, sneaky...”

“Who?” Chou asked, fear and something darker – horror maybe? – deep in his voice.

Nayu peeked over the boulder again, only now to see the soldiers gathering around Li’s prone form. Two of their number looked about into the darkness, nervous. The other three were evidently enough at ease that they were picking over Li’s unmoving form... and shouts were already emerging over rewards and the Captain’s belongings.

Bastards... Nayu wanted to snarl. It sounded like Li was trying to keep us alive... so they KILLED him! The young sorcerer felt magic welling in his heart, growing, roiling as his anger built to great levels. His eyes were full of anger when he slipped behind the rock, only to feel the swish of a tail slip along his leg. A long, black tail.

“What do you know of the plot to kill us!” Nayu hissed to Chou, venom deep in the young man’s voice. Only then did Nayu noticed the tail belonged to a hybrid Felonca, whose warfans were within a hair’s breath of Chou’s throat.

“Wha...what...p...p...plot?” the soldier whimpered. Somewhere in his eyes, Nayu could see something more than fear... what, exactly, he wasn’t sure.

“They killed Captain Li because he wanted us alive! Now, tell us why they want us dead. You were a comrade of theirs, after all,” Felonca added, her voice not nearly as acidic as Nayu’s but carrying its own power and strength.

“I don’t know why they’d kill you... or kill my father!” Chou rasped hoarsely, before the tears began to flow.

Felonca found herself dumbfounded. Li was Chou’s father? Suddenly, things began to make sense. Why Chou didn’t joke with the Captain, and why the Captain never corrected the young man’s indiscipline. Oh gods... Desperately, Felonca tried to think of words to say, words of comfort, of encouragement, of... something, but her mind was frozen... blank.

“Those bastards!” she heard Nayu hiss, as the young sorcerer peered over the boulder again, rage dancing in his eyes. Suddenly, those same eyes, burning bright with fury, looked down at the broken young man. “Chou... I will be more than happy to help you avenge your father!”

Those words seemed to have an effect on the young man. His soft crying turned to muted sniffles, then vanished altogether as he rose beside the young sorcerer. His hands grasped the longsword by his side so tightly that his knuckles shone white in the moonlight. No words came from the young man’s mouth. None were needed.

The four carefully, quietly made their way from around the boulder, knowing what they had to do.

If any of these soldiers get back and report that we’ve escaped... we’re dead, Felonca reasoned, as she slinked close to the ground, her ears attentive. She could just barely heard her compatriots creeping through the grass... far louder was the raised shouts of the soldiers, all five now fighting over Li’s longsword.

Ever closer, and even closer they crept, until Felonca was sure she could hear the breathing of the soldiers between their blasts of profanity and insults towards each other. They’re too busy looting... none are even watching for someone... they must think my skeleton ruse killed the rest of us off... Still closer they drew, until her nostrils were overwhelmed by the soldier’s stench, as well as the fetid smell of blood from Li’s body.

She glanced towards where Nayu lay, and saw the sorcerer’s eyes looking straight at her. They burned, seethed with a fire she’d never seen before in his young eyes. She caught the almost imperceptible, rhythmic nodding of his head... a countdown.

Three... two...

She leapt upward, her hybrid form giving her leap and huge increase in power, her human hands flashing out her warfans. For an instant, she hung in the air, fans outstretched, like some graceful black bird. Within moments, the bird turned into a powerful black falcon, whose warfan claws slashed through the throats of the two closest soldiers with uncanny ease.

Simultaneously, a powerful blast of light erupted from her left, as a third soldier was suddenly enveloped in a powerful tongue of flame. His screams pierced the air, the flames now lending the smell of burnt flesh in the air.

Felonca’s body instantly contorts, flipping her around to land in a guard stance. Her eyes flash about, to see Chou’s sword almost break the fourth soldier in half, while several sharp blows from the monk sent the fifth and final soldier reeling into collapse. Within literally two seconds, the fight was over.

Almost immediately, Chou and Nayu were by the man that Liu knocked unconscious, Chou with his still bloody blade raised high. To her surprise, Felonca saw Nayu’s hand raise up to block the devastating swing.

“No! Don’t kill him! I want to find out what we can from this...”

Felonca gave a wince. She’d heard Nayu use mild cursing before, but what poured from his mouth about this man, his lavatory habits, and his mother was enough to make her, the veteran of military school, blanche.

The words more importantly had an effect on Chou, who, after a few moments, lowered his blade uneasily. Nayu flashed the soldier a savage smile, and quickly bound the unconscious man.

“Felonca!” The hengeyokai spun on hearing her name. She found Liu kneeling over the injured captain. The monk beckoned her to come over, before calling to Chou as well.

“He’s alive! Barely, but I can help him!”

Nayu heard the call as well, and for the moment was distracted from his quarry. They know something about this undead! The ones that tried to burn my town! Nayu’s mind raced furiously. It could be the only reason why they wanted him, Felonca and Liu dead. After making sure the soldier was fully bound, Nayu arrived at Li’s side in time for Liu to finish his healing magic, and the old captain to open his eyes.

“Captain? What happened here?” Nayu blurted out before anyone could speak. For all the emotions running through his head, Nayu thought he did an incredible job refraining from showing anger. They wanted to kill us... let’s see what you wanted to do to us, Captain!

The old man sat up partially, Chou giving him support. Over the past few weeks, Nayu had seen those eyes flash many feelings; resolve, command, even fear. But never the depressing sadness that dimly shone in those gray eyes.

“I... I must be honest,” the Captain sighed. “I was charged with leading you three to your deaths, but... you were all brave and noble. I felt it would be such a waste... I couldn’t do it. I merely wanted to leave you in the desert...”

“That’s still a damn death sentence!” Nayu snarled, his suspicions confirmed. They’re all in on it! All of them!

“Why us? Why did we deserve... this!” Felonca asked, her own voice betraying anger.

“You knew too much... about the undead,” Li rasped back. “Governor General Zicheng wanted to raise a loyal army of undead, to overthrow the ten year old Emperor and raise himself to the same rank. But...”

“...things went awry!” Nayu spat, causing the Captain to nod sadly.

“The prefects attempting to help the governor went insane, and Heaven’s ire turned them to burning men. Seeing Heaven’s will, the governor ordered an end to the attempts, and the remaining troops to destroy the undead wherever found.” Suddenly, the old man paused, his eyes flashing a look of horror and shame as a memory evidently flooded his mind. “As well as anyone who saw any of the undead.”

As well as anyone who saw any of the undead... well that’s us... Nayu thought with a harrumph. That covers us alright... and... oh no... oh gods no! Nayu took one look deep into the Captain’s eyes, and read clearly the answer to his horrified question.

No words could come to his mouth, as hot, fat tears formed in his eyes. No! Why them! Why? His fists clenched and unclenched, and he lashed out with his feet, planting several harsh kicks into the Captain’s side, an enraged cry on his lips. “Why, you... Heaven curse you! Heaven curse you with disease! May you rot in all Nine Hells before your ancestors rise in anger at your soiling their name! May your spirit not rest until you have suffered ten thousand deaths! You...”

As Nayu’s string of curses and profanities rose, he felt arms grabbing him, pulling him away from the Captain. He heard worried voices trying to soothe him, but he did not want any soothing right now. He wanted vengeance. His eyes cast about, to now see the bound soldier is now awake. The morningstar was out again, as he stalked over, murder in his eyes.

“You! Who the hell gave the orders!” the young sorcerer snarled at the bound man.

“What orders?” the soldier whimpered, seeing clearly in the young man’s eyes death incarnate. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“The orders to burn my village! The orders to destroy Red Lotus! WHO GAVE THEM!” Nayu roared, bellowing now inches from the soldiers face.

“I d...don’t k...know! I...I... was riding...w...w...with y...you when they w...were c...carried out!” the man whimpered.

Nayu’s fury rose even more, and he could feeling the magic bellowing in his veins, screaming to be used. Instead, Nayu’s rage focused on his arm, as he brought his morningstar crashing down on the man’s kneecap, prompting a scream likely heard for several miles around.

“Now! WHO GAVE THE ORDERS! Captain Li?! The Governor!? WHO?!”

“I DON’T KNOW! I’M JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS!” Another swing of the morningstar crushed his other knee, as Nayu started to cry in his rage.

“WHY WAS MY VILLAGE BURNED!” Nayu screamed, swinging again and again in blind fury, anger, fear, pain and sadness all flying out through his arm. “WHY ARE MY PARENTS DEAD!” he cried again, his cries mingling with the soldier’s screams, until finally a silence pervaded the night, broken only by his tears.

“Why?” Nayu whispered between tears. Through blurry eyes, he could see Felonca, Liu and Chou all staring at him, horror on their faces. Then, his eyes laid on Captain Li, and Nayu was back on his feet, lurching towards the prone old man, his bloody morningstar still in hand.

He heard voices, the same soothing ones that had pulled him from Li, urging calm. Nayu didn’t give a damn for calm. My parents felt pain! My parents felt terror! This man is an officer! He probably gave the orders! Nayu’s eyes flashed down towards Li, expecting a cackling laugh or cries for mercy.

Instead, he saw the same deep sadness in the man’s eyes. Deep sadness... and remorse. Another voice floated into Nayu’s ears, between the calls for calm and his own demons calling for vengeance.

“I am sorry, young Nayu. I cannot repay this by mortal means... so if needbe... take my life...”

Nayu paused, another, far more recent memory floating in his head. The same voice that just spoke came into his mind again, with different words, over the shouts of the now dead soldiers laying about them.

”They don’t deserve to die!”

In an instant, the holt, blazing fire of Nayu’s rage began to melt, as the tears still rolled down his face. He saw his parents, smiling brightly as he remembered them when leaving Red Lotus only a few weeks before. Master Wu the butcher, Jiang the blacksmith, always scowling. All their faces floated in their minds eye.

Nayu was brought to the present by the thud of his morningstar dropping to the ground, tears from his face now falling on its bloodied surface. His eyes then flashed towards Chou, whose face looked nervously between Nayu and his father.

“He lives. He argued for our lives,” Nayu said quietly, bitterly, betraying his inner wish that Li could, should die as well. For the second time that night, Nayu saw Chou crying, this time in gratitude, rocking slowly as he held his father.

Nayu’s face felt hot, and he spun away from the group, staring off into the darkness, hoping maybe the lack of light would make the face of his family and friends go away. Instead, they burned brighter, even as he felt a small hand touch his shoulder.

“We should leave him in the desert,” he heard Felonca’s voice say softly. “You wanted to do more than that, but it is only fair. He’ll only slow us down when we try to get away.” The hand squeezed a little tighter, and he felt as if hope was attempting to flow from her into him. Instead of receiving it, he broke loose of her grip and spun around.

“A life for a life. He fought to save ours... now we save his!” Nayu growled. He and his kind took my father away from me! I won’t take him away from his son! He could hear words start to form in Felonca’s throat only to die away as he spun around and started towards the main campfire.

“Nayu!” he heard her worried voice call after him.

“I’m riding to Red Lotus as of this night!” Nayu called back. To bury family, friends, and my old life...

Burying a Past

“Nayu,” Felonca said worriedly for the thousandth time in about a week, knowing full well that either her companion could not hear her, or refused to hear her.

Instead, he rode onward, eyes fixed towards the south, the depths of his pupils holding deep, violent emotions. His back was stiff and straight as he rode, as he cast nary a glance behind him towards the bound Captain Li, bouncing on one of the dead soldier’s warhorses.

Hope, Nayu... please keep hope... Felonca wished quietly as the party rounded a familiar bend at a gallop.

Nayu had been in this deadly focus since their betrayal, and Felonca was deeply worried. Part of her understood the murderous outburst only a week before, but much of Felonca’s mind was scared... scared of what Nayu would find, and how it would affect him. She knew he’d never hurt her, Liu, or Chou, but nonetheless, she was afraid her companion might snap under the stress.

Her sensitive nose felt a strange smell in the air, distant but clear. She reined up her horse, and sniffed again, her mind pushing aside the smell of unwashed bodies and mounts, pressing to that smell that seemed terribly familiar. She blinked, and then looked down, as she heard Nayu’s mare trotting alongside.

“Charcoal... and burnt flesh,” Felonca said quietly, her head still down in despair as she heard Nayu spin his horse around and charge up the hill.

Nayu kicked the charcoal filled dirt underfoot in frustration, his eyes darting angrily and sorrowfully about to the spires of blackened wood that reached towards the sky; tombstones for the mangled forms laying about what had become a cemetery.

There was the smithy, his eyes watered up as he looked towards the burnt shell of a building, and there was the bakery Mistress Cixi had her stall in front of every market day. He walked slowly, mournfully along the familiar street, past the collapsing shell of the former prefect’s home, the slow trod of his friend’s footsteps the only noise in the air save a soft, biting wind.

“Master Nayu?” a gentle voice said, and the sorcerer felt the monk gently touch his shoulder. “I think I shall go about blessing the bodies, praying that in their next life, karma will grant them lives not cut short in such a manner.” The last few words were said slowly, Liu obviously finding it difficult to speak due to his own tears of despair at such a horrific event.

“Please do so.” It took all of Nayu’s inner will to keep the response quiet, and keep his mind focused on his task at hand.

I must find my parents!

It was a strange urge... his mind already knew that logically, they were dead. But his heart, however...

“Nayu? Are you sure you want to go there?” Felonca’s worried voice asked yet again. For a second, there was a small upwelling of anger, which Nayu forced back down. She’s worried about you. His eyes then alighted in hate on the hoofprints beaten deep into the soil and ash.

“Yes... I... I need to know,” he replied, as he turned down another side alley and street. For a few moments, the blackened timbers became parts of buildings, and in his heart, he could still hear the children playing as he traced his way back...

A pair of twisted, burned timbers and a pile of stones was all that remained of the home he’d known for all his seventeen years of life. Within the mass he could pick out the blackened oak table of the kitchen, and a few collapsed, burnt out timbers from the walls and upper floor. He walked slowly into where the doorway would have been, and stopped.

Memories flooded back. His mother busy cooking, the smells of a rich soup flooding his nostrils. A loud rumble of laughter from the room that served as his father’s office of trade. The voice of one of his neighbor’s children asking for a turnip for her mother’s stew, offering some onions in return.

It was then that he wanted to sink to the ground, grief overwhelming him. The memories proved too much, too powerful, his world turning into a blur. He felt Felonca’s hands touch his shoulder, and something forced him to walk forward, despite the tears.

“I need to find them... to bury them...” he muttered between his tears, his hands groping through the remains of his childhood and adolescence. Past mother’s favorite pot and his father’s clay pipe, now broken. Through broken bits of his mother’s smallest jewelry. Yet as hard as he looked, he found no bodies, no remains.

No closure... a fact that gnawed him to the depths of his soul.

“Nayu? If they aren’t here, they could be alive!” Felonca offered softly. He needs some kind of hope! Something to keep him going! She wanted him to have something to keep going... but at the same time, she didn’t want to falsely excite him. She knew chances were against them surviving the carnage around them, the hundreds of bodies scattered about.

But there is always hope!

As he slowly turned, she grabbed him and gave him a fierce hug. Hope flowed from her, as she whispered in his ear.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. I’m sorry... it’ll be okay,” she said, not sure what to add as she felt him slump against her, genuine sobs coming from his throat...

It took a grisly two days to bury the dead... 231 by Liu’s final count. They came from all walks of life... men, women, children. At Felonca’s suggestion, Nayu did not participate in the work... instead Captain Li was forced to bury the dead in his place... a punishment that seemed to break the old man harder than any whip or threat of death might have.

The work done, the party remounted, unsure of where to go. It was Felonca that suggested the party head towards the south... towards the province of Langya.

“Why should we go there? We should instead go to Mukden, and get vengeance on the governor who ordered this!” Nayu hissed. Part of Felonca was relieved to see the anger return.

“Master Nayu... the governor has armies... we have but four,” Liu replied calmly. “I do not know what is in Langya... Mistress Felonca... what is in Langya? Why should we not go to the coasts, or head north towards the oasis cities?”

“Langya, as Nayu, you would know,” she gestured to him, hoping to draw him into the idea, “is governed by the Hu family, kinsmen to the Imperial line. Prince Hu Lun is renowned for his honor and bravery...”

“He is old!” Nayu shot back. “The merchants in Xianlung say that he is well past sixty winters in age!”

“He has armies,” Liu replied simply, “and should he be as just as people say, he no doubt will move them north, to help rid the people of these undead pests, and their cause.”

“Do you see an alternative?” Felonca asked gently, not wanting to box Nayu in.

“No,” he replied, eyes burning with anger at a man far to the north. “To Langya then!”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

This is the end of the second session. The trap I had planned all along for the PCs, and they reacted creatively and with a great deal of in-depth roleplaying... which gave me more ideas for other upcoming sessions!

Dire Need

“The bonds are quite tight... would it be possible to persuade you that they should be loosened?”

Nayu growled his disapproving reply towards Captain Li, the noise and the young man’s eyes conveying hatred deeper than the Western Sea. Even though they were three days from the desolation that was the remains of Red Lotus, Nayu could still smell on his clothes the twin stenches of burnt wood and rotting flesh. For two days the ex-Captain had been requesting the bonds holding his arms tightly behind his back be loosened, and for two days Nayu had glowered his fury. Today, the young man had enough, and reached into his pack.

“Nayu, what are you doing?” he heard Felonca’s worried voice as he pulled out a small bolt of cloth. Quickly, the same found itself wrapped around the Captain’s mouth. When muffled protests came, Nayu merely tightened it.

“Was that necessary?” Felonca asked, looking with pity towards the Captain and Nayu. A look then flashed towards Chou, riding just ahead of his father. The tall sergeant did not even look back, his eyes still holding the blank look of loss that had covered his mirth for the past week and a half.

“Very much so,” Nayu grumbled in reply as the troupe rounded a turn in the main highway. The road was narrow but relatively level, with a wide field of view all around, something that set them all at ease. The last thing any of them wanted was to be caught spending the night in a dark wood with undead running about.

Nayu’s eyes then gave a glare back to the Captain, the only symbol present of those he hated... the Military Governor, his soldiers that had burned Nayu’s home, and all the prefects who had tried to raise undead. It’s all their fault! If it wasn’t for them, I’d be at home right now!

His mind was so focused on the dark thought that he didn’t notice that his comrades had reined up until he realized he was quickly drawing away from the Captain. He spun around, heart in his throat and magic crawling on his lips, only to see up ahead a large cart, slightly to the side. A man was beside it, foul curses thundering from his mouth, many of the same curses that were threatening to come from Nayu’s mouth as well.

“Hello!” Felonca called.

“Move that thing!” Nayu called momentarily, galloping forward.

“I would, if my wheel wasn’t broke!” the peasant shouted back as Nayu cantered to a halt, quickly dismounting from his horse. The peasant momentarily gestured towards left front of his cart, where the wheel, indeed, had snapped after running over a rather large stone.

“Hmm,” Nayu groaned. He CAN’T move out of the way... maybe... “Liu? Chou? Can you run to the woods off thataway,” Nayu gestured vaguely to the copse of trees about a hundred yards off, “and fetch me some large sections of timber.” The trader/sorcerer then knelt down beside the wheel itself, his mind searching through memory.

Father said one of the most important things for a trader to know is how to fix a broken wheel... the axle is fine... good. Its just the rim and the lower spokes that are broken, and we have blades that can carve those... at least to the point this guy can get out of our way and get to a nearby town...

Felonca crouched beside Nayu, watching her friend as he stared intently at the broken wheel, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Poor thing... he’s been through so much... She breathed in deeply to give off a sigh, but suddenly her nose wrinkled, as a smell she wasn’t used to wafted into her sensitive nasal passages. The wrinkle quickly changed, as he eyes widened in alarm.

Blood! Fresh blood! her mind realized. As Nayu and the peasant both looked intently at the wheel, Nayu now explaining how it could be fixed, Felonca edged towards the back of the cart, and her eyes widened further.

The large cart’s cargo was covered by a cloth tarp, with fresh, brown stains speckled across its surface. She couldn’t tell what was under the tarp... beasts, or something far more sinister, as the smell of fresh blood flooded through her nose, overwhelming her mind. Gingerly, with a touch of revulsion, she reached for the cloth and began to slowly lift it...

Only to have it tugged out of her hands. Confused, she spun around to see the peasant behind her, setting his wide brim hat on the edge of the cart.

“Interested in these little things?” he asked, flipping the cloth up. Inside was a brace of the largest, strangest rabbits she had ever seen. They were easily the size of small dogs, and each had a large horn rising from its forehead.

“These things were tearing through my garden, and the other day they attacked my daughter when she threw a stone at one of them. So I culled them, and I’m taking them to market to see if they’re worth anything. Now, you want one or not?”

“Um... no... thank you,” Felonca managed to sputter out, embarrassed at her suspicion.

Four days later, when the party spotted another traveler on this desolate stretch of road, Felonca initially was hesitant to be suspicious again.

They’d spotted him at a great distance, due to the dust his steed was raising. She, like the others, assumed it was merely a courier of some kind as they dipped into a shallow gully, obscuring him from view. However, when the horse and rider suddenly appeared at the top of the shallow ridge ahead and reined to a hard stop, Felonca’s heart stopped as well.

The small creature was barely large enough to manage the big mare he sat astride. As soon as his small, dark eyes laid their gaze on her, his small squirrel ears gave a twitched, and he suddenly yanked hard on the reins, wheeling his horse around.

Memories flooded back into Felonca’s mind... of one day not long before, when she’d seen those same eyes flashing at her in anger. The eyes that made her doubt whether she belonged in a Military Academy, and prompted her to decide to run away.

What is Nixu doing here? He’s barely into his second year at the Academy... they wouldn’t let him leave the Academy grounds, let alone be this far south, nearly one hundred MILES from the Academy!

Did he run away too? Did... did Master Hsiu hurt him because I ran?
The Academy’s master was known to be strict, but Nixu’s yelling at her incompetence was something far different than him helping her plan to escape. He had no way of knowing his tirade (one she admitted she rightfully deserved) would have anything to do with her escape, along with her warfans, Master Hsiu’s kimono, and his prized silver dagger.

“Nixu!” she called, even as the horse and rider disappeared behind the ridge, the thundering of hoofbeats already receding. With a growl, Felonca put her own spurs deep into the flanks of her mare, and thundered after him. As she topped the ridge and caught sight of him again, she heard the shouts of confusion from her friends receding as she pulled away.

I need to talk to him! I need to find out if Master Hsiu and the Academy know anything about these undead! I need to know why he is here! Will he report me to Master Hsiu?!

True, the last time she’d seen him, he was furious with her. The Floating Stone test was one of the hardest for newer students to finish, and she had completely ruined his carefully constructed creation, the Court Common character for “patience.” It had taken him hours upon hours of work, all ruined because of a prank.

Damn me, Felonca’s mind flew into instant regret, remembering his face, so upset he was nearly crying. I need to talk to him. To apologize!

“Nixu! Wait! Please!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, her mare straining onward under her as the figure of the squirrel hengeyokai and his mount grew smaller and smaller in the distance. For one last instance, he turned around, and she swore she could see a look of fear in his eyes before he turned around and his horse pulled away for good.

Why was he here? her confused mind asked as she finally reined up, hoofbeats rumbling closer signifying her comrades were finally catching up. She didn’t know it, but her face was full of confusion when she turned around, to see a worried Nayu canter up behind her.

“What was that all about?” he asked, looking between her and the distant figure that momentarily vanished.

“That... that was a friend,” she managed to say, her own eyes turning back to watchi Nixu disappear below the horizon. “I need to talk to him. I think... I think he’s in danger.”

The next night, Felonca was still wrapping her mind around that new development.

Why was he here? Is Master Hsiu nearby? She felt herself shudder slightly at the thought. If Master Hsiu indeed had come this far south to find her, she knew that the chances of her seeing a hangman’s noose were increasing by the day.

“Dammit,” she cursed softly, realizing her shudder had ruined her attempt at whittling to pass the time. She took second watch for the peace and quiet, but sometimes it grew too quiet, the only noise being the sounds of crickets and the light snores of her companions. Tonight she was especially bored, and had hoped some attempts at whittling would help. They hadn’t.

“Well, Felonca, you need a new stick,” she muttered to herself, and carefully she looked about the camp, hoping to find a stick outside of the pile reserved for the fire. Growling in dissatisfaction when she didn’t find any, she looked up over the blaze towards Nayu’s bag, hoping one would be there.

Instead, she froze.

Momentarily, in the gloom, she saw something. Something tall, human-shaped. She squinted, but the light of the fire blocked her view.

Nixu? she thought, eyes frowning as she reached for her warfans and clambered around the fire. Without its orange fingers blinding her view, she could now make it out clearly. Not one, but two figures, human-looking, were edging their way closer to the camp, carefully, from the side.

Not Nixu... then who?

“Who goes there?” she called, her challenge meant to wake her companions as well. She heard a few growls and grumbles from immediately beside her, but no noise came from the two strangers, save one turned and looked right at her.

More undead? she thought, warily edging closer, her nose sniffing the air for any scent. Indeed, she found one, but it was not the dank, rotten smell of death, or the bodily smell of a humanoid. Instead, she smelled something like wild mushrooms, powerful and pungent.

“Thirty feet out ahead of me, human shaped” Felonca whispered, “and I’m getting the smell of... mushrooms,” she added warily. She heard Nayu give a grunt of surprise at her statement, above the soft clings and clangs of Chou donning his armor.

“Mushrooms? Are you sure you didn’t eat too many mushrooms?” she heard Chou grumble.

“I’ve heard of dangerous molds before,” Nayu said, standing beside her half-dressed, “but none in the shape of a human before. Strange.”

“Well,” Felonca replied, suddenly reaching into her quiver for an arrow, “I’d like to make sure they’re human. I’m thinking its an undead trick. Fetch me a bit of cloth, we’re going to check them out.”

Nayu did as requested, and momentarily a small dart of flame landed directly at the feet of the closest. In the dim light the burning cloth provided, seemingly normal, bare human feet were visible, causing Nayu and Felonca more confusion. As they watched, both creatures continued to shuffle forward, and quickly were within thirty feet.

That’s when Felonca saw their eyes. Bright, piercing blue, a sickly, unreal blue, glowing in the night. Moments later, she had to resist the urge to sneeze violently, as her nose was assaulted by a new smell... not just mushrooms, but the overpowering, debilitating stench of mold. Just within the orange glow of the firelight, she could see the two gaunt figures of men, their skin pasty and emaciated. Most alarming were the numerous tears, rips, and holes that besot their skin. From these numerous sores fluffed large clumps of a yellowish colored substance that looked like mold.

She heard words forming on Nayu’s mouth, but she couldn’t see any magical flashes or lights play from his hands onto the beasts. Instead, she heard another grunt of confusion.

“They’re not undead, at least,” Nayu grunted, and she heard more magic coming to his lips.

“Don’t come any closer!” she called, deciding to be more direct, her bow once again drawn, an arrow notched. As soon as one of the creatures stepped forward again, an arrow flew.

An all hell broke loose.

One of the two creatures charged, a strange, incoherent roar within its lips. Felonca coolly tossed her bow back, and snatched out her warfans, the lessons from the Academy flowing through her muscles with ease. A series of loud clanks revealed Chou right beside her, as she didn’t need to turn to know Liu was on her opposite side.

“You take the close one!” she heard Nayu call, just before a long, powerful tongue of flame leapt from his hand, scorching the furthest of the two beasts (scorching ray).

As for the other creature, it found a greeting that likely it would have preferred to forego, as Chou’s blade, Felonca’s warfans, and Liu’s fists slashed, cut, and pummeled it, cutting off one hand, breaking its shoulder, and slashing apart its face.

None, however, realized that this is merely what the creature wanted.

The noise was simple. Nothing fancy, nothing showy. It was a mere puff, far quieter than the roar of the burning prefect. The results, however, were no less deadly, for with this noise, the stomach of the creature broke open, and suddenly Chou, Felonca, and Liu found yellowish mold flying into their faces, their eyes, their noses, down their throats.

Somehow, Liu managed to hold his breath, his fists still swinging, pummeling the creature. But both Chou and Felonca gasped in surprise... the worst thing possible, as thousands and thousands of the tiny spores were sucked deep into their lungs.

Felonca felt an immediate burning in her lungs, and doubled over, vicious, hacking coughs wracking her body. Beside her, Chou clutched the ground, spitting up globs of yellow spittle as his larger form was also wracked by the painful coughs.

What’s happened to me? Felonca thought, before her mind, despite the pain, realized that as long as she and Chou were down coughing, Liu and Nayu were facing two of the creatures alone.

Dammit, Felonca! she mentally snarled, forcing herself up after a few seconds. Her lungs felt as if they were scorched, and coughs still rumbled through her form, deep and hoarse. Nonetheless, she threw herself forward, slashing once again at the nearest beast.

What the hell was that? Nayu growled, his fingers now outstretched to the beast that had knocked down Felonca and Chou. With a word of power and a sharp crackle, flames once again leapt from his hand to the beast’s chest. The smell of burning vegetables filled the air, as smoke blotted out the creature’s chest. However, when it momentarily lifted, Nayu could see more mold oozing out of the burn holes covering the creature’s chest.

“Felonca! What are you...” he started to shout before Felonca, still hacking and coughing furiously, was back into combat, leaping and twisting, her warfans once again in the midst of a deadly dance. Only seconds behind her, Chou jumped in as well, the coughs that had wracked his body decreasing as he swung his blade in great, powerful arcs.

That girl... I could have accidentally burned her! Nayu fumed for a second, as his fingers flashed back to the creature still standing aloof, burning it yet again. A second later, he hears a squish, sounding much like when he’d squished his mother’s rotten tomatoes as a child. A quick look to the first fight revealed the creature tumbling to the ground, its head crushed by Chou’s blade.

Nayu felt the magic already draining from him. This new spell is taxing me, he thought, trying to focus his mind. He felt magic upwelling in his hand, until into his view flashed a furiously coughing Felonca and a normal appearing Chou. Nayu moved his hand back, and the blast of fiery power flew awry.

“Felonca,” he growled, reminding himself to let her know about, ‘magical friendly fire,’ if he got the chance. He closed his eyes, and decided next to launch a smaller, simple brace of magic missiles, to avoid the friendly fire issue altogether.

As he was yet concentrating for his next blast, long unmoving, suddenly leapt forward grabbing Felonca and thrust her towards the ground. Another puff echoed just barely above the din of battle, quickly followed by Felonca’s coughing increasing in volume and power.

FELONCA! Nayu panicked, his brace of missiles flying earlier than he planned but slamming the creature square in the back. As the creature and Felonca wrestled on the ground, Chou swung his blade down... and suddenly Felonca’s coughs were coupled with a sharp scream as his sword cut open her shoulder, blood now coating the grass.

Undeterred, Chou swung again, and once again there was a squish as his blade crushed in the creature’s head. Within seconds, he was tossing the beast off of her, as Nayu dashed forward.

It was an hour later, and still Nayu heard the deep, throaty cough coming from Felonca, as well as the hushed, worried murmurings coming from Master Liu. Angrily, the young man kicked a pebble into the smoldering fire, and resumed his pacing.

What WERE those things? Other than Chou’s accidental cut, Felonca wasn’t hurt... except for this coughing. What was that yellow mold stuff? Liu should’ve been able to get it out of her system...

Nervous, Nayu glanced towards Chou, only to be greeted by the warrior’s nervous eyes.

Chou is fine... and he inhaled the same stuff! Why isn’t she fine! Worries filled Nayu’s head, building into a crescendo that he couldn’t ignore. Finally, he spun around and marched over to beside the monk.

“Listen... listen to me, Felonca,” the monk was saying quietly, his voice full of concern. One of his hands held her head, pointing her mouth downwards. “What does your chest feel like again?”

“B...*hack* b... *cough* burning!” she sputtered out, pain etched onto her face. Nayu watched in alarm as one of her hands clutched at her chest, the other balled into a fist at her side. Worried, he took her balled hand into his own.

Of the people here, I’ve known you the longest... what... four weeks? You helped save my village! I’m... I’m lost and scared... please be okay! Nayu prayed to himself, as her coughing fit continued to rise in volume, until she finally went into a long spasm. When the paroxysm was finished, her breathing slowed. Every now and then, a hacking cough emerged.

Good... maybe she coughed up whatever it was, Nayu thought hopefully, looking at her, only to have his heart break again. Tears were streaming down her face, the hand that was on her chest now covering her mouth as she softly coughed again.

Then Nayu heard Liu give a grunt.

“What is it?” Nayu asked softly as the monk bent down and picked up something from the ground in front of Felonca. Liu held the item up, and slowly brought it closer to the firelight, his grunts changing from surprise to concern.

“Yellow mold,” the monk finally said grimly.

“Mold? Well, she coughed it up, didn’t she?” Nayu asked hopefully, his mind ignoring the soft croaks of Felonca behind him. “And beside, my parents had mold in their house. Ugly, but not that bad. Right?”

The monk stared in the flames in response.

“Right?” Nayu repeated, worry back in his voice. Liu gave a cough of his own, and when he turned to face the young man, Nayu could see a deep worry, and bottomless sorrow in his eyes.

“Felonca, please... come here. I must tell you something,” the monk said grimly. His dark, hopeless tone knocked the last bit of wishful thinking from Nayu’s mind.

Something horrible happened to her... oh no...

Gingerly, Felonca stumbled to where they sat, and almost collapsed, her body worn tired from the paroxysms. Her eyes, however, were still bright and alert, and filled with worry and fright.

“Felonca... you’ve inhaled a large amount of yellow mold... a mold that is extremely virulent, and extremely deadly. I’m... I’m...” the monk stopped speaking, his voice breaking apart for a second.

Nayu looked quickly between the monk and his friend, fear rising in his own heart. With the finality of a funeral bell, Liu turned back to Felonca, clearing his throat.

“It is... fatal, and I’m afraid there is nothing I can do.” The monk’s soft voice faded into nothing.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ok, the rabbit bit was thrown into the game by me to deal with my overly paranoid players. I like tossing in occassional, random spot and listen checks as well, to keep them on their toes.

The creatures the players met in this section are called dusanu, found in the Creature Catalogues here on EN World. Part of me was a rat bastard, as I know the way my players play and I knew one of them would charge the creatures and get hit by this surprise...

Don't worry, as soon as I get time, I'll post more of the adventure later on.

And yes, I’m a rat bastard.
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