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The Continuing Adventures of the Knights of the Silver Quill

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First Post
I've said once before that your Storyhour is a good read. Now you're reaching 'excellent' status. I know you don't write these stories to compete with others, but still KotSQ is in the top three around here.

That episode with the 'Deck was just great!

(I'll mention no names, but the two other top threads are updated.. um.. let's say infrequently at best ;) Hope I didn't give out too much :))

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Wee Jas

First Post

I need a better avatar.. lol This is Sir Vek, Tenchi, Erasmus.. etc
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Wee Jas

First Post

The woman screamed, "How could you do this?! He's your
only son for Pelor's sake!". All color drained from
his face as he fumbled for the words to explain to her
that their baby was gone, "She.. she won't be
satisfied. I did it for the land, darling. I did it
for the land."

The Story

The boy never knew what it was like to be a
mischievous child. At birth he was given to the
priests of the death goddess Wee Jas. His parents
hoped the god would except the sacrifice and end the
death that befell their land. Their ancestor Clegar
Mormont made a deal with Wee Jas centuries ago. He
exchanged his soul for wealth and power. Once he had
it, he rededicated his life to the service of
Heironeous. On his deathbed, Heironeous claimed
Mormont's soul as his own. Folklore tells that in a
fit of rage, Wee Jas forever cursed the gains of his
fortune- meaning the house itself. Once a year the
bell would toll, raising the dead for miles and miles
around. They would walk in search of flesh and eat
what they could find. Mormont himself would rise in
the crypt every year. His punishment is one day out of
every year trapped in his waking corpse.

Vek Mormont grew up only knowing servitude. He spent
the majority of his hours in contemplation and in the
teachings of Wee Jas. In his free time he studied for
the next days lessons. When he started to excel at
the study of magic, the priests started to begin his
clerical training. As his powers grew so did his
freedom. He started to interact with adventurers who
came to the temple to bargain for the clerics
services. Vek liked to listen to their tales of
adventure not knowing that his first was about to

Zhadamuk, leader of the temple guardians, knew it was
time to for the young cleric to become a man. He
arranged for Vek to be the healer for a group of
adventurers he had hired to clear out some local
ruins. Peasants from a nearby village had complained
to the temple of strange creatures killing their
livestock and retreating to the ruins. Zhadamuk had
heard of mystical weapon hidden there and he wanted
young priest to find it.

Two weeks after he left, the battle-toughened Vek
returned with Talon, the glowing red longsword. He
was the only member of the original eight to survive
the ruins. Zhadamuk was pleased. He gave the sword to
Vek and explained to him that, although very powerful
monsters were resistant to magical weaponry, Talon
would always draw blood.

He left the next day on a mission with a new group.
By this time Vek's skills in magic had greatly grown.
He trained with the groups warrior in the use of Talon
and various other weapons. With the help of his new
friends, Vek retrieved a magical holy symbol of Wee
Jas. The amulet whispered the teachings of the death
god to him and guided him through perilous situations.

When Zhadamuk went to inform Vek of his next task he
found the cleric gone. On his desk was a note that


Our Queen sends me east to retrieve Void. It is
in the treasure horde of the red dragon Droghmar. The
dragon is still young and foolish. With her guidance,
I cannot fail. Praise be to the Ruby Sorceress!


Zhadamuk was irritated that the promising young
cleric would throw his life away so carelessly. Now
he would be forced to send troops to a red dragon's
lair to retrieve the artifacts Vek had already
gathered. Those troops met a impressive looking
warrior in jet black platemail on their journey to
Droghmar's lair. The warrior turned out to be Vek
returning with the beasts head. The armor was Void.

When Vek returned their was much celebration. He
was the talk of the temple. The next day Zhadamuk
dubbed him Sir Vek Mormont at a banquet in his honor.
The day after that he was missing again.

The amulet told him of a shield of great power that
once had been a worshiper of Wee Jas! Lilith had been
a necromancer of great power but in her lust for
knowledge she grew to love chaos and revoked Wee Jas
as her goddess. When she died the death goddess
punished her by trapping her soul in a shield.


"My Queen, I retrieved Lilith from Ravak. The lich did
not want to part with her. I took his unlife from

You have done well my dark champion.

"I have completed all the tests you have put before
me. Will the curse now be lifted?"

The Mormont house has been destroyed and Clegar
himself has been slain. The curse ended some time ago.
You are a free man now.

"Serving you is freedom my Queen."

My beloved knight... your greatest challenge lies


First Post
Kat's History

The Ohanna Family was known as a kind and warmhearted
family. Simon and Kimber Ohanna had two daughters,
Kyla and Katya, who were raised in the light and
belief in Pelor, although Pelor was not widespread in
the city of Verbobonc.

Kyla, the eldest daughter, seemed far more serious and
interested in the beliefs and teachings of Pelor than
her sister Katya. Kyla could sit for hours by the fire
reading or writing journal entries. She was often seen
helping the elderly citizens in town or helping her
parents when needed. She was attentive and wise, and
made her parents proud.

Such things were not exciting enough for Katya,
however. Katya was always restless as a child when it
came to lessons of religious affairs, Pelor or not.
She was intrigued more by action, not words. When Kyla
was in the forest reading or praying, Katya was
playing pranks on the neighborhood children, or being
scolded for slight-of-hand tricks in the marketplace.
Katya would rather spend her time being playful and
active, not quiet and boring like her sister. She
enjoyed learning defense tactics, or listening to
their father tell stories about his adventures as a
sorcerer before he met their mother and settled down.
Kat wanted to hear about adventure, not servitude.

As they grew older, the girls developed more diverse
talents. Kyla found she was blessed by Pelor, and
studied the healing arts, while Kat, (whose nimble
fingers found work in a local locksmith shop),
excelled in the use of the rapier. Their parents were
quite pleased that Kyla had been so blessed. They
only wished that Kat would develop more of a talent
than she had with a rapier and lockpicks. Simon often
watched over his daughters with hopes that one of them
had been given the arcane abilities that ran through
his veins, but it seemed that neither would follow in
his footsteps.

Despite their differences, the girls remained close
until it was time to leave the home of their parents.
Kyla left to pursue her studies as a cleric of Pelor,
and Katya left home in search of adventure. For their
mother and Kyla, it was a tearful departure. They
said their farewells through sad smiles and silent
sobs, while their father felt Kat’s excitement and
anxiousness for adventure. The girls promised to
return within a year to see their parents and each
other, and to share all they had learned away from

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kat Ohanna was nervous.

Kat Ohanna was rarely nervous about anything, but she
was nervous today. Today she was back home in
Verbobonc, where she would see her parents and sister
again. She had not seen them in almost a year. She
heard that her sister, Kyla, had been on some serious
adventure, doing who-knows-what in the name of Pelor.

Kat had been adventuring, as well, (and had the loot
to prove it). Kat had been in an adventuring party
which was mostly made up of high ranking magic
users. Kat was useful in such a group because of her
stealth and rapier skills. Although she found the
company a bit boring at first, she became mesmerized
by the usefulness of their spells. She found herself
asking questions and listening attentively to the
sorcerers that surrounded her day-in and day-out for
months. She spoke of her father’s abilities and his
adventures, which peaked interest among the others in
her group.

Sarkis, the leader of the group, realized
that there was a chance that Kat’s father passed the
arcane gift to his daughter. Determined to find out
if Kat could cast, Sarkis began talking to Kat about
the possibility that she, too, could become a
sorceress. Kat admitted that, as a youth, she felt as
though she had some ability, but never gave it her
full attention. She was more interested in her
swordplay and stealth, and felt she had no time for
concentrating on spells.

At this Sarkis laughed. The magic, the spells, the
arcane ability was part of Katya, and she should take
full advantage of it! Kat considered what Sarkis said
that day, and realized sorcery could certainly prove
useful in the sort of business she had created for
herself. From that day forward, Kat focused her
attention on sorcery, and found it made her feel more
lively than ever before! She found that her nimble
hands and fingers were useful for magic as well as the
locks she knew so well. (It seemed her sister, Kyla,
was not the only one who could weave a spell or

Now, with her adventure over, Kat was back home, ready
to surprise her family, (her father especially), with
the news of her spellcasting ability. She looked down
and smiled. Coiling himself at her ankles was her
feline friend, Lucky. Lucky was a sleek ebony with
short hair and green eyes. “Another surprise for the
family,” she thought as she headed up the road to the
house she was raised in.

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Finally got caught up Doc! Love the pictures and sig's!

If the party has second thoughts and wants to test their luck again, maybe they can go back to the Dealer and play the Deck again!

What if one attacks the Dealer?

Dr Midnight


Ok Ulmok, high priest of the regional sect of the Eye of Heironeous, sat in his chair and watched the armored man slowly consume the last fibers of doubt. The man's resolve was breaking. Beneath the burgundy cowl, Ok Ulmok's dark eyes glittered as they followed the armored man.

"He's a good boy. He simply fell in with the wrong crowd."

Ulmok was ready with his response. "Indeed he did. Now, he is their senior member. Soon he will lead. Lead against us. Lead against Heironeous. Already, he and his group are fortifying their new base of operations- the accursed Temple of Elemental Evil. He is lost to you, Korgan."

Korgan looked sad and broken. His only son, lost. This was too much to bear. "I cannot believe my son would turn to darkness like this. He's-"

"Open your eyes, Korgan!" Ulmok shouted and stood from his gilded seat. "Millions of sons all over the Flanaess have turned to evil. They have given up the ways of truth and embraced magic, thievery, murder, gambling, and countless other depraved acts. They die every day in alleys, backstabbed by assassins. They die in the thousands, as followers of the fallen god Pelor before our swords. They reap what they sow, and they die."

He put a hand on Korgan's armored shoulder. "Very few of them, however, receive the kindness of being put to death by the hand of the man who brought them into the world. A kind, quick death. A respectful death. You could give this to your son."

Korgan turned his tearstained face up to Ulmok's cowled one. He breathed with his mouth open for a moment, swallowed, then breathed some more. "You are right. You've always been right. Since you came to guide us, you have never steered us wrongly. Bless you, Ok Ulmok."

Korgan began aggressively strapping his mace around his shoulders. Ulmok said "Head to the Temple with my associates. They will get you in. Once inside, find your son. Destroy him and see him judged."

"I will, Ok." Korgan put on his helmet. It was coal-black, as was all his armor. It had bat wings rising from the crest, and the face appeared to be that of a demon's. The black breastplate bore a flaming eye. Designs of spider webs and leering faces rose from the armor all over. Over each handplate was an inverted ziggurat. "Do I look like the champion of Heironeous?" he asked.

"Yes," Ok Ulmok said. "The brightly polished armor reflects the torchlight brilliantly. The eagle's wings on your helmet mark you as a man of great righteousness. Your silver breastplate is embossed with the standard of Heironeous, and you look ready to reclaim the world from evil's claw. You look ready to smite even the black god Tharizdun himself."

Korgan nodded, saluted, and walked out.

The high priest sat back in his seat. His hand reached beneath his hood and felt the scar on his cheek, where he'd been cut by Korgan's brat's sword. What a fitting revenge he'd made... sending the father against the son. If the father defeats the son, the son is dead and will trouble no one any longer. If the son defeats the father, he'll be consumed with guilt and shame. If he isn't consumed with guilt in killing his own father... well, then he very likely was evil, the whole time. This struck him as very, very funny. Hedrack laughed. He laughed and laughed and laughed.

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