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The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)


ooc: Hey, I'm in! Let's see if it lasts long enough for me to post. Quick results: Woe's maneuver succeeds. The wraith is destroyed, specter 2 is marked (I assume) by Woe.

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[sblock=Additional action]Woohoo, we’re back! Even though things are running painfully slow… Can I use Inspiring Word on EN World’s servers? I think they’re at least bloodied.

I just remembered I can use Woe’s spare minor action for an active Perception check to locate invisible foes. I’m guessing an 11 doesn’t give me much, though.

Guys, in case any of you also forgot, might as well burn leftover minor actions you may have on locating what squares those will-o’-the-wisp-wannabes are in.

The wraith is destroyed, specter 2 is marked (I assume) by Woe.
Yup, just assume Woe always marks unless otherwise noted.[/sblock]


First Post
Palindrome's Turn

" Mock me again and I will cut that wicked tong of yours out " he says coldly and he pets his deathstalker dagger on his belt and then turns to his objective.
"Wicked TONG?" says Palindrome, voice drizzled with sarcasm, "Would that be the tong I use to pick up blocks of ice or the tong that I use to move the fried chicken from the deep fat fryer or the..."

Atreus is incapacitated by the undead.

"*****," mutters Palindrome, "Just when I was getting started."

Arnest manages to twist his body and look Palindrome in the eye as he crumples. "I don't think your protective spell is working," he quips.
"Well maybe if you weren't so ***** fat, you could move your lard-laden ***** out of the way of their ***** attacks! I can only do magic, moron, not miracles!"

"Remember: if I fall, your deeds will come to light."
"Oooooooh. Yeah, I forgot that part. Let me think. Why did I forget it? Oh, yes, that would be because I don't care."

Unfortunately, Arnest is unconscious by the time Palindrome completes his sentence.

"Hmm," Palindrome says to himself, "This is an interesting pattern."

Nerdytenor said:
Tander heals Arnest.
"Aw, c'mon!"

Dunamin said:
Woe leaps in and rescues Palindrome from the undead.
"Thanks," says the wizard, "It almost makes up for you being a complete *****."


Palindrome scowls, looking for traces of the invisible undead. Minor Action: Perception check to detect invisible. (Thanks for the suggestion, Dunamin!) Perception Check (1d20+3=16)

With a twitch of his nose, he sends fire down on the wraiths. Standard Action: Scorching Burst, centered on Wraith 9. Damage (1d6+4=7) and Attack Rolls v. Reflex (1d20+5=17, 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=15, 1d20+5=17, 1d20+5=21, 1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=18, 1d20+5=14, 1d20+5=9) The first '17' is Wraith 9. The '11' starts in the 12-o'clock square above Wraith 9. The remaining rolls proceed in a clockwise direction.

Stepping away from the fray, behind the meatshields, he casts another spell. Move Action: Move to square that is southeast of and adjacent to Tander. Spend Action Point.

A flaming sphere appears. Its diameter is about six feet. The ball of fire glows a cheerful, sunny yellow. A gigantic smiling face appears, and the ball of fire says, "Hiiiiiiiideeeeey-hoooooo, everybody! I'm Happy, the Hugging Fireball! And I looooooove you!" Standard Action: Cast Flaming Sphere on the square adjacent to and northeast of Specter 2; adjacent to and northwest of Orc 3.

The flaming sphere grows a pair of arms and reaches out to embrace the specter. It sings...
I love you!
You love me!
With my touch,
You burn and scream!
With a great big hug,
You char like seasoned wood!
Let's just say,
I'll burn you good!
Flaming Sphere attack v. Specter 2: v. Reflex, Fire Damage (1d20+5=13, 2d6+4=11)

[sblock=Palindrome's Stats]Palindrome - Human Wizard (Illusionist) 2
Passive Perception 13, Passive Insight 13
AC 15, Fort 12, Reflex 16, Will 17
HP 24/24, Bloodied 12, Surge Value 6, Surges 6/6
Speed 6, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Illusory Ambush, Magic Missile, Scorching Burst
Encounter Powers: Dire Radiance, Grasping Shadows, Shield
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere
Cantrips: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation


First Post
Kenhood said:
"Wicked TONG?"
Kenhood said:
says Palindrome, voice drizzled with sarcasm, "Would that be the tong I use to pick up blocks of ice or the tong that I use to move the fried chicken from the deep fat fryer or the..."
Kenhood said:
It is clearly that Palindrome has angered Atreus with his words and he turns to look at Palindrome with burning eyes, forgetting all about the ghosts surrounding him. It looks like Atreus is about to repay Palindromes kind words with a shout when he suddenly falls to the ground...

While unconscious pictures of his childhood home flashes through his mind and all too soon he is pulled back into reality. Finding himself on the ground he discovers that the fight is far from over and there is a specter floating right in front of him. Atreus carefully avoids the specter and stands up from the ground holding his precious dagger. Putting his pain aside he moves to flank the specter with one of the orc's and attacks it.
Move Action: Stands up
Minor Action: Perception check to detect invisible creatures ( rolls 10)
Standard Action: Second Wind, regains 7hp and gets +2 to all defenses
Action Point: Uses Deft strike and moves 1sq to flank and attack specter with half-orc 1, provokes an attack of oppertunity from specter ( don't forget the artful dodger class feature +3 to AC ). Hits AC 24 and does 11 damage
Saving throw vs vulnerability to cold (save ends), rolls 9


Round 3, continued

Woe slips under the floating specter, slashing it and the nearby wraith with his spear. The wraith disappears with a faint sigh. (6 damage to the specter after insubstantial, and marked by Woe. Wraith is killed.)

Palindrome summons fire from his nose, then moves closer to Tander. The last wraith disappears, and one of Arnests bodyguards screams in horrible pain. Palindrome then summons Happy the Hugging Fireball. Sadly, the specter evades the fireball's cheerful hug. The illusory shadows disappear. (scorching burst hits wraith 9 and orc 1, misses specter 3. Happy misses specter 2. Grasping shadows expires. KenHood takes -200 xp for putting That Song in my head.)

Atreus stands and gathers his strength, then ducks through the underbrush to flank the nearby specter, easily dodging its attack. His own riposte is not strong, but does find purchase in the creature's non-flesh. (OA misses, Atreus hits for 5 after resists.)

Arnest calls, "Spread out! Those blasts will destroy us all!" He crawls to the southeast, casting a pair of glowing missiles that further erode the specter's shape. (crawl to T8, magic missile hits specter 3 for 4 after resists. He saves vs. cold vuln.)

The half orc bodyguards stand. Two of them take nasty burns from proximity to Happy. One, lacking any nearby target, heeds Arnest's orders and backs away. The other two hew at the nearby specter with their axes, displacing great gouts of shadow. (orc 1 hits specter 3 for 7 damage after resists, and shifts E. orc 2 takes 6 fire damage from the flaming sphere, and hits specter 3 for 5 after resists. specter 3 is bloodied. orc 3 takes 8 fire damage, stands, and moves to R10. rolls attacks, fire. Orc 1 saves vs. vuln 3 cold.)

Both specters disappear, though one leaves a wisp of smoke behind from Happy's cheerful radiance. (they become invisible. s3 fails to save vs. cold vuln. S2 takes 4 from happy, after resists, becoming bloodied.)

[sblock=Tander]After specter 2 disappears, you feel the sensation of wrongness from its presence increase, then decrease, moving in a generally southerly direction. You think you would recognize that feeling, if you were in close proximity to it again.[/sblock]

There is a sizzling, ozone-like smell from the area to the northeast of Happy. Moments later, the griefmotes appear again in flashes of brilliant cold. One is directly above one of Arnest's guards. Another is south of Happy. The third is just south of the path, near Palindrome and Arnest. After the first flash, only Arnest cries out. After the flashes of intense cold, they disappear again. (motes 2 and 3 start next to Happy, and take 2 and 4 damage after resists, respectively. mote 1 flashes in R7, hits only Arnest, for 4 cold damage and vuln 3 cold (se). mote 2 flashes in P8 directly above orc 1, and hits Atreus, orc 1, and orc 2 for 5 cold, etc etc. Atreus takes 3 extra from vuln. Atreus is bloodied again. mote 3 flashes in Q4, hitting only Palindrome for 8 4 cold damage (half from weakened) and 3 vuln. damage rolls.)

[sblock=initiative and status]

Tander hp 26/29 surges 8/8, +5 to healing <=== You're up
Woe hp 29/40 surges 9/10, prone
Palindrome hp 20/24 surges 6/6, vuln 3 cold (save ends)
Atreus hp 8/29 surges 6/7 vulnerable 3 cold (save ends), +2 defenses TSNT
Arnest 40 damage, bloodied, prone, "protective spell" from Palindrome, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
Half orc 1 32 damage, slowed TENT (wraith 9), vulnerable 3 cold (save ends)
Half orc 2 22 damage, vuln 3 cold (save ends)
Half orc 3 10 damage, prone
specter 1 destroyed
specter 2 18 damage, marked by Woe, invisible (last seen in Q3)
specter 3 25 damage, bloodied, vulnerable 3 cold (save ends), invisible (last seen in O7)
mote 1 unharmed, invisible, last seen in R7
mote 2 2 damage, invisible, last seen in P8.
mote 3 10 damage, invisible, last seen in Q4
wraith 1 destroyed
wraith 2 destroyed
wraith 3 destroyed
wraith 4 destroyed
wraith 5 destroyed
wraith 6 destroyed
wraith 7 destroyed
wraith 8 destroyed
wraith 9 destroyed
wraith 10 destroyed
wraith 11 destroyed

Zones in effect:
* enemies adjacent to specters take -2 to defenses.

Resources used:
specter 2: spectral breath
specter 3: spectral breath
Tander: divine glow, beacon of hope, AP, 1xHealing word, turn undead
Palindrome: grasping shadows, flaming sphere, AP
Atreus: second wind, AP


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First Post
Tander emerges from his divine visitation in a bit of a haze and surveys the battlefield. Though they have felled many enemies, Tander senses the presence of more.

"Be on your guard! Our enemies still hunt us from the shadows!"

Although Tander has just unleashed a torrent of healing energies, he senses that both Atreus and Arnest are still in bad shape. Nevertheless, Tander does not hesitate to choose who should receive his aid (OOC: Healing word on Atreus heals an additional 15 hp, bringing him to full).

"Reach out with your feelings! Can you not sense them?" (OOC: minor action for perception, if it helps - perception 15)

Tander waits, searching, sensing - ready to lash out with the power of his god (OOC: Ready action - Sacred flame vs first enemy to turn visible or become sensed somehow - misses)

[sblock=Tander Stat Block]
Tander Oaksmith, Human Cleric 2
Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 20
AC 17, Fort 14, Reflex 15, Will 19
Resist 5 poison
HP 26/29, Bloodied 14, Surge Value 7, Surges 8/8
Speed 5, Initiative +7
Action Points: 0

Current Effects
+5 to healing powers

Encounter Resources
Spiteful Glamor
USED Divine Glow
USED Healing Word One
USED Healing Word Two
USED Channel Divinity (Turn Undead or Divine Fortune)
Second Wind
USED Use Action Point

Daily Resources
USED Beacon of Hope
Cure Light Wounds


First Post
Palindrome's Action

[sblock=That Song...]Hee-hee!

Love the happy face icon![/sblock]
Save v. Vuln to Cold (1d20=12)

Arnest calls, "Spread out! Those blasts will destroy us all!"
"Yes! Exactly! Good tactics! I tried to warn you earlier, but you were unconscious! Did I mention I have an uncontrollable fear--a phobia, really--of the undead? Makes me act in an irrational and often homicidal manner. Not to nitpick, though, but isn't it better to form tight clumps, back-to-back, when fighting invisible opponents, so they won't flank you?"

Palindrome snickers to himself. Very quietly.

DM Action said:
~The undead saps Palindrome's body heat.~
"Oooooh! OOOOOOOOOH! Oh, ***** no! You did not just ***** do that, you ***** ***** ***** goat ***** *****! I swear if there is any ***** long-term ***** ****** damage, I ***** will make you ***** regret your ***** ***** un-*****-dead existence. When I ***** disrupt your ***** un-life, I am going to ***** on your ***** ***** ***** incorporeal corpse. So, do it again, *****!"

"Reach out with your feelings! Can you not sense them?"
"I'd love to comply, but I have a limited selection available to me. I don't think rage, annoyance, indignation, or hatred will work well in that function."

Palindrome concentrates. The act makes him appear angry, thoughtful, and constipated. [Minor Action: Sustain Flaming Sphere]

"Don't worry, Mr. Arnest!" says the chirpy fireball, "I'll shield you from the cold with the warmth of my blazing heart!"

Happy, the Hugging Fireball, drifts towards Atreus, singing...
It's a beautiful day to burn you good.
A beautiful day, my fuel-source, would...
You be mine?
Could you be mine?
You'll combust and flame like you're made of wood.
You'll smoke and you'll scorch like a fuel-source, would...
You be mine?
Could you be mine?
I have always wanted to burn a fuel-source just like YOU.
I have always wanted to consume a living thing, it's TRUE.
Won't you please?
Won't you be?
Please, won't you be my fuel-source?

[Move Action: Happy, the Hugging Fireball, moves from P4 to S7.]

"No, Happy! No! Don't go there! You'll burn our ally!" shouts Palindrome.

"It's okay, Mr. Palindrome! I LOVE you," says Happy, "And I LOVE Mr. Arnest, too! He'll never be cold again!"

Happy, the Hugging Fireball, smiles and spreads his arms to defend Arnest. [Standard Action: Ready Action: Attack an adjacent opponent that becomes visible or a half-orc that moves adjacent to Happy v. Reflex, Fire Damage (1d20+5=21, 2d6+4=15)]
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First Post
Woe rolls onto his back and jumps back on his feet, falling into a defensive stance. He scans the vicinity for any trace of the invisible undead that still drifts among them.

"Reach out with your feelings! Can you not sense them?"

“… Reach out with my feelings?”

Suddenly his vision swims before his eyes, soon accompanied by a few jolts running through his shield hand.

[sblock=Flash back time!]“Woe, do you have to go right now? I was thinking perhaps we could… talk.”


“Yes, Woe, talk about us. About the future.”

“Uh… no time for that now. I’ll miss the ferry back to Daunton.”

“It’s just… sometimes I feel like you don’t fully reach out with your feelings for me. Shouldn’t we discuss plans for what comes next after all these weeks apart?”

“Hey now, don’t worry about it. After all, didn’t I promise that once I arrive, I’ll invest all your savings in that local Puppy Eyes Orphanage?”

“You certainly did; the young mistress overseer will be so pleased.”

“I’m sure she will. That’s my first priority after having your mother’s sapphire necklace repaired at the finest pawn sh- uh, jeweller!”

“Wonderful! It’s been passed down in my family for countless generations, you know.”

“When that’s done, I’ll drop by with this rare - if not priceless - Surtyrean brandy you gave me to deliver to your poor old grandpa.”

“That would be lovely; it’s been so hard on him after my grandmother died.”

“Your sister tended old granny ‘til the bitter end, didn’t she? I mustn’t forget to check out, uh, up on her as well.”

“I’m so happy you two get along, Woe – in fact, I recall that she wrote how she was looking forward to “being comforted” or some such.”

“Now that we’re on the subject, with your written approval it will be a small matter for me to collect the inheritance from granny on your behalf and personally deliver it when I return.”

“But Woe, are you sure it’s wise to transport so many valuables with you back and forth?”

“Nothing to worry about, baby. I’m a brilliant and fearless warrior, what’re the chances that someone will manage to rob me on the way?”

“Oh, Woe, you do truly reach out with your feelings! Words cannot describe how grateful I am for all your help!”

“Well, if words fail, we may have time for you to show me just how grateful you are…”[/sblock]

Woe blinks a few times and focuses on the present, preparing to assault the first of their spectral assailants to reveals itself.

“Don’t worry fellas, I’m reaching, alright.”

[sblock=Actions]Woe stands, scans for invisible foes (Perception 13), and readies to charge when there’s one visible within range (likely missing, but marking nevertheless).

Woe Chinua - Human Fighter 2
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 20, Fort 19, Reflex 17, Will 14
HP 29/40, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 10/11
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Powers: Cleave, Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron; Pass Forward; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard;
Steel Serpent Strike; Comeback Strike, Inspiring Word; Spear of Myrdroon's Shard

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