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The Celestial Empire (Romance of the Three Kingdoms-ish, Updated 12/09/05)

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Well, when I said there'd be two updates, I sort of lied. Instead, there's just one enormous update... to the tune of 13 pages single space :). I hope people enjoy... and now I go back to studying for my exam tomorrow!

Inside the Jade City

“How does Selim do it?” Felonca asked a week later, the sounds and rushing people of a titanic metropolis swirling about her and Nayu as the two walked through the streets of Liangxiang. Her new leather raiments swished across the ground as she moved, forcing Nayu to smile.

I still have the touch, he thought, admiring his handiwork – or rather, the handiwork of the scholar he’d hoodwinked a few days prior.

When the party had arrived in Liangxiang, Nayu had been as giddy as a small boy; on the backs of the party’s horses were strapped all the magical weapons Nayu could loot from the field at Ii-suken, as well as all of the magical effects abandoned by the now vanished prison camp commander. In short, a small fortune.

Within Liangxiang, it had not been hard to find scholars and rich men willing to part with their gold for these items, even if Nayu was forced to sell to visiting provincials to not attract too much attention. Selling these riches had taken the better part of a week, all the time Selim said he needed to secure their entry into the Jade City. In return, Felonca’s leather trappings had been improved, as had her warfans. For himself, he’d acquired a new cloak, and had magical properties added to his rather mundane hat. Swords, bows, and other equipment had also been distributed to the other party members... Meiji greatly enjoyed his new sword, and Yari Ai had kissed him when he’d shown her the new robe he’d sweet-talked a merchant into selling him for dirt cheap.

“I don’t know. I do not question the methods, I suppose,” Nayu mused. He seems to be able to get almost anywhere... then again, he’s known as the best of the best, the thief of thieves, so I shouldn’t be surprised... As he thought, the two passed underneath an immense gatehouse, its walls made of perfectly fitted marble, copper making its roof shine in the sunlight.

“Well, we’re now in the inner city,” Felonca said. “Only need to keep going straight, and soon enough, we’ll reach the river...”

Nayu nodded. Selim had described their path well. Instead of taking a major boulevard towards the river and the great guarded bridges to the Jade City, he and Felonca would take a side entrance. After they crossed a small, seldom used bridge, they would speak a password, and be let in by some of Selim’s associates.

For a few moments, they walked silently side by side. Then Nayu looked at his friend. She was facing directly ahead, but he could see her pupils looking at him, as if she didn’t want to attract his attention. A split second after he turned his head, her eyes snapped directly forward, and her face turned a deep crimson.

“Um... what’s wrong? Do I have something on my robes?” Nayu asked worriedly. If a bird decided to take aim at me just before I enter the Jade City... He hoped to make visits here a regular occurrence, even if he didn’t find any of the answers he was looking for. Walking into the most sacred spot in the entire Empire with bird droppings on his shoulder was a certain way to not only not be invited back, but attract undo notice.

“No! No no no...” Felonca stammered, and to his surprise, her face turned a deeper crimson.

“What just happened then? I try to be humorous, but if I look funny for some reason, tell me!” Nayu begged. “I’m going to be meeting some very important scholars while I’m rummaging about the Imperial Library... and if I could make a good impression...” They could be allies when it comes time to claim the throne...

“I...I was lost in thought, and I was just startled when you looked at me suddenly,” she stammered out slowly. Nayu’s eyes narrowed; Felonca had never been a skilled liar. He crossed his arms, and stopped in the street.


To his surprise, she gave a huge sigh, then looked him in the eyes. He felt something tugging there, pulling from deep within her soul. She started to say something, but whatever the words were, they died in her throat.

“I...I was thinking of my father...” she said quietly after a while, her eyes downcast.

“Ah. Well, I think he can get along in the city just fine for a while... and I don’t think he’s truly that mad at you.” He’d wanted to accompany us to the Jade City so badly, but while we need into the City, we don’t want the undo attention the appearance of Shang Jiang Wa-Feng would bring. Its too bad I couldn’t tell him what was really happening... then he might have understood why he had to stay behind...

“I...um... hope he isn’t,” she said slowly. Even as he smiled and nodded to her, Nayu frowned mentally.

That’s not anything for her to get so crimson faced over, however... what would make her that nervous?

Then again, she does have a skittish personality sometimes... I think that is the panther part of her hengeyokai ancestry speaking...
he finally shrugged.

Soon the duo had crossed through the high terraces and well manicured streets of the Inner City. After passing underneath another gate, they emerged onto a narrow bridge made of marble, its frail railing elegantly carved from pink marble. Before them, into the distance on either side, stretched an immense sea of brilliant, shimmering green; the walls of the Jade City, their immense granite covered with millions upon millions of pieces and chips of jade, causing the wall to shimmer with brilliant green light. Below the heights lay a small door, its form barely larger than a man, its rich mahogany complete with giltwork.

“Well, here we are...” Felonca said quietly. Nayu nodded silently in reply, and as her eyes glided over the beautiful panorama before them, Nayu’s closed, his mind deep in thought.

There is the Jade City... there lies the Emperor... he thought. Somewhere within those walls lies one of the banes of this entire country; hopefully the other is in full retreat by now...

The mental picture of the fiendish boy came back into Nayu’s mind, and the sorcerer closed his eyes and winced. Try as he might, he couldn’t see himself hurting the child, and every image ended with the boy’s mouth growing into a massive maw, from which the screams of thousands echoed. Every time he’d had the dream, he’d tried to pin the danger on the most obvious target: the young Emperor. However, even now he still felt at unease, as if there was more to the message than he was able to understand...

“Something wrong?”

Nayu’s eyes shot open, and he blinked a few times.

“No, everything’s fine.” He put on a strained smile. “I was just thinking about the magical knowledge inside of those walls... and the fact that my questions will soon all be answered.”

Felonca frowned slightly. “You never have told me what those questions are. I know they pertain possibly to your father, but I’m curious... if you don’t mind.”

“They...” Nayu paused, uncertain whether to blurt out everything to his friend now, or to continue to hold back. I think the dream is of the Emperor slaying the people... but now, I’m not so sure...

if only I asked Felonca! She’s smart... she’d be able to help!

But if it was him, she’d stop you...

“They are of great importance to the Emperor’s safety, as well as teaching me more about our foes,” Nayu said, twisting things so that while he told no lie, the truth was obscured. He felt only a little better as Felonca looked at him, puzzled.

“Prince Hu? Well, anything that can keep that bastard in place is good by me!” she grunted at her mentioning of the Prince’s name. “And I assume you’re looking for information on destroying that dagger?”

’That dagger.’ She still doesn’t claim it as her own... Nayu thought, and mentally sighed. I should look up information on that as well... if I need to get rid of the Emperor, he thought, unable to focus himself to use the word ‘kill,’ I might have to get rid of that dagger for my own safety...

“Of course,” he forced another smile.

The two crossed the narrow bridge, under constant watch from the guards above. Mentally, Nayu recited the secret knock that was supposed to gain them entrance, and as they drew up next to the small door, he raised his hand... only to have the door open seemingly of its own accord.

The door opened further, revealing a craggy old man, seemingly aged beyond reckoning and clutching a simple iron staff. Despite his bent frame and wrinkled visage, his eyes showed a steel grey hue, looking directly into those of both Nayu and his friend with a surprisingly kindly glow. Before the rather stunned Nayu could open his mouth, the old man preempted him.

“Welcome, Master Wakabayashi... Mistress Wa-Feng. We have been expecting you.”

“Scrying... I should have known...” Nayu hissed under his breath a few minutes later, causing the old man to give a kindly smile.

“Yes, you should have, my young friend,” the old man replied. Nayu immediately blanched... he hadn’t intended his slight growl to be heard. Instead, Chief Imperial Scholar Wa Zhen’s grin grew wider. “We are the wisest, most gifted of the scholars, supposedly,” the old man chuckled, “we should be able to spy on a few people every now and then.”

“Pardon me, I was not expecting a welcoming committee,” Nayu replied sourly. I can’t believe I forgot they might be able to scry on us! Dammit!

“What do you know of us?” Felonca asked worriedly, an emotion that Nayu echoed.

What if he knows my ancestry?

Of course he would! He probably knows everything else you did too!

Which could be good...
Nayu’s mind finally settled uneasily, thinking on Ii-suken and how the party’s actions had hopefully prevented the Prince of Langya from marching on the capital city, a feat even the Empress’ armies had not been able to accomplish.

“We know many things,” the old man replied coyly, leading the pair through an immense gatehouse, and into the first of the main plazas of the Jade City. Before them stretched a sea of perfectly cut jade slabs, each a slightly different hue, each cut into a perfect foot by foot square, then set across the open field. To either side of this immense open space lay the towering pagodas of the Imperial Councillors and the Imperial Library respectively. Across the huge plaza lay the jade and emerald hulk of the massive Imperial Palace, its forms both heavy and towering, easily covering the same area as most large cities.

“We know you have an unusual gift, Master Wakabayashi,” Wa Zhen said quietly. “And that you, Mistress Felonca, are a current Shao in your uncle’s army, and are a formidable opponent.”

Which could be good or bad, Nayu thought. If they think the both of us formidable, or dangerous, we could have major issues here... alone, in the Imperial City, accompanied by an Imperial agent...

“You wonder where I am taking you?” Wa Zhen looked back at Nayu. Just as if he had planned his comment carefully, he turned only a moment later towards the huge edifice that housed the Imperial Councillors and the Council of Scholars.

How did he know that?! I felt no magic wash over me, no attempt to probe my thoughts...

...he’s been in the Imperial Court for likely decades Nayu!
he calmed himself, he probably is adept at reading emotions without any magic! The sorcerer’s mind quickly turned to the other pressing problem. Why are we going towards the headquarters of the scholars? There’s no reason we would head there unless... His mind stopped, examining the two options. Either they want to probe me to discover how I am using magic without books, or...

...they want to eliminate me...

All too slowly, the trio climbed the immense marble stairs towards the entrance to the massive building. As they entered the great building, Wa Zhen finally spoke again.

“I hope you know that your appearance here as caused great consternation for the chief scholars of the Empire,” the old man croaked.

“Why is that?” Felonca asked, her voice guarded.

“Word has reached us of your deeds to the north... of what you have done in Dai Province, of what happened at Ii-suken.”

“Why does that cause consternation?” Nayu then asked. Something isn’t right here...

“Well,” the old man said quietly, “word has also reached the Empress’ ears of what you did the day the elder Hu brother was killed. Needless to say, she is not pleased.”

“Oh... that...” Felonca sighed quietly, as the trio turned a corner and crossed an elegant garden into a long, elaborately decorated hallway. At the far end stood a pair of huge bronze doors, swung barely open, revealing a small view of another immense chamber beyond. “I suppose stopping an assassination plot would qualify as something that might annoy her.”

“Why did the Empress and her brother want Hu dead?” Nayu pressed.

“I cannot tell you that now,” Wa Zhen said quietly as the group passed the threshold of the immense doors, and entered the titanic chamber. As Nayu’s eyes flowed over the rich tapestries, the fine porcelain and jade inlays, the elderly scholar turned to them. “That will be revealed to you shortly, by these men.”

Nayu’s eyes flashed down, and he noticed that on either side of the chamber sat, in neat, exact rows, the flamboyantly or demurely dressed forms of hundreds of scholars, each with their ceremonial staff laying across their lap. The sorcerer’s eyes narrowed, and he turned to face Wa Zhen.

“A trial then?” That is the only thing that would make these hundreds of scholars show up here to greet little old me...

Do they know who I am? My ancestry? Doubtful...
the sorcerer thought hopefully, If they knew, the Empress would’ve just had my death prearranged. And if they don’t know, that means while I’m amongst them, I should be safe, as long as she or the Emperor don’t interfere. Maybe I can find out information about the dagger, if I’m careful enough around these men...

From the back of the room came an immense, metallic groan. Slowly, the great, massive doors to the immense chamber opened wide as a great gong sounded. Amidst the tinkling, changing jade that was laid intricately around the doorway, Nayu saw the Dowager Empress, clad in impressive silks trimmed with furs and ermine. As his gaze shifted, he suddenly froze.


Small fingers desperately clutched the sides of his mother’s dress, as the Emperor’s small brown eyes looked about the room in wonderment and child-like confusion. Immediately all the scholars present fell into a full kow-tow. As Nayu and Felonca followed suit, the sorcerer caught the young boy’s eyes meeting his... and the young fingers twisting his mother’s robes even tighter.

So... you have decided to come to play, then? You couldn’t leave me alone... Nayu’s mind asked darkly, part of him expecting foul, baleful words to tumble from the young boy’s mouth at any moment. Instead, Nayu only heard the heavy footfalls of the Empress and her guards, and the quicker, hurried footfalls as the young Yuandi desperately tried to keep up. Even as his mind told him that he was supposed to, even required to keep his head low, Nayu slowly looked up, and his eyes met those of the young Emperor full bore.

I am not afraid of you, Nayu’s eyes blazed, before he had time to take in the Imperial response. Instead of seeing two eyes staring back at him, blazing with either power or defiance, Nayu saw two huge orbs, shimmering with the nascent tears of a frightened boy. Despite any protocol that the Emperor should not lower himself to gaze at a mere commoner, the boy stared.

What if he isn’t the root of the evil here? Nayu’s doubts began to return. There’s only a small boy there... I can’t see anything emanating evil from him...I can’t feel any evil either. If only Yari Ai had come with us into the Jade City! She could tell!

“The Empress Dowager Lin Xi!” the voice of the chamberlain boomed, and all heads remained prostrate to the floor. “His Imperial Majesty, the Son of Heaven, Emperor Yuandi!” he boomed a few seconds later. Silence pervaded the enormous hall, as the same massive gong sounded yet again.

As Nayu covertly watched, he saw the young Emperor look up towards his mother, his eyes filled not with the nervousness of a shy child, but true, absolute fear. Fear at these strangers... and something else...

“Now, boy!” he just ever so barely caught the Dowager Empress hiss, and he gasped slightly when he saw her arm grab the boy’s shoulder and squeeze hard, hard enough that the boy’s face twisted in pain. She pushed him forward.

“R...rise...m...my...people,” his weak, frightened voice stammered. As one, the hundreds of scholars in the chamber arose from their kow-tow, only to bow yet again in reverence. The young boy started to flash a smile towards one of the younger scholars on the left, until his mother’s hand grabbed his shoulder hard yet again. He grimaced.

“I...I...have called this meeting of...the Regency Council to decide an important...” the young boy’s voice stopped, eyes looking fearfully towards his mother. The woman gave a snappish sigh, and finished his thought for him.

“His Majesty has requested this special convening of the Regency Council to decide the fate of the two standing before us, Wakabayashi Nayu, and Wa-Feng Felonca!” she spoke loudly, her voice full of arrogant confidence.

Nayu noticed that to his right, the scholars seemed to lean forward, listening intently to the Empress’ words, their eyes signaling agreement with some yet unstated opinion, while those to the left looked away, some seemingly angry that this meeting had even been called. So the scholars are divided on our fate... which does not bode well. It means some of them either want us punished, or want whatever award is to be given to be denied...

“What we must decide today,” the elderly man to the right spoke all eyes turning towards his robed form, “is whether this boy, The One Who Uses No Books, and this girl, The One Who Sneaks, should be spared, or cast down in death as traitors to the Empire!” The sudden snarl at the end of his statement revealed which way he felt, as his elegant robes, far richer than those of any other present save the Emperor and Empress, shook vehemently as he clutched his red, gilded staff.

“I belive Sho-Ti has already made his opinion frankly clear too many times,” the young man Yuandi had attempted to smile at grumbled. His face seemed earnest, his robes less ornate that those of the elderly man, his staff merely made from black lacquered wood. “I, for one, believe that both of these people have acted as defenders of the throne, and have further use!”

“Such is the folly of the so called wisdom of Won Wei,” the one called Sho-Ti snapped back.

“May I speak?” Nayu asked, swallowing in his throat at the sudden threat. So this is a trial for our lives....

oh great...

“Commoner scum have no business speaking on the same level as the illustrious scholars of the Imperial Court!” another elderly man on Sho-Ti’s side of the room growled.

“If the Emperor’s people are not free to speak, how can the Son of Heaven rule wisely if he knows not their problems and needs!” another scholar shouted back. Yelling rumbled louder and louder until the Dowager Empress raised her hands, calling for silence.

“Both of these miscreants,” the one named Sho-Ti snapped again, “were seen helping Prince Hu, the One Who Uses No Book going so far as acting as the Prince’s double during our attempt to eliminate that monster!” The old man turned, his eyes burning fiercely as if he hoped to melt Nayu with his eyesight alone. “If they had not interfered, Prince Hu would be dead already, and the Imperial throne would be secure, and there would be peace throughout the realm! There would be no flaming undead ravaging the north, or skeletal armies marching on the capital! Indeed, they were the ones who killed Hu’s brother, who would’ve at least reined in his brother, if not made a better replacement, and destroyed the Military Governor as well!” A rumble of assent came from his side of the chamber.

What?! Nayu stopped, his mouth open slightly in shock. After a moment, he caught himself and closed his jaw. They knew Hu was a threat? That he was evil? They tried to kill him to stop...

...damn! Damn damn damn!
A glance out of the corner of his eye showed that Felonca’s mouth was still agape as she pieced together what Sho-Ti had revealed to them. They knew Hu was a threat to peace in the Empire, that he was a monster...

...but they aren’t any better!
Nayu’s mind snapped. Because he was a distant relative of the Imperial line, they killed your father! And would’ve killed you! They STILL want to kill you!

“Your Excellencies,” Nayu managed to speak, his voice barely under control, “believe us when we say that if we had known what threat Hu posed, we would have helped in disposing of him! As it stands, all of us are threatened by him, are we not? Instead of arguing, we should-“

“The Empress Dowager is of the opinion that the one called Nayu Wakabayashi and the one called Yari Ai both should die,” the Empress coldly intoned, referring to herself in a distant third person. At her side, the young Emperor clutched his mother’s robes, his eyes looking between her eyes and Nayu.

“Now wait just a-“ Felonca finally sputtered.

“That is outrageous!” Nayu snapped, completely forgetting decorum. Protocol be damned! This woman is an idiot!

“Such would be folly!” Won Wei snapped, leaning forward menacingly as the scholars behind him did the same. Sho-Ti started to protest, till Won Wei shouted him down. “No! You yourselves have heard the wonders these two have worked! They single-handedly turned around Dai province, which had long been malingering under misrule! They even defended our capital, risking their lives for your posh existence here!”

“How dare you speak such to me! I am the Empress!” the Dowager Empress snapped, her pretty features twisting into a look of rage. “Mere scholarly scum!”

“You have no right to simply just...” Felonca snapped onward, adding her own angry voice to the fray.

“Imperial miscreant!” one of the scholars siding with Won Wei shouted. “The late Emperor left that you and your brother should rule in consultation with our eminent opinion, yet you have continuously ignored our advice, to the ruin of this land! Your brother is gone, so now you rule equally with us, the learned men of the realm!”

“Pompous fool!” she replied, her voice airy, her face changing to being filled with disdain. A wave of her hand emulated her feeling towards the scholar in question. “Only I know what is best to be done in this Empire in my son’s name!”

At that moment, Nayu’s mind began to piece together the puzzle, and slowly a picture of what his dream meant began to emerge.

The Emperor is utterly dominated by his mother...

...if that vain and foolish woman continues her poor course...

“Only I am privy to what the Emperor truly thinks, what he truly knows!” her voice changed, from disdain to an icy shout. “While my husband left you pitiful scholars as collectively an equal member to the Regency Council, only I should have the right to be Regent. You pompous scholars that disagree go against the Imperial Will, and the Will of Heaven!”

She only cares about her power! She didn’t care about the abuses in Dai! Nayu realized. She didn’t care about my father, until she discovered he had a rival claim to the throne! She didn’t care about Hu probably until she heard he was planning to usurp her throne!

If she continues to dominate the young Emperor... there will only be destruction...

Nayu’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

“You are a vain and foolish woman, to assume that Heaven would side with one who would dominate and abuse her Emperor so much!” Nayu finally snapped, and suddenly the room fell into utter silence. All eyes flashed towards the sorcerer, and he could almost hear Felonca’s jaw hit the floor.

Well, now you’ve done it, part of his mind groaned. You’ve insulted the Empress, to her face, in the midst of the Jade City. Brilliant...

“What...did...you...dare...to...say?” the Empress hissed, her voice so filled with rage that her words slithered quietly to his ears.

Well... he goes...

“Only a complete fool would ignore what we have done against Prince Hu!” Nayu snapped back, putting all the umph into his voice as was possible, reaching into the deepest depths of his experience as a trader. I’m only selling my right to exist now... figuratively, he tried to tell himself, only to find the thought made him stiffen up slightly.

“We persuaded one of his armies to defect to the province of Dai, and we turned the province of Dai away from its malevolent lord to proper governance, something that Your Imperial Highness,” he coldly decided to further accent the Empress’ title, “utterly neglected to accomplish! We then burned the supplies and stalled Hu’s invasion of your capital province, protecting you, the Jade City, and all the magical knowledge stored here, yet you want to have us killed?!

“You...insolent...brat!” the Empress snarled.

“Why do you not let us into your service? We have a common foe! Hu attempted to kill us, and he has destroyed your armies, raided your crops, and ransacked your provinces! We can help you to crush him!” Nayu cried.

“As if the Imperial person needs your measly assistance,” the Empress growled. Murmurings grew among the scholars.

“Only a fool denies the aid of the capable,” Nayu shot back, smiling at the shock on the face of some scholars and the ever growing murmurs on how he threw out a quote from Master Kongxi. They think that since I don’t read my magic out of tomes, I am uncultured... Silently, the sorcerer gave thanks to the scholar long ago in Mingzhong, as well as the long nights of listening to the scholars in Dian’s army debate and argue the fine points of Kongxi among each other.

“Surely my fellow eminent scholars see the wisdom in this young man’s words!” the one named Won Wei jumped in. “If we examine what deeds they have done, we see they are both very powerful indeed! Heaven smiled on us when these two warriors entered the city!” The murmurs of support for him among the scholars grew louder, and it was apparent that, physically at least, it appeared the supporters of Sho-Ti, and the Empress, had thinned out.

“Do you deny turning coat on Prince Hu?” Sho-Ti glared.

“We helped him once, for money, then he tried to have us killed! Of course we would turn against him!” Felonca snapped back.

“Aha! Once a turncoat, always a turncoat!” Sho-Ti crossed his arms in triumph.

“Once betrayed, does not the betrayer deserve the same?” Nayu fired another quote from Kongxi. “Is that not the honorable course? To uphold honor by destroying the dishonorable?” Nayu let his eyes look around the room. It was obviously apparent that scholars were abandoning Sho-Ti’s side, and moving over towards the side of Won Wei, and Nayu smiled again. Most of them are on our side now... a deadlock has been forced, if what the Empress said is true..

“Majesty, I believe it can be said that most of your advisors disagree with your assessment,” Nayu observed.

The Empress glared at him, her eyes icy darts aimed at his heart.

“So it appears,” she hissed, before a thin smile came to her lips.

What is she doing? She’s been beaten back... she shouldn’t be smiling...

“As it is apparent that many of you disagree with my views on these two commoners being dangerous to the Emperor,” the Empress announced loudly, “there is only one method to solve this! A trial by magical skill,” she intoned, her eyes betraying a huge grin. “Heaven will reveal which side it favors thus. Who will any here take up the Imperial standard, and act as the Emperor’s champion in this endeavor?”

“Wait just a minute...” Nayu snapped, not caring about decorum, “This is utterly insane! You disagree with your scholars on whether we should be put to death, so you decree a trial by combat that will lead to death?!”

“Such is the final, penultimate way to resolve a dispute such as this! Sho-Ti has put forward the charge that you are traitors to the Empire, and you deny them. Your judges are deadlocked, but justice must be done,” the Empress leaned back, a grin across her face. “And unlike before, now you, young man, will fight for the life of both yourself and your companion.” Her eyes then flashed to the thin ranks of scholars still left supporting Sho-Ti. “Who will take up the Imperial standard?”

“I will gladly take up the Imperial mantle in this trial!” Sho-Ti cried, raising his staff high into the air. Around him, the few remaining scholars shouted their acclaim, forcing him towards the front.

Nayu forced himself to keep a stern, placid face, even as he began to shake in his boots as he felt the magical storm thundering just underneath the surface of Sho-Ti’s body...

A short update. Hopefully in return for decreased size, I'll be able to update this SH more frequently while I'm taking my classes.

The Duel...

Calm... calm Nayu... the sorcerer repeated to himself as the older scholar stalked towards the center of the room. Nayu cleared his mind, honing himself, focusing evermore on the approaching man. When his eyes met the staff Sho-Ti held in his hand, Nayu felt a slight heat wash over him. For a moment he panicked, thinking the scholar had launched a pre-emptive spell, till he realized no force was trying to break into his mind, or assault his body.

His staff... it must have an affiliation to fire... Nayu realized slowly.

“As the wise council and scholars of the land have been unable to determine the guilt, or innocence of these,” he distantly heard the Empress intone the ancient words, “a duel has been recognized to determine the will of Heaven. As such, each party must state what they wish from the other should they triumph.” It didn’t take an eagle to see the glint in her eye as she looked at Sho-Ti’s imperious figure surrounded by imposing robes.

If he is so powerful himself, why does he place magical fire within his staff? Nayu thought as the ancient words continued to roll across the hall. Surely he realizes that he wouldn’t need a staff to back him unless...

...unless he thought I was that much of a threat...

...now that I’ve figured that out, how can I use it to get him to back down? I don’t want to kill a scholar of the Empire... it might cause discontent when I take over.

If I take over...
he corrected himself. If this kind of stupidity is rampant in the capital, I might just rethink things...

Nayu’s eyes flashed momentarily towards the side of scholars that had been arguing for him, their eyes downcast, or raging towards the Empress. It was clear what they felt about her, at the least.

Maybe I won’t have to worry about that stupidity soon... he thought, feelings his magic building as his mind conversed with the planes. Carefully, he picked his spell, and held it in his mind, waiting.

“State your claim should Heaven side with you,” the Empress asked the elderly scholar.

“The life of this traitor and his friend!” Sho-Ti’s hand rose, its gnarled fingers pointing towards Nayu’s heart.

“I claim the most prized artifact held by the Imperial scholars,” Nayu said quickly, before the Empress could even ask. Maybe that will give him pause... People might freely toss their lives away, but they likely won’t toss away the belongings of something larger than themselves... he remembered an old adage of his father. Let us see what Sho-Ti is made of.

There was a slight pause, before Nayu saw the older scholar give an almost predatory smile. “You do not wish to even claim my life in return for yours?” the scholar asked, his hands already pulling out a rolled wooden tome.

Great... he didn’t buy that bluff...

Well, no one has explained the rules of this duel-to-be to me, and I don’t need to read from a book, so I see reason to let him prepare... that's my best chance of taking him out!

The room flashed blue for a second, as Nayu’s hand lashed out, a stream of void, utterly black and sucking in all light around it, slammed into the scholar’s chest. Sho-Ti stumbled backwards under the assault. As the Empress and other scholars rose, some to shout belated warning, others just to witness what had happened, A second black bolt lashed out from Nayu’s other hand, catching Sho-Ti about the head. For a moment, the older scholar was surrounded by swirling, whirling blackness, before finally, mere seconds later, Nayu lowered his hands (a quickened enervate, followed by another enervate). To the surprise of everyone, Sho-Ti did not react, but instead hung barely in the air, like a poor shanty about to collapse under its own weight.

And now to finish this, Nayu thought, using the momentary pause of shocked calm to walk to the stunned scholar, and take his staff from him. Nayu swung once, catching the stunned man in the stomach, and sent him sprawling to the ground unconscious.

And bedlam ensued.
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Another "oops" battle, Valerian? Nayu really took him out without any (combat) response at all?

Then again, I guess we shouldn't expect anything less from 'He who is truly Blessed by the Heavens'.

Looking forward to how the empress responds to such a blatant, one-sided, crushing defeat. *evil grin*

Felonca Makes a Friend

Felonca stood still, just as stunned as the others by Nayu’s sudden and devastating attack. When the empress leapt to her feet moments later, her face devoid of color, the rogue immediately shifted so her hands rested close to her warfans. Things are about to get interesting...

“Seize him!” the Empress shouted, just as Felonca expected, and just as she also suspected the guards that had accompanied the young Emperor and his mother into the room began to rush forward. Her warfans lashed out, ready to fight the oncoming steel, until a surprising shape intervened.

“Stop!” the young scholar that had been arguing on their behalf shouted. Even though she could not use magic herself, Felonca could not help but feel the immense surge of raw power that lashed from his staff, radiating out towards the oncoming soldiers. To a man, they stopped in place, frozen in mid-stride, their eyes wide in surprise and fear.

“How... dare... you!” the Empress snarled.

“You have ignored the advice of your Council repeatedly, Your Highness!” Won Wei growled in reply. “The duel has concluded, and the young man still remains!” Other scholars began to gather around Nayu, their staffs at the ready.

“He did not abide by the forms! He broke centuries of tradition by attacking by surprise!” the Empress shrieked.

“Only a fool lets an opponent prepare,” Felonca heard Nayu say in a cool, impressive voice, sounding rich with wisdom far beyond his years. “If Heaven had truly sided with Sho-Ti, Heaven would have protected him. Or are you saying, Your Highness, that Heaven’s Will should be bent by the mere traditions of men?”

“I...you...” the Empress shook with veritable fury, and Felonca had to suppress a smile. Nayu had her trapped. If she pressed on that his surprise attack had broken tradition and been unfair, she’d appear to be claiming her own will was above that of Heaven... a grievous and foolish statement, one that would surely make every scholar rise against her. Wisely, instead of replying, the Empress clamped her jaw shut so tightly that her face seemed to shake.

For several moments, silence hung in the air, the Empress staring down at the scholars and the young upstart before her. Finally, the young scholar named Won Wei spoke aloud.

“Wakabayashi Nayu is the victor in the test of Heaven’s Will!” the young man’s voice echoed through the silent hall. “As such, the Council of Scholars will surrender to him his just request!” With a swish, he turned to the attendants behind the Empress.

“Fetch the Headband of Kongxi, and the Fan of Kongxi!”

As the scholars gathered around Nayu, most congratulating, a few mumbling, Felonca’s brow wrinkled. Headband of Kongxi? Fan of Kongxi? What is that? Felonca thought, confused. Kongxi lived hundreds of years ago... these have to be copies. She gave a sigh, and put her warfans back into her belt before starting forward towards Nayu. Probably things that look pretty, that Nayu will probably sell...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a tug on her sleeve, quick and insistent. At first she tried to ignore it, taking it to be a scholar. When the tug came again, even more insistent, she stopped, sharp words forming in her mouth; sharp words that died when she heard the slight tinkle of pearls hitting each other.

Wide eyed she looked down, and a pair of small Imperial eyes behind a sea of white pearls looked back up at her.

“How does your friend do magic like that, with no books?” the tiny, high voice of His Divine Imperial Majesty asked. Streams of pearls hanging from his head hid his face, but the voice sounded earnest in its question.

“Ah..um...” Felonca stumbled, her mind awash. ITS THE EMPEROR! Do I talk normally?! Do I kow-tow now?! He tugged on my sleeve! Should I cut off the cloth and save it for later?!

“My friend has special abilities, Your...um... Majesty...” she managed to say uncertainly, her body too rigid in surprise and shock to bow. To her surprise, there was no protest from the young boy, or shout of indignation at her lack of respect. Instead, Yuandi raised his small gloved hands, and spun his cap around, so the pearls hung from the side. A large smile leapt across his face, radiating the happiness not of an Emperor, but of a ten year old boy.

I need to say something!

“Um... can you...um... do magic like that, Your Majesty?” Felonca stuttered.

“No,” the boy’s face fell. “Mother makes me study scholar books all day, every day.” He looked to the ground, and Felonca swore that if his legs weren’t swathed in heavy robes, he would’ve kicked his foot absently along the ground. “I would like to do magic without books.” The young face then looked back up, the smile returning. “Then, I could learn swordplay instead of magic!”

“Swordplay?” Felonca asked, more confidence in her voice. He is just a boy... and he seems happy that you aren’t groveling before him, but talking TO him... “Why would you like to do that, Majesty?”

“Then I could stay away from Mother, when she has rages, like this one,” he looked up toward the throne, behind the sea of scholars huddled around Nayu. All eyes were still on the sorcerer, and only the immobile guards seemed to have noticed where the young Emperor had wandered... and they couldn’t say anything.

“She’s not a pleasant person, I imagine,” Felonca replied without thinking, before suddenly catching herself. “I did not mean an insult to your family, Majesty!” she hurriedly added.

“But it is true. She is a mean person, and Won Wei says she is foolish sometimes. I trust Won Wei,” the Yuandi said. Suddenly, he stopped, and turned his head slightly to the side. “What is your name? I was impolite and did not ask.”

“I... I’m Wa-Feng Felonca, Majesty,” Felonca gave a reverent bow, her mind still not believing that she was chatting away with the Emperor of the Celestial Empire.

“I am Yuan,” the boy said, using his given name, not his royal name. “I am pleased to meet you. You seem like a nice person... much nicer than my mother.”

As the boy continued to talk, somewhere deep in Felonca’s mind, an impish thought arose. Before the words could leap to her mouth, she quickly suppressed the idea. But as the Emperor continued to speak freely as a child would of his domineering and controlling mother, the thought continued to resurface, until finally it broke through.

“You don’t like your mother telling you what to do?” Felonca finally asked. Despite the fact that she’d only been talking with Yuan for only a few minutes, she finally felt comfortable directly addressing him. When the boy shook his head, she smiled, then lowered herself down to his level.

“You are the Emperor, correct, Your Majesty?”


“Then order the guards to ignore your mother and let you practice swordplay,” Felonca said quietly in a mischevious tone. Let’s put something in the Empress’ hair for a while that she can’t get rid of! “They have to obey you, don’t they?”

“They should,” the boy said quietly, his own mind wandering down the unknown path as well. His brow wrinkled as he thought, and Felonca could tell he’d made a decision when a smile came to his youthful face. “I shall then tell my guards to let me do as I please, or as Won Wei wishes me, and not as my mother commands!”

“That sounds like an excellent command, Your Majesty,” Felonca grinned.

Relics and Meditation

I did well, Papa, Nayu thought quietly the next day, the silence of the deep meditation chambers within the Imperial Library seeming to absorb every sound, every breath. Several hours before, the urge to scratch his head had disappeared. The strange hat that graced his scalp by now had seemed to mold with his skin, so perfect was its fit. He hardly physically felt Kongxi’s Headband anymore, despite feeling its overwhelming magical power rumbling through his being.

The secret is safe now, Papa. No one would ever again peep into Nayu’s mind uninvited. So was the gift of Kongxi’s Headband. No one Nayu wished to not know his ancestry would discover Nayu’s secret... unless either Felonca or Liu divulged the details. The scholars had recommened Nayu seek solitude with the artifact, letting himself grow accustomed to its power, as well as letting it grow accustomed to him. Yet as he sat, his mind continued to wander, enjoying the brief rest from its strenuous work.

It isn’t everyday one wears something imbued with the essence of Kongxi’s soul itself. From somewhere deep inside his mind, Nayu felt, but couldn’t hear, a response. An affirmation of sorts.

What if Felonca knew I was almost talking to myself in my head? The thought of his friend made Nayu chuckle, the memories of the chaotic scene the day before coming back to him. The soft footfalls of a young prince advancing towards his mother, before screeching to her that he wanted to go outside, and the poor, hapless Dowager Empress, just free of one major public embarrassment, facing another as her son publicly asked for her arch-rival, the scholar Won Wei, to be his chief advisor.

She’s finished... the boy was not the root of the evil, but the solution to it, Nayu’s mind realized. It is apparent to all she cannot even rule her own son, let alone rule an Empire, and I would much rather trust this Won Wei character and his bevy of scholars... at the worst, they’ll keep themselves occupied in internal feuding. His mind went back to Felonca and the young Emperor, and the mischief she'd caused the day prior. And since Felonca has made friends with the Emperor, we could keep him happy and in line if the scholars begin to bite each other... no more horrid mismanagement, I would hope.

And at the best, those scholars might fix some things here, while I deal with other people...

...namely Prince Hu.

For a moment, his thoughts darkened, the old anger rising again. Nayu felt the deeper presence pushing, pulling him towards something, but what he couldn’t see. All he knew for sure was the anger he held against Prince Hu.

The Empress has been destroyed as a force. Now Prince Hu, and then the other claimants... He sighed, clearing his mind once again. Its time. Part of him winced at the pain to come, but an even larger part of him was not only curious to see the abilities and powers that the remnants of Kongxi would reveal to him.

I merely need to focus... focus close. That is all. His breathing calmed to almost nothing, as his mind focused deep within, concentrating on his pool of magic, then delving deep into its depths, searching, seeking...

The darker thoughts gathered again, fiercer and stronger. From somewhere deep within he felt something new, something strange. He reached out, his senses trying to touch the new entity. A sharp pain lashed down the side of his head, racing into the seeming depths of his soul.

I must keep trying, he winced, closing his eyes tighter. The scholars had said that the essence of Kongxi would control him, or even speak to him, but would serve to open doors to him that had previously been closed to his limited mind. Only moments after he’d placed the cap on his head, Nayu felt a deep, extremely powerful reservoir of magic, untouched, untapped, deep within his being. He’d tried to reach for it several times in the succeeding hours, but each time he’d been rebuffed.

Keep trying! His eyes closed so tight his eyeballs hurt. His teeth gritted together, as he continued to reach, to stretch into the dark pool of magic...

Just a little further... A slight grunt escaped his lips, before he hissed through his teeth, the pain now burning far more than any arrow or sword thrust. Then, there was a sudden rush, an audible rush roaring within Nayu’s mind. His eyes flickered open, only to see the room bathed in a eerie, bluish/black glow. Shadows danced and swirled about him, a real wind whipping through his light beard, lifting several of the wooden books about him aloft.

A moment later, he felt a surge slam through his body, seemingly lifting him skyward, before slamming him back into the ground. Just as quickly as they appeared, the blue light and flickering shadows vanished. Once again, the room was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight.

Gently, the sorcerer touched his forehead, and his hand came away drenched with sweat. Yet even as he moved, Nayu felt himself almost crackle, the world around him seeming to shimmer slightly, so great was the magic almost billowing from his body.

Nayu closed his eyes again, feeling the power cascading through him, as the planes of magic opened themselves fully. Even though it had no form, Nayu felt the pool of magic within himself change, seeming to grow darker, its surface more troubled, peaks of power stretching angrily towards his conscious mind, wisps of darkness and power rumbling through him.

Nayu smiled, and slowly rose.

When we next meet, Prince Hu, I shall be ready... and you’ll face your last surprise ever...


The Headband of Kongxi was an artifact created by the legendary scholar and sage Kongxi, some thousand years prior. By using the magic imbedded within a destroyed allip, as well as his own great powers, Kongxi not only could protect himself from mind-altering affects, but possibly force his opponents to go insane (DC25 Will Save if you try to mentally touch him). However, this little artifact only protects Nayu, and not anyone else... :)

As for the rest of the meditation, I also allowed Nayu’s player to change two spells he’d selected for his sorcerer, as a side effect of this magical artifacts power. But Felonca fans, do not despair, she also gained something from this as well, which I’ll detail in the next post, when she causes a great deal of trouble of her own...

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